The entire third final part of the review is devoted to the surface component of the PLA Navy, since it is the surface fleet in the PRC that is developing at the most rapid pace. More recently, the Chinese navy was assigned modest tasks to protect its coast. However, at present, combat aviation based on coastal airfields, anti-ship missile systems of the coastal defense forces, missile frigates and boats make it impossible for a hostile foreign fleet to be found in the coastal waters of the PRC. The increased combat capabilities of the weapons systems of modern Chinese large warships and the increase in the number of combat units led to the PLA naval entry into the vastness of the oceans. In the last decade, the PRC has been actively building ocean-class ships. In addition to the existing three fleets of the PLA Navy, in the near future, it is planned to create a fourth, capable of operating and conducting large-scale operations in the oceanic zone, outside coastal waters.
Talking about the Chinese fleet, it is impossible not to mention the first Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning. The history of the appearance of this ship as part of the PLA Navy reflects the course that the leadership of the PRC is pursuing in the field of ensuring the country's defense. The Chinese quite rightly believe that all means are good in ensuring national security. Including illegal copying of modern weapons, forgery and violation of obligations assumed. Initially, the purpose of completing the aircraft carrier received from Ukraine was the desire to increase the combat stability of the Chinese fleet when operating at a considerable distance from its shores.

Satellite image of Google earth: the aircraft carrier "Liaolin" at the pier of the shipyard in Dalian.
In the course of completion and modernization, launchers for anti-ship missiles, RBU and air defense systems were dismantled from the Varyag. The aircraft carrier was left with air defense systems intended for self-defense in the near zone. The vacated space left after dismantled weapons systems, uncharacteristic for an aircraft carrier, was used to increase the number of aircraft based on the ship. In its current form "Liaolin" is a more balanced ship than its "relative" - the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov". Air defense and anti-aircraft defense missions unusual for an aircraft carrier are assigned to escort ships.

Satellite image of Google earth: aircraft carrier Liaolin and supply vessel at the pier of the Qingdao naval base
The aircraft group of the Chinese aircraft carrier includes up to 24 J-15 carrier-based fighters. As already mentioned in the first part of the review, this aircraft is a “pirate” copy of the Su-33 (T-10K), one of which was received from Ukraine in a non-flying state. Unlike the Russian Su-33 carrier-based fighters, which cannot use anti-ship missiles, the Chinese J-15s provide for the use of the YJ-83 anti-ship missiles, which significantly increases the strike capabilities of the Chinese aircraft carrier group. In 10 years, the PLA Navy should have at least 3 aircraft carriers. Construction of the second ship is proceeding at a high rate at the Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company in Dalian.

Satellite image of Google earth: the hull of an aircraft carrier under construction in Dalian.
Several facilities have been built in China in recent years to train deck aviation pilots. One of them is located on the shores of the Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea, 8 km south of Xingcheng city (Liaoning province).

Satellite image of Google earth: Huandikong airfield
Here, at the Huandikong airfield, two runways were built with jumps and air defense units, simulating the conditions for taking off and landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier.

Satellite image of Google earth: concrete "aircraft carrier" in the vicinity of Wuhan
Apparently, a similar goal was pursued by the construction of concrete copies of an aircraft carrier and destroyer 5 km from residential areas of Wuhan. The concrete "aircraft carrier" is about 320 meters long. A model of a carrier-based fighter can be observed on its "deck" on satellite images.
The first Chinese destroyers pr.051 (of the "Luda" type) were created on the basis of the revised Soviet EM pr.41. Unlike the Soviet Navy, which received only one ship of this project, the Chinese shipyards handed over 17 destroyers to the Chinese fleet.

Satellite image of Google earth: destroyer pr.051, frigate pr.053 and diesel-electric submarines pr.035 in the parking lot of the Wuhan naval base
The last destroyer, completed according to Project 051G, entered the Southern Fleet in 1993. Some of the ships built earlier were upgraded to the level of pr.051G, during which the weapons, radar equipment and communications were updated. The most notable change was the replacement of liquid anti-ship missiles HY-2 anti-ship missiles (the Chinese version of the P-15 anti-ship missiles) with modern solid-propellant anti-ship missiles YJ-83 with a launch range of 160 km. After the appearance in the PLA Navy of modern destroyers and corvettes, significantly superior to the type "Luda" in combat capabilities, seaworthiness and autonomy, the outdated Chinese destroyers are living out their days as patrol and coastal patrol ships.

