Submarines dictate the rules in naval warfare and make everyone resignedly follow the established order.
Those stubborn who dare to disregard the rules of the game will face a quick and painful death in cold water, amid floating debris and oil spills. Boats, regardless of the flag, remain the most dangerous combat vehicles capable of crushing any enemy.
I bring to your attention a short story about the seven most successful projects of submarines of the war years.
Type T boats (Triton-class), UK
The number of submarines built - 53.
Surface displacement - 1290 tons; underwater - 1560 tons.
Crew - 59 … 61 people.
Working immersion depth - 90 m (riveted body), 106 m (welded body).
Full speed on the surface - 15, 5 knots; underwater - 9 knots.
A fuel reserve of 131 tons provided a surfaced range of 8000 miles.
- 11 torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber (on boats of subseries II and III), ammunition load - 17 torpedoes;
- 1 x 102 mm universal gun, 1 x 20 mm anti-aircraft "Oerlikon".

HMS Traveler
British submarine Terminator, capable of "knocking the crap out of the head of any enemy with a bow 8-torpedo salvo." Submarines of the "T" type had no equal in destructive power among all submarines of the WWII period - this explains their fierce appearance with a bizarre bow superstructure, where additional torpedo tubes were located.
The notorious British conservatism is a thing of the past - the British were among the first to equip their boats with ASDIC sonars. Alas, despite their powerful weapons and modern detection equipment, the T-type high seas did not become the most effective among the British submarines of WWII. Nevertheless, they went through an exciting battle path and achieved a number of remarkable victories. "Tritons" were actively used in the Atlantic, in the Mediterranean Sea, smashed the Japanese communications in the Pacific Ocean, and were noted several times in the cold waters of the Arctic.
In August 1941, the submarines Taigris and Trident arrived in Murmansk. British submariners demonstrated a master class to their Soviet colleagues: in two cruises, 4 enemy ships were sunk, incl. Baia Laura and Donau II with thousands of soldiers from the 6th Mountain Division. Thus, the sailors prevented the third German attack on Murmansk.
Other famous trophies of the T-class boats include the German light cruiser Karlsruhe and the Japanese heavy cruiser Ashigara. The samurai were "lucky" to get acquainted with the full 8-torpedo salvo of the submarine "Trenchent" - having received 4 torpedoes in the side (+ one more from the stern TA), the cruiser quickly capsized and sank.
After the war, the powerful and perfect "Tritons" were in service with the Royal Navy for another quarter of a century.
It is noteworthy that three boats of this type were acquired by Israel in the late 1960s - one of them, INS Dakar (formerly HMS Totem), perished in 1968 in the Mediterranean under unclear circumstances.
Boats of type "Cruising" series XIV, Soviet Union
The number of submarines built is 11.
Surface displacement - 1500 tons; underwater - 2100 tons.
Crew - 62 … 65 people.
The working depth of immersion is 80 m, the limiting depth is 100 m.
Full speed on the surface - 22.5 knots; underwater - 10 knots.
Range on surface 16,500 miles (9 knots)
Submerged cruising range - 175 miles (3 knots)
- 10 torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber, ammunition load - 24 torpedoes;
- 2 x 100 mm universal guns, 2 x 45 mm semi-automatic anti-aircraft guns;
- up to 20 min of an obstacle.

… On December 3, 1941, German hunters UJ-1708, UJ-1416 and UJ-1403 bombarded a Soviet boat that was trying to attack the convoy at Bustad Sund.
- Hans, can you hear this creature?
- Nine. After a series of explosions, the Russians lay down on the bottom - I noticed three hits on the ground …
- Can you determine where they are now?
- Donnervetter! They are blown out. Surely they decided to surface and surrender.
The German sailors were wrong. From the depths of the sea, MONSTR, a cruising submarine K-3 of the XIV series, ascended to the surface, unleashing a barrage of artillery fire on the enemy. With the fifth salvo, the Soviet sailors managed to sink the U-1708. The second hunter, having received two direct hits, started to smoke and turned to the side - his 20 mm anti-aircraft guns could not compete with the "hundreds" of a secular submarine cruiser. Having scattered the Germans like puppies, K-3 quickly disappeared behind the horizon at a 20-knot stroke.
The Soviet Katyusha was a phenomenal boat for its time. Welded hull, powerful artillery and mine-torpedo weapons, powerful diesel engines (2 x 4200 hp!), High surface speed 22-23 knots. Huge autonomy in terms of fuel reserves. Remote control of ballast tank valves. A radio station capable of transmitting signals from the Baltic to the Far East. An exceptional level of comfort: showers, refrigerated tanks, two seawater desalination plants, an electric hut … Two boats (K-3 and K-22) were equipped with ASDIC lend-lease sonars.

