Laser in the hands of a soldier

Laser in the hands of a soldier
Laser in the hands of a soldier
Laser in the hands of a soldier
Laser in the hands of a soldier

The results of the Vostok-2010 operational-strategic exercises showed that the course of giving the Armed Forces a new look was the right one. As the chief of the General Staff, General of the Army Nikolai Makarov, said at the summing up of the results of the maneuvers, he is far from thinking that there will be no miscalculations and mistakes. But there is no doubt that the movement is in the right direction and there are already positive results. And yet one question remains, to which no one has yet given a clear answer: how to prepare a skilled warrior from a draftee in one year? One thing is clear: with a severe shortage of time, the educational and material base will play an increasing role. How does it meet the new requirements?

Today, when the appearance of the Armed Forces is changing in a fairly short time and, accordingly, the requirements for their equipment, combat readiness are becoming more stringent, the development of the educational material base (UMB) and technical training aids is becoming the most important factor affecting the improvement of the quality of the professional level of servicemen and the combat training of troops.


Let me remind you of the generally recognized axiom: it is impossible to master high-tech means of armed struggle, modern forms and methods of its conduct, without having the latest teaching aids. No methodological techniques will make up for the absence or imperfection of the necessary UMB.

Moreover, the work carried out in the Ministry of Defense to equip military units with a modern training and material base, capable of providing the training of troops for their intended purpose in a short time and with the necessary quality, assumes that the methods of training that have already been well-tested by time will not be forgotten. At the same time, the formation of the structure and system for the use of UMB in the new look of the Armed Forces required the introduction of other concepts, terms and definitions, the revision of a number of guidance documents regulating the procedure for its use and maintenance.

In the order of the Minister of Defense "On the training and material base of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", its classification was made. Depending on the complexity and scope of tasks, the field UMB VS now includes the following objects:

- training grounds for military districts;

- centers of combat training and combat employment of the services and combat arms;

- ground air ranges of the Air Force and Naval Aviation of the Navy;

- educational complexes of formations, military units and military universities.

This classification, linked to the training stages of servicemen, subunits and formations as a whole, determines the system of using UMB in the training of troops (forces).

Thus, training complexes located in places of permanent deployment of formations (training centers, military institutions of vocational education), consisting of educational buildings (classes), training systems, command and field training facilities, will provide training for individual military personnel in specialties, and will also allow to work out the issues of their joint actions as part of regular departments, platoons, companies (batteries).

In the centers of combat training and combat use of the services and combat arms of the Armed Forces, at the ground air ranges of the Air Force and naval aviation of the Navy, training of aviation crews, subunits and military units of all types of aviation is carried out, as well as training of calculations of anti-aircraft missile systems and systems, the actions of subunits and formations of the Air Defense Forces, missile forces and artillery.

The main purpose of the training grounds of military districts as the largest objects of the field training and material base of the Armed Forces is to ensure the conduct of tactical exercises by formations of all types of the Armed Forces with live firing and the use of various means of destruction in conditions as close as possible to combat.

In the future, it is planned to create combat training centers on the basis of the training grounds (one in each military district), where they will not only train servicemen in specialties and conduct tactical exercises with real ammunition consumption or the use of laser simulators of shooting and destruction, but also, most importantly, simulate combat operations in any theater of operations. One of the key conditions for the functioning of these centers is the creation of systems for objective control of the results of combat training, on the basis of which methodological recommendations should be issued to commanders of formations to adjust the training of not only subunits, but also each serviceman. And for training in operations in mountainous conditions, it is planned to form a Mountain Training Center of the RF Armed Forces in the North Caucasian Military District.

Such a division of the educational and material base builds into a coherent system not only the procedure for using its facilities, but also their supply with the necessary material and technical means. Over the past few years, a lot of work has been done to create modern sets of polygon equipment based on the latest achievements of information technology. This will ensure its mobility, ease of use and durability in use. Thus, at a number of field fire training facilities of the Ground and Airborne Forces, automated systems are already in operation, which facilitate the organization of various target situations with a large number of targets, and obtaining objective data on their defeat.

In 2009, the planned delivery of a mobile autonomous radio-controlled set of long-range range equipment to the troops began, which is especially effective in organizing fire and tactical training in mountainous conditions and in unprepared terrain.

Reusable polymer targets produced by Oboronservice enterprises are replacing plywood targets made by the troops in the “old-fashioned” way. Their advantage is increased maintainability and low dependence on climatic influences. The industrial production of such targets will reduce time, effort and resources, free the personnel from performing tasks unusual for them. About eight thousand of these products have already been tested at test sites in various regions of the country.

