The MAKS-2013 International Aerospace Show, which began last Tuesday, has become a convenient platform for demonstrating the latest developments. At the same time, according to the traditions of this event, the exhibits of the participating companies include not only airplanes, helicopters or unmanned aerial vehicles, but also air defense systems. The Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern this time presented two of its latest developments at once.
The first of the projects is the export version of the S-350 Vityaz medium-range anti-aircraft missile system (S-350E). The existence of this air defense system became known for a long time, but at MAKS-2013 it was first demonstrated to the general public. Three vehicles from the Vityaz complex are on display at the airshow site: a 50P6E self-propelled launcher with 12 transport and launch containers for anti-aircraft missiles, a 50N6E multifunctional radar and a 50K6E combat command post. All vehicles of the anti-aircraft complex are made on the basis of four-axle automobile chassis manufactured by the Bryansk Automobile Plant.

Self-propelled launcher 50P6E S-350E Vityaz air defense missile system with 12 9M96E2 anti-aircraft guided missiles at the MAKS-2013 air show. Photo by Vitaly Kuzmin,

Command post 50K6E of the S-350E Vityaz air defense system at the MAKS-2013 air show. Photo by Vitaly Kuzmin,

Multifunctional radar 50N6E S-350E Vityaz air defense system at the MAKS-2013 air show. Photo by Vitaly Kuzmin,

The following information is indicated on an advertising poster describing the S-350E Vityaz air defense system. The complex is designed to protect military, industrial and administrative facilities from an air attack using modern and advanced weapons. The complex provides all-aspect protection of objects in the entire range of available heights and ranges. Depending on the situation, the Vityaz air defense system can operate autonomously, independently defining and attacking targets, or as part of an air defense group. In the latter case, the complex is controlled from third-party command posts. The S-350 air defense missile system is reportedly capable of operating in a fully automatic mode. The tasks of a combat crew of three people include the preparation of systems and control over their work. It takes about five minutes to bring the complex from the traveling position to combat readiness.
Complex "Vityaz" consists of three vehicles (command post, radar and launcher), which can be combined into a battery, depending on the current situation. According to official data, one 50K6E combat command post can simultaneously receive information from two 50N6E radars and control eight 50P6E self-propelled launchers. Each of the launchers carries 12 9M96 guided missiles.
The capabilities of the S-350E air defense system allow you to simultaneously attack and engage up to 16 aerodynamic or up to 12 ballistic targets. Ground control equipment is capable of simultaneously aiming at targets up to 32 missiles. Thanks to such capabilities, the destruction of aerodynamic targets at ranges from 1.5 to 60 kilometers at altitudes from 10 to 30 thousand meters is ensured. The range of ranges of destruction of ballistic targets is in the range from 1.5 to 30 km, the range of heights is from 2 to 25 kilometers.
The second no less interesting sample presented by the Almaz-Antey concern is the 9A331MK-1 Tor-M2KM autonomous combat module, which uses 9M331MK-1 missiles. The module, equipped with all the necessary hardware, can be installed on any suitable chassis. Thus, the sample presented at MAKS-2013 is mounted on a four-axle Indian-made TATA truck. If necessary, it is possible to install a 15-ton combat module "Tor-M2KM" on any other wheeled chassis of a suitable class.

The Tor-M2KM air defense missile system in a modular design in the form of an autonomous combat module 9M331MK-1 on the chassis of the Indian TATA car with a wheel arrangement of 8x8 at the MAKS-2013 air show. Photo

The 9T244K transport and loading vehicle on the chassis of the Indian TATA 6x6 vehicle from the Tor-M2KM air defense missile system in a modular design at the MAKS-2013 air show. Photo

A battery command post on the chassis of an Indian TATA vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement from the Tor-M2KM air defense system in a modular design at the MAKS-2013 air show. Photo

Autonomous combat module 9A331MK-1 is capable of performing the same tasks as the previous complexes of the "Tor" family. It is designed to protect important objects from air strikes at any time of the day and in any meteorological conditions. In addition, it is likely that the possibility of escorting and air defense of troops on the march has been preserved. According to the information presented at the exhibition, the Tor-M2KM air defense system consists of the following components: an autonomous combat module 9A331MK-1, an anti-aircraft missile module 9M334, a 9T224K transport-loading vehicle, maintenance workshops, spare parts kits and rigging equipment. If necessary, the customer can additionally purchase a battery command post and simulators for preparing calculations.
The target detection station of the Tor-M2KM air defense missile system is capable of simultaneously processing up to 48 targets, 10 of which can be taken for tracking with automatic priority determination. The equipment of the complex can direct missiles at 4 targets simultaneously. The radar station of the Tor-M2KM complex is capable of finding targets at ranges of up to 32 kilometers. The defeat of targets is carried out at ranges from 1 to 15 kilometers at altitudes in the range of 10-10000 meters. The maximum speed of the attacked target is 700 m / s. The combat module has an ammunition load of eight 9M331MK-1 guided missiles. It takes no more than 5-10 seconds to launch the first missile after detecting a target (reaction time).
It is too early to talk about the prospects of two new anti-aircraft missile systems. Both complexes have only recently appeared in the form of prototypes and are currently, probably, only preparing for testing. Nevertheless, the very fact of demonstration of developments at an international exhibition speaks volumes. This means that in the near future potential buyers will be able to familiarize themselves in more detail with new Russian developments. In the case of the Tor-M2KM autonomous combat module, one can also expect the early signing of the first supply contracts to third countries.