The end of the 20th century was marked by the return of the United States to a more aggressive practice of using armed forces abroad. Special forces played a key role in this.
The first American "special forces" in the modern sense are units of "rangers" and according to the book "Russian Special Forces" by V. V. Kvachkov in 1756, during the Anglo-French war, the first ranger detachment (Old English-raunger-ranger) was created in the British troops under the command of Major Rogers. Volunteers from among the British colonists and also from among the Indians were recruited into this, and then other similar detachments, and they acted like typical partisan detachments, possessing a high degree of independence in both command and behavior.

It was these forces that played an important role in the American war "for independence" in the actions of the American army against the British, when they, with the help of guerrilla warfare, were able to partially compensate for the weaknesses of the American army, which was inferior in training to regular British troops.
Subsequently, during the Civil War in the United States (1861-85), according to V. Kvachkov, both "southerners" and "northerners" used "ranger" units in their actions.
During the Second World War, the "Rangers" were recreated as separate battalions for operations on the European and Pacific fronts, and after the war they were disbanded.
In 1950, with the outbreak of the war in Korea, the "ranger" units were again recreated as separate companies, and after the war they were again disbanded. With the course of the Vietnam War in 1969, a separate part of the "Rangers" was again recreated - the 75th regiment, again disbanded in 1972. In 1974, separate battalions of "rangers" were again recreated, and now, since 1986, the US army has existed, however, already as a classic reconnaissance and sabotage unit - a regiment of "rangers", but subordinate directly to the headquarters of the ground forces.
In practice, the role of the former "rangers" in the second half of the 20th century began to be played by the forces of the "green berets".
The Green Beret Force was formed in 1952 at Fort Brague, USA, as a separate X Special Forces Group.
This group was commanded by Colonel Aaron Bank, a veteran of the OSS operations in support of the "Resistance Movement" in France and Philippine guerrillas during World War II, and also a participant in CIA operations behind North Korean troops during the Korean War (1950-53).
When recruiting the new unit, candidates from among foreigners were also accepted, primarily from Eastern Europe, since the group was created for actions in the European theater of operations.
In 1953, the 77th group was additionally created, later in 1960 it was disbanded, which, like the Xth, was supposed to fight in Eastern Europe.
Although these groups carried out certain missions in the interests of the CIA in Europe, they had to fight in Vietnam, first as advisers, and then as units representing a kind of core recruited from Vietnamese, primarily from national minorities, "partisan" and "anti-partisan "forces.

President John F. Kennedy created in 1961 (although their formation began in 1960, before Kennedy took the oath), seven more special forces, first the 7th, whose main area of responsibility was Latin America, the 1st stationed on the island of Okinawa and 5 -th for which South Vietnam became the main theater of hostilities.
The 11th, 12th, 19th and 20th groups were also created, which also took part in the Vietnam War. In 1963, the 3rd, 6th and 8th special forces groups were also created, which also took part in operations in Vietnam, but later the 6th and 8th groups were disbanded in 1972.
By the early 1990s, according to the book Special Forces by Colonel Stoyan Jovich, the US Army's Special Forces were subordinated through the joint USSOCOM Special Operations Command directly to the US Chiefs of Staff.
The command of the special operations in the army (ground forces) of the United States was entrusted to the 1st SOCOM team, while the planning of operations was carried out by the SOD special operations department, which has departments responsible for planning and conducting operations, as well as for conducting intelligence and counterintelligence work.
Also in their competence was the conduct of psychological warfare, the use of disinformation and similar related tasks.
According to Stoyan Jovic, at that time, SOCOM 1st Command had five special forces (green berets) responsible for a specific part of the globe, and four groups (two US Army reserves and two National Guard) were in reserve, while 11 The 12th and 12th special forces groups were disbanded in 1992.
Each special forces group was divided into three battalions of three companies. The "green berets" operated, as a rule, in groups (Tim "A"), numbering twelve commandos (professional military personnel selected by competition from American army volunteers; or highly qualified specialists from the civilian sphere and from intelligence agencies). The commandos also acted as instructors and advisers to local formations (One group "A" directed the training and operations of 500-600 local fighters) or independently conducted hostilities.
The company of the "green berets" accordingly deployed to team "B" (in Vietnam it operated in the corps zone), which, in turn, consisted of six groups "A".
One team "B" could train a military unit of three to four thousand local "allies", operating in the area of responsibility of the army corps.

