Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov is one of the most talented military leaders of the 20th century. For all patriots of their homeland, he is a symbol of the staunchness and inflexibility of the people's spirit, clearly manifested during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. And today his military leadership, willpower, high civic consciousness amazes with the power.
The military leadership of G. K. Zhukov is recognized all over the world. It is no coincidence that the title of Marshal of Victory was assigned to him, and it was he, Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov, on behalf of the government of the USSR on the night of May 8-9, 1945, accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany.
The fate of Georgy Konstantinovich changed abruptly, forcing him to experience ups and downs. In the postwar years, he had to repeatedly experience injustice on the part of the country's leadership. However, after a long deliberate oblivion of the Marshal, historical justice was restored. In the homeland of Georgy Konstantinovich, in the city named after him (Zhukov), the State Museum of G. K. Zhukov, the Order and Medal of Zhukov were established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, monuments to the outstanding commander were erected in Moscow and other cities, streets and avenues were named in his honor.
But there is a place in Moscow where you can not only bow to the memory of the commander, learn about his difficult life path, but also plunge into his era, feel the energy of this extraordinary person - the Memorial Museum-Office of Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov.
The museum is located on Znamenka Street in the building of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, in the office where Georgy Konstantinovich worked as the Minister of Defense of the USSR from February 1955 to October 1957.
The exposition of the museum-cabinet is located in three halls, which are the former reception room, study and the rest room of the Minister of Defense.
Inspection of the Memorial Cabinet Museum begins from the first exhibition hall. Massive oak doors open, and the visitor sees a large room with high windows and stucco moldings on the ceiling. This is the former reception office of the Minister of Defense of the USSR. Now there is a museum exposition in chronological order, reflecting the main stages of the life and work of Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.
At the beginning of the path
According to the presented extract from the register on November 19, 1896, a baby was born in the family of peasants in the village of Strelkovka, Ugodsko-Zavodskoy Volost, Konstantin Artemyevich and Ustinya Artemyevna Zhukovs, on November 20 he was baptized and named George. The view of the Zhukovs' village house speaks of a difficult peasant life. Little Yegor was accustomed to hard work from childhood, like all peasant children, but among his peers he stood out with a special love of reading, he even dreamed of becoming a typographic worker. But since the Zhukov family lived very poorly, little Yegor's dream was not destined to come true - after graduating (with a certificate of merit) from the parish school, he was sent to Moscow to his mother's brother, Mikhail Artemyevich Pilikhin, to study furrier business. Georgy studied as a student from 1907 to 1911, after which he was transferred to the category of masters.
And here before my eyes - one of the first pictures of Georgy Konstantinovich. Here he looks elegant and solemn, because he is already an adult, independent person, a master furrier, he has his own students, he runs his own business. But life makes its own adjustments - the First World War began, and on August 7, 1915 G. K. Zhukov was drafted into the army. After completing military training, in August 1916 Georgy went to the South-Western Front, where, having fought for about three months, he was severely shell-shocked.

Among the materials describing this period of time, you can see a photograph of the 20-year-old vice-non-commissioned officer G. K. Zhukov, two St. George's crosses, samples of weapons of the old Russian army, photographs of the First World War, making it possible to imagine the wartime situation of those years.
Subsequently G. K. Zhukov recalled: "I got from the squadron to the training team as a young soldier, and returned with non-commissioned officer stripes, front-line experience and two St. George's crosses on his chest, which he was awarded for capturing a German officer and shell-shock."
The continuation of the exposition acquaints the visitor with the period of the civil war in the life of Georgy Konstantinovich. Among the exhibits presented is the formula of the solemn promise of the Red Army soldier, approved by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) on April 22, 1918. Such a promise was given by Georgy Konstantinovich when, after the revolution of 1917 and the collapse of the old Russian army, he voluntarily joined the ranks of the Red Army. Here is also the cavalry "budenovka" - a cloth helmet with a blue star. In one of the photographs of that time, you can see Georgy Konstantinovich in such a headdress.
During the Civil War, Georgy Konstantinovich went from a private to a squadron commander. He was distinguished by courage and decisiveness, the ability to lead soldiers in the most difficult military operations, while showing personal courage and stamina. The museum exhibits a copy of the order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 183 dated August 31, 1922 on awarding the commander of the 2nd squadron of the 1st cavalry regiment G. K. Zhukov with the Order of the Red Banner for the battle near the village of Vyazovaya Pochta, Tambov province, photographs by G. K. Zhukov of those years.
On one of them, Georgy Konstantinovich is captured with Alexandra Dievna Zuikova. Young, bright faces are looking from the photograph. They met during the harsh years of the civil war. Soon she became his faithful friend and wife and went with her husband a long way of life, sacredly keeping the family hearth, which was a reliable rear in the difficult fate of the commander. At the end of the civil war, after a large-scale demobilization, people remained in the army who chose military science as their profession. Among them was Georgy Konstantinovich. Further exposition tells about his life during the interwar period.
Commander maturity stages
From 1922 to 1939 G. K. Zhukov worked his way up from squadron commander to deputy commander of the troops of the Belarusian Military District for cavalry. He constantly improved his accumulated military experience, increased his military theoretical knowledge. In 1924-1925. G. K. Zhukov was trained at the Higher Cavalry School in Leningrad, and in 1929-1930. - at the courses of the highest commanding staff in Moscow.