But, oddly enough, neither the high performance nor the most powerful weapons made the Katyusha an effective weapon - in addition to the dark story with the K-21 attack on the Tirpitz, during the war years, series XIV boats accounted for only 5 successful torpedo attacks and 27 thousand br. reg. tons of sunk tonnage. Most of the victories were won using planted mines. Moreover, their own losses amounted to five cruising boats.

K-21, Severomorsk, our days
The reasons for the failures lie in the tactics of using the Katyushas - the mighty submarine cruisers, created for the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, had to "trample" in the shallow Baltic "puddle". When operating at depths of 30-40 meters, a huge 97-meter boat could hit the ground with its bow, while its stern was still sticking out on the surface. It was a little easier for the sailors from the North Sea - as practice has shown, the effectiveness of the combat use of the Katyusha was complicated by the poor training of personnel and the lack of initiative of the command.
It's a pity. These boats were designed for more.
"Malyutki", Soviet Union
Series VI and VI-bis - 50 built.
Series XII - built 46.
Series XV - 57 built (4 took part in the hostilities).
Performance characteristics of type M boats of the XII series:
Surface displacement - 206 tons; underwater - 258 tons.
Autonomy - 10 days.
The working depth of immersion is 50 m, the limiting depth is 60 m.
Full speed on the surface - 14 knots; underwater - 8 knots.
The cruising range on the surface is 3380 miles (8, 6 knots).
Submerged cruising range - 108 miles (3 knots).
- 2 torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber, ammunition load - 2 torpedoes;
- 1 x 45 mm semi-automatic anti-aircraft gun.

The project of mini-submarines for the rapid strengthening of the Pacific Fleet - the main feature of the M-type boats was the possibility of transportation by rail in a fully assembled form.
In pursuit of compactness, I had to sacrifice a lot - the service on the "Baby" has become a grueling and dangerous event. Harsh living conditions, strong "bumpiness" - the waves ruthlessly threw the 200-ton "float", risking breaking it into pieces. Shallow immersion and weak weapons. But the sailors' main concern was the reliability of the submarine - one shaft, one diesel engine, one electric motor - the tiny "Baby" left no chance for the careless crew, the slightest malfunction on board threatened the submarine with death.
The kids evolved quickly - the performance characteristics of each new series were at times different from the previous project: the contours were improved, the electrical equipment and detection means were updated, the diving time decreased, and the autonomy increased. "Babies" of the XV series were no longer reminiscent of their predecessors of the VI and XII series: the one-and-a-half-hull construction - the ballast tanks were moved outside the solid hull; The power plant received a standard two-shaft layout with two diesel engines and underwater electric motors. The number of torpedo tubes increased to four. Alas, series XV appeared too late - the brunt of the war was borne by the "Babies" of the VI and XII series.

Despite their modest size and only 2 torpedoes on board, the tiny fish were simply terrifyingly "gluttonous": in just the years of World War II, Soviet M-type submarines sank 61 enemy ships with a total tonnage of 135, 5 thousand brt, destroyed 10 warships, and also damaged 8 transports.
The little ones, originally intended only for action in the coastal zone, have learned how to effectively fight in open sea areas. They, along with larger boats, cut enemy communications, patrolled at exits from enemy bases and fjords, deftly overcame anti-submarine barriers and undermined transports right at the piers inside protected enemy harbors. It's amazing how the Red Navy men were able to fight on these flimsy ships! But they fought. And we won!
Boats of the type "Average" series IX-bis, Soviet Union
The number of submarines built is 41.
Surface displacement - 840 tons; underwater - 1070 tons.
Crew - 36 … 46 people.
The working depth of immersion is 80 m, the limiting depth is 100 m.
Full speed on the surface - 19.5 knots; submerged - 8, 8 knots.
Cruising range on the surface of 8000 miles (10 knots).
Cruising range underwater 148 miles (3 knots).
“Six torpedo tubes and the same number of spare torpedoes on racks convenient for reloading. Two cannons with a large ammunition load, machine guns, demolition equipment … In short, there is something to fight. And the 20-knot surface speed! It allows you to overtake almost any convoy and attack it again. The technique is good …"
- the opinion of the commander of the S-56, Hero of the Soviet Union G. I. Shchedrin

