The Russian Federation plans to create a full-fledged military base in Syria, deploying a permanent contingent of the Air and Space Forces (VKS) on the country's territory. This was reported on August 11 by the Russian newspaper Izvestia with reference to Franz Klintsevich, first deputy chairman of the Federation Council's defense committee. At the same time, a journalist source in the Russian Ministry of Defense noted that the military are going to significantly expand the existing infrastructure of the Khmeimim airbase, creating opportunities here for the deployment of heavy aircraft. In addition, it is planned to build a full-fledged military camp at the base for the personnel located here. Experts believe that, despite the inevitable discontent from a number of Arabian monarchies, the extension of the presence of Russian armed forces in the region will positively affect the situation in the entire region.
An aviation group from the Russian Aerospace Forces appeared in Syria on September 30, 2015. This temporary military formation was used to conduct an operation on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic and to support government forces in their fight against the Islamic State. The group deployed in Syria had a mixed composition. It featured both the Su-30SM and Su-35 fighters, as well as the Su-24 and Su-34 front-line bombers, as well as the Su-25SM attack aircraft. In addition, almost all modern Russian helicopters were presented at the base: Mi-8, Mi-24/35, Mi-28N, as well as Ka-52.
Currently, the Khmeimim airbase in Syria is a typical Russian military town with its own well-oiled life and way of life, where lunch, breakfast and dinner are strictly according to the schedule. According to many Russian military journalists, they have never seen such a level of comfort in combat conditions before. To ensure effective operations of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria, a well-established logistical support system, as well as a system of aerodrome-technical, engineering-aerodrome and special types of support, was created at the airbase and is operating smoothly.

In Syria, Russian specialists have deployed dozens of types of modern infrastructure facilities: warehouses (including storage of ammunition and fuel), refueling points, modern field food stations, bath and laundry complexes and bakeries. At the same time, the personnel of the base are accommodated in special comfortable container blocks, which are modular, allowing you to create various configurations from them. The rooms in these blocks were equipped with the necessary set of furniture, as well as air conditioning, which is especially important in the hot climate of Syria. In terms of capacity, the blocks at the airbase are designed for two-, four-bed accommodation of servicemen.
There is also a mobile bakery at the air base. PCB-04 bakes all types of bread: wheat, rye-wheat and rye in the field: 400 kilograms of rye bread and 300 kilograms of wheat bread every day. The KP-130 and PAK-200 field kitchens are used to prepare hot food at the airbase in Syria. All types of fuel are suitable for these kitchens - coal, diesel fuel, ordinary firewood.
When arranging the base, much attention was paid to the comfortable accommodation of military personnel who have to be away from their homeland. Many of the Russian servicemen who go on a business trip to Syria at the Khmeimim airbase come here for three months. At first glance, this is not such a long time. However, being in unfamiliar conditions, abroad, in a country that is mired in a civil war and the fight against terrorists of all stripes, leaves its mark on them. The Russian Defense Ministry tried to minimize the psychological burden on servicemen serving in the Syrian Arab Republic as much as possible. For example, at the Russian airbase, from 8 am to 10 pm, the "Point of Psychological Work" is open, which is a tent of relatively small size. Inside the soldiers are soft armchairs, calm music, paintings with traditional Russian landscapes, including winter ones. But, most importantly, professional psychologists work here who are ready to provide the military with the necessary assistance.

In February 2016, the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties opened at the airbase, which operates on a permanent basis. Perhaps someone had the impression that this is a fairly large complex, stuffed with the most advanced equipment. But in reality it is a small space that can accommodate approximately 15 employees. The center collects and processes information, as well as its subsequent transfer to interested parties. At the same time, a significant amount of work is being carried out not at the airbase itself, but in various provinces of Syria, where special groups are collecting information on violations of the ceasefire and the current ceasefire.
As Senator Franz Klintsevich noted in an interview with Izvestia newspaper, the legal study of the future status of the Russian Khmeimim airbase in Syria is still ongoing, but in the near future it may become a full-fledged Russian military base.
“After agreeing on the legal status, the Khmeimim air base will become the base of the Russian armed forces, the corresponding infrastructure will be built on the spot, and Russian servicemen will live here in decent conditions on a permanent basis,” noted Franz Klintsevich. - At the same time, the grouping of the Russian Aerospace Forces can be increased taking into account bilateral agreements, but so far the forces and means available on the basis are quite sufficient from the point of view of solving the tasks assigned to them. Nuclear weapons and heavy bombers will not be permanently deployed at the air base, as this is contrary to international agreements and can cause very serious irritation to many countries.

