Western media are unanimously silent about the defeat of ISIS

Western media are unanimously silent about the defeat of ISIS
Western media are unanimously silent about the defeat of ISIS

We already know firsthand that everything is in perfect order overseas with publicity. Well, each, as they say, has his own. If somewhere the US forces are victorious (even if it is the destruction of an abandoned excavator in the desert), then the whole world should know about it. For this is a victory for American democracy. But what happens if there is no peremogy, and there is even a very good feeling?


Here, too, everything is in perfect order, that is, silence and grace.

However, exceptions do occur.

There is such a resource in the United States as Veteran Today. It's like "Voennoye Obozreniye" about five years ago. A quiet backwater for its own. And brave American veterans from private to colonel are sitting on this resource, and they communicate in about the same way as we communicated. About his everyday life.

It is clear that many, especially from the captain to the colonel, have a bunch of colleagues, students, former subordinates in the troops who, no, no, but will throw food for thought.

And since it is customary to answer for the bazaar among American veterans, they don't publish anything. Moreover, many high-flying media outlets such as The Associated Press, The New Times and others do not hesitate to refer to what these veterans write.

And here is the editor-in-chief Gordon Duff (by the way, a former marine captain), posted information of the following nature:

"In the city of Abu-Kemal (Syria), American and British special forces were taken prisoner."

Agree that the event is quite extraordinary. And complete silence in other media. Duck? It turned out not. After posting such information in Mozahem al-Saloum, the information was reluctantly and semi-courtyardly confirmed by Thomas Mitchell of The Associated Press.

It exploded. Quiet, but weighty.

Thanks to Hollywood in the minds of ordinary people, the opinion was formed that the US special forces are invincible. Who does not remember Rimbaud, the soldier Jane and others. The British special forces command even more respect. Even among specialists, very good training of the British is noted.

And then suddenly something like that …

The essence of the note is as follows. In the town of Abu Kemal, during an operation to seize an airfield (agricultural, as Duff writes, that is, with an unpaved runway), a convoy of the New Syrian Army and units of American and British special forces was completely destroyed.

Moreover, the entire convoy was captured completely.

According to ISIS, a large amount of equipment, weapons and communications equipment were seized. And also from 20 to 80 prisoners. And the fighters of the NSA, and the special forces. And only British and American "technicians" were captured by about 20 people. Incidentally, this proves that the goal of ISIS was not to destroy the convoy. The goal was precisely the capture. Specialists of Britain and the United States were "poked in the mud." Together with other American allies - Jordan, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. According to Duff, it was the specialists from these countries who developed the operation together with the Americans and the British.

What could have caused such a failure of the secret service? What you are about to read is just speculation. One of the versions, nothing more.

For those who have experience, for example, the war in Afghanistan, everything will be simple and clear. For the rest, I will say the following: ISIS used approximately the same tactics as the "spirits". To lure the unit into a "bag", and then, using the system of "kariz" or, as they say now, underground passages, suddenly carry out an attack. Moreover, the attack was well prepared. Large (up to a battalion) forces. The operation was not coordinated and planned by the bandits. Militarily great.

Intelligence service. The fact that specialists from several countries participated in the development of the operation dramatically increased the risk of information leakage. This is an axiom. Moreover, the Americans themselves quite often reported about the transfer of the NSA fighters trained by them to the side of the militants. So, in addition to a leak at the headquarters level, there was a high probability of a leak from the units themselves.

Having information about the route of advancement, about the purpose of the raid and about the composition of the units gives the enemy an excellent opportunity to prepare a meeting. Agree, 200 miles of march by NATO standards is a huge amount of time.

Moreover, leaflets were scattered along the way, urging the civilian population to leave the area, as the ISIS forces would be bombed.

The locals may have left. But the Ishilov units calmly sat out the "pinpoint" bombardment in their tunnels and underground shelters, and then left. And they gave the NSA and the advisers not just a "surprise", but a complete rout.

Training of ISIS units and commanders of these units. Hundreds of times in various publications it was written that the command staff of ISIS was excellently trained. Most of them are officers. Those that made up the backbone of the Iraqi army. Those who for various reasons came to ISIS from other armies. That is why the commanders of the militants are well aware of the combat regulations of the armies of NATO, the United States, and ours too. And, therefore, they can fight according to all the rules of military science.

In addition, the famous American program for the training of professionals for the NSA. The program is controversial. But it cost very decent money for US taxpayers. Let me remind you that most of the specialists trained in the United States "disappeared" without a trace in the vastness of Iraq and Syria. What prevents these fighters from becoming ISIS instructors? What prevents them from cooking their own kind?

There is another way to train decent fighters. Private military companies. According to American data, this work is being carried out by several companies at once. Specialists from the United States and NATO from among the former special forces are doing an excellent job. ISIS has money to pay for education.

Meanwhile, numbers and names pop up. Moreover, they are quite famous in professional circles. Namely "Dynocorp" and "L3 Corporation". It was these companies that trained and trained specialists in the Middle East for several years. And the figure was announced: 416 million dollars.

