The current state of combat training of the ground forces and the requirements for its provision with technical training aids

The current state of combat training of the ground forces and the requirements for its provision with technical training aids
The current state of combat training of the ground forces and the requirements for its provision with technical training aids

The goal of combat training is to achieve, maintain and improve the military professional training of personnel, their physical endurance, the coherence of crews, crews, subunits, formations and their command and control bodies (headquarters) at the required level, ensuring the performance of combat and other tasks in accordance with their purpose. …

Tactical training

Analysis of the results of tactical training shows that the level of training of units has slightly increased. In the Ground Forces, it was possible to increase the number of classes conducted at night. For tactical training, the commanders of the formations began to plan the required amount of equipment.


At the same time, there are shortcomings in the course of tactical exercises, where, as before, the leaders pay the main attention to the stages of live firing, leaving behind the scenes the issues of organizing the battle and preparing subunits to perform the forthcoming tasks. The issues of the enemy's radio-electronic impact, as well as the complex radiation, chemical, and bacteriological situation, are not always worked out.

In addition, it is problematic to create the required combat situation in range conditions for practicing modern forms and methods of employing troops due to the limited space of training tactical fields. In this regard, it is more effective to conduct classes first on a tactical simulator. For example, on the simulator of a motorized rifle company with an attached tank platoon and a supporting mortar (artillery) battery, bringing all actions to automatism, followed by an exit to the ranges. This simulator should teach commanders of all grades to make the right decision, on which either victory or defeat will depend, reflecting the real losses of personnel and equipment.

A similar complex classroom tactical simulator for training tactical echelon command and control bodies is currently being developed and plans to include crew simulators of combat vehicles, a simulator for a motorized rifle squad, simulators of attached and supporting units, united by a single information-modeling environment, which will allow to work out both questions of a single preparation and coordination of units up to a company (battery) inclusive. The simulator allows you to simulate any terrain for learning actions in special conditions (in a city, forest, desert, in winter or in the northern regions), which is extremely important, since it is almost impossible to create such conditions on real training grounds.

The current state of combat training of the ground forces and the requirements for its provision with technical training aids
The current state of combat training of the ground forces and the requirements for its provision with technical training aids

MCP tactical simulator

Currently, within the framework of the ROC "Brigada-U", a tactical simulator is being developed for a reinforced motorized rifle (tank) battalion, which will be installed in the new generation combat training center "Mulino" in the village of the same name in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

To ensure the readiness of the formations for training on such a simulator, it is planned to equip each combined-arms formation with tactical simulators for the reinforced company in the future.

In addition, it is planned to create interactive computer classes in the educational buildings of the formations for training specialists of all categories of the combat arms of the Ground Forces, which will increase the efficiency of training through the use of universal software. This will eliminate the need to attract additional material resources (posters, mock-ups, samples, etc.), which, due to their wear and tear, need to be constantly updated.

Fire training

Fire training activities are aimed at increasing the individual training of servicemen and improving the skills of personnel in actions with weapons, arming combat vehicles.


T-90 tank crew simulator

Analysis of the results of the implementation of fire training activities allows us to conclude that at the present time there are systemic shortcomings in the conduct of classes, which significantly affect the quality of training.

Not all commanders are able to put into practice the requirements of the Firing Course and Combat Training Programs, as a result of which the volume, content and sequence of training fire training exercises are not respected.

Leaders of classes, in most cases, cannot conduct a qualitative analysis of the actions of the trainees and the results of shooting. Some officers, especially college graduates, as a result of low personal professional training, do not see shortcomings in the actions of their subordinates and do not take measures to eliminate them.


Old set of TCB RPG-7


Modern trainer RPG-7

Therefore, it is necessary to devote more time to training on modern educational and training facilities. All initial and preparatory exercises must be performed on simulators (which reduces the time spent on conducting classes, saves resources and eliminates serious consequences that a violation of safety requirements leads to), and then go out into the field and engage in military equipment, performing training and test firing.

In addition, a modern tactical simulator allows you to practice fire control exercises for a subunit, which is not always performed during fire training.

Taking into account the experience of the ground forces of the main foreign countries, it is advisable to equip objects of tactical and fire training with systems of laser imitation of shooting and destruction with their transfer to the category of a command-line training and material base, which will reduce the cost of purchasing ammunition and restoring (repairing) equipment (weapons).