The exposition contains a significant photograph - graduates of the cavalry advanced training courses for command personnel in 1925: G. K. Zhukov, I. Kh. Baghramyan, A. I. Eremenko, K. K. Rokossovsky, who later became Marshals of the Soviet Union. The military fate later brought these people together more than once.

One of the photographs on the stand shows Georgy Konstantinovich with the Order of Lenin on his chest. This is evidence of another important milestone in his life. In March 1933 G. K. Zhukov was appointed commander of the 4th Don Cavalry named after K. E. Voroshilov Division (Belarusian Military District, Slutsk), the former core of the legendary First Cavalry Army. Redeployed from near Leningrad to the Belarusian Military District to an unprepared base, the division was forced to do its own improvement, as a result of which its combat training significantly decreased. Under the leadership of Georgy Konstantinovich in 1936, the division was among the first in terms of combat, political and technical training, for which G. K. Zhukov was awarded a high award - the Order of Lenin. The division also received the highest government achievement award.
In 1937 G. K. Zhukov became the commander of the 3rd Cavalry Corps. This corps included the 6th Cavalry Chongar Red Banner Division named after S. M. Budyonny. The original Honorary Revolutionary Banner of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of this division is on display, as are the weapons - a saber, made on the model of the officer's 1909, and the Mauser pistol, which was in service with the command staff of the Red Army.
Regiment commander, brigade commander, division commander, corps commander - all these are the stages of commander's maturity through which Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov passed, therefore it was quite natural to appoint him deputy commander for cavalry of the troops of the Belarusian Military District at the end of 1938.
Becoming a commander
The materials of the further museum exposition invite the visitor to get acquainted with the period of formation of G. K. Zhukov as a commander.
In 1939, the Soviet government, fulfilling its obligation of March 12, 1936, provided the Mongolian People's Republic (MPR) with military assistance in defeating the Japanese aggressors who had invaded the territory of friendly Mongolia in the Khalkhin-Gol River region. In the certificate No. 3191 dated May 24, 1939, signed by the People's Commissar of Defense K. E. Voroshilov states that “the bearer of this division commander, Comrade. Zhukov is sent to the Mongolian People's Republic."
In the steppes of Mongolia, under the leadership of G. K. Zhukov, a successful operation was carried out to defeat the Japanese troops. By a telegram dated August 28, 1939, the commander of the 1st Army Group of Soviet Forces in Mongolia, Corps Commander G. K. Zhukov informs the People's Commissar of Defense about the completion of the operation to eliminate the Japanese group. The commander's debut of Georgy Konstantinovich took place.
The documents of that time make it possible to trace all the events of the period of command of G. K. Zhukov 57th Special Corps, deployed by July 15, 1939 in the 1st Army Group. The schematic maps presented in the exposition tell in detail about the course of hostilities. In the photographs located here, you can see the corps commander G. K. Zhukov, observing the course of hostilities, at the site of the defeat of the Japanese invaders near the Khalkhin-Gol River, for a conversation with tank fighters, etc.
"For all our troops, commanders of formations, commanders of units and for me personally," Zhukov emphasized, "the battles on Khalkhin Gol were a great school of combat experience."
For the skillful leadership of Soviet troops in hostilities against the Japanese invaders and for the courage and courage shown at the same time, the 42-year-old corps commander Zhukov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on August 29, 1939.

The Mongolian people highly appreciated the role of G. K. Zhukov in the defeat of the Japanese aggressors and the strengthening of the armed forces of Mongolia are told by the exhibits of another showcase of the museum-cabinet. These are certificates for the awards of the Mongolian People's Republic, which Georgy Konstantinovich was awarded: two orders of the Red Banner, three orders of Sukhe-Bator, the "Golden Star" of the Hero of the Mongolian People's Republic.