Russia has created invulnerable nuclear warheads

Russia has created invulnerable nuclear warheads
Russia has created invulnerable nuclear warheads
Russia has created invulnerable nuclear warheads
Russia has created invulnerable nuclear warheads

The new nuclear combat equipment of intercontinental ballistic missiles developed in Russia will be able to overcome all existing and future missile defense systems. This was stated by the general designer of the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering (MIT) Yuri Solomonov.

"In 2010, we carried out a unique work that allowed us to take a fundamentally new step in creating a new type of combat equipment, which is the result of integrating ballistic-type combat equipment with individual means of its breeding instead of the so-called" bus "on combat missiles," Solomonov said. …

According to him, this development "will put an end to all conversations regarding our fight against the non-existent anti-missile defense system of the alleged enemy." Solomonov noted that "almost 30 years ago we talked about the possibility of implementing such a scheme of combat equipment as science fiction." "And last year we brought this science fiction to life for the first time with a positive result," said the general designer.

He explained that now "the rocket, as a whole, practically ceases to exist at the end of the work of the last sustainer stage." "As you know, the existing missile has a huge area for breeding warheads in order to have certain capabilities for destruction in the event of the use of a multiple warhead of one missile several targets located at a considerable distance from each other," said the general designer.

According to him, "now the task is to adapt this idea to existing missiles and missile systems." "This in itself is not an easy job, it will take several years," Solomonov said. He noted that experimental Topol-E missiles will be used to test new combat equipment.

Thus, it turns out that the new nuclear combat equipment of Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles should also successfully counter the American missile defense system, which the Kremlin considers directed against Russia. In response to US plans to deploy missile defense systems in Europe, Moscow threatened to deploy Iskander missiles on the territory of the Kaliningrad region.

At the same time, it was reported that despite its high cost, the vaunted American system does not work, writes NEWSru.rom. In particular, in 2008, the Pentagon report said that the US missile defense system had already cost the US $ 100 billion, but the US military department is facing problems when launching training targets.

Recall that the Bulava sea-based intercontinental ballistic missile will be put into service in 2011 if the planned test launches are successful. "The tests will resume in the summer, when the waters of the White Sea are free of ice. In total, 4-5 Bulava launches from a fourth-generation missile carrier are planned in 2011," Yuri Dolgoruky. If the tests pass with a positive result, then this will be absolutely enough for the shipborne missile system to be put into service, "Solomonov said.

He said that the rockets for the upcoming test launches have already been made. “Within two years, we must equip the submarine (Yuri Dolgoruky, which should be armed with 16 Bulava missiles). That is, we will produce as many missiles as there should be on it. Plus, we still have a backlog of control launches. Today it is an absolutely solvable task, Solomonov noted.

The 15th test launch of the Bulava missile from the Yuri Dolgoruky was planned for December 17, but was postponed due to the unavailability of the submarine. The previous 14 Bulava test launches were carried out from the Dmitry Donskoy, a heavy nuclear-powered strategic missile submarine, specially reequipped for launching a new missile. Of the 14 Bulava test launches, seven are considered successful or partially successful, the rest are emergency.

“There is no point in returning to launches from the Dmitry Donskoy nuclear submarine. We have already used it for these purposes, and it was a“pioneer”decision, since the ground stand ordered a long life, and huge funds were required for its implementation, which simply did not exist , - said Solomonov.

The launching platform for further tests of the Bulava before the missile is adopted "will, of course, be Yuri Dolgoruky, as well as all boats of this family as they are put into operation, because they must also be certified by the Bulava launches, the expert noted." If this year's first test launch from the Yuri Dolgoruky nuclear submarine is completed successfully, all further launches will be carried out from it, "Solomonov said.

“Perhaps, during the control shootings when solving some additional special tasks, Dmitry Donskoy will be used as a launch stand, since everything there is adapted for carrying out these launches,” Solomonov added.

Serial Project 955 ships of the same type as Yuri Dolgoruky - Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Monomakh - are being built on the stocks of Sevmash in Severodvinsk. It is also planned to build the strategic cruiser Svyatitel Nicholas. The missile carriers will receive the Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile. In total, according to the state armament program, it is planned to build 8 Project 955 ships by 2017.

P30 3M30 Bulava (RSM-56 - for use in international treaties, SS-NX-30 - according to NATO classification) is the newest Russian three-stage solid-propellant missile designed to arm promising nuclear submarine strategic missile carriers of the Borei project. The missile is capable of carrying up to ten hypersonic maneuvering nuclear units of individual guidance, capable of changing the flight trajectory in altitude and heading and hitting targets within a radius of up to 8 thousand km. "Bulava" will form the basis of a promising grouping of Russia's strategic nuclear forces until 2040 - 2045.

The technical developments used in the Bulava sea-based intercontinental ballistic missile can be used in ground-based strategic missile systems, Solomonov said. “I would like to emphasize that approximately half of what has already been implemented in Bulava has also been implemented in the RS-24 (Yars) missile (mobile-based solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile with multiple warheads),” Solomonov said.

At the same time, he ruled out the possibility of using the Bulava as a ground-based missile system. "If we talk about taking the Bulava missile as a whole and using it for ground-based deployment, then this is just stupidity. Nobody talks about it," Solomonov said.

At the same time, he noted that if we talk about the technical appearance of the Bulava, which would allow solving this problem, it is indeed possible in this rocket from the point of view of its technical characteristics.

The general designer said: "The rocket itself in the cost of a shot is approximately 25-30%, everything else is the whole complex. And in order to link one with the other, this is not done overnight." "We need to bring to mind what we are doing now. If in the future this issue is raised, then it is necessary to return to it, as is usually done from a design and technical point of view, "Solomonov said.
