140 years ago, on November 30, 1874, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born. Churchill came from an aristocratic family of the Dukes of Marlborough and became, in the opinion of the British, one of the most prominent statesmen in Great Britain. This was confirmed by a 2002 poll, when, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Winston Churchill was named the greatest Briton in history.
Winston Churchill is by far one of the most revered figures in the West. In Europe, he is called the "knight of democracy" and "the greatest leader of the 20th century." Indeed, the head of the Admiralty, Chancellor of the Treasury, Secretary of Defense, Prime Minister of Great Britain (1940-1945 and 1951-1955), one of the members of the Big Three, herald of the Cold War, as well as a talented journalist, writer and Nobel Prize winner in literature - Sir Winston Churchill was an outstanding personality and at the same time one of the most serious enemies of the Russian people and Russian civilization.
Churchill's father belonged to the conservative political elite. Churchill began his career in the army, serving in Cuba, British India and Sudan. At the same time, he showed himself as a talented military journalist, covering the events of the uprising against the Spaniards in Cuba, the fight against the Pashtuns in British India and the suppression of the Mahdist uprising in Sudan. On a number of occasions, Churchill displayed unconditional personal courage. By the time of his resignation, Churchill had gained recognition as a writer and journalist, his book on the Sudan campaign - "War on the River" became a bestseller.
This allowed him to start a political career. In 1899, Churchill ran for parliament from the Conservative Party, but did not pass. Churchill traveled to South Africa as a war correspondent, where the Boer War began. The armored train on which Churchill was traveling was ambushed by the Boers. Churchill proved himself to be a brave man here too, volunteering to clear the paths that were littered with stones. Churchill and several dozen soldiers were captured. The young journalist escaped from the prisoner camp and successfully made his way to his own. This escape made him famous. In 1900, at the age of 26, Churchill first became a member of the House of Commons from the Conservative Party (later he went over to the Liberals). Churchill was attracted by the political game, he had long aspired to power. “Power,” the politician wrote, “is a drug. Whoever has tried it at least once is poisoned forever."
In the future, Churchill's career went on increasing: he consistently held the posts of Deputy Minister for Colonial Affairs (he was engaged in the development of a constitution for the defeated Boers), Minister for Trade and Industry, Minister of the Interior. It must be said that the Home Office was considered one of the three most important government agencies in England. On the eve of World War I, Churchill took over as First Lord of the Admiralty. The British Navy, which has always been one of the most important instruments of British foreign policy, during this period underwent one of the largest modernizations in its history, so Churchill left the post of Home Secretary without a doubt. During this period, the main headquarters of the Navy, naval aviation was established, warships of new types were designed and laid down (like the very successful Queen Elizabeth dreadnoughts). The fleet began to switch from coal to liquid fuel. To this end, Churchill initiated the allocation of funds for the acquisition of a controlling stake in the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which had far-reaching strategic consequences. The Persian Gulf and Persia for a long time became the region of strategic interests of the Anglo-Saxons.
During the First World War, Churchill was the initiator of the defense of Antwerp, when the Belgian government already wanted to leave the city. The city could not be held, but many noted that this operation made it possible to keep Calais and Dunkirk. As chairman of the Land Ships Commission, Churchill took part in the creation of the first tanks and gave way to the armored forces. The unsuccessful Dardanelles operation, one of the initiators of which was Churchill, dealt a blow to his career. Churchill took responsibility for the failure by resigning and leaving for the Western Front as battalion commander.
In 1917 he returned to big politics, headed the Ministry of Armaments, then became Minister of War and Minister of Aviation. During this period, Churchill became one of the main initiators of the Entente's intervention in Soviet Russia. In his opinion, the West was supposed to "strangle Bolshevism in the cradle." Because of Churchill's hatred of the Soviet state, British troops withdrew from Russia only in 1920.
Later Churchill continued to hold important posts: he was appointed Minister of Colonial Affairs, in 1924 he took the second most important position in the state - Chancellor of the Treasury (Minister of Finance). Then there was a certain decline in his political career, in the 1930s Churchill was more engaged in literary activity. The British politician was opposed to London's policy of "appeasing Hitler". When the "policy of appeasing Hitler" collapsed completely, Churchill's finest hour came. During World War II, he became Minister of Defense and Head of Government, a member of the Big Three. Churchill, together with Roosevelt and the Stalins, decided the fate of the whole world during these years. He had a serious impact on the course of World War II, delaying the opening of the Second Front in Europe for three years!