Laser firing and shooting simulator

It is envisaged to create laser simulators of shooting and destruction (LISP) of the main modern means of simulating combat, providing for imitation of fire from armored weapons, artillery systems, air defense systems, imitation of the use of demining installations, the entire line of small arms and grenade launchers, which are in service with a motorized rifle brigade.

Today this LISP system is the most effective in comparison with analogues of domestic and foreign manufacturers. The LISP system being developed provides for the conduct of bilateral tactical exercises on a battalion-to-battalion scale, as well as objective control over the actions of the trained units and the preparation of materials for the analysis of tactical exercises.

Driving combat vehicles


Driving tanks at the tankodrome

The lessons on driving combat vehicles are aimed at increasing the level of training of driver mechanics, for well-coordinated and professional actions as part of crews, platoons, companies, when solving various tactical tasks on the battlefield, as well as during marches and overcoming water obstacles afloat and under the water.

An analysis of the measures taken in the Ground Forces to train driver mechanics shows that unit commanders do not pay due attention to training using the available training facilities.

One of the reasons for this is the great wear and tear of the driving simulators available in the troops, both in terms of resource development and in terms of service life, which often amount to more than 15 years. Maintenance of simulators has not been carried out in the Ground Forces since 2010, so their condition does not allow high-quality driving lessons in class conditions.

Currently, a complex of range equipment is being created for objective control of the results of driving combat vehicles and tanks at a tank training ground. Planned completion of works and delivery of polygon equipment complexes - 2013.

Technical training aids


The Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Ground Forces, in order to determine the actual state of the simulators available in the troops, at the initiative of JSC "Training Systems", together with the Western, Southern and Central Military Districts, carried out their inspection and technical examination.

The results of the inventory allow not only assessing the provision of combat training of military units and training centers, but also outline specific measures for organizing maintenance and restoring the performance of simulators, repairing, decommissioning morally obsolete or depleted simulators.

It has been established that military units are almost 100% equipped with simulators in accordance with the timesheets, and also have a significant number of simulators in excess of the standard requirement.

At the same time, in constant readiness units there is an almost complete absence in the timesheets for the states and in the availability of crew simulators for armored vehicles (tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, BMD, armored personnel carriers), artillery and anti-aircraft weapons systems, which are necessary for the coordination of crews after the arrival of military specialists. (driver-mechanic, gunner, operator, commander, etc.) from the district training centers.


Tactical simulator

The presented diagram of the distribution of simulators by service life shows that 15% of simulators have worked for more than 15 years. At the same time, it was found that only about 54% of simulators are in good working order and are actively used in the training of military specialists in military units.

Such a low percentage of the presence of serviceable simulators in the troops is explained, first of all, by the almost complete absence in 2010-2011 of maintenance and restoration of simulators in the Ground Forces.

It should be noted that, in general, the low provision of troops with modern simulators. The simulators developed 10-20 years ago and still in use in the troops do not meet the modern level of technology and modern requirements for organizing combat training, which necessitates their deep modernization or replacement.

The problems of providing troops with simulators, including their maintenance, restoration of working capacity and repairs, are aggravated by the low level of unification of simulators of the same type for the weapons systems of the Ground Forces.

This is especially noticeable in the armored vehicle simulators available in the troops, which were supplied by eight different enterprises of the domestic military-industrial complex in the period from 1980 to 2010. De-unification creates certain difficulties in training military personnel of training platoons in the correct operation and ensuring the operability of simulators, in training unit commanders to work on simulators and in training military personnel using simulators, in solving issues of ensuring the operability of simulators during the warranty period, and especially in the post-warranty period in full the lack of group and repair spare parts, as well as the necessary funds to restore their performance, as well as during the formation in the military districts of exchange funds of units, blocks and assemblies to restore the performance of simulators.



At present, development work is underway for "Brigada-U" (2011-2013) and "Compound-OVF" (2012-2014) to create a Combat Training Center for the Ground Forces (Mulino settlement), a decision has been made to create The interspecific training ground of the Southern Military District in the village of Ashuluk.

The software-modeling environment, a unified virtual space visualization system, integrated simulators and other training simulators created within the framework of these R&D projects should become the basis for the training command base of permanent readiness units and training centers of the Ground Forces for training units at the level of a platoon, company, battery, battalion, division, etc.