Satellite image of Google earth: destroyer pr 051 in the parking lot of the Zhoushan naval base
In the 90s, the line of destroyers of the Chinese fleet was to be continued by the EM project 051V (of the "Liuhai" type), it was supposed to use design solutions that were well-developed on early models. But apparently, the Chinese shipbuilders decided to abandon the technical heritage of the 50s, and in 1999 only one ship was put into operation - the EM "Shenzhen". In terms of armament, the Project 051V destroyer basically corresponds to the Project 052 EM, which was built simultaneously with it. The main weapon of the destroyer is 16 YJ-83 anti-ship missiles in 4 four-shot launchers. The ship's anti-aircraft armament is rather weak by modern standards - the HQ-7 near-zone air defense system. Despite the fact that the destroyer pr.51V was built in a single copy, it is very actively exploited. During repeated long voyages, the ship went around Africa, visited the ports of Great Britain, Germany, Italy and France.
Using the architectural and structural features of the 051B project, two air defense destroyers pr.051S were built in the PRC. The S-300F air defense system is the main weapon of the ships, designed mainly to protect the operational formations of surface ships from air strikes. On board the EM pr 051S there are six launchers and 48, ready to launch missiles with a range of up to 90 kilometers and an altitude of up to 30 km.
In the mid-90s, the PLA included two destroyers of Project 052 (of the "Luyhu" type). Compared to Project 051, the new ships became larger, better armed and had a longer cruising range and seaworthiness. EM pr 052 were intended to combat enemy surface ships, anti-submarine defense, as well as fire support for the landing. To provide air defense in the near zone, the ships are equipped with the HQ-7 air defense system, created on the basis of the French Crotale complex. To combat surface targets, 16 YJ-83 anti-ship missiles are designed.
In the 80s, during the design of the EM project 052, the Chinese counted on French and American assistance in equipping the ships with modern onboard electronic systems, weapons and power plants. But the events in Tiananmen Square put an end to military-technical cooperation with Western countries. For this reason, the completion of the destroyers of Project 052 was delayed and was limited to only two copies.
After the introduction of the western embargo on the supply of weapons and dual-use technologies and the normalization of relations with Russia, a contract was signed for the supply of Project 956E EMs armed with the P-270 Mosquito supersonic anti-ship missiles. The destroyers became part of the PLA Navy in 1999-2000.

Satellite image of Google earth: destroyers of project 956E and project 956EM at the parking lot of the Zhoushan naval base
Following the EM project 956E, there was an order for two Project 956EM. These ships were transferred in 2005-2006. The destroyers, built according to the modified project 956EM, differ from the ships of the first delivery in the increased range of attack missile weapons and enhanced air defense. The new modernized SCRC "Moskit-ME" has a firing range of up to 200 km (basic modification - 120 km). Instead of four 30-mm AK-630M assault rifles, two combat modules of the Kashtan anti-aircraft missile and artillery complex (export version of the Kortik air defense missile system) were installed. Each combat module has two six-barreled 30-mm assault rifles, two launchers with four missiles and a guidance and control station. To detect air targets and issue target designation ZRAK on the roof of the stern superstructure, a radio-transparent radome for the 3R86E1 radar (export version of the Pozitiv station) was mounted. Due to the abandonment of the aft 130-mm gun mount AK-130, in place of which the Shtil air defense missile launcher was placed, in the aft superstructure under the mainmast, a place was made available for a helicopter hangar. At the same time, the displacement and length of the ship increased slightly.
In the Russian Navy, EM pr 956 are considered ships with a very capricious main power plant, which imposes high requirements for literacy in operation and maintenance. However, as the experience of using the destroyers of this project in the PLA Navy shows, with regular maintenance, repair and proper performance discipline, these are quite reliable and capable warships. At the moment, the destroyers pr. 956E / EM are part of the Eastern Fleet of the PLA Navy, they have a total of 32 anti-ship missiles and 192 missiles.