After being defeated in elections in July 1945, Churchill returned to literary activity again. He worked on a memoir - "World War II". Churchill is considered one of the main initiators of the beginning of the so-called. Cold War "(some experts call it the Third World War, which ended with the defeat and collapse of the USSR and the socialist bloc). It was Churchill who, back in 1945, insisted on the start of Operation Unthinkable - at the beginning of July 1945, the forces of Britain, the United States, the remnants of the Wehrmacht (they were not disbanded on purpose and were kept at the ready) and, possibly, Turkey, were to strike at the Soviet army. Only the fear of the might of the Stalinist USSR and the Soviet army, which at first retreated with fierce battles to Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad, and then recaptured the lost lands and liberated Europe, took Berlin by storm, kept the leaders of the United States and Britain from immediately starting a new global war. It was Churchill who gave a speech at Westminster College in Fulton on March 5, 1946, which is considered the starting point of the Cold War. And a little later - on September 19, giving a speech at the University of Zurich, Churchill called upon former opponents - Germany, France and England - to reconciliation and the establishment of the "United States of Europe". As a result, the course of Adolf Hitler to create a united Europe and confrontation with Russian civilization was continued.
In 1947, Winston Churchill called on the United States to launch a nuclear strike against the USSR in order to win the Cold War. In a memo from an FBI agent, Churchill called on Republican Senator Stiles Bridges to convince US President Harry Truman to start an atomic war in order to destroy the Kremlin and turn the USSR "into an easy problem."FBI documents show that Churchill hated the USSR so much that he was ready to make huge sacrifices among the civilian population.
In 1951, Churchill again became the head of the British government, although he was already 76 years old and his health did not allow him to be active. In 1953, Churchill became a knight and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. In 1955, Churchill resigned for health reasons.
A convinced enemy of Russia
Thus, Churchill was a gifted and great statesman, but we must remember that he was a staunch enemy of our Motherland. He hated not only Soviet power and communism, but Russia as such.
Churchill became one of the main organizers of the intervention of the Western powers against Russia during the Civil War. At the same time, Churchill pushed Germany to invade Soviet Russia, cynically saying: "Let the Huns kill the Bolsheviks." It was not for nothing that Lenin defined Churchill as "the greatest hater of Soviet Russia." England during this period encouraged the disintegration of Russia into independent "states", provided assistance to all sorts of nationalist separatists and whites (and in the south the Basmachs), kindled the fire of the Civil War in the country, and landed troops in the zones of their "vital interests." By February 1919, England had a military contingent of 44 thousand bayonets on Russian territory. The British allocated 60 million pounds to the White Volunteer Army, and armed Kolchak's army. Churchill explained this generosity quite frankly: "It would be a mistake to think that during this year we fought for the Russian White Guards, on the contrary, the Russian White Guards fought for our cause."
This invasion claimed thousands of lives and resulted in material losses of billions of gold rubles. The British occupiers brought a lot of grief to the Russian land. They try not to disclose information about this, so as not to spoil relations with Western "partners". Wherever there were Western occupiers, terror, plunder and violence reigned. Only the heroic struggle of the Russian people against the invaders and their various kinds of puppets, from whites to nationalists and Basmachi, then saved Russia from dismemberment and civilizational catastrophe. The enemies of the Russian people were defeated and were forced to leave, postponing plans to dismember Russia into spheres of influence and dependent state formations for the future.
In the 1920s, Churchill became a champion of a "united Europe", the core of which was to be Britain, Germany, France and Italy. His ideas then echoed those of Adolf Hitler, who advocated a close alliance with England and Italy. At the same time, Churchill supported the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini. The active struggle against the communists brought Churchill closer to Mussolini. Initially, Churchill also paid close attention to the "rising star" of big European politics - Hitler. Later Churchill was opposed to the British government's policy of "appeasing Hitler", but at the same time he believed that it was necessary to turn Germany into the main enemy of Soviet Russia.
Stalin was well aware of Churchill's hatred of Russia and the difficulties of England after the defeat of France, therefore he was very critical of his reports about the impending attack by Hitlerite Germany on the Soviet Union. For England, in her position (after the defeat of France), the war between Germany and the USSR was an ideal option. Churchill was the most interested person in the world for Germany to attack the USSR. After the fall of France, German submarines became more active in sea communications, the threat of a naval blockade loomed over the island English state, connected with the whole world and its colonies and dominions by the closest trade ties. And the blockade led to an acute industrial (raw materials), trade and financial crisis. Moreover, the German military machine, which then seemed invincible, was actively preparing for the landing operation in the British Isles. London was seized with fear. How long will Britain be able to withstand the German army? In this situation, on June 25, 1940, Churchill wrote a letter to Stalin. Then Churchill wrote several more letters to Stalin. But they were all written at a critical moment for England.
