China expands its amphibious capabilities

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China expands its amphibious capabilities
China expands its amphibious capabilities

Video: China expands its amphibious capabilities

Video: China expands its amphibious capabilities
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China expands its amphibious capabilities
China expands its amphibious capabilities

Sectional view of the inner deck of the Type 071 LPD landing craft with a dock occupying about two-thirds of the ship's length

Chinese amphibious forces on the rise. The country is investing heavily in new ships and vehicles capable of satisfying its power-projection ambitions

China's amphibious capabilities are growing inexorably. Depending on which point of view you hold, you can view China in different ways, with a delay in building its armed forces and capabilities commensurate with its size and economic power. Either this is a simple resurgence of his interest as a global player looking for power projection tools, or it is an equal competitor flexing his muscles, or it is a direct threat to neighbors with audacious claims to the territory and wealth of the subsoil.

Regardless of the reasons for the growth of China's amphibious forces, they are rapidly gaining experience. Over the past few years, the ships of the Chinese fleet have expanded their horizons, since the end of 2008, its ships have been deployed near the shores of the Horn of Africa, where they are involved in the fight against pirates, he is showing increasing interest in exercises within his region and beyond. In July 2013, the Chinese fleet completed the largest series of exercises in foreign waters, and then in September it became a main guest at the Australian foreign fleet parade.

The Chinese navy has tirelessly built its submarines and surface combat fleet over the past two decades, and has also confidently developed carrier-based aircraft, much to the chagrin of India with its sluggish aircraft carrier projects.

However, China is making the greatest progress in creating the landing component, which is not missed by its smaller island neighbors. In March 2013, a task force of amphibious assault ships from the Chinese Navy, commanded by the Type 071 landing craft, caused a stir in the region when it rode full steam around the disputed Spratly Islands, conducted an amphibious operation and visited James Bank near Malaysia.

In July 2013, satellite images of the Jiangnan Group's Changxing Island shipyard showed some progress in the construction of some large parts of what was originally thought to be a Chinese aircraft carrier, but may well turn out to be a versatile amphibious assault ship.

A few months later, it is still not clear what this vessel is, but it is possible that the landing helicopter carrier (LHD) that China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Co (CSOC) is building for Turkey. China has yet to build the LHD, and CSOC officials working with the Turkish bid argued that the project is for export only, but China has great interests in this area. At the end of 2012, Admiral Yin Zhou announced that China would like to have large LHDs in the future, possibly around 40,000 tonnes.

Before the appearance of this ship, the basis of the amphibious component of the Chinese fleet will be three Type 071 landing ships of the Yuzhao class with a displacement of 18,500 tons; in addition, the construction of a fourth such ship is reported.

A testament to the practicality of China's approach to manning the fleet is the laying of the first Type 071-class ship under the name Kunlunshan in June 2006 and commissioning in November of the following year. She underwent extended sea trials and made a trial voyage before the second and third hulls of Jinggangshan and Changbaishan were laid down in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Changbaishan was manned in September 2013.

The ships have a total length of 210 meters with a SEMT Pielstick 16 PC2.6V 400 CODAD propulsion system that rotates two propellers and allows the vessel to reach a maximum speed of 20 knots. Surprisingly, so far little is known about their exact capacity, it is only known for sure that the crew of each ship is 120 people.

Each ship has a hangar, which includes a helicopter squad of four Z-8 helicopters, and two take-off pads on the flight deck. Below the deck, the ships have a two-level hangar that can accommodate up to 16 ZBD-05 armored assault vehicles. These stern hangars merge into a dock that can accommodate four Type 726 Yuyi-class hovercraft.

The images also show a pair of troop and vehicle landing craft (LCVP) in davits in the mid-section of the ship, but there is no further information on the carrying capacity or capabilities of these vessels.

However, China is engaged in the creation of dual-use capabilities, that is, ships requisitioned from the merchant fleet may be involved.

A key milestone in this process was the launch in the port of Yantai in August 2012 of the Bohai Sea Green Pearl with a displacement of 36,000 tons. Its main role is to serve as a passenger ferry, but at the same time it is guaranteed to provide the possibility of using it as a strategic transport for 2,000 military personnel, 300 vehicles (or "dozens" of main battle tanks) and other materiel. It can also serve as a temporary barracks with a helicopter platform aft, although without hangars it will be limited to temporary reception of helicopters.

Obviously, three such ships are under construction, while several container ships are also being converted to transport military cargo.