Since almost all commandos had ten years of service in the armed forces, and at the same time often in combat conditions, and among them there were many people from those peoples in whose midst this group of "green berets" should operate, they could establish control on a given, ensuring the actions of the American army.
Finally, SOCOM had psychological warfare forces - four groups (one active, three in reserve) and forces for administrative management in the occupied territories (including for police work), and there was also a special-purpose helicopter brigade.
At that time, the SOCOM command also had an ISA reconnaissance group, consisting of special agents who ensure the action of special forces and subordinate to INSCOM (intelligence service of the special forces), which ensured the efficiency of work on the ground, and so from intelligence officers and military personnel of "green berets" to carry out tasks in Central America in the 80s was created by the "Yellow Fruit" task force.
The Delta Detachment also played an important role in the actions of the US Special Operations Command.
This unit was created by Colonel Charlie Beckwith, modeled on the British special forces "SAS" and was intended to fight terrorism around the world, with the support of all branches of the US military.
True, in Iran, their first use in 1980 was unsuccessful, because during the Eagle Claw operation, the helicopter and aircraft pilots themselves who landed them at the site of the alleged start of the operation were not prepared and after the plane crashes that occurred, the detachment was evacuated without engaging in battle.

In the future, the detachment took part in a number of operations, and one of the most of them was the operation in Somalia carried out according to the tasks set by the US Central Command in the framework of Operation "Continue hope", which consisted in the supply and maintenance of the UN peacekeeping forces mission UNASOM-2.
For the United States at that time, the main obstacle was at that time the largest armed group in Somalia - the militia of General Mohammed Farah Aidid, relying on his influential clan Khabar-Gidir. By that time, General Aidid had secured the support of the Islamic world, including a number of leaders of Islamic fundamentalist organizations, primarily Osama bin Laden, some of whose militants then ended up in Somalia, including Mohamed Atef, who was later killed in Afghanistan.
General Aidid only formally signed a truce, but did not comply with it, and moreover, he moved on to attacks on the UN peacekeeping forces.
On June 5, his militia attacked Pakistani peacekeepers, killing twenty-four of them and dragging their bodies through the streets of Mogadishu, some of them skinned. The UN Security Council the next day adopted Resolution 837, in which it demanded the arrest and trial of those responsible for the violence against UN peacekeepers.
On July 12, American AH-1 "Cobra" attack helicopters struck a house, where, according to intelligence, a meeting between General Aidid and representatives of his Khabar-Gidir clan was to take place. As a result of the attack, 73 members of this clan were killed. Five Western journalists who found themselves in this place were lynched, and only one managed to escape.
Thereafter, US Special Forces conducted five raids to find and arrest General Aidid's militia members. The Americans conducted their operations at the request of the UN Secretary General's Representative in Somalia, American Jonathan Hov, who replaced Iraqi Ismat Kitani in March 1993 and who was a supporter of harsh methods and, accordingly, wished to arrest General Aidid.