The Eski were distinguished by their rational layout and balanced design, powerful armament, excellent running and seaworthiness. Originally a German project by the Deshimag company, modified to meet Soviet requirements. But do not rush to clap your hands and remember the Mistral. After the start of serial construction of the IX series at Soviet shipyards, the German project was revised in order to completely switch to Soviet equipment: 1D diesel engines, weapons, radio stations, a sound direction finder, a gyrocompass … bolts of foreign production!
The problems of the combat use of the Srednyaya-class submarines, in general, were similar to those of the K-type cruising boats - locked in shallow water teeming with mines, they were never able to realize their high combat qualities. Things were much better in the Northern Fleet - during the war, the S-56 submarine under the command of G. I. Shchedrina made the transition across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, moving from Vladivostok to Polyarny, later becoming the most productive boat of the USSR Navy.
No less fantastic story is associated with the S-101 "bomb catcher" - over the years of the war, over 1000 depth charges were dropped on the boat by the Germans and allies, but each time the S-101 returned safely to Polyarny.
Finally, it was on the C-13 that Alexander Marinesco achieved his famous victories.

Torpedo compartment S-56
“The cruel alterations that the ship got into, bombing and explosions, depths far exceeding the official limit. The boat protected us from everything …"
- from the memoirs of G. I. Shchedrin
Boats type Gato, USA
The number of submarines built is 77.
Surface displacement - 1525 tons; underwater - 2420 tons.
Crew - 60 people.
The working depth of the immersion is 90 m.
Full speed on the surface - 21 knots; submerged - 9 knots.
Cruising range on the surface of 11,000 miles (10 knots).
Cruising range underwater 96 miles (2 knots).
- 10 torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber, ammunition load - 24 torpedoes;
- 1 x 76 mm universal gun, 1 x 40 mm anti-aircraft machine "Bofors", 1 x 20 mm "Oerlikon";
- one of the boats - USS Barb was equipped with a multiple launch rocket system for shelling the coast.

The Getow-class ocean-going submarine cruisers emerged in the midst of the Pacific War and became one of the most powerful tools in the US Navy. They tightly closed all strategic straits and approaches to the atolls, cut off all supply lines, leaving the Japanese garrisons without reinforcements, and the Japanese industry without raw materials and oil. In battles with the Getou, the Imperial Navy lost two heavy aircraft carriers, four cruisers and a damn dozen destroyers.
High speed, lethal torpedo weapons, the most modern radio-technical means of detecting the enemy - radar, direction finder, sonar. Cruising range, providing combat patrols off the coast of Japan when operating from a base in Hawaii. Increased comfort on board. But the main thing is the excellent training of the crews and the weakness of the Japanese anti-submarine weapons. As a result, "Gatou" ruthlessly destroyed everything - it was they who brought victory from the blue sea depths in the Pacific Ocean.

… One of the main achievements of the boats "Getou", which changed the whole world, is considered the event of September 2, 1944. On that day, the submarine "Finback" detected a distress signal from a falling plane and, after many hours of searching, found in the ocean a frightened and already desperate pilot … Saved was a certain George Herbert Bush.

The deckhouse of the submarine "Flasher", a memorial in Groton.
The list of "Flasher" trophies sounds like a naval anecdote: 9 tankers, 10 transports, 2 patrol ships with a total tonnage of 100,231 brt! And for a snack, the boat took a Japanese cruiser and a destroyer. Lucky devil!
Type XXI electrobots, Germany
By April 1945, the Germans had launched 118 series XXI submarines. However, only two of them were able to achieve operational readiness and go to sea in the last days of the war.
Surface displacement - 1620 tons; underwater - 1820 tons.
Crew - 57 people.
The working depth of immersion is 135 m, the limiting depth is 200+ meters.
Full speed on surface - 15.6 knots, submerged - 17 knots.
Navigation range on the surface is 15,500 miles (10 knots).
The submerged cruising range is 340 miles (5 knots).
- 6 torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber, ammunition load - 17 torpedoes;
- 2 anti-aircraft guns "Flak" caliber 20 mm.