The workhorses of the amphibious forces of the fleet, however, remain the Yuting-class tank landing helicopter carriers (LSTH). 10 ships were built in two batches and divided into two subclasses: Type 072 II Yuting I (commissioned between 1992 and 2002) and Type 072 III Yuting II (2003-2005).

Both types have virtually the same dimensions and official performance, but later versions have a slightly modified above deck with redesigned ramp and loading sluice and easier access between the bow and aft decks.

Thus, the declared characteristics for both types include a cruising range of 3,000 nautical miles, a maximum speed of 17 knots and a total displacement of 4,877 tons (3830 tons unloaded). They have a total length of 120 meters and a draft of 3.2 meters, although, like the LST, they are designed to unload their "contents" on the coast, which may consist of 250 troops and 10 light tanks. They can also unload using four LCVP landing craft or two medium helicopters.

They are armed only with cannons, but have three twin 37 mm / 63 caliber cannons on board to provide support when taking the coastal bridgehead.

As can be understood from their designation, they originate from the earlier Type 072 Yukan LST tank landing ships, but with the addition of a large helicopter deck (without a hangar) instead of a stern cannon and a superstructure above the tank deck. The original Type 072 ships were built between 1980 and 1995, and seven of these ships are still on watch in the East China Sea fleet.

Without a flight deck and with a reduced payload (4237 tonnes gross tonnage, 200 soldiers and 10 light tanks), the Type 072 are less powerful vessels, rather demonstrating the process of upgrading amphibious capabilities undertaken by the Chinese navy.

The Chinese navy also has a significant fleet of medium landing craft (LSM). There are a number of obsolete ships, such as the seven Yuliang Type 079, construction of which began back in 1980. There are still a few single old-timers of other classes on the rosters, but the bulk of the amphibious force consists of a dozen slightly smaller Wuhu-A Yuhai Type 074 ships and 10 newer Yudeng III LSMs of the Yunshu class.

Ships of the Wuhu-A class, 58.4 meters long, were built in the mid-90s and can transport two light tanks and 250 people with a total displacement of 812 tons.

On the contrary, the Yudeng III ships with a length of 87 meters and a displacement of up to 1880 tons were built in 2003-2004. They can cover 1,500 nautical miles at a speed of 14 knots, carry 6 light tanks or 12 trucks to the car deck loaded through the aft gate.

The Chinese navy has traditionally relied primarily on relatively common amphibious assault units (LCUs) to relieve amphibious forces; some of them have been serving since the 60s and 70s. Of course, there are also new projects here, for example, the Type 074A LCU catamarans of the Yubei class with a displacement of 1219 tons, which entered service in 2004 and 2005. It is somewhat unusual that these 10 vessels differ in the position of the wheelhouse and superstructure on the port side in the middle of the vessel, rather than the traditional placement in the stern.

However, at present, most of the efforts of the Chinese fleet are directed at the process of modernizing and building up the fleet of air-cushion landing craft (LCAC).


China's first landing hovercraft Skua Bison


Bohai Sea Green Pearl is a new example of commercial-military cooperation. This ferry is proposed as a strategic reserve vessel for the transfer of military equipment.

China has deployed three generations of hovercraft since the 1960s, with varying degrees of success, before the Type 722II Jinsha II project really showed itself in the late 1980s. Several vessels are still in service, offering high-speed delivery and lifting capacities in excess of 65 tonnes.

However, the construction of a new class of much more modern LCAC - the Type 726 Yuyi class, identified for service in conjunction with the Type 071 LPD, has recently begun, as well as the end of a long project for the construction of the Ukrainian amphibious assault ship Zubr.

At the moment, few details are known about the Yuyi class, but from the pictures and the very general models on display, it is clear that the design of these vessels is very similar to the concept of the American LCAC with an open car deck / cargo area in the center of the platform between the fairings of QC-70 gas turbines that create traction and lift. These engines are slightly larger than those of American ships, which is probably one of the reasons for the increase in platform size.

Like the American LCACs, the Yuyi's wheelhouse / cockpit is also located forward, but on the port side, and not like the American's starboard side. The ships have a through passage between the bow and stern ramps, the latter located between two large closed propellers.

Despite some similarities, the Chinese ships are actually slightly larger, 33 meters long and 16.8 meters wide (the American LCAC measures 26.4x14.3 meters), although, apparently, they have a slightly smaller displacement of 170 tons (the "American" 185 tons) and a similar carrying capacity of 60 tons. This means that they can carry Army Type 96 MBTs. According to statistics, both ships have the same driving performance with a cruising range of 200 nautical miles at a speed of 40 knots.