Satellite image of Google earth: Project 052B destroyer at the parking lot of the Zhanjiang naval base
In 2004, the lead destroyer of Project 052V (of the "Guangzhou" class) entered service. This ship has a pronounced shock orientation. The destroyers of Project 052V have 16 supersonic anti-ship missiles YJ-83. The air defense of the ship is provided by the Shtil air defense missile system with a range of destruction of air targets up to 50 km. The destroyers of Project 052S have much in common with Project 052V. Like the earlier ships of the 051S project, they were created to provide the air defense of the squadron.

Satellite image of Google earth: destroyers of project 052C at the parking lot of the Zhoushan naval base
The two destroyers that entered service about 10 years ago are armed with the Chinese-made HHQ-9 air defense system, which in terms of its characteristics and design is similar to the Russian S-300F anti-aircraft system. In addition to anti-aircraft, the ships of the 052C project also carry strike weapons - 8 YJ-62 cruise missiles. Compared to the YJ-83 anti-ship missiles, the YJ-62 missiles have more than twice the engagement zone, and it is believed that they can be used against stationary coastal targets. But at the same time, the YJ-62 has a subsonic speed, which reduces the likelihood of an air defense breakthrough of an aircraft carrier strike group. Currently, the Chinese fleet has 6 EVs of project 052S.

Satellite image of Google earth: destroyer 052D at the shipyard in Dalian
The most perfect project of the Chinese destroyers in the fleet is Project 052D (of the "Lanzhou" type). The first ship entered service in July 2003, the second in 2005. Outwardly, the EM project 052D resembles the American "Aegis destroyer" of the "Arleigh Burke" type. The destroyers of pr. 052D received a new multifunctional radar with AFAR and a modern integrated weapons control system. These are the first Chinese ships to combine long-range vertical launch missiles and highly integrated BIUS and AFAR.
On board the ship, which has grown in size compared to Project 52V / S, there are two UVPs, 32 cells each, with HHQ-9A missiles, anti-ship missiles with an increased firing range and CD for hitting targets on land. Thus, as part of the Chinese fleet, there appeared universal attack ships capable of performing a wide range of tasks, including the destruction of coastal objects with cruise missiles. According to American data, now in the Southern Fleet of the PLA Navy there are 4 EMs of project 052D, the construction of seven destroyers of this project is also planned. The construction of Project 52D destroyers is carried out at the Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company in Dalian and Jiangnan shipyard in Shanghai.

Satellite image of Google earth: destroyers of project 052D at the shipyard in Shanghai, next to the new ship KIK of the "Yuan Wang-7" type
On December 27, 2014, at the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai, the ceremony of laying down the destroyer of the new project 055 took place. According to information published in the Chinese media, this project will make the most of the advanced technologies of the 052D destroyers. These ships are designed to provide zonal air defense, missile defense and submarine defense of Chinese aircraft carrier formations. The first ship is planned to be commissioned in 2020; by 2030, the Chinese fleet should receive 16 EVs of Project 055.

Satellite image of Google earth: Chinese frigates and corvettes at the parking lot of the Luishunkou naval base
The most numerous class of warships in the PLA Navy are frigates, until recently they accounted for 1/5 of the number of all warships in the PRC. They are a cheaper alternative to destroyers. Having less opportunities in terms of weapons and autonomy, frigates are capable, along with destroyers, to solve the tasks of anti-submarine defense, fight against surface ships, destroy air targets in the near air defense zone and provide protection for the economic zone. Until the early 2000s, the most common type in the Chinese fleet was Project 053 (of the "Jianhu" type), created on the basis of the Soviet TFR Project 50. Initially, the main strike weapons of the Chinese frigates were 4 liquid anti-ship missiles HY-2. Ships of this type were built until the beginning of the 90s, later a significant part of them were re-equipped with the YJ-83 anti-ship missiles. Among themselves, the frigates of pr.053 of various series differed in the composition of onboard equipment, communication and navigation facilities, as well as various types of artillery weapons.
On the modernized frigate pr 053N2 ("Jianghu-3"), the near-zone air defense system HQ-61 and a platform for the helicopter appeared. In total, the Chinese fleet received four frigates of project 053N2. A further development of the 053 project was the 053H3 project (of the Jianwei-2 type). Ships of this type are armed with a short-range HQ-7 air defense system with 8 missiles and 2 launchers for 4 YJ-83 anti-ship missiles. From 1995 to 2005, one ship was handed over to the fleet.