But the most important factor, in our opinion, is precisely in the specialists themselves. The Americans are acting according to the old-world scheme. The Rimbs sit in shelters, and their work is done by aircraft. Enemy positions interfere with the ground with bombs and missiles. And only then, "on a white horse" ("Hammere"), the heroes of the mountains, fields and seas move there. This tactic has been carried out since the Second World War.

By the way, in this operation too. Moreover, the Americans also scattered leaflets with a warning to civilians. Bomb flyer. Flyer bomb.

Only this tactic does not work in mountainous and mountainous desert areas. Namely, because of the presence of a huge number of underground passages. And these moves have a centuries-old history. These are wells. Positions can be leveled to the ground. But "picking out" the enemy from the ground is problematic. The Germans still remember the partisans of Odessa and Kerch in the catacombs. And the Americans, in theory, should remember the "wormholes" of Vietnam and Korea. But … apparently, the historical memory is very bad.

On the whole, the American specialists were quite naturally defeated. The presence of specialists with a level of training comparable to that of an American, the enemy's knowledge of the tactics and strategy of actions not only of special forces in general, but also of specific units, well-placed intelligence doom the special forces to very serious losses in the course of operations in the future. And the fact that Western specialists are preparing for a "social" war (when a fighter acts perfectly as part of a unit, but is weak in an individual battle) has become a disadvantage that becomes a decisive factor in action. Americans don't have heroes like our guy who caused fire on himself. Not so they were brought up.

Information on this incident is closed today. It is clear that the US intelligence services are not interested in such "advertising". Therefore, thanks to Gordon Duff.

But there is another interesting point. What our fellow commentators write at home. An interesting picture turns out.

They were surrounded and surrendered, they will most likely be killed. It would be best for everyone if they fought to the death. Of course, if this whole story is not fake.

Someone (LGBT) starts killing the enemy, and then cowards and says: take me prisoner? …! A soldier should not be afraid of death, their behavior is shameful and disgusting, after all, how many ISIS fighters they allegedly killed in battle, who can say?

I would never allow ISIS to take me prisoner under any circumstances. In addition, in reality, if ISIS trained our SAS in preparation and combat, then, most likely, as the Israeli Mossad and commandos (great allies of Great Britain and the United States) do, it only remained to blow itself up. Now they (ISIS - Approx.) Will quite happily blow these abnormal homosexuals, with special contempt for them for their cowardice in their desire to live.

Some guy shoots a dozen of your ISIS comrades and then says, wait, I'm out of ammo, or there are too many of you, can I surrender? What nonsense …

Funny, isn't it? Doesn't it look like anything? It turns out that such couch warriors are not only in Russia …

But there are also comments that carry a slightly different charge.

Isn't it time to disclose information about the "New Syrian Army"? Is it actually a name given to less than 100 fake Syrians trained at a cost of $ 416 million? Taxpayer dollars, that is, me? Have you sprayed another half a billion?

One has to be surprised. If this all prompted a recent US proposal, offering a new level of "cooperation" with the Russians in the war against terrorism, backed by ISIS? The Russians should have fun: the snake has bitten its master.

To me, in general, purple, but I have this question: do the consultants today really correspond to their planned appointment? The missiles appeared to have reached their final destination and are currently shooting down Syrian planes. Does this also mean that the "advisors" have achieved their goal? Years ago, I heard stories that the chain of command was like a plate of spaghetti - you never knew who was connected to whom. The fact that there is information blocking means that these things are currently closed, just as they would have been closed if we were sending ISIS advisers, which we seem to be fighting against. Or there, as always, they pretend that they are fighting. Just shadow wars waged by criminals.

I'm trying to figure it out too. But what about the military who are part of this ISIS who have been captured? From Israel, USA, UK and Turkey? In fact, these trained people are not even Arabs. They were called, and they are from our countries, from our brothers and sisters. This is my real concern. We are constantly killing others at the request of a few above. Is not it? When the lists are published, you will know what I mean. These moderate Islamists are true and real, like I was a virgin after I gave birth to 4 children.

You have to wonder if we deserve it all? Perhaps all because of double-dealing. It goes on and on, and we look worse and worse. They must stop playing with the Free Syrian Army once and for all. It's time to understand that they are only playing into the hands of their enemies. They should finally see it. A person with two faces cannot look directly.

Well, obviously the spetsnaz did not have enough transgender members in their ranks. That's why everything went to hell. Everyone knows that transgender troops are some of the most well-trained and elite commandos in the entire known universe. They really need to consider the need to get rid of all direct and normal military and only use the LGBT military. People who are chronically focused on their sexual preferences or gender identity are the only option for defending the United States and defeating ISIS.

We have nothing more to add to the opinions of Veterans Today. As you can see, even overseas there are people who think quite reasonably. And there are those who want to shake their weapons off the couch. The presence of the latter is not surprising; the presence of the former is somewhat encouraging. And for further publications of "Veterans" we will look more closely.