The modern ideology of the development of technical means of training determines that one of the most promising areas is the creation and implementation of software and hardware systems for training in the specialty of both individual servicemen and subunits (crews, crews, platoons, companies) as a whole, and tactical command and control bodies. link (battalion-brigade).

It becomes clear that the age of single simulators is over. Computer technologies, three-dimensional full-scale modeling make it possible to widely use complexes in combat training that, to varying degrees and in any conditions, simulate the use of standard weapons and military equipment against the background of performing tactical tasks.


Currently, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are already beginning to receive such training complexes. This primarily refers to the provision of training for high-tech specialties, such as the naval crew, flight and engineering personnel of the Air Force and naval aviation of the Navy, and specialists in missile systems. Educational and training means, in addition to training, provide an opportunity to improve existing and restore lost skills, provide an objective assessment of the professional preparedness of military personnel in their specialty at the time of training. It is gratifying that they have already begun to enter the formations and military units of the general-purpose forces.

When studying the experience of the advanced armies of the world, one can see that in many countries modern technologies are widely used to train units. The teaching aids have become mobile, making it possible to conduct classes not only at the points of permanent deployment of troops, but also when entering the training grounds. Such methods and forms are especially widely used by the NATO leadership in the preparation of its peacekeeping contingents operating in unfamiliar terrain and in various climatic conditions. The effectiveness of the training of troops, the level of their training with the introduction of these technologies has increased significantly.

For example, the armies of the United States and its allies use a simulator to train the motorized infantry division of the Kubik company. It has shown its effectiveness in conducting shooting training of single military personnel and as part of a squad. The developments of the Lockheed Martin company ensure the coordination of the crews of armored vehicles, motorized infantry and tank units without the use of the material part of weapons and equipment. The most effective are systems of objective control over the results of exercises, which allow one to conduct bilateral tactical maneuvers as close as possible to the real conditions of combined arms combat, and to objectively assess the level of readiness of subunits.

The capabilities of the domestic industry, the achievements of our science also allow us to equip the troops (forces) with modern training aids, which are not inferior in terms of basic criteria to their foreign counterparts. Take, for example, tactical training systems, where one of the key elements are laser imitation of shooting and destruction, automated tracking of unit actions, as well as the preparation of the necessary information for the leader of the exercise to conduct a debriefing.

We have developed requirements for a simulator for training a motorized rifle squad, in which, unlike a foreign analogue, a combat vehicle combat compartment module is provided, which will cover a wider range of tasks for such a unit. The development of this simulator is scheduled to begin next year.

This year, a number of development work is being completed to create unified simulators for the entire line of armored weapons, a system for training specialists and training the command echelon of military air defense. At the same time, one of the development conditions is that the simulator must be performed both in stationary and mobile versions.

On the way there are modern training complexes for naval aviation and seafarers of the Navy, front-line aviation of the Air Force, Strategic Missile Forces, and the Space Forces. Such means are capable of providing both single training of servicemen and coordination of crews (crews), subunits, practicing the actions of combat posts and command posts, training military command and control bodies in interaction skills, distribution of tasks based on a single concept in a single modeling system.

Another important area is control over the organization and quality of troop training. For this, work is being carried out to create an automated control system, which will facilitate the analysis of the results of combat training, speed up the adoption of appropriate decisions and the development of necessary recommendations, and will allow online correcting the actions of the leaders of the classes. In the period 2010-2011, it is planned to build an experimental area of such a vertical control system for combat training of formations deployed on the territory of several military districts.

Alas, for a number of objective reasons, we have not yet been able to fully solve the problem of technical re-equipment of the UMB. To develop common approaches to solving this problem, in March 2010 in Tula, at the production base of OJSC "Tulatochmash", the V scientific and technical conference on the development of the technical basis of the UMB of general purpose forces was held in Tula ("VPK", No. 14, 2010) … The conference was attended by more than 40 enterprises of the Russian defense complex, the leadership of the relevant governing bodies of the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.

A number of coordinated decisions have been adopted aimed at unifying the modules and components of technical training aids produced by different companies, reducing production costs and, accordingly, product prices.

In addition, in order to free servicemen from performing functions unusual for them at training ranges, it is planned to transfer these works to third-party organizations on an outsourced basis.

These are prospects, but they are achievable if the entire range of the listed tasks for the modernization of the UMB, equipping it with high-tech training complexes is carried out. That will create the necessary environment for a new technological breakthrough in the combat training of troops.