Satellite image of Google earth: Chinese frigates of project 054A and destroyer of project 051 at the parking lot of the Zhanjiang naval base
To replace obsolete frigates of project 053, the construction of frigates URO of project 054 has been underway since 2002. This is a fairly advanced type of warship, in which a number of technical solutions are applied, which are typical for modern ships of this class. When creating Project 054, technologies were used to reduce radar and thermal signature; on the modernized version 054A, vertical missile launchers were installed for the HQ-16 air defense system. This complex is the Chinese version of the Russian naval air defense system "Shtil-1". The frigate has a helicopter platform and a hangar. The main strike weapons are 8 YJ-83 anti-ship missiles. Now in the three Chinese fleets there are at least 20 frigates of Project 054 and Project 054A, several more are in the process of completion.

Satellite image of Google earth: Chinese frigates of Project 054A at the parking lot of the Zhoushan naval base
The PRC traditionally has a large "mosquito" coastal fleet. In 2012, the first corvette, project 056, entered service. It is based on the Pattani-class export corvette designed for the Thai Navy. Project 056 hull is made using elements that reduce radar signature. Project 056 corvettes are the first Chinese warships of modular design. If necessary, it is possible to quite easily change the composition of equipment and weapons, without making changes to the basic structure. The selection of modules allows you to create various options based on a single body. The standard armament of the multipurpose version, in addition to torpedo and artillery armament, includes a new Chinese HHQ-10 near-zone air defense system with a launch range of 9000 m and 4 YJ-83 anti-ship missiles. At the moment, more than 25 corvettes have been built; in total, 60 units are expected to be delivered to the fleet within the framework of a 10-year shipbuilding program.
The PLA Navy has more than 100 missile boats of various types, and they carry about 20% of all anti-ship missiles in the Chinese fleet. The most modern boats of the trimaran scheme pr.022 (of the "Hubei" type), armed with 8 YJ-83 anti-ship missiles, are considered the most modern. These boats are equipped with elements of low radar signature. In the future, they should replace outdated boats of other projects. In terms of the aggregate fighting qualities, the RK pr.022 is one of the best in its class. Currently, more than eighty boats of project 022 have been built.

Satellite image of Google earth: missile boat pr.037G2 in Hong Kong
In the 90s, on the basis of the Project 037 anti-submarine boat (of the "Hainan" type), the construction of missile boats of the Project 037G1 / G2 was carried out. The boats were equipped with four launchers for the YJ-82 anti-ship missiles. At the beginning of 2016, the PLA Navy had 24 such missile boats.
In the PLA Navy, in addition to combat ships with shock, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft weapons, there are many airborne transport, auxiliary and reconnaissance ships. The largest Chinese landing ships are UDC pr.071 (Qinchenshan type). This multifunctional ship is capable of performing several tasks: delivering and landing troops using helicopters and hovercraft, being a command ship and a floating hospital. The ship can simultaneously carry 1000 paratroopers, 4 medium-class helicopters, 4 air-cushion landing ships, 20 armored vehicles. Construction of UDC pr.071 is underway in Shanghai. In total, it is planned to build 6 ships. 4 units were launched into the water.

Satellite image of Google earth: UDC pr.071 and reconnaissance ships pr.815G at the outfitting wall of the Jiangnan shipyard in Shanghai
In the same place in Shanghai, the construction of reconnaissance ships of the ocean-class project 815G is underway. The purpose of the ships of the project 815 and 815G, the construction of which has been underway since the mid-90s, is to monitor the actions of foreign fleets and conduct electronic intelligence. It is known that in the near future the Chinese fleet will be replenished with several more reconnaissance ships of the 815G project.

