Work on the creation of large and heavy ekranoplanes has been resumed in Russia. According to domestic media reports, a similar device with a takeoff weight of 500 tons is currently being created. The details of the project have not yet been disclosed, but it is already known that a promising machine can become the basis for equipment for various purposes, designed to perform various tasks in the interests of military and civilian structures.

The development of a project for a promising ekranoplan is carried out by the Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after V. I. R. E. Alekseeva (Central Design Bureau for SEC). It is noteworthy that the existence of a new project became known not from its developers, but from the leadership of a related organization. Georgy Antsev, General Director and General Designer of the Morinformsistema-Agat Concern, recently spoke about the development of a new ekranoplan. In the future, the concern should take part in the creation of new modifications of promising technology.
According to G. Antsev, it is necessary to create ekranoplanes capable of operating in the ocean zone. The takeoff weight of such equipment should be at the level of 500 tons. Currently, the Nizhny Novgorod Central Design Bureau for SEC is working in this direction. Now specialists from the Central Design Bureau are carrying out a "reset of the Soviet period." The existing experience is being studied, certain studies are being carried out, and the search for potential customers continues.
The details of the promising project are still unknown. From the words of G. Antsev it follows that the development of such a machine is at the earliest stages. Specialists of the Central Design Bureau for SEC have not even formed the requirements for such equipment and therefore have not yet begun to develop technical documentation. Thus, it is too early to talk about any features of promising ekranoplanes.
Nevertheless, the general director of the Morinformsistema-Agat concern revealed some details of the cooperation between the two organizations. According to him, the Central Design Bureau for SEC them. Alekseeva should develop and present a universal platform on the basis of which equipment for one purpose or another can be built. Thus, the main goal of the Nizhny Novgorod designers now may be to study the prospects and create a basic version of an ekranoplan, on the basis of which special equipment can be built, designed to perform certain work.
G. Antsev mentioned the possibility of creating modifications of the ekranoplan intended for the Ministry of Defense, the border service, the Federal Agency for Fishery, etc. Thus, a set of special equipment and, if necessary, weapons corresponding to the intended tasks will be installed on the universal platform.
It is known that the concern "Morinformsistema-Agat" actively cooperates with the Central Design Bureau for the SPK im. Alekseeva. The Concern develops, manufactures and supplies various radio-electronic equipment: radar systems, control equipment, sonar systems, etc. Thus, promising heavy ekranoplanes of the oceanic zone will be able to obtain a large number of nodes created and manufactured by the Morinformsistema-Agat concern and its member enterprises.
After a break of several decades, interest in ekranoplanes reappears in our country. This technique has several characteristic features that make it a unique tool for solving certain problems. In this regard, various organizations regularly present new projects of ekranoplanes for various purposes. In addition, even programs for the development of this field of technology are proposed.
At the end of October last year, a meeting of the expert council of the State Duma Committee on Industry was held. The event was attended by State Duma deputies, as well as representatives of the defense industry and various public organizations. One of the topics of the meeting was the proposed plan for the development and use of ekranoplanes, calculated until 2050. The details of this plan were not disclosed, but the meeting participants noted the importance of the proposed document and the technology, the development of which it provides.
In addition, in August last year, there was a proposal to use ekranoplans to solve one of the most pressing problems. So, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma committee for industry Vladimir Gutenev proposed to develop large transport ekranoplanes that can be used in civilian structures. Among other things, such a technique could solve the problem of communication with Crimea. The flotilla of ekranoplanes in the future may take over part of the freight and passenger traffic through the Kerch Strait, which will greatly simplify logistics and communication with the new subject of the federation.
A new project of a heavy ekranoplan of the ocean zone, developed by the Central Design Bureau for the SPK im. Alekseeva is still in the very early stages. At the moment, probably not even defined the general features of the appearance of such a machine. For this reason, industry representatives are now talking only about the approximate take-off weight, but do not name other characteristics of such an ekranoplan.
News about the existence of some work on the subject of a heavy ekranoplan is of great interest. At the same time, the lack of information is unlikely to be able to deter specialists and the interested public from trying to guess the appearance of such a machine. Indeed, the available information on domestic projects of ekranoplanes, as well as data on the approximate mass of promising technology, allow us to make some assumptions.
In the mid-sixties, under the leadership of R. E. Alekseev, the ekranoplan KM ("Model Ship") was developed. The construction of this machine was completed in 1966, after which its tests began. The maximum take-off weight of the KM ekranoplan reached 544 tons, which is slightly more than the weight of the promising machine named by G. Antsev. The KM had a length of 92 m and a wing span of 37.6 m. The empty weight of the vehicle was 240 tons. With the help of 10 VD-7 turbojet engines, the vehicle reached speeds of up to 500 km / h. When flying at an altitude of no more than 10-14 m at a speed of 430 km / h, the practical range was 1500 km.
The dimensions and weight of the KM ekranoplan make it possible to roughly imagine what a promising machine of the oceanic zone could be. Naturally, allowances should be made for the development of technology, in particular for the difference in the characteristics of modern and outdated turbojet engines. One way or another, a promising ekranoplan project with a take-off weight of 500 tons looks extremely bold and ambitious.
Currently, preliminary work is underway to study the possibilities and determine the approximate appearance of a promising heavy ekranoplan in the oceanic zone. The timing of the completion of the preliminary work, as well as the time of the appearance of the full-fledged project, are still unknown. In addition, there is reason to doubt the very possibility of implementing such a bold project. Earlier in our country, attempts were made to build ekranoplanes of various classes, but this technique, for the most part, did not leave the stage of testing prototypes.
For various reasons, both technical or technological, and economic in nature, all domestic projects of heavy ekranoplanes did not leave the testing stage. Some types of such equipment were built in small series, but could not have a serious impact on cargo transportation and other areas where they were supposed to be used.
Now the Central Design Bureau for SEC them. R. E. Alekseeva is making a new attempt to create a heavy ekranoplan capable of operating in the ocean zone. The timing of the creation of such a machine is unknown, the technical features of the project have not yet been determined or announced. Despite the lack of information, such news looks interesting and promising. It cannot be ruled out that the program for the development of the construction of ekranoplanes, proposed last year, in combination with some other projects, will nevertheless open the way for promising technology.