The SM-170 Fouga Magister is a jet two-seater combat trainer designed by French designers, the main purpose of this aircraft was the flight training of Air Force pilots. This aircraft became the second specially designed jet trainer in the world after the Fokker S.14 Machtrainer. However, it was Fouga's CM.170 Magister that became the first mass-produced jet trainer to be adopted by the Air Force. In total, more than 1000 CM.170 Magister aircraft of various modifications were built.
The Fouga Magister was distinguished by its graceful form, and became the first jet combat trainer in the world, which was purchased by the Air Force for training flight personnel. All of its predecessors from the number of jet trainers remained either converted for training purposes fighters (Lockheed T-33 and Gloster Meteor T. Mk 7), or very large and powerful aircraft, which turned out to be too expensive to manufacture and subsequent operation (Fokker S.14 and Fiat G. 80). After analyzing the situation at the turn of the 50s of the XX century, the designers of the French company "Fouga" came to the conclusion that the market urgently needs a light jet trainer aircraft. The company, which previously specialized in the creation of light sports aircraft, was able to present to the military a modern machine, which at that time had no analogues in the world. After the appearance of the CM-170 Magister, other companies began to develop light jet combat training aircraft, but not all of their developments possessed the same grace as the "Magister".

The design of the jet trainer aircraft was carried out under the guidance of engineers Pierre Mubussen and Robert Castello. It was planned to use a small-sized turbojet engine "Palace" (3x160 kgf) as the main power plant. At the same time, the Department of Technology and Industry, which was the main customer of aviation technology in France in the late 1940s, soon became interested in this project. But the insufficient thrust-to-weight ratio of the vehicle could not meet the requirements of the French Air Force. Therefore, the Fouga company, confident in the prospects of its project, in 1950 offered a heavier aircraft, designated CM.170R. The aircraft had a similar layout as its predecessor under the designation CM.130R (engines on the sides of the fuselage, tandem crew arrangement, an almost straight wing of relatively large aspect ratio). Along with this, the aircraft was equipped with two much more powerful turbojet engines "Marbore" II with a thrust of 400 kgf each, which were created under the leadership of I. Shidlovsky.
In December 1950, the French Ministry of Aviation issued an order to Fouga for the construction of 3 prototypes. Distinctive features of the new combat trainer were a wing of high aspect ratio, as well as a unique V-shaped tail with surfaces that were inclined 45 degrees to the horizon. For a comparative assessment, one of the experimental aircraft was equipped with a normal tail, which, however, did not show any advantages and at the same time had a greater mass.
The CM.170 Magister trainer is an all-metal mid-wing monoplane equipped with brake flaps and single-slotted flaps. The tail unit of the aircraft was V-shaped and had a camber angle of 110 degrees. The cockpit was distinguished by a tandem arrangement of the pilot's seats, it was made sealed. The cockpit had an air conditioning system, and there was also an individual oxygen supply. The crew seats were not ejected.

The power plant of the aircraft included 2 turbojet engines Turbomeca Marbore IIA (2x400 kgf), and Marbore VIC engines (2x480 kgf) were also installed on the version of the CM.170-2 Magister aircraft. The engines were located on the sides of the fuselage. Also on the sides were semicircular air intakes. The fuel was located in two tanks in the fuselage with a capacity of 730 liters. In addition, 2 tanks of 250 liters each could be installed at the ends of the wing. The aircraft also had a special tank that provided power to the power plant in an inverted flight position for 30 seconds.
The location of the instructor pilot and the cadet was done in tandem (unlike the Cessna aircraft, in which the crew members were located side by side with each other). Both cockpits of the aircraft were made sealed, they were equipped with large individual lanterns that could be fired off in case of an emergency. In order to improve the visibility of the instructor, after the first flight tests of the machine, it was decided to install a special periscope for him. Every pilot who made his first flight on the CM 170 Magister was simply fascinated by this aircraft. Both the cabins for the trainee and the instructor were very comfortable, and the view from the front cockpit was simply excellent.
The onboard systems and aircraft design have proven their very high qualities from the very first flights, and also confirmed the correctness of the design calculations. The nose landing gear of the CM.170 Magister received a vibration suppression device, and the vehicle also had a very good initial climb rate. The aircraft was very easy to control and had excellent flight characteristics. In fact, the only drawback of the aircraft, which was revealed already during operation, was the insufficiently high angular velocity in roll.