Satellite image of Google earth: reconnaissance ships at the pier of the Zhoushan naval base
Another interesting type of Chinese reconnaissance ships is the catamaran built at the Huangpu shipyard. The first such ship with tail number 429 was launched in 2011. It is about 55 meters long and about 20 meters wide. Displacement of approximately 2500 tons. According to American naval analysts, the purpose of this type of catamarans is to track submarines using towed sonar systems.

Satellite image of Google earth: Chinese ships KIK in Shanghai
The intensive development of the Chinese space program required the creation of spacecraft for a control and measuring complex (KIK). These ships are designed to maintain communication with spacecraft anywhere in the world. In addition, they were repeatedly involved in espionage missions and tracked ballistic missile warheads during test launches. In the PRC, several ships have been created under the general name "Yuan Wang", differing in serial number and onboard equipment.
Since 2003, Chinese shipyards have been building ocean-going integrated supply ships (KKS) of project 903 (of the "Kyundahu" type). Three years ago, the first ship of the improved project 903A ("Chaohu" type) entered service. Compared to the KKS of the previous generation, the Project 903A ship is equipped with more modern equipment. It is also capable of horizontal transfer of dry and liquid cargo on the move. For self-defense, the installation of 30-mm rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns is provided. These are rather large ships - full displacement of 23,000 tons, length 178.5 m, width 24.8 m. In total, 8 KKS pr.903 / 903A are operated in the PRC.

Satellite image of Google earth: Chinese KKS project 903 / 903A and a hospital ship at the parking lot of the Zhoushan naval base
Also, the PLA Navy has 3 tankers of project 905 (type "Fuchin") with a displacement of 21,000 tons and one KKS project 908 (type "Fusu") with a displacement of 37,000 tons. Project 908 is based on the unfinished Soviet tanker Vladimir Peregudov, project 1596 (of the Komandarm Fedko type), purchased in Ukraine. At present, the construction of high-speed combat supply ships, project 901, with a displacement of up to 45,000 tons is underway. It is planned to build at least 4 KKS pr.901.
Of course, in the coastal areas of the KKS, such a displacement is not needed. The construction in a large number of large high-speed supply ships can only indicate one thing - the Chinese naval commanders plan to use their squadrons at a great distance from the supply bases. Already now, the PLA Navy, with the support of coastal defense troops and aviation based on land airfields, is capable of crushing any enemy fleet off its coast. Representatives of the US intelligence services and the US Navy have recently repeatedly expressed concern that in the near future the Chinese fleet, after reaching the required level of combat readiness of the aircraft wing of the aircraft carrier "Liaolin", will be able to on equal terms withstand the duty forces of the US 7th Fleet in the open ocean. It can be stated that the goal set 15 years ago - the construction of a near defensive perimeter along the PRC's sea coast - has already been achieved. The next step was the creation of a distant perimeter at a distance of 1,500 km from their shores with constant monitoring by reconnaissance means and the presence of PLA naval ships in this zone.

Satellite image of Google earth: OGRLS in the Shantou area
To monitor the water area at a distance of up to 3000 km from its coast in the PRC, it is planned to put into operation several over-the-horizon radar stations (ZGRLS). One has already been built on the coast of the South China Sea near Shantou. To detect sea targets and issue target designation to coastal anti-ship missile systems, the PRC developed and put into operation the Sea Dragon coastal balloon reconnaissance systems.
To track the vastness of the World Ocean from space, the Chinese reconnaissance satellite HY-1 was launched back in 2002. On board there were optoelectronic cameras and equipment that transmits the resulting image in digital form. The next spacecraft for a similar purpose was the ZY-2. The resolution of the ZY-2 onboard photographic equipment is 50 m with a sufficiently wide field of view. Satellites of the ZY-2 series have the ability to perform an orbital maneuver. All this allows them to monitor the AUG.
To patrol the oceanic expanses in the PRC, a heavy-class UAV is being developed in terms of its characteristics similar to the American MQ-4C Triton (naval modification of the RQ-4 Global Hawk).

