“There were the centuries of Troyan, the years of Yaroslav have passed, there were also the wars of the Olegovs and Oleg Svyatoslavich. After all, Oleg forged strife with a sword and sowed arrows on the ground … Then, under Oleg Gorislavich, strife was sown and sprouting, the property of Dazh-God's grandchildren perished, in the princely strife the human age was reduced. Then on the Russian land, the plowmen rarely shouted, but often the crows ravaged, dividing the corpses among themselves, and the jackdaws spoke in their own way, intending to fly to their profit."
Word about Igor's Campaign
The new Grand Duke Svyatopolk Izyaslavich followed the path of his father in Kiev and quickly with his entourage created the prerequisites for a new uprising. His associates tried to reward themselves by abusing their power. The Jewish quarter of Kiev (the center of usury) flourished even more magnificently than under Prince Izyaslav. The Jews were under the special patronage of the Grand Duke, "they took away all the crafts from the Christians and under Svyatopolk they had great freedom and power, through which many merchants and artisans went bankrupt" (VN Tatishchev. Russian History. M., 1962-1963).
And the Grand Duke himself was not shy about making money. Svyatopolk took the salt monopoly from the Pechersky Monastery (the monastery was granted it by the former princes), and handed it over to the tax farmers. His son Mstislav brutally tortured the monks Fyodor and Vasily, he was informed that they had allegedly found treasures and were hiding them. Metropolitan Ephraim of Kiev fled to Pereyaslavl. Under the arm of Monomakh (as earlier under his father Vsevolod, boyars, vigilantes and townspeople fled from Izyaslav). It is not surprising that after the death of Svyatopolk, a popular uprising will take place in Kiev, during which the houses of officials, boyars and usurers were destroyed. Only Vladimir Monomakh can calm the common people. But that was still a long way off.
Meanwhile, the situation on the southern border continued to deteriorate. Under the Grand Duke Vsevolod and Vladimir Monomakh, the Kiev, Chernigov and Pereyaslavl principalities constituted a single defense system and supported each other during breakthroughs of the border line. Now this system has collapsed. The fighting power of the squad of Vladimir Monomakh was undermined. The Svyatoslavichs who captured Chernigov were allies of the Polovtsians and did not support the lands that were subjected to their attacks. The talented commander Vasilko Rostislavich Terebovlsky was also a friend of the Polovtsians. In 1091, Vasilko, together with the Polovtsian khans Bonyak and Tugorkan, helped Byzantium in the war with the Pechenegs, defeated them. At the same time, the "enlightened" Greeks staged a massacre of prisoners, massacring not only soldiers, but also women and children, which horrified the Polovtsy and Rus. Then he made long campaigns together with his Polovtsian allies against Poland, captured several cities, expanded the principality and increased its population by prisoners.
And the Kiev and Pereyaslavl lands were devastated by the Polovtsians. Svyatopolk was a relative of the Polovtsian prince Tugorkan, who did not touch his possession, but ruined other lands. Polovtsi at this time established contacts with Crimean Jewish slave traders (Khazars). They have been carrying on their bloody business for a long time, selling captured Rus to southern countries and Western Europe. Later, this terrible craft was inherited by the Crimean Tatars, and the Khazars also took part in their ethnogenesis. Now the Crimean slave traders were buying up captives from the Polovtsians. The laws of the Byzantine Empire forbade the Gentiles to trade in Christians, but the local authorities turned a blind eye to this, being tied with slave traders, and doing a common "business" on blood. For the steppe people, this trade also turned out to be very profitable.
In 1095, the khans Itlar and Kitan with their soldiers came to Pereyaslavl to make peace and receive tribute. The son of Monomakh, Svyatoslav, went hostage to their camp, and Prince Itlar and his retinue entered Pereyaslavl. Boyars and soldiers of Vladimir were outraged. Like, it's time to teach the discoverers a lesson. Monomakh hesitated, guests must not be touched, vows were given, hostages were exchanged. But the Pereyaslavl men insisted: the guests were uninvited, the oaths had already been broken by the Polovtsians themselves, who promised peace and again made raids. The prince was convinced. At night, experienced soldiers stole his son from the Polovtsian camp. And in the morning they attacked and killed two Polovtsian khans.