All Magister aircraft were equipped with high-frequency radio stations (main 12-channel and two-channel emergency). The machines were equipped with the necessary equipment for flying only by instruments, a radio compass was installed on them. On the CM.170 Magister, which carried weapons and acted as a light tactical aircraft, the TACAN radio navigation system and the friend-or-foe identification system could additionally be installed.
In the role of a light tactical attack aircraft, the aircraft was equipped with two machine guns 7, 5 or 7, 62 mm, which were located in the nose of the fuselage. The ammunition of each machine gun consisted of 200 rounds. Both pilot seats had gyroscopic sights, while the rear one also had a periscopic sight. The aircraft had two underwing hardpoints, on which it was possible to mount two free-fall bombs weighing 50 kg, four NAR (120 mm), two NAR blocks (7X68-mm or 18x37-mm) or two Hopd SS air-to-surface missiles. eleven.
The prototype aircraft made its first flight on July 23, 1952, and the first production batch of 10 aircraft was ordered by the French Air Force in 1953. The initial order consisted of 95 aircraft for the country's Air Force and was placed with Fouga in 1954. The first production aircraft, the CM.170 Magister, took to the skies on January 13, 1954. In total, more than 400 such jet trainer aircraft were produced in France. Also, a naval version of the aircraft was designed specifically for the French Navy, it received the designation CM.175 "Zephyr". In total, 2 prototypes were produced, as well as 30 production aircraft in this version. With the help of this aircraft, the French naval aviation pilots received the initial experience of conducting hostilities from the board of an aircraft carrier.

In addition to France, the CM.170 Magister jet trainer was produced under license in West Germany by Flügzeug-Union-Süd. The aircraft was purchased by the Luftwaffe flight schools. But due to the transfer of training for the Luftwaffe flight personnel to the United States in the late 1960s, this aircraft in the Federal Republic of Germany was decommissioned. In addition, the aircraft was produced in Finland under license, 62 "Magistras" were assembled here, in addition to 18 more aircraft that were purchased in France. Also, the release of this model was mastered by the Israeli aviation industry. At the same time, Israeli pilots used this aircraft as a light tactical aircraft.
Approximately 310 of the 437 vehicles originally produced were in service with the French Air Force until the mid-80s of the XX century. For a long time, these aircraft were operated in flight training units in Finland and Belgium. Israel effectively used these aircraft as light attack aircraft. The CM.170 Magister was especially successful and massively used during the June 1967 Arab-Israeli War. At the same time, the planes attacked ground targets of Arab troops on both fronts: Jordanian and Egyptian. This aircraft was supplied in different years to the Air Forces of Austria, Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, Lebanon and a number of other countries. It was produced under license in Finland, Germany and Israel.
Flight performance of Fouga CM.170-2 Magister:
Dimensions: wingspan - 11, 40 m, with tanks at the ends of the wings - 12, 15 m, length - 10, 06 m, height - 2, 8 m, wing area - 17, 3 m2.
The empty weight of the aircraft is 2310 kg, the maximum take-off weight is 3260 kg.
Fuel capacity - 730 liters (internal), in external tanks - 2x250 or 2x460 liters.
Power plant - 2 turbojet engines Turbomeca Marbore VI, thrust - 2x480 kgf.
The maximum flight speed is 725 km / h.
Practical flight range - 1400 km.
Combat radius of action - 910 km.
Service ceiling - 12,000 m
Crew - 2 people.
Armament: 2x7, 62-mm machine gun (200 rounds per barrel) and up to 140 kg on two hardpoints (NAR, bombs, air-to-surface missiles).