On October 3 and 4, the sixth raid of American troops to search for General Aidid, called "The First Battle of Mogadishu", took place. The raid was attended by a US Special Forces contingent under the command of Major General William Harrison. The grouping consisted of servicemen of the 1st operational unit of the special forces (Delta group), the 2nd company of the 3rd battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment of the US Armed Forces, the 160th Special Forces Aviation Regiment (19 transport helicopters MH-60 " Black Hawk and MH-6 Little bird fire support helicopters), Team 6, US Navy SEALs, and a US Air Force pilot group. The purpose of the operation was to capture the headquarters of General Aidid in the center of Mogadishu, so that the Americans went on the operation without armored vehicles and in the daytime.
From the air, reconnaissance was also conducted by the US Navy P-3A aircraft and OH-58 reconnaissance helicopters. An assault force of 160 soldiers and officers in MH-60 Black Hawk helicopters with air support landed in the area of Aidid's headquarters in Mogadishu, arresting two of his aides, Omar Salad and Mohamed Hassan Oval. However, during the operation, two Black Hawk helicopters were shot down by rocket-propelled grenades, with one pilot, Michael Durant, captured and three more heavily damaged. The advance of the ground group in Hummer vehicles was complicated both by the resistance of Aidid's militants and by the local population, who built barricades of stones and burning tires on the way of the group's movement, and one truck was hit.
The paratroopers from both downed helicopters, among whom were wounded, remained cut off. When another ground group made its way to one of the groups, it was also cut off in this area, and with the onset of darkness took up defensive positions in neighboring buildings, taking local Somalis hostage. Due to poor coordination, inexperienced rangers fired at their colleagues from the Delta group.

Somali militants under the command of Colonel Sharif Hassan Jiumale began to fire mortars at the Americans. Another group of paratroopers, including two snipers of the detachment, who took up positions on the roofs of the building, were discovered by Aidid's militants and destroyed. The next morning, the UNASOM-2 mechanized peacekeeping force group, which included units of the American 10th Mountain Division (2nd Battalion, 14th Regiment and 1st Platoon, 1st Battalion, 87th Regiment), Pakistani units (15th Battalion the border regiment and the 10th battalion of the "Balok" regiment) and the Malaysian (19th battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment) contingent, made its way to the besieged Americans. Armored vehicles were represented only by Pakistani M-48 tanks and Malaysian Condor armored personnel carriers. The group lost two Americans and one Malaysian killed and evacuated the Americans to a Pakistani peacekeeping base. Two days later, Somali fighters from Aidid struck the Americans at this base with mortars, killing one and wounding 12 people.
In total, in that operation on October 3-4, 1993, the Americans lost 18 people killed and 73 wounded, one prisoner (later exchanged). A Malaysian soldier was also killed and 7 Malaysians and Pakistanis were injured. General Aidid's militia lost up to half a thousand killed, but some of them were civilians who lived in these quarters.
As a result, US President Bill Clinton ordered then-Chiefs of Staff Chairman David Jeremiah to halt all operations. Clinton then announced that American troops would leave Somalia no later than March 31, 1994. US Secretary of Defense Les Aspin resigned on December 15. Only about a thousand American military and civilian personnel remained in Somalia under the protection of the UN peacekeeping force, and only the US Air Force and Navy continued to support the peacekeepers. To ensure the complete evacuation of the Americans, a battalion of the 24th Infantry Division of the US Army was sent to Mogadishu, and by March 1994, the Americans had completely evacuated from Somalia.

During the war in the former Yugoslavia, the Green Berets took part in 1994-1995 in the training of Croatian army units under the cover of the Private Military Company MPRI.
Thus, the attack on the positions of the Serbs in the Republic of Serbian Krajina in Croatia was already developed directly by American military advisers to the American private military company MPRI ("Military Professional Resources Inc.").
The latter in September 1994, according to the article "Privatizing Combat, the New World Order" published on the website "The Center for Public Integrity" of the organization "The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists", thanks to the support of the US Secretary of Defense William Perry, received a US government contract for training of the Croatian army and at the same time the same contract with the US government received for the training of the army of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
During the fighting in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1994-95, MPRI carried out a mission in the interests of the US government and through General John Seval, military adviser to US Secretary of State Voren Christopher, she received direct instructions from President Bill Clinton.
The "Command, Control and Coordination Center" and "Intelligence Data Processing Center" created by the company in the General Staff of the Croatian Army participated in both the operational and intelligence work of the Croatian General Staff, as well as ensured close cooperation between the Croatian and American special services, including including in the field of wiretapping conversations between the Yugoslav and Russian sides and supplied the Croatian headquarters with data on the Serb troops.
MPRI provided the Croatian headquarters with data from both American military satellites and from unmanned aerial vehicles of the American army installed on the island of Brac.
At the same time, MPRI sent its MTT instructor groups (Mobil Traning Team) to the active units and subdivisions of the Croatian army, first of all, to the special forces and guards units of the Croatian army, and it was among these instructors that a significant part was military personnel from the Green Berets.

