Each time has its own stories! One, that the proletariat will gain the whole world (modestly keeping silent about what sociopaths with a university degree will lead it), the other - about universal tolerance (as a result, the tolerance turned out to be "West vs East" as a result). But what about the economy? They somehow forget about her in a frenzy of boisterous phrases. They forget that at one time they read in the materials of EVERY Congress of the CPSU (b) - the CPSU, like some kind of conspiracy: to raise labor productivity, raise, raise, raise !!! They still exist, these collections-bricks with their materials - you can open and make sure. And then it will become clear that the USSR lost, first of all, not the political race, that “betrayal”, “deceit of the people”, “spy in power” had nothing to do with it. It's just that we have never, never shown, in the words of Lenin, the highest labor productivity in comparison with capitalism! That is, during all the years of Soviet power, we consumed more than we earned.
But the fact that not only we live this way is understood by many. They understand (oh, these mythical "they", you just can't do without them!) That the reserves for raising labor productivity are also not eternal! For example, the Greeks in Ancient Greece could have lived better, but they simply burned the surplus of their GDP, giving it to the gods! 100 bulls were sacrificed at once. It was called a hecatomb! Wouldn't you? And before them people of the culture of "battle axes" threw them into the swamp! They will do it and throw it! Or put in the grave! What if they hadn't?

Flying helicopter home for refugees
For civilized people, it is as if they did not want to burn bulls or put laptops in the graves. So they came up with something else - to accumulate mountains of weapons! It is not drunk or eaten, but skillfully incited xenophobia forces it to be produced and stored!
The problem arose when atomic weapons appeared. No matter how much you save it, you will not be stronger than a certain level, but total destruction is guaranteed to you! And the arms race immediately made a new round - high-precision weapons. You don't need much of it, but it is available only to countries with high labor productivity! More precisely, a weapon means more complicated, and you can't make it on your knee. New technologies in weapons - new technologies in everyday life, and again someone is ahead, and someone is in … this very hole. And it is with the hole that the example is very indicative. In the United States, the production of chemical explosives increased dramatically in the late 1930s. And already in 1939, the Tampax tampons were invented, which was used for fluff pulp, which was used in other countries for the production of pyroxylin. Well, why didn't we buy a license for their production in the same 1939? And our women … oh, why did they not add anything to themselves in "these days" … "In caring for your neighbor, the main thing is not to overdo it!" - so what? As a result, the West and its well-groomed life became very attractive for many! And then there's the economy and - here's your grandmother and 1991!
And now we see how right before our eyes a new "economic miracle" is being born, namely, the management of the world (and increasing labor productivity) through … organizing a massive flow of refugees! Someone sees politics behind all this, and it certainly is here. But the economy is much more important! Refugees need to be fed (not fed humanely!), Given them housing, beds, education, "pour them into their economy" and let them work a lot and cheaply. Seemingly hard physical labor lowers labor productivity? Yes, it lowers, but only partially. After all, if there are factories where this level is very high, then they still cannot produce more than a certain amount! To put it simply, you always need more flushers than professors. So they will do all the "dirty work with their hands." Elite - to think, and robots - to produce!
Again, this was not invented today and not in the Old World and in the States. The idea belonged to the ancient Incas! They conquered the territory of modern Chile and realized that there are many tribes, that it would not be enough to keep their strength, and … wisely decided to arrange the refugee problem on purpose! They began to "shuffle" the population of their country like a deck of cards - the inhabitants of one village were moved to another part of the country, sometimes hundreds of kilometers away. All conditions there - land, livestock, huts - were the same as in their homeland. But in the neighboring village, people spoke the language of the Yarmara tribe, another Yoruba, and they themselves spoke the multi-pulti language. That is, they could not come to an agreement and rebel! Clothes, utensils - all this was given to them on behalf of the Supreme Inca, and he took all this from the "monasteries" of the most beautiful girls - the "Brides of the Sun", who only did this by producing it all!
Today, of course, it is easier for migrants to come to other countries to negotiate. But … mobile communications can be turned off, people can be threatened with deportation, and for years, decades, they will live as they should, but at the same time consume! That is, a high level of production in this country is guaranteed, and there is no need to burn any bulls!
Well, there will be enough free space for the elite! Sensitively oriented to the needs of the "top" architects and elite engineers have already begun to present their designs to those who do not want to live next to the "colored". And for the "colored", as an option, - taking them out of distressed areas, of course, not free of charge, but for a lot of money.
I won't even be surprised if the price of donor organs drops sharply in Europe in the very near future. And why? I think that any modern person himself can easily answer this question!
Under the "sauce" of caring for refugees and respecting their rights, the luminaries of science began to use all the latest scientific discoveries, allegedly "exclusively for peaceful purposes." For example, the discovery of the supernova substance graphene allowed the creation of materials that are light in weight, but at the same time have high strength. This discovery made it possible to bring to life the most daring projects. And such discoveries, as you know, work primarily for the defense industry.
The construction of the Graf Zeppelin airship was a characteristic feature of the last century. Its length was 236.6 m, and its payload was 25 tons. For 9 years of operation, the airship made 590 flights around the globe. In terms of comfort, the "Graf Zeppelin" surpassed many aircraft at that time. For example, passengers were offered ten double cabins, all with berths, washrooms, separate bathrooms and even … a piano. The windows of the cabins and the saloon were slightly tilted, but this did not in any way affect the view of the beautiful views from the flight height. The possibilities of the kitchen were also not small: over fifty passengers would be provided with food and drink for several days. In addition, Graf Zeppelin offered postal services. Smoking on board the airship was prohibited, since it was fueled with flammable blau-gas, which made the ship extremely flammable. But for the convenience of smokers, a special room with a hood was set aside, sheathed with metal. In general, the airship could well lay claim to the title of a "flying hotel" or "flying house", which in the event of some large-scale disaster could be used as a mobile comfortable temporary housing. Unfortunately, it is highly flammable, extremely sensitive to the weather, especially to thunderstorms, difficulties with landing and, as a result, the inability to use such a device for long-term residence.
But today, as an alternative to the airship, you can take a huge helicopter. At the end of 1977, the world's largest transport helicopter, the Mi-26, was produced. The helicopter is capable of taking on board more than 80 fighters, weapons, and when used as an ambulance, it is capable of transporting about 60 wounded. The carrying capacity of the helicopter is about 20 tons. Mi-26. MI-26 is the only helicopter that can take on board heavy equipment. He has 14 world records on his account.
The Mi-12 (or B-12) helicopter, which flew back in 1967, is still striking in its size. The wingspan of the helicopter is 67 m. The passenger capacity is 196 people. The helicopter can lift cargo up to 44 tons and accelerate to 260 km / h.
Now imagine that this helicopter is made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic, graphene oxide-based materials, or offilized carbon. Its density is 0.16 mg / cm3, which makes products from this material the lightest in the world with an extraordinary strength. A sheet of graphene, only the thickness of a plastic wrap, can withstand a colossal weight - several tons! And if suddenly there is a need for the construction of mobile housing from such material, it is quite possible. It will be possible to build an apparatus like the Mi-12 helicopter, but with a much larger fuselage, the size of a good hotel. And possibly even larger than the Graf Zeppelin.