Satellite image of Google earth: SH-5 amphibious aircraft in Qingdao
At the moment, reconnaissance and patrolling of the sea area from the air is carried out by reconnaissance variants of the H-6 bomber, SH-5 amphibious aircraft, Y-8J patrol aircraft equipped with surface target detection radar, and Tu-154MD reconnaissance aircraft, which are comparable in their capabilities with the American E-8 JSTARS radar reconnaissance aircraft. The Tu-154MD, converted to the PRC, under the fuselage in a streamlined container carries a synthetic aperture search radar, it is also equipped with powerful television and infrared cameras for optical reconnaissance. According to American naval experts, in the next few years we should expect the creation in China of an aircraft close to the American P-8A Poseidon.

Satellite image of Google earth: tracking center on the island of Hainan
Unlike Russia, which liquidated bases in Vietnam and Cuba in the 2000s under US pressure, China is creating information gathering centers wherever possible. In the interests of the Chinese naval intelligence, there are two radio interception centers in Cuba. In the Cocos Islands, which belongs to Myanmar, several radio intelligence stations are deployed, which collect information about the situation in the Indian Ocean. Radio interception centers have recently been rebuilt in Sanya on Hainan Island in the South China Sea and Sop Hau near Laos.
It has long been no secret that the PRC is increasing its political, economic and military influence in South and Central America, Asia and Africa. The place vacated after the collapse of the USSR was taken by China. In 2008, China deployed its warships in the Gulf of Aden to combat pirates. At the same time, the Chinese fleet in this region experienced certain difficulties with supply, maintenance and repair. In early 2016, it became known that China had begun construction of a naval base in Djibouti. An agreement has been signed with this country, according to which the PRC will pay $ 20 million for the lease of the territory annually for ten years with the possibility of prolongation for another ten years. In addition to the purely military component, China, which is investing heavily in the extractive industries of African countries, needs a port to send raw materials to Asia. Although Chinese officials say they have no plans to build military bases in other regions, similar facilities can be expected to appear in Pakistan, Oman and the Seychelles.
The PRC is actively using its increased naval power in numerous territorial disputes. So, on Woody Island of the Paracel archipelago, control over which China established back in 1974, in addition to the constant presence of warships and a garrison of more than 600 people, coastal anti-ship complexes and long-range air defense systems HQ-9 were deployed.

Satellite image of Google earth: the position of the Chinese air defense system HQ-9 on Woody Island
This makes the armed seizure and blockade of the archipelago problematic. The island has two closed docks for ships and a runway with a length of 2,350 meters.

Satellite image of Google earth: Spratly Island in 2014
The Spratly archipelago is located in the southeastern part of the South China Sea. After World War II, China has repeatedly made claims to disputed islands, which are also claimed: Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Satellite image of Google earth: Spratly island in 2016
Large reserves of oil and natural gas have been explored in this area, which aggravates the struggle for the islands and leads to armed incidents. Wanting to gain a foothold in the archipelago, China, under the cover of its warships, is increasing the area of the captured islands. Lu Kang, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said in 2015 that this is done with the aim of ensuring the safety of navigation, creating infrastructure to protect the environment, conducting search and rescue operations at sea and scientific research. However, the Chinese representative did not hide the fact that after filling the shallow water on Spratly Island, there will be built parking for warships and the length of the runway will be increased.
It is believed that in the 21st century the struggle for natural resources, including the resources of the World Ocean, will intensify on the planet. In this struggle, countries with a powerful military fleet will have an advantage. Sad as it may be for us, China, thanks to the development of its own economy, is building its naval forces, already many times superior in large surface ships to the Russian fleet. References to the fact that the possession of a large nuclear arsenal makes it unnecessary to build ocean-class warships are not consistent. Strategic nuclear forces are capable of preventing large-scale external aggression, but in the struggle for resources or in a counter-terrorist operation on the other side of the planet, they are absolutely useless. Chinese leaders who are investing in their own production and waging a relentless fight against corruption are well aware of this. It is worth recognizing that China, which has actually become not only an economic, but also a naval superpower, is capable of challenging the United States, and, if necessary, by military means to defend its constantly expanding interests in the world.