The US special forces did not directly participate in the hostilities in Bosnia, because the US refused to send its troops to the NATO ground forces that took part in the operations against the Serbian forces in August-September 1995.
The only case of combat use of American units during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the rescue of the pilot of the American F-16C Fighting Falcon fighter of the 512th fighter squadron of the US Air Force shot down by the Serbian self-propelled air defense system “Kub” over Myrkonich-grad on June 2, 1995.

The pilot of the aircraft Scott O'Grady, having descended by parachute, was noticed by the Serbs, but while they reported to the headquarters, the pilot managed to escape and on June 8 was successfully evacuated by the search and rescue group of the United States Marine Corps - TRAP (TRAP - Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personel Team) departed from an aircraft carrier in the Adriatic.
After the conclusion of peace in November 1995 at the Dayton airbase in the United States, the US special forces carried out active propaganda activities against the "enemies of the Dayton Treaty." According to the book "Bossan Gloom Front (America in the Balkans)" by Dragan Jamic, the American command was especially active, using the forces of the 4th Psychological Operations Special Operations Group, as well as the 193rd Special Operations Squadron of the US Air Force for counter-propaganda. From the latter, according to Jamic, three EU-130 F "Command Solo" aircraft were allocated after the war to support the operations of American troops in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These aircraft, created on the basis of the C-130 military transport aircraft, were tested by the American army in Panama, Haiti, and in the Persian Gulf and served as a psychological treatment of the population.
Also, to participate in peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the American contingent of the international security forces IFOR, the US command used the "Delta" squadron.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the squad was used to arrest suspects of war crimes at the request of the International Tribunal in The Hague.
True, those arrests that they carried out among local suspects in committing war crimes could well have been carried out by ordinary units of Italian carabinieri, which the latter did with success.
The very search and arrests of those accused by the International Tribunal in The Hague were by no means "militants" in the Hollywood style, but rather "dramas" in the spirit of the "Latin American series". Certain forces in the West used the activities of the Tribunal for their own purposes, including in the creation of a unified Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The documents received under international pressure and the threat of economic punishment from the International Tribunal in The Hague were transferred to the Supreme Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina for War Crimes and to the Prosecutor's Office for War Crimes of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Thus, an effective lever was obtained for managing society in the interests of the "international" community.
For this reason, it is not surprising that the Americans were playing their own game, and so, according to the document "Yugoslavian Conflicts" published in 2008, which was being prepared for five years by a group of international experts, the American command in Bosnia and Herzegovina obstructed the work of the International Tribunal in The Hague in Bosnia and Herzegovina for years. "examples were given from the report on cases where the US military command deliberately avoided arresting suspects.