Monomakh immediately sent messengers to the Grand Duke - he wrote that it was necessary to immediately attack the steppe inhabitants, until they came to their senses. To attack ourselves, not to defend ourselves. Svyatopolk, himself badly affected by the raids, agreed. The squads of Vladimir and Svyatopolk walked through the Polovtsian camps, which did not expect an attack. The success was complete. Hastily assembled Polovtsian detachments were defeated by Russian squads, their camps were devastated. The Russians captured a lot of booty, took many prisoners, and freed their own. This campaign restored the authority of Monomakh. And Svyatopolk realized that together it is easier to smash the enemy, it is better to interact. Vladimir spoke about the need to unite the forces of Russia. He put forward the idea to convene a congress of princes in Kiev, so that together, together with the clergy and the boyar duma, resolve all disputes, work out measures to protect the state.
New war with Oleg Svyatoslavich. Confrontation with the Cumans
However, it was far from unity. A new princely quarrel began. Oleg Svyatoslavich promised in 1095 to speak together with Vladimir and Svyatopolk, but declined to march. Davyd Svyatoslavich was expelled by the Novgorodians. Mstislav Vladimirovich was again invited to reign. Davyd Smolensky tried to recapture Novgorod. The son of Khan Itlar began to avenge his father, staged a savage massacre in Russia, and then hid under the protection of the Chernigov prince Oleg. Svyatopolk and Vladimir in 1096 demanded that Oleg come to Kiev: "… let us conclude an agreement on the Russian land before the bishops, and before the abbots, and before the husbands of our fathers, and before the people of the city, we will together defend the Russian land from the nasty". Also, Oleg had to hand over the Polovtsian khan or he himself executed. Oleg Itlarevich did not betray and did not go to the congress: "It is not proper for the bishop, or the abbot, or the stinkers to judge me."
Svyatopolk and Vladimir answered him: “That's why you don't go to the Polovtsi, or to the council with us, because you are plotting against us and you think to help the nasty ones. So let God judge us. " Svyatopolk and Vladimir led their troops to Chernigov. And the son of Monomakh, Izyaslav, took over that belonged to Oleg Murom. Oleg did not defend himself in Chernigov and fled to Starodub. Starodubtsy stubbornly fought back, repelled the assault: “… and the besieged fought from the city, and these attacked the city, and there were many wounded on both sides. And there was fierce fighting between them, and they stood near the city for thirty-three days, and the people in the city were exhausted. " Svyatopolk and Monomakh took the city into a tight siege. Prince Oleg asked for peace. They forgave him and demanded that he go to Smolensk for his brother Davyd and come with him to the princely congress in Kiev. Oleg was deprived of Chernigov, it was decided to redistribute the inheritance at the Kiev council.
While the Russian princes were fighting with each other, exposing the southern borders, the Polovtsians decided to use the favorable time for a new invasion. Bonyak with his troops attacked Kiev, he did not storm the powerful walls, burned out the surroundings, burned the princely court in Berestovo, plundered the monasteries. Smoking burned the Ustye on the left bank of the Dnieper. Then Tugorkan with his horde laid siege to Pereyaslavl on May 30. Svyatopolk and Vladimir rushed to save Pereyaslavl. Russian princes approached the right bank of the Dnieper to Zarub and crossed the Dnieper only on July 19, that is, the city was under siege for 50 days. A garrison left Pereyaslavl at the same time. The Polovtsi stood on the left, eastern bank of the Trubezh. The attack of the Russians was sudden and very successful: the Polovtsians fled, many of them died in pursuit, drowned in the river, Tugorkan himself and his son died. It so happened that Svyatopolk killed his father-in-law, Prince Tugorkan. On July 20, Bonyak approached Kiev for the second time and destroyed the Pechersk Monastery. The Great and Pereyaslavl princes threw their squads to intercept, but were late. Bonyak left, took away thousands of prisoners, took away a huge booty.
Meanwhile, Oleg Svyatoslavich did not even think to fulfill his oath. Neither he nor Davyd came to Kiev. Oleg recruited an army and recaptured Moore. On September 6, 1096, the son of Monomakh, Izyaslav, was killed in the battle near Murom, and his squad was defeated. Then he captured Suzdal, Rostov and all the land of Murom and Rostov, planted posadniks in the cities and began to collect tribute. Vladimir Monomakh and Prince Mstislav of Novgorod, despite the death of their son and brother, expressed their readiness to make peace with Oleg again, so as not to be at enmity anymore. Let only Oleg leave Rostov and Suzdal, release the prisoners.
