Closed Joint Stock Company "Protection Group - YUTTA" specializes in the development, manufacture and implementation of nonlinear radars (NL) for various purposes, means of remote detection of components of explosive devices (EW), complexes for identifying technical channels of information leakage, means and complexes designed to protect confidential information from unauthorized access.
All types of activities are licensed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The products supplied to the customer have the necessary certificates. The company itself is ISO 9001 certified.
A special achievement of the company is the development of a family of exclusive submarines of the Korshun series, designed for remote detection of VUs containing electronic components or ready-made submunitions. The devices are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of "military" GOSTs and are designed for military operation.

Airborne Forces Commander Vladimir Shamanov familiarizes himself with the landing version of the Korshun-3M product.
This category of engineering reconnaissance means has no direct foreign analogues. In Russia, the analogue of the NL of the Korshun family are the OSI Leto and Leto M products, developed in the course of development work in the interests of the Ministry of Defense back in the 90s. Today, there are serious problems in organizing the serial production of these products, these devices have worse search and operational parameters, and a higher cost.

Application of NL "Korshun-3M".
NL of the "Korshun" family were accepted for supply in the Engineering Troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense under the letter INVU (Seeker of non-contact explosive devices), units of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For airmobile special-purpose units, the FSB has developed and mass-produced an adapted version of the NL.
At present, the product "Korshun-3M" is undergoing a cycle of state tests in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This device, while maintaining the optimal design of the INVU, has improved search characteristics, allowing it to detect VU with electronic fuses at ranges up to 15-18 meters from the operator.
The problem of timely and safe detection of IU is becoming more acute every day, with every resonant detonation. As the extensive world practice shows, according to the state of affairs in this area, the search for explosive devices using nonlinear radars is the most effective and safe.
Almost all of the currently used VCs, regardless of the method of their manufacture, contain components that have a nonlinear effective scattering surface (NEPR). And this allows them to be detected using IP. It can even be argued that the presence of a characteristic NEPR in the object under study is as significant a sign of an explosive as the presence of an explosive charge. Even anti-personnel and anti-tank mines installed in the ground with contact mechanical target sensors are detected by the Korshun-3M devices on this basis.
It should be noted that this product is the only engineering reconnaissance tool in the world designed for parachuting in a GK-30 cargo container and transportation under water at a depth of up to 14 m in a sealed container. Currently, the Korshun-3M devices are in trial operation in the Airborne Forces.
In addition to the development and manufacture of portable devices, ZAO Zashchity Group - YUTTA is actively involved in R&D aimed at the creation of NLs placed on mobile carriers. So, in 2010, a prototype of the "Minesweeper" complex was manufactured and handed over to the customer, intended for remote search of VUs over large areas in the presence of interference.
Products manufactured by ZAO Zashchity-YUTTA Group within the framework of the state defense order are undergoing military acceptance. The company's specialists visit the customer's departments, train the personnel, and improve the methodological materials.

Ammunition depot discovered with the INVU product. Chechnya, 2001
Non-linear radars developed and manufactured by this company are in steady demand in foreign markets, are exported to India, Israel, China, NATO countries.
The research, production, organizational and personnel potential of the enterprise allows us to consider it as a long-term and reliable partner of the state structures of Russia.