An important role was played in the activities of the US special forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the task of combating the influence of Iran on the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which began to break out of US control.
Back in 1993, the sending of Bosnian intelligence officers for retraining to Iran in the "center" of the Kodsa unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard began.
According to the documents announced in the program "60 minutes" on December 14, 2009, the state television company FTV itself trained thirteen people from late 1993 to early 1995.
It is obvious that the creation of an influential network of agents in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Iranians clearly went beyond the framework of the agreement between Iran and the United States, and because of this, the IFOR international security forces raided in February 1996 the special training camp of the Iranian revolutionary guard "Pogorelitsa" near Foinitsa, with the arrest of several Iranian instructors.
The creation of this special training camp was overseen by the then Minister of Internal Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bakir Alispahic, the head of military security of the army of Bosnia and Herzegovina Enver Muezinovic and the head of the AID (Muslim special service, later disbanded) Kemal Ademovic. It has been suggested that on September 28, 1996, Pogorelitsa paid for the failure (or surrender) of the camp with the life of Nejad Uglen, the then deputy chief of the AID, who was suspected of being too close to the CIA and killed under unexplained circumstances.
An important role was played in Bosnia and Herzegovina and units of the British special forces SAS.
British Special Forces - SAS was created by Scottish officer David Stirling in 1941 in North Africa and was operatively subordinate to the British special service Mi-6 (or SIS).
Under her leadership, the SAS forces organized partisan detachments and conducted reconnaissance and sabotage operations in the German-occupied territories of Libya and Egypt, and then in Italy and France, and also participated in separate sabotage operations in other sectors of the front, in particular in Norway.
At the end of World War II, they participated in the suppression of the communist guerrilla movement in Greece, and after the end of World War II, Britain used them to suppress the guerrillas in Malaya and Borneo and then in Ulster and other areas of British interest.
By the beginning of the Yugoslav war, the special forces of the army (command SAS), consisted of three regiments: the 22nd active, as well as 21 and 23 - reserve.
In addition, there were special forces of the Navy (command SBS) from one squadron.
The SAS regiment consisted of four squadrons and support units, and squadrons of four platoons (each with four groups of four people) assault, mountain, parachute and naval. The SAS and SBS commandos were selected from volunteers, and then, as a rule, from the parachute regiment (itself performing reconnaissance and sabotage tasks) and the marines. They also included foreigners.
These forces later took an active part in the Yugoslav war itself, both as part of the "peacekeeping" troops, and as part of the NATO rapid reaction force created in 1995 to attack the Serbs.
Thus, in particular, they directed laser-guided aerial bombs at the positions of Serb troops near Gorazde in April 1994, losing one killed and several wounded from Serb small arms fire.
The British SAS played a key role in the operations of the UN peacekeeping force also because the commander of these forces, British General Michael Rose, was the former commander of the 22nd Regiment.

It can be assumed, given that this regiment played a key role in the "external" operations of British intelligence MI-5, that this circumstance predetermined the appointment of Michael Rose to this position, which is further evidence of the role played by the veterans of this regiment in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina, and throughout the former Yugoslavia, controlling a wide range of political and economic projects - from the oil and gas sector to demining and recruiting candidates for private military companies in Iraq and Afghanistan.
After the war, as part of the international security forces IFOR, British special forces participated in the search and arrests of persons accused of war crimes by the International Tribunal in The Hague, and in particular, in July 1998, they arrested Dr. Milan Kovacevich in Predor and, in an attempt to resist, killed the former head of the Predor internal affairs center Simo Dyrlyachu, who managed to wound one of them.
With the outbreak of the war in Kosovo in 1998, the 10th Special Operations Group of the US Special Operations Command - USSOCOM, according to the Serbian intelligence services, trained Albanian militants in Albania.
With the beginning of the air strikes on Yugoslavia, this group took part in the hostilities, transferring to
the territory of Kosovo and Metohija by the forces of the 325th air group.
The 325th AFSOC air group, using both bases in Albania and the airbases of Brindisi and Vicenza in Italy, provided the transfer to the internal front of Kosovo of both the UCHK militants and Western intelligence officers and the special forces groups of the United States and Great Britain, who were collecting information, commanding the actions of the UCHK groups, coordinating actions UCHK with NATO aircraft and target designation for NATO aircraft for ground targets.
The command of the special forces of the US Air Force, to participate in the operation, airlifted AC-130H aircraft, which, according to the book "NATO Aggression-Air Force and Air Defense in Defense of the Fatherland" by the former commander of the Yugoslav Air Force, General Spasoye Smiljanic, were used in those areas of Kosovo and Metohija where the air defense was depressed or absent.
For the transfer of personnel and cargo into the interior of the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, a number of types of special aircraft and helicopters were used for low night flights with a reduced intrinsic noise level - MS - 130 E, MH-53, MH-47 E, MH - 60 K.