Graphene won't crush a flower!
Undoubtedly, utility rooms, compartments, cabins in such a helicopter will be narrow and not entirely comfortable, but it will have everything you need for a comfortable stay, and most importantly, it will be really super mobile housing. No roads are terrible for such people, since only air roads will be needed. And special platforms for overclocking will not be needed. Equipment of such huge dimensions, having 4 decks, will be able to take on board up to 1000 people and deliver them to any, even the most inaccessible corner of the globe. And besides the hard-to-reach, there are also exotic places, where lovers of travel and vivid impressions are not averse to visiting. They are usually willing to shell out any money for such unusual flights. And if the helicopter is used as a luxury mini-hotel, then the large capacity will not play a decisive role. But you can also transport refugees on it! Collected five thousand euros from the nose and - "The Pay and Fly company guarantees you a calm and quick relocation to any part of the world!"

Corridor inside the helicopter hotel.
That is, such a machine can primarily be used to transport passengers from hazardous areas to safe ones. The ticket price will pay off everything! Natural disasters, military conflicts are just those situations where helicopter houses are simply needed. And for refugees it will be just salvation. People who have lost a roof over their heads, left with nothing, will be insanely happy with such a flying home. One thing is clear that such machines have a great future. Humanity is not immune from disasters, and from wars too. People who find themselves in such situations need at least some kind of shelter that gives them a sense of security, peace and security. And also the warmth and the opportunity to cook food. That is why the creation of such machines is VERY FAVORABLE!
So the "age of refugees" is coming, which will be another attempt by mankind to keep at its height, or even further raise the level of labor productivity due to the sharp differentiation of the social and national composition of different countries and the migration of the population in conditions when it multiplies uncontrollably in some places and decreases catastrophically in others. Well, the technique for this age will also adapt. Do you think this is “caring for your neighbor”? No, it's just business and nothing more!