This will make it possible not only to improve the quality of training of brigades in places of deployment, but also to facilitate the adaptation of personnel and subunits to the training and material base of the Combat Training Centers of the Ground Forces in the course of training servicemen as part of brigades and battalions.

The brigade training and material base, based on the world experience in organizing combat training of troops, should rationally combine two forms of training:

• traditional (in the field), associated with the use of existing directors, fire towns and training grounds;

• computer (classroom training), which includes imitation and modeling complexes, computer simulators, simulators for teaching and monitoring the level of training, etc.

When equipping the educational material base of formations and Combat Training Centers, priority is given to the creation and supply of technical training aids for training high-tech military personnel.

This, first of all, applies to the calculations of modern artillery installations of the type 2S19 "Msta-S" and 2S25 "Sprut", the latest multiple launch rocket systems such as "Tornado-S" and "Uragan-1M", the missile system "Iskander", as well as the entire line of samples of military air defense.

The experience of operating and maintaining simulators in the troops has shown that without organizing a system for training specialists to ensure the operation of simulators in the troops, it is impossible to ensure the necessary intensity and efficiency of training for the Ground Forces.

First of all, it is required to ensure the training of officers to work on simulators in the chosen specialty (armored vehicles, artillery, anti-aircraft systems, etc.) in universities or at advanced training courses, which will allow them to properly organize the training of their units.

The training platoons available in brigades and training centers (staff number 14) cannot ensure the correct operation of simulators, since the training of the commanders of such platoons (contract soldiers) is not carried out, and the rest of the training platoon servicemen serve on conscription for 1 year.

Modern combat training provides for the intensive operation of simulators in the troops during the academic year (8-16 hours daily), which requires the restoration of the simulators' performance within 24-48 hours.

At the same time, the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1919 of 2010 approved the "Temporary Regulation on the Basics of Armament and Military Equipment Maintenance in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", which provides for the maintenance, restoration and repair of simulators at various stages. At the same time, according to the existing experience in the organization of work, troubleshooting is planned within 2 years, i.e. in general terms, the first year is product defect identification, the second year is restoration.

An important factor in ensuring combat training is the availability of modern range equipment in the troops, its ability to quickly create and manage a variety of target situations with the provision of objective information about the destruction of targets and the equipment performance in real time.

In 2009, the PSO-R radio-controlled shooting equipment for 40 target installations was adopted for the supply of the Armed Forces. The kit showed good results in government tests. Unfortunately, due to limited budgetary allocations for this purpose, only a few kits have been procured over the years.

The problems discussed above with ensuring the operation and performance of simulators, as well as repairing simulators, fully apply to polygon equipment, taking into account the fact that it works in all seasons, in all weather conditions and time of day in the field.

Rifle and small artillery ranges are morally and physically outdated and no longer provide the proper quality of training for missile troops and artillery specialists. Today it is necessary to widely use modeling and visualization systems in the training of artillery officers, to create technical training aids such as the 9F701 simulator for training the leadership of an artillery unit (battalion-battery).

Requirements for promising TCB

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, changes are taking place associated with the reform of the Ground Forces, the formation of military units according to a mixed principle of manning: by contract and conscription, and a reduction in the term of service for conscription to 1 year. The system of officer training has undergone changes, combat training is being improved in accordance with the existing threats to the country's security.

Each of these changes in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation affects the assessment of the technical training equipment available today in the Ground Forces and imposes new, increased requirements for newly developed and supplied training equipment to the troops, for ensuring their reliable and uninterrupted operation during combat training, reducing production costs and operating costs. Prospective TCB should provide for:

• unified software;

• creation of a unified visualization system for the formation of the target background environment;

• use of three-dimensional digital space;

• a unified system for simulating dynamic loads on trainees;

• a single workplace for the instructor;

• maximum possible unification of design and technological solutions (nodes, blocks, monitors, computers, etc.);

• modularity of construction to ensure the diversity of the execution of simulators (dynamic, static);

• the possibility of combining crew simulators into integrated simulators for training subunits (platoon, company).

Provision of the Ground Forces with new technical training aids, as well as the introduction of new forms of training of troops (forces), command and control bodies of the tactical echelon of the Ground, Airborne Forces and Coastal Forces of the Navy will make it possible to qualitatively increase the level of combat readiness of troops (forces) at the present stage and in the future.