The first vessel, Yuyi, was built at the Ojuxin Shipyard and launched in 2009, and trials appear to be ongoing. There is no information about the construction of other ships.

Meanwhile, a Chinese project to build four Bison hovercraft is gaining momentum, with the first ship delivered in November 2012.

China has been negotiating these heavily armed ships since 2005. Their deliveries were supposed to give the fleet the potential to deliver three MBTs or 10 armored personnel carriers and 250 paratroopers, although they have a relatively short cruising range without refueling 300 nautical miles at 50 knots (slightly less miles at a maximum speed of 63 knots).


Chinese BMP WZ501 modernized for landing operations with a new, large water deflector in the front of the hull and a large outboard engine in the stern

Landing on the shore

Let's move from landing craft to amphibious vehicles. The combat doctrine of the Chinese army, which undoubtedly takes into account the terrain in the region, determines that many of the armored combat vehicles (AFVs) must have some ability to float, that is, the forcing of lakes and rivers with quiet currents and even landing on the sea coast are envisaged.

In addition, both the Chinese army and navy have their own amphibious assault forces. The army has the largest forces, at least one amphibious armored brigade and two amphibious mechanized divisions, but the marines of the Chinese fleet still boast significant capabilities of two amphibious brigades (1st and 164th), which are deployed in the South China Sea. and close to its headquarters in Zhanjiang. Both types of troops have similar weapons, although the fleet is a lighter component and is currently not in service with MBT.

The Chinese army has long been interested in amphibious armored vehicles, but the new generation of tracked armored combat vehicles marks a qualitative change in its capabilities. This is especially true for firepower and the ability to work in a wider range of sea values compared to older machines. This allows them to be landed with LPD at a greater distance from the coast, which increases tactical flexibility along with the survivability of the landing craft.

The initial steps to improve the amphibious characteristics of the outdated WZ501 / Type 86 BMP (a copy of the Russian BMP-1) consisted of installing a larger water deflector and a powerful outboard motor in the stern. It is stated that this engine increased the maximum floating speed by 50% to 12 km / h, but the car, nevertheless, has floating restrictions with increased sea strength.

As a result, the Chinese industry has developed a line of more specialized vehicles with better buoyancy and higher floating speeds, allowing them to land more efficiently, cross the surf line and move inland.

The United States learned from the development of the now-canceled EFV Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle, as it was too complex and expensive to undertake. But nothing can stop China, and it has developed a similar (if not worse performance) machine, designated ZBD-05.

The newest airborne assault vehicle, the ZBD-05, was first shown to the public in significant numbers in 2009. And a few years before that, the appearance of images of this car moving along the water surface, apparently at high speed, created waves in the literal and figurative sense. It is estimated that more than 1000 of these vehicles and their specialized support options were manufactured and entered into service with the airborne forces of the army and navy.

The exact characteristics of the car on the water have not been confirmed, the manufacturer simply claims that they are "high", but various sources report floating speeds up to 30 or 45 km / h (16-24 knots). If this is true, then this is significantly higher than the speed of its predecessors and foreign counterparts.

Several options have also been developed, which allows the mixed forces to swim together and land on the coast with standard engineering equipment, fire support and command and control equipment.

Unlike most traditional amphibious vehicles, which, as a rule, were converted from existing structures, the ZBD-05 was specially designed for launching offshore and further rapid movement to the coast, while protecting the crew and troops from small arms fire and shell fragments. The need for a streamlined hull means that for amphibious operations, a machine of this type cannot be equipped with lattice screens, but theoretically they can be installed on the shore for further advancement inland.

Although it is unlikely to accurately hit the target when overcoming the coastal strip, it is nevertheless capable of suppressing fire from a stabilized 30-mm dual-feed cannon and a 7.62-mm machine gun mounted in a two-man turret with mechanical drives. Missile launchers for Red Arrow 73 missiles are installed on each side of the turret; these missiles are available with different warheads and can engage various targets at ranges up to 3000 meters.

The crew of the vehicle consists of a commander, a gunner (located in the turret) and a driver; the aft compartment accommodates nine infantrymen. Embarkation and disembarkation is carried out through a power-operated aft ramp.

Despite its special design for floating, the car still needs some preparation to enter the water. But for the crew, it is relatively simple, it is necessary to turn on the bilge pumps and raise the water deflector. In the water, the driver reduces drag by retracting the suspension blocks and tracks, then activates the two water cannons in the stern, operating the machine with standard controls.