An informed source of the publication in the Russian Defense Ministry told Izvestia that the expansion of the existing infrastructure at the Khmeimim airbase was planned to be carried out at the end of 2015, but then the issue of the status of this military facility was not resolved.
“In particular, it is planned to expand the parking areas for various aviation equipment, since during peak days there were problems with the placement of aircraft, it is also planned to protect the equipment with shafts in case of possible shelling or bombing,” the source said. - Probably, to increase the level of security, separate basing of squadrons will be introduced at the base, whereas now there is one large "parking". Also, at the Russian base in Syria, new radio equipment will be installed, including air traffic control systems.
According to a source in the Ministry of Defense, the project to improve the air base in Syria also provided for a place in which heavy An-124 Ruslan transport aircraft could be safely loaded and unloaded, and the base's ground personnel could be engaged in their maintenance without interfering with this work of the aerodrome.
- Also, stationary facilities will be built on the base: full-fledged barracks, a hospital, canteens, and, in addition, positions for the Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and cannon systems, covering the airfield, will be equipped, - added the interlocutor of the publication.
The transformation of the Khmeimim airbase into a permanent base of the Russian Aerospace Forces is designed to solve the problem of both supporting the ally and ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. On August 14, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, in an interview with the Vesti program, explained that the Russian airbase in Syria is needed to fight terrorists even “at distant approaches,” noting that today there are a large number of our compatriots in Syria among terrorists, both from Russia and from the CIS countries or the former USSR.
- At the time of the entry of the Russian Aerospace Forces into the Syrian Arab Republic, the armed forces of this state were seriously demoralized, but Russian support allowed them to restore their combat effectiveness, - stressed Franz Klintsevich. - Fire and reconnaissance support from the Russian Aerospace Forces makes it possible to more successfully solve the tasks facing the Syrian army. The Russian Federation understands that if the necessary measures are not taken in this region, a large-scale terrorist threat can reach our borders. It is necessary to do something, but it is not possible to agree on joint actions with the West, so it was decided to take the path of strengthening relations with regional players - Syria, Iran and Iraq.

Nurkhan el-Sheikh, professor at Cairo University, member of the Egyptian Council on International Affairs (ECFA), Valdai Club expert, believes that the expansion of Russia's presence in the Middle East will have a beneficial effect on the situation in this region.
“Russia today is the only international player waging a serious fight against terrorism,” the expert noted. - The US and other Western countries are putting on a show, but they have no real achievements on the ground. Therefore, the long-term presence of the Russian Federation in the Middle East is in the interests of not only Syria, but also other Arab states.
According to the political scientist, the presence of the Russian military has already changed a lot in Syria compared to what it was in the country a year ago.
“We managed to change the situation in many regions of the country, but it is especially worth noting the situation around Aleppo, this city is an extremely important place for Islamists,” Nurkhan el-Sheikh emphasized. - The defeat of the Islamists near Aleppo is a serious Russian success, a victory for the entire region and a defeat for the Islamist forces.
The expert also noted that Saudi Arabia and a number of other Gulf states will be unhappy with Moscow's decision to maintain a military presence in Syria, since they have their own vision of the future of this state, and the Russian Federation is violating their plans.
“The disagreements of these states with Russia today concern not only cooperation with Iran, but also which groups in Syria should be considered terrorist,” the professor emphasized. - Finally, the third most significant difference is in the assessment of the figure of Bashar al-Assad. In Saudi Arabia, they believe that Moscow today supports Bashar al-Assad specifically, but this is incorrect: Russia primarily supports Syria and the balance of power in the region.