However, Prince Oleg became proud and decided that his time had come. I was preparing a campaign to Novgorod. He planned to conquer the entire north of Russia, and then Chernigov could be returned, possibly Kiev. Then Mstislav Vladimirovich moved on him from Novgorod, and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich was sent by his father to help him from the south. With him were allied to Vladimir Polovtsy. Oleg was ousted from Rostov and Suzdal. They did not like him there and was supported by the army of Monomakh. As a result, Oleg was defeated at Koloksha and expelled from Ryazan. However, Oleg was again spared. Mstislav promised him not to avenge his brother, for the burned Suzdal, to return his estates if Oleg accepts peace.
Lyubech. Continuation of the Troubles
In 1097, all the most significant princes gathered in Lyubech. Svyatopolk Kievsky, Vladimir Monomakh, Vasilko Rostislavich, Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich came. The famous words sounded: “Why are we destroying the Russian land, by ourselves arranging feuds among ourselves? And the Polovtsians bear our land in a rosy manner and are glad that wars are going on between us. Let us unite from now on with one heart and we will watch over the Russian land, and let each one own his fatherland. Svyatopolk lost the patrimony of Izyaslav - Kiev and the Turov land, Vladimir - Pereyaslavl, the border line to Kursk, Svyatoslavich shared the inheritance of his father - Davyd got Chernigov, Oleg - Novgorod-Seversky, Yaroslav - Murom. For Davyd Igorevich, the Volyn land remained, for Voladar and Vasilko Rostislavich - Przemysl and Terebovl.
Transitions along the ladder from one inheritance to another were canceled. True, it was believed that this would not cause the disintegration of a single power. Kiev was recognized as an older city, the throne of the grand duke passed by seniority, the younger princes had to obey the great sovereign. And on that one they kissed the cross: “If from now on someone will go against whom, we will all be against him and the cross is honest. They all said: Let the honest cross and the whole Russian land be against him. Thus, the Lyubech congress consolidated the already emerging situation. The cracks that split the Rurik empire were legalized. The disintegration continued.
Troubles and civil strife did not stop either. Before the princes had time to take the oath, they immediately broke it. All Russia was shocked by the news of an unheard-of atrocity. The Volyn prince Davyd Igorevich was jealous of the Terebovl prince Vasilko, who made a large and wealthy principality with his sword. And Svyatopolk Kievsky was dissatisfied with the decision of the congress, he believed that he was cheated. After all, Kiev did not become his hereditary inheritance, he could only transfer the Turovo-Pinsk principality to his sons. Davyd Igorevich, out of old friendship, offered him a conspiracy. Eliminate Vasilko, hand over Terebovl to him, Davyd, and he will support the Grand Duke in the fight for Kiev. As a result, Vasilko was invited to visit the Grand Duke. The well-wishers informed the warrior prince about the conspiracy, but he did not believe: “How can they capture me? After all, they just kissed the cross and said: if someone goes to someone, then there will be a cross for that and we will all”. And in Kiev, Vasilka was seized and blinded. Then they took me to Vladimir-Volynsky.

F. A. Bruni. Blinding Vasilko Terebovlsky
The cold-blooded and vile reprisal was disgusting. The princes fought with each other, it was a common thing, a kind of "God's judgment", when the fate of the prince and his lands was decided in the battle. Vladimir Monomakh expressed a common will: "There was no such evil on the Russian land either under our grandfathers or under our fathers." He sent to his former enemies David and Oleg Svyatoslavich: “… let us correct the evil that happened in the Russian land and among us, brothers, for a knife has been thrown at us. And if we do not correct this, then a greater evil will arise among us, and the brother of the brother will begin to slaughter, and the Russian land will perish, and our enemies Polovtsy, having come, will take the Russian land. " The Svyatoslavichs responded and brought their squads to Vladimir.
The princes in the spring of 1098 gathered near Gorodets and sent ambassadors to Svyatopolk with the words: “Why did you do this evil in the Russian land and plunged a knife into us? Why did you blind your brother? If you had any accusation against him, you would have denounced him before us, and, having proved his guilt, then you would have done this to him. " Not accepting the excuse of Svyatopolk (he blamed Davyd Igorevich, they say, he slandered Vasilko and blinded him), the next morning the brothers crossed the Dnieper and moved to Kiev. Svyatopolk wanted to flee the city, but the people of Kiev did not allow him to do so. Bloodshed was avoided with the mediation of Vladimir Monomakh's mother and the Metropolitan. The new Metropolitan of Kiev, the Greek Nicholas, himself accused the princes "tormenting Russia" with a new strife. Such pressure embarrassed the princes and they agreed that they would believe Svyatopolk. And Svyatopolk undertook to punish Davyd before the brothers.
