This is why I love our readers, because with one or two sentences they can set the task in such a way that you will not get away. An article about Chinese SSO has been published today. And immediately the task … I will quote from the commentary of one of the readers of "VO":
“What is“spetsnaz”? Nobody really knows anymore. The concept was blurred to the point of impossibility, and even from the beginning it was not entirely clear what it was. Let's try to dance from the stove, that is, to solve a problem from a goal. contribute to the victory in the war. And the second - "quiet war", that is, ensuring the implementation of special operations in peacetime."

You know, dear readers, but the author of this comment is right. We too often use the word "special forces", in principle, without understanding the meaning of this concept. I do not want to offend the soldiers and officers of the special forces at all. Moreover, today I want to reconcile many "enemies" and "opponents" from among our readers. Remember the disputes that almost constantly arise when discussing materials about special units.
These disputes are interesting because … all the disputants are right and … wrong. It happens. And it happens only because everyone talks about their personal experience of serving in special forces. About personal! And the special forces are different … Different not only in their tasks or training. Spetsnaz is different … in time. This structure is as changeable as the foreign policy and military environment is changeable. Special units are mobile in tasks and in time in the same way as in the place of use. Today these are counter-terrorist operations, tomorrow - intelligence, the day after tomorrow - sabotage. And yesterday - the protection of a particularly important object …
Special-purpose units appeared in our army, probably, at the time of the appearance of the army in general. What to call, for example, ambush regiments, which were widely used in the days of ancient Russia? What to call the detachment of Colonel Denis Davydov during the Patriotic War of 1812? What to call the assault brigades of the Great Patriotic War? And what about the teams of snipers who acted not only in one unit or formation, but also along the entire front?
Sometimes such detachments were created temporarily, to solve one specific task, but gradually the army command came to the conclusion that it was rather difficult to train soldiers in this way. This preparation took time. And this is the biggest deficit in modern warfare. Let me remind you of one historical fact that I once wrote about. The assault on Koenigsberg by the Red Army. How long did it take for the Soviet generals to train the soldiers in actions during the storming of this fortified city. It is good that during this period of the war it was already possible to afford such liberties.
Let us recall how special forces appeared in the Soviet army in general. Some of the readers may well call themselves the same age as the Soviet and Russian special forces.
The first units of modern special forces emerged about 70 years ago. And they did not arise at the whim of a particular military leader. It was an absolute must. I am writing specifically about military intelligence units.
It was at that time that the main task of military intelligence was to search for and track the enemy's nuclear weapons. Everyone understood perfectly well that air defense and other measures were insufficient to neutralize this type of weapon. Even one bomb or missile with nuclear weapons will be able to inflict such damage that will simply deprive the army of the ability to resist in a specific sector, and possibly the front.
It was then that special forces appeared. These were the GRU Special Forces companies located in various garrisons throughout the country. The task of such units was extremely simple - to destroy a specific enemy object. Or to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to use nuclear weapons at least for a while, necessary to deliver our strike on the object.
In fact, the GRU SPN companies were reconnaissance and sabotage units that were preparing to carry out sabotage actions on enemy territory or at a specific facility. It could be ambushes, raids, destruction of military infrastructure, sabotage at airfields. The range of tasks is wide enough. The soldiers of such companies knew even the commanding staff of the objects, not only in person, but also many personal data. Historians were very helpful then. The experience of military operations during the Great Patriotic War was simply invaluable. Studied not only the actions of special forces, but also the actions of partisan detachments.
By the way, it was then that respect for the special forces was born. Not popular. The secrecy was the highest. Respect of professionals for professionals. Combat training, training and ability to fight against superior enemy forces amazed Soviet officers and generals. Almost any of the special forces was ready to fight alone. And fight effectively.
It was the time of those SPN readers who are now under and over 60 …
But, already in the late 70s, the tasks of military intelligence changed significantly. Probably, it would be more accurate to talk about the expansion of tasks. And the need for total control over objects with weapons of mass destruction has somewhat receded into the background. It just became possible to track such objects using other means. Many readers probably remember the notes of the US State Department and our Foreign Ministry to each other. At such and such an object (everyone knew perfectly well that these were ballistic missile launchers) the mines were ajar 10 centimeters …
This led to the deployment of GRU units. In place of the companies, military units-brigades began to appear. And this somewhat changed the training of the Special Forces soldiers themselves. Specialists of various specialties were already serving in the formations. In addition, thanks to Afghanistan, the brigades have their own helicopter squadrons. Even the remaining companies had helicopters assigned to them. 4-6 helicopters per company.