The most famous letter was written by Churchill on April 19, 1941. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the position of England at this moment. German troops on the eve captured Belgrade, Yugoslavia surrendered, Rommel's units reached the borders of Egypt. Greece was on the eve of surrender, British troops in Greece were in a precarious position. The question was whether it would be possible to evacuate them or not. The bombing of England by German aircraft intensified. And in this situation, Churchill "warns" Stalin about Hitler's imminent attack on the USSR.
Moreover, Moscow quite rationally raised the question of London's sources of information. The British could not foresee the defeat of France and almost lost their expeditionary forces. The question arose why the British missed the defeat of the Anglo-French forces. Churchill wrote a letter to Stalin in April 1941, and a month later German troops carried out a brilliant landing operation to capture Crete. Why did British intelligence, in Moscow, think, knows about plans for a German attack on the USSR, but cannot frustrate the enemy's plans with regard to British forces?
In fact, these were provocations aimed at pushing Germany against the USSR. Churchill did not "warn" the USSR, but suggested by default to strike at Germany. Like, the moment is convenient - Hitler is connected with the struggle with England, you can open a second front and defeat the Third Reich. However, Stalin did not fall for these provocations. Otherwise, the USSR would have looked like the entire world community as an aggressor who attacked Germany.
Churchill's actions during the Great Patriotic War, when England was forced to enter into an alliance with the USSR, confirmed his reputation as an enemy of Russia. The head of Britain promised Stalin to open a second front in the winter of 1941. However, instead of a real operation, he arranged an adventurous landing near the port of Dieppe in northern France in August 1942. German troops easily defeated the ill-prepared landing party. The operation cost the Canadians and British about 4 thousand soldiers killed and captured. By sacrificing several thousand people, Churchill was able to persuade Stalin to fight Hitler alone. They say that the operation is very complicated and difficult to prepare.
Behind Russia's back, London continued to weave spider webs. The British prime minister tried to destroy the emerging understanding between Stalin and Roosevelt. Churchill dreamed of opening the Balkan Front to cut off Soviet troops from Central Europe. The battle for Stalingrad and the Caucasus was still going on, when Churchill, in his memorandum to the members of the British War Cabinet, noted: “All my thoughts are directed primarily to Europe, as the progenitor of modern nations and civilization. A terrible catastrophe would have occurred if Russian barbarism had destroyed the culture and independence of the ancient European states."
Even during the war with Germany, the Anglo-Saxons worked out the issue of collusion with Germany (for this they planned to eliminate Hitler and negotiate with his successors). Germany had to dissolve the Western Front and turn all forces against the USSR. The Allies landed in France, the Germans gave them a corridor to the Eastern Front so that the Allied forces would occupy most of Europe. In May 1945, Churchill secretly ordered the War Cabinet's Joint Planning Staff to prepare a plan for a war with the Soviet Union. On May 22, 1945, the "Unthinkable" plan was prepared. With the first surprise blow, the Allies planned to destroy the Soviet troops in Germany. The operation was supposed to accept a half-million army, which was supposed to be supported by the remnants of the Wehrmacht. For this, even before the end of the war, when the Germans surrendered en masse, they were not disbanded from the compound, but together with the officers were kept in camps. And the weapons were stored in order to distribute them to the Germans at the right time. It was planned that the war against the USSR would begin on July 1, 1945. Churchill dreamed of defeating the Soviet Union, weakened by the war, as he believed, and subordinating it to the will of Britain and the United States.
However, all of Churchill's plans - an allied invasion of the Balkans, a separate peace with Hitler and Operation Unthinkable - were never realized. Moscow canceled all the plans of the Anglo-Saxons. So, having learned in advance about the plans of the “allies, Stalin ordered the regrouping of the troops so that they were ready to repel the treacherous blow. On June 29, 1945, Soviet troops took up more advantageous positions and prepared to repel the strike. Therefore, the Western allies had to abandon the offensive. In addition, the Soviet Union made public information about the non-disbanded units of the Wehrmacht, and Churchill disbanded the German army.