Truly, strange things are happening in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. A stream of applications from residents of Krasnoyarsk and other cities are coming to the courts of the region, who want to challenge through the courts and regain the opportunity to do military service.

Apparently, the Krasnoyarsk military registration and enlistment offices are too strict in the selection of candidates for service. Or is it something else? Many journalists were sorted out, including representatives of the Interfax-Siberia agency.
According to statistics, over the past year, about 200 such ships passed through the region. This year, another 85 similar claims are pending in the region. Such zeal to undergo compulsory military service is most likely connected not with the increased patriotism of Krasnoyarsk residents, but with the desire of young people to get a prestigious job.
“Those who earlier, for various reasons, proved their inability to serve in the army, are now trying to prove the opposite in court. need to be returned from the reserve, - said the military commissar of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Andrei Lysenko.
"According to the current legislation, a person who has not served in the army cannot get a job in state authorities. In addition, many public figures who plan to develop their political career need a military ID. In general, it seems to me, in our country now everything goes to the fact that a person who does not feel responsibility for his state, is not ready to defend it, cannot be in any governing structures."
The military commissar Lysenko knows what he is talking about. Everyone who is dissatisfied with the present state of affairs of the "bad guys" is known in the military registration and enlistment offices.
True, there has not yet been a case for the court to recognize the right of the plaintiff to return from the reserve and do active service. There are no legal grounds for this yet. The law on military service clearly defines that a Russian citizen who has been transferred to the reserve can be conscripted in two cases: on mobilization, if necessary, or for military training.
So it turns out that the young people who successfully "turned away", having graduated from educational institutions, found out that they had been ordered to go to government service. An unpleasant surprise, however. In fact, according to article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a military ID in our country is required for employment not only in government service, but in any other job. And any "sloped" one has it on his hands. However, if they take on a "other" job without any problems, then to the authorities or other "decent" jobs - alas.
In accordance with paragraph 11, paragraph 16 of Article 79 of the Federal Law, a citizen cannot be accepted into civilian service if he is recognized as having not completed military service by conscription, without having legal grounds in accordance with the conclusion of the draft board. That is, if a person did not join the army for health reasons and he has a "white ticket" in his hands, there is nothing for a cripple to do in power structures. But you want to …
According to the military commissar Lysenko, over the past few years, the number of draft deviators in the region has noticeably decreased.
“Now these are, first of all, those guys who have left the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but have not been removed from the military register, so we have to look for them. I think, in a couple of years, and the problem of draft evaders will disappear, summed up the representative of the Krasnoyarsk military registration and enlistment office.
The fact that the number of draft deviators in our country is decreasing from year to year was also pointed out by the head of the supervision department of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office (GVP), Major General of Justice Alexander Nikitin.
"The number of draft evaders is constantly decreasing. If during the period of the autumn draft of 2014 more than 6 thousand 100 people were recognized as draft evaders, then in the spring draft of 2015 there were only 3 thousand 869 people - the number decreased by 36% in six months," press conference representative of the department.
According to Nikitin, this trend is associated, firstly, with a shorter service life, and secondly, with more favorable conditions in the army.
"People see it, and fewer and fewer people want to evade service in this way," he explained, recalling that the criminal penalty for evading service is two years in prison, while the term of service itself is a year.
What, have you survived, dear? At this rate, the "stingy" rich people will pay twice for their children: for not joining the army, and for writing that they were in the army. What about business? To serve a year …
By the way, in my environment, where there are enough young people, groans about "wasted time" are almost never heard. Of course, there are those who have sloped, but only a few. But, of course, they have not yet reached the point of going to court with the demand to recognize him as healthy and send him to serve. But maybe everything is still ahead?
I don’t want to wish the Krasnoyarsk seekers a good and tasty life good luck. Because everything has its time. It is a pity, I am far from Krasnoyarsk, otherwise I would love to admire the overgrown undergrowth who want to get into public service not by washing, but by rolling. At least through the court. No, dear ones, you write at night - write on.