I cannot but recall one legendary company of the Special Forces of the GRU General Staff, which showed itself very well in Afghanistan. Just in memory of the children of the 459th Special Forces … Created in December 1979 on the basis of the Chirchik training regiment of the 459th Special Forces, the OR became the first full-time special unit in the 40th Army. She worked in Afghanistan from February 1980 to August 1988. For those who were there, I will reveal a secret. This is the same company that you remember under the name "Kabul Company". Reconnaissance, additional reconnaissance and data verification, capture or destruction of the leaders of the Mujahideen, hunting for caravans … By the way, the film with this name is based on the actions of these guys. During its stay in the 40th Army, the company conducted more than 600 operations in various provinces. More than 800 awards … This is with a numerical strength of 112 people …
I understand that now readers are waiting for a story about the Caucasus to develop the topic. About the Chechen war. If the Special Forces had such a good experience of conducting a database in Afghanistan, why were there numerous failures in Chechnya? After all, by this time in the army of special forces divorced like cockroaches in a dirty kitchen. Well, you have to be honest in this matter too.
Alas, the collapse of the USSR also affected the army. Many people remember this moment. When we became "friends" with potential opponents. And how to be friends … The most combat-ready, the most elite units and formations were disbanded. At best, they have turned into a pitiful semblance of the old. The special forces of the GRU were affected in the first place. "Friends" really did not want Russia to have such units. A lot of officers then "left" precisely from such formations and units.
So why were there many failures in Chechnya? I'm talking about specific reasons.
The first, and, in my opinion, the main reason, the idiot commanders. Those who, after watching American films (or Russian ones, like "Russian Special Forces"), decided that elite fighters are capable of solving any problem alone. You just need to call the unit special forces and that's it. Success is assured. And there is no need for motorized riflemen, paratroopers, artillerymen, pilots. Moreover, it was really difficult to find them in the army created by the Yeltsin government.
Therefore, the Special Forces acted as ordinary military units. The experience of Afghanistan was forgotten. Helicopters were not given. They worked autonomously at a great distance from the main forces. What we proudly called walkie-talkies has become just rubbish in the mountains. VHF bands in the mountains are ineffective. And attempts to install repeaters ended in another sabotage.
But the most important thing, again, I repeat, people. Even in Soviet times, when people who already had initial military and sports training came to the army, there were quite a few conscripts in the special forces. It is almost impossible to master such a profession in two years. In the 90s, they became a special forces soldier after three months of a training unit. The SPN paid with blood for such "experience" of our military and political "reformers". With a lot of blood …
What do we have today? Can the MTR of Russia be called the heirs of the Soviet special forces? What is the similarity and what is the difference?
The experience of fighting in Syria is very indicative in this regard. By the way, it shows the difference between the SSO not only in time, but also in space.
We are opening messages about an operation by American special forces in Syria or Iraq. And what are we reading? In the course of the operation, such and such leaders of the bandit formations were destroyed. And also such and such territories were captured. In principle, such a message fits well into the scenario of the MTR. And in the scenario of the actions of the Soviet special forces.
And now we read the message about Russian actions. The officers of the Russian army for the reconciliation of the parties organized a meeting of the leaders of such and such formations with representatives of Assad's army. Several more villages stopped fighting. Readers are well aware that the officers of the Russian army did not come from motorized rifle formations. They serve where they are supposed to serve as military intelligence officers.
It seems to me that this is precisely the fundamental difference between the Soviet Special Forces and the 21st century Special Forces. Moreover, this is the difference between the MTR of Russia and the MTR of Western countries and the United States. Intelligence missions have not changed in general. An example of this was the feat of the Hero of Russia Alexander Prokhorenko. An officer who honestly fulfilled his soldier's duty. I did it at the cost of my own life. At the cost of a feat … But this is only one side of the coin.
The Caucasian wars taught us not only that the enemy must be destroyed. They taught us something else. Not every enemy is an enemy. There are enough people in the enemy's camp who are already in the throes of this war. And such people, if given the opportunity, become the most ardent fighters for peace and order. That is why Russian officers risk their lives when they meet with the leaders of bandit formations, territorial defense, and radical Islamists. There is no need to go far for an example. The leader of one of the Caucasian republics …
At the end of the article, I want to go back to the very beginning. To the fact that today I will "make peace" for many readers. As you can see, the special forces in the army are not "frozen statues". These are constantly developing, growing "organisms". Something appears. Something disappears like an unnecessary rudiment. Goals and objectives are changing. This means that the personal experience of any of those who served in such units does not always correspond to what the fighter faced at other times. Categorical judgments are harmful here.
Russian SSOs were, are and will be flesh of the flesh of the Special Forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR. They just "grew up". Children always grow up. And, paradoxically, they don't always look like their parents. There are common features, but these are different faces, different thoughts, a different worldview. And then there will be "grandchildren". With their faces … But all this is one family. We are also someone's children and grandchildren. This must always be remembered.