U-2540 "Wilhelm Bauer" permanently docked in Bremerhaven, today
Our allies were very lucky that all the German forces were thrown into the Eastern Front - the Fritzes did not have enough resources to launch a flock of fantastic "Electric boats" into the sea. They appeared a year earlier - and that's it, kaput! Another turning point in the Battle of the Atlantic.
The Germans were the first to guess: everything that the shipbuilders of other countries are proud of - a large ammunition load, powerful artillery, a high surface speed of 20+ knots - is of little importance. The key parameters that determine the combat effectiveness of a submarine are its speed and submerged cruising range.
Unlike its peers, "Eletrobot" was focused on being underwater constantly: the most streamlined hull without heavy artillery, fences and platforms - all for the sake of minimizing underwater resistance. Snorkel, six groups of rechargeable batteries (3 times more than on conventional boats!), Powerful el. full speed motors, quiet and economical el. sneak engines.

Aft part of U-2511, submerged at a depth of 68 meters
The Germans calculated everything - the entire campaign "Electrobot" moved at periscope depth under the RPD, remaining difficult to detect for the enemy's anti-submarine weapons. At great depths, its advantage became even more shocking: 2-3 times more cruising range, at twice the speed than any of the submarines of the war years! High stealth and impressive underwater skills, homing torpedoes, a complex of the most advanced detection equipment … "Electrobots" opened a new milestone in the history of the submarine fleet, defining the vector of development of submarines in the post-war years.
The Allies were not ready to face such a threat - as the post-war tests showed, the Electrobots were several times superior in range of mutual sonar detection to the American and British destroyers guarding the convoys.
Type VII boats, Germany
The number of submarines built is 703.
Surface displacement - 769 tons; underwater - 871 tons.
Crew - 45 people.
Working depth of immersion - 100 m, maximum - 220 meters
Full speed on the surface - 17.7 knots; submerged - 7, 6 knots.
Navigation range on the surface is 8,500 miles (10 knots).
Cruising range underwater 80 miles (4 knots).
- 5 torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber, ammunition load - 14 torpedoes;
- 1 x 88 mm universal gun (until 1942), eight options for superstructures with 20 and 37 mm anti-aircraft mounts.

The most efficient warships ever to sail the oceans.
A relatively simple, cheap, massive, but at the same time perfectly armed and deadly means for total underwater terror.
703 submarines. 10 MILLION tons of sunk tonnage! Battleships, cruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers, corvettes and enemy submarines, oil tankers, transports with planes, tanks, cars, rubber, ore, machines, ammunition, uniforms and food … The damage from the actions of German submariners exceeded all reasonable limits - if not inexhaustible the industrial potential of the United States, capable of compensating for any losses of the allies, German U-bots had every chance to "strangle" Great Britain and change the course of world history.

U-995. Graceful Underwater Assassin
Often the successes of the "sevens" are associated with the "prosperous time" of 1939-41. - allegedly with the appearance of the convoy system and Asdik sonars from the allies, the successes of the German submariners ended. A totally populist assertion based on a misinterpretation of "prosperous times".
The alignment was simple: at the beginning of the war, when there was one Allied anti-submarine ship for each German submarine, the Sevens felt themselves invulnerable masters of the Atlantic. It was then that the legendary aces appeared, who sank 40 enemy ships each. The Germans were already holding victory in their hands when the Allies suddenly deployed 10 anti-submarine ships and 10 aircraft for each operating Kriegsmarine boat!
Starting in the spring of 1943, the Yankees and the British began to methodically fill the Kriegsmarine with anti-submarine equipment and soon achieved an excellent loss ratio of 1: 1. So they fought until the end of the war. The Germans ran out of ships faster than their opponents.
The entire history of the German "sevens" is a formidable warning from the past: what kind of threat the submarine poses and how high are the costs of creating an effective system to counter the underwater threat.

A mocking American poster of those years. "Hit the pain points! Come to serve in the submarine fleet - we account for 77% of the sunk tonnage!" Comments, as they say, are superfluous.