This resulted in a new internecine war in the west of Russia. Davyd tried to take possession of Terebovl. Vasilka's brother, Volodar Przemyshl, went to war against Davyd. He achieved the release of his brother, and then the two of them began to attack the enemy. Davyd dodged, tried to shift the blame onto the Grand Duke. He said that he acted on the orders of Svyatopolk. And from Kiev the troops of Svyatopolk moved on him. Davyd fled to Poland. Svyatopolk occupied Vladimir-Volynsky, put his son Mstislav to reign there. But it seemed to him a little and he tried to seize the lands of the Rostislavichs (Terebovl and Przemysl), but to no avail. Blind Vasilko defeated Svyatopolk's army at Rozhnoye Pole.
However, Svyatopolk did not rest on this. He sent his son Yaroslav to the Hungarian king Koloman for help. He agreed, decided to seize the Russian Carpathian region for himself. The Hungarian army broke into Russia. Volodar and Vasilka were besieged in Przemysl. But then Davyd Igorevich returned from Poland and united with former enemies - the Rostislavichs, against a common enemy - Svyatopolk and his sons. In 1099, Davyd Igorevich called on the Polovtsian Khan Bonyak for help and, with his support, defeated opponents in the battle on Wagra, many Hungarians drowned in Wagra and Sana'a. Davyd fought off Vladimir and Lutsk. Rostislavichi defended their possessions in the Carpathian region.
The struggle for Volhynia continued. The son of Svyatopolk Mstislav died in it. Vladimir Monomakh, trying to put an end to this massacre, convened a new princely congress. The congress in Uvetichi was held in August 1100. Svyatopolk, Vladimir Monomakh, Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich made peace among themselves. For the sake of reconciliation, the dark deeds of the Grand Duke Svyatopolk were bypassed. The trial was held only over Davyd Igorevich, who violated the truce established in Lyubech. Davyd was deprived of the Vladimir-Volyn principality, receiving in return the towns of Buzhsky Ostrog, Duben, Czartorysk, and then Dorogobuzh, and 400 hryvnias of silver. Vladimir-Volynsky went to Yaroslav Svyatopolchich.
True, Svyatopolk was not enough. Volodar and Vasilko did not attend the congress, and the Grand Duke insisted that a blind man would not be able to rule his region. Ambassadors were sent to Volodar with the words: “Take your brother Vasilko to you, and you will have one volost - Przemysl. And if you like something, then both sit there, but if not, then let Vasilka go here, we will feed him here. And betray our serfs and smerds. " The brothers "did not listen to this" and did not give Terebovl. Svyatopolk wanted to fight them, but Vladimir Monomakh refused to get involved in another quarrel. Svyatoslavich also did not want to fight. Svyatopolk did not dare to start a new war alone.

S. V. Ivanov. Congress of princes in Uvetichi
Thus, the reconciliation of the princes ended the war on the right bank of the Dnieper and allowed them in subsequent years to organize large-scale campaigns against the Polovtsians. As a result, Vladimir Monomakh was able to inflict a military defeat on the Polovtsy, and after becoming the Grand Duke in 1113, he somewhat restored social justice - the "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh" (limited the claims of the usurers) and for some time was able, with the help of a thunderstorm (power priority) and authority, to preserve the unity of Russia …
Thus, elite ambitions, pride and stupidity of princes, narrow corporate interests of the boyars, merchants and usurers, as well as the introduction of someone else's conceptual power and ideology (the Byzantine version of Christianity) with the simultaneous degradation of ancient paganism, the Vedic faith of the Rus, destroyed a single Russia. Social justice was destroyed, elite clans and groups of princes, boyars and churchmen separated from the people, who basically did not solve national problems, but their own, personal and narrowly corporate ones. Although initially the boyars and princes were allocated to protect the interests of the people. Individual princes who looked after common interests, like Vladimir Monomakh, who with his military strength and will for some time held back the final disintegration of the Russian state, could not reverse the general trend. A period of feudal disintegration began, the weakening of the defenses of Russia, which ultimately led to the loss of the southern and western Russian lands.