If tomorrow is a war, if tomorrow is a campaign

If tomorrow is a war, if tomorrow is a campaign
If tomorrow is a war, if tomorrow is a campaign
If tomorrow is a war, if tomorrow is a campaign …
If tomorrow is a war, if tomorrow is a campaign …

It is known from the documents of the military archives that the outbreak of the 1941 war caused various feelings and actions of the population of the USSR - from the readiness to defend their land, relatives and friends to fear, bewilderment and panic.

From the memoirs of veterans, books, films, we know a lot about the political and economic conditions of the pre-war Soviet Union. Passing the TRP standards (ready for work and defense) for young people was not so much a duty as the need to prove their physical and moral preparedness for life, to defend their beloved homeland. There was a general training of the population to act in a military environment, including the ability to handle weapons, the provision of medical assistance, and evacuation schemes were developed. In one of the popular songs of those years, there were the words: "If tomorrow is war ….". Everyone was convinced that the Red Army was the strongest, more prepared and had the best weapons. And the fact that the long-awaited victory was paid for by millions of human lives, the destruction of thousands of cities, tens of thousands of villages and villages requires us, the descendants of the victors, to think about protecting our state.

We, people of a new generation, who cannot imagine their life without a mobile phone, a computer with access to the World Wide Web - the Internet, a TV set, a convenient and fast means of transportation - a car.

Imagine that in an instant this whole set of civilization will cease, stop, turn off and you will not immediately understand that a war has begun. You will not be able to contact your children, parents. The streets will be crowded with abandoned cars and blocked by military equipment and army barriers, houses will suddenly catch fire, which will increase the fear and panic of the people. The military will call for calm, but the frightened people, who do not understand anything, will break through the cordons of the military, they will not be stopped by the death of people running alongside them.

Suddenly, the radio stations of even whole receivers will start working, televisions and the announcer will read the same message in a monotonous voice that the Russian government has resigned and Islamic terrorists have seized power.

Everyone will be ordered to either stay at home or register, which for many may end tragically.

Western countries will urgently make a decision to intervene in the conflict in order to protect the population.

The surviving residents will pray for some order …..

You can say that this situation is unlikely, that the time is different now. When you imagine that houses are blown up, people are dying - the delusion quickly disappears.

Until this dire scenario comes true, you need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

The way the mobilization preparation of the population is organized at the present time convinces that the majority of the population does not know what to do when attacking the country. The people, as always, rely on the hereditary ability to defeat any enemy. It is only necessary to take into account the historical lessons of these victories - significant human and material losses, long-term restoration of the country.

We hope that the leaders of the country took care of effectively repelling the aggression, no matter how high-level the equipment is used by the enemy, so that the weapons in our army's arsenal would allow us to repel an attack on distant borders and protect the population of the country as much as possible.

We hope for the ability of our politicians and diplomats to rule out even the very possibility of aggression against our Motherland.

Some of the actions of the authorities raise questions and bewilderment.

Why is there no educational program for the population on how to act in the event of an enemy attack? Or is the leadership indifferent to the fate of the people in case of emergencies?

Why are formed sniper units trained to operate in an urban setting?

Why was the center-2011 military exercise focused on methods of fighting terrorists, and not on countering an external threat?

What explains the purchase of foreign military equipment from NATO countries for fabulous sums?

Why are they buying Israeli drones that are not adapted to work in the climatic conditions of our country, while their own production is being curtailed?


It is discouraging and outraged by the news that the Ministry of Defense, having refused to buy an AK-74, has deprived of jobs the residents of the city-forming enterprise in Izhevsk.

The Ministry of Defense, carrying out military reforms in terms of reshaping the organization and structure of the country's Armed Forces, did not convince the citizens of the state of the need for this, and most importantly, that these changes would strengthen the defense capability of Russia.

There are many questions, but no answers. Therefore, the scenario outlined above does not seem so incredible.

The country's leadership plans to re-equip the Russian army during 2011-2020. An astronomical amount has been allocated for this - 22 trillion rubles. Of these, 80% for new weapons and 20% for development.

Our country has always been famous for its talented designers and craftsmen. The developments of specialists in the field of creating military equipment amaze and delight.

The Russian fifth-generation fighter T-50 PAK FA surpasses the American analogue of the F-22 in weight, cost, flight range without refueling and requires a minimum runway length. In a joint exercise, a Russian SU-35S fighter jet shot down an analogue of the American-made F-35, preventing it from even getting close to launch an attack. The front-line bomber SU-34 underwent its baptism of fire in 2008, completely destroying the Georgian air defense system in three days. The latest models of combat helicopters are equipped with unique weapons and equipment that allow them to effectively carry out missions to destroy the enemy on the ground and in the air.


Thanks to their armament, missile submarine cruisers of the new generation can become a reliable shield against external attack, their missiles can overcome the most modern enemy missile defense system.

The bomber of the Russian Air Force - Tu-160 "White Swan" is admirable. The aircraft is capable of flying 14 thousand km without refueling and reaches the territory of America in three hours.

New developments by designers of rocketry can become a reliable nuclear shield.

Decades of constant change in the country have stratified and divided society. Most of the country's population does not live, but is constantly fighting for their lives, looking for means of subsistence. The younger generation is disoriented and has neither the knowledge nor the ability to survive in the event of an attack by external enemies. The negative processes taking place in the army make it far from attractive to young citizens of the country.

In such conditions, the formation of moral foundations, the establishment of principles and the fostering of love for the Motherland among the young generation of the country is impossible. And, therefore, there is no confidence that they will be able to win in the event of external aggression.

Military schools of all branches of the armed forces are being cut, and in the near future the country will face the problem of a lack of professional army personnel.

In any war, man wins. Of course, it is important that the Russian defender has the most advanced military equipment of the highest class. But no less important are the personal qualities of each soldier - to be skillful, courageous, possess the knowledge and skills necessary to perform combat missions, and possess high moral and moral qualities.

It is known that the army and the people are inseparable. Therefore, the reform and re-equipment of the Armed Forces of Russia is impossible without positive changes in Russian society, the rise of the national economy.
