The state armament program until 2027 includes "ships similar to helicopter carriers." These words were given by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Oleg Ryazantsev.

"A ship similar to a helicopter carrier." Yes, the Russian language is great and mighty, especially when performed by officials who are obviously far from the military industry and technology.
What analogs can there be? Long twisted in my head like this: "a ship similar to an aircraft carrier"? To the battleship? Submarine?
Ryazantsev seems to be hinting that this is some kind of OTHER ship. Kind of like with the same functions, but not a helicopter carrier. Hope it's not a SSGN.
But, as stated further, the creation of the UDC for the Navy was included in the state armaments program, the work is being carried out as planned.
Let's remember a little. This is sometimes useful and brings some kind of results.
In the 90s of the last century, our fleet was waiting for ships of project 11780. This is the so-called UDC "Kherson", or "Ivan Tarava", as it was designed as an analogue of the American UDC of the "Tarava" type.
According to the project, the ship could transfer up to 1,000 marines and up to 40 pieces of heavy equipment, such as tanks. In addition, there was an air group of 30 helicopters for various purposes, there were 4 Project 1176 landing boats or 2 Project 1206 air cushion landing boats on board.
In terms of its characteristics, the UDC of project 11780 was similar to the UDC Tarava or UDC America, but our project outperformed American ships in maximum speed - 30 knots versus 22, but inferior in cruising range - 8,000 versus 9,500 miles.
And, perhaps, the armament was stronger at the "Kherson": a twin artillery mount AK-130 and medium-range air defense systems ("Daggers" and "Daggers"), which theoretically increased its potential to support the landing. At best, the Tarava could brush off enemy helicopters; there was no talk at all about supporting the landing from the ship.
And remember one more figure: the displacement of the "Kherson" was planned in the region of 25,000 tons.
Year 2017. Just in time for one large-scale event in the country's military life, information appeared that the United Shipbuilding Corporation would build two ships according to the Priboy UDC project. The contract value was estimated at 40 billion rubles.
But the construction of the Priboy UDC was originally included in the armament program until 2020 (GPV-2020), and then moved to GPV-2027.
According to its characteristics, "Priboy" looks weaker than "Kherson". The displacement is about 24,000 tons, but it takes on board up to 500 paratroopers and up to 50 units of military equipment. And all of this can be transported up to 5,000 miles at a maximum speed of 22 knots.
Armed with order, there is a 100-mm gun mount A-190, 3 ZRAK "Broadsword" and 2 ZRAK "Pantsir-M". And a group of 16 helicopters.
In general, something has not yet taken shape, and the conceptual "Surf" is still a project.
And here is the thunder: the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov and Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said that helicopter carriers will still be built.
The question is where and which ones.
On September 11, it became known that the first two Russian UDCs will be laid down at the Zaliv shipyard in Kerch in May 2020.
The Bay. Kerch. Weird.
It is strange why: although the plant once built both huge ships (tankers of the "Crimea" series of 150,000 tons each), and warships, all this was quite a long time ago. Today, of course, it is not realistic to build such monsters, the plant is more focused on ships of smaller displacement.
And here are the figures for the UDC: a displacement of up to 15,000 tons. Airborne group up to 200 people, up to 20 pieces of equipment, 10-12 helicopters in the wing. Dock camera for 2-3 boats. There is no information about its own weapons yet, apparently, it was not even about the project, but about a certain TK.
Have you noticed a sharp decrease in displacement and the amount transported? And I noticed.
And (perhaps some readers will be very surprised now) this cannot but rejoice.
The question immediately arises: why?
The answer is simple: because we don't really have any combat missions for Kherson or Priboy. Absolutely none!
If we start from the tactics of using the UDC, then, since we are not planning to land troops on the US coast or in Europe … Well, in Europe it is definitely easier in the old fashioned way, by dry route. Islands remain in the Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas.
Is there a need for a mistral-like chest, given the size of the islands? According to unverified information, these UDCs are being prepared again for the Pacific Fleet, which means … So, everything fits together. And any landing operation in the region of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea is more convenient to carry out with just such ships.
A certain logic can be traced. Then you just have to wait and watch the process if it starts.
But we do not need a thirty-thousand-ton UDC like the Mistral in either the Baltic or the Pacific. But half the size, but more mobile UDC - why not?