The Chinese company North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) has yet to offer the ZBD-05 for export, but as with other machines designed to meet the requirements of the Chinese military, this is unlikely to change in the future.

Meanwhile, several variants were developed, including an artillery mount, designated ZTD-05. It has the same hull, but a different turret with a stabilized 105mm cannon, connected to a digital control system for accurate destruction of moving targets. The cannon can also fire while floating, providing amphibious units with relatively powerful staff fire support.

The cannon can fire not only traditional 105-mm ammunition, for example, armor-piercing sub-caliber ammunition, but also cumulative anti-tank and anti-bunker ammunition; the latter is reported to be able to punch through a 1-meter-thick wall of reinforced concrete at a range of 1,500 meters.

Another recent development is a programmable anti-personnel / materiel projectile. In addition, the cannon can fire a laser-guided GP2 projectile. This high-precision projectile with a tandem HEAT warhead is capable of penetrating 650 mm of steel armor protected by dynamic protection units at a distance of 5000 meters.

Other specialized variants of the ZBD-05 include a control room with a raised roof and an auxiliary power unit to supply all communications equipment without starting the main engine, armed with only a 12.7mm roof-mounted machine gun.

On the basis of the body of the ZBD series machines, an engineering version was developed with a dozer blade in front and a telescopic bucket with a hydraulic drive.

The Chinese troops are also armed with the Type 63 light amphibious tank, which is in many ways similar to the Russian PT-76 amphibious tank (who would doubt it), but on which another tower was installed from the very beginning, armed with an 85-mm cannon, 7, 62-mm a coaxial machine gun and a 12, 7-mm machine gun mounted on the roof.

Many of these vehicles have now been upgraded to the improved Type 63A standard, which has received many improvements, including increased buoyancy and a new turret armed with a 105mm main cannon and the same secondary armament.

Venezuela recently took delivery of a batch of Type 63A tanks and WZ501 / Type 86 infantry fighting vehicles, indicating that the Type 63A is currently being decommissioned and replaced by the ZTD-05.


The floating artillery unit ZTD-05, armed with a 105-mm cannon, comes ashore during an amphibious operation


The modernized Type 63A light amphibious tank features a new turret and better buoyancy. In the photo there is a tank in front of the float with a raised water deflector

China also developed and deployed a 122mm tracked self-propelled artillery unit, probably designated Type 07B, to support its landing vehicles. It replaced the outdated 12-barreled 107-mm Type 63 multiple launch rocket system, which was used for indirect fire support.

Despite the fact that in appearance it is a rather powerful machine, but, nevertheless, it has a water deflector in the bow. That is, it can be assumed that, at least, it can overcome deep fords and possibly swim, although not to the same extent as the ZBD landing vehicles.

The howitzer has a turret with a 122mm cannon, which is also used in many other Chinese artillery systems, tracked, wheeled and towed. Its maximum range obviously depends on the projectile / charge combination; it can reach 15, 3 km when firing standard high-explosive fragmentation projectiles, 22 km high-explosive fragmentation with a bottom notch, or 27 km with a high-explosive active-rocket projectile with a bottom notch.

In addition to all these new machines, the Chinese industry has developed systems for preparing landing sites, for example, the Type GLM120A mechanized web laying system, which is currently in service. As a rule, it is used to prepare landfalls, places for crossing rivers, which, under the tracks of heavy vehicles, can quickly become unusable and delay an amphibious operation.

The system consists of a deployable roll of road bed that is mounted along the platform of a locally produced Mercedes-Benz 6x6 truck.

During preparation, the roll is rotated 90 °, and the truck backs up onto this web as it is stacked; in five minutes, a canvas with a width of 4 meters and a length of 40 meters is laid. The blade can withstand long runs of tracked vehicles with a combat weight of up to 60 tons and wheeled vehicles with an axle load of up to 20 tons. Once the pass is complete, it only takes 10 minutes to roll up the roll from either end.

Also in service with the Chinese army is the Type GLM 123 light roadbed, which is deployed from the machine manually or simply by hand. It can be used on slopes up to 20%, which is especially important during amphibious operations.

Mechanical deployment of 120 meters of 4 meter wide track takes 5 minutes; it can support tracked vehicles weighing up to 25 tonnes and wheeled vehicles with axle loads up to 10 tonnes.

China also has a number of more specialized engineering vehicles that can be used in amphibious operations. These include various demining systems that can be used to clear minefields along the coast after the initial assault.