US Special Forces, together with the British Special Forces unit, were mainly involved in the use of ground-guided laser UABs.
This made it possible to provide direct fire support to the forces of the Albanian UChK during the operations of the Yugoslav army.
By destroying single targets in the form of tanks, armored personnel carriers and trucks, the special forces of the United States and Great Britain compensated for the superiority of the Yugoslav army over the UChK.
Thus, the task of the special forces was not to organize ambushes and capture "languages", as it was presented in Hollywood films, which, after the end of the war and the overthrow of Milosevic, over time began to dominate the psychology of a number of military and civilian officials of the law enforcement agencies of Serbia, but in aiming guided aerial bombs (with a laser seeker) using laser designators, installing radar beacons and ensuring the operation of various electronic intelligence systems.
Under these conditions, there was no point in entering into direct fire contact with the special forces of the British and American troops, and such contact took place only if the units of the Yugoslav army managed to find bases where, in addition to the UCHK units, the special forces of the United States or the special forces of Great Britain were based.
This was very rare and only two cases of such clashes were known in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, while the case of the capture of three American servicemen took place on the territory of neighboring Macedonia, which belongs to the area of special operations of the Serbian side.
After the withdrawal of the Yugoslav army from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija and its occupation by the international security forces of KFOR, the US special forces retained their important role in the conduct of the so-called civil-military operations - "Civil-Military Operations", according to which the US armed forces, together with civilian organizations, conduct "Peacekeeping" activities in the framework of cooperation between the US, NATO and UN military - the so-called CIMIC (civil-military cooperation).

The KFOR headquarters in the framework of these operations ensured the synchronization of the actions of civilian organizations and multinational brigades, according to the NATO-OPLAN 31402 plan.
This plan, as Larry Wentz writes in his book Lessons from Kosovo - KFOR Experience, obliged the KFOR forces to support the UNMIK administration's actions in the areas of construction, humanitarian aid, civil administration and economic reconstruction. security issues - JSC (Joint Security Committee) representatives of KFOR and UNMIK.
All international organizations - IO (international organizations) and NGO (non-governmental organizations) should also have been supported, so that representatives of UNHCR, U. N. had priority. Civil Administration, OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and EU.
The US Army in this case attracted from the command of civil administration and psychological operations - USACAPOC (U. S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological) the so-called civil affairs battalions and psychological operations battalions - PSYOP.
Even during the war in Kosovo, according to the book "Lessons from Kosovo - the KFOR Experience" by Larry Wentz, in the ARRC headquarters, as well as in the KFOR headquarters, there were more than two dozen officers from the command of the civil administration - U. S. Operational Civil Affairs Presence, so that in the future their number is constantly decreasing.

Representatives of this command, in addition to the support of the command headquarters in the United States, also had the support of the special operations command in Europe - SOCEUR (Special Operations Command, Europe) in Stuttgart in Germany.
After the introduction of KFOR forces in Sector East, according to Larry Wentz, 411 and 443 battalions of the civil administration (civil affairs) of the US Army reserve and 315 of the psychological operations company PSYOP of the US Army reserve were operating.
According to Christopher Holshek's text "The Operational Art of Civil-Military Operations: Promoting Unity of Effort" from Larry Wentz's book "Lessons from Kosovo - the KFOR Experience" 650 different international organizations, including non-governmental - NGO (nongovernmental) and "volunteer" - PVO (private voluntary organizations)
The commander of the 411th "civil administration" battalion - Civil Affairs, according to Christopher Kolshek, believed in the summer of 2000 that CMO operations should be part of the military planning process.
At the same time, according to the American doctrine of the use of special forces, such operations should be carried out both to support the troops and to support political processes in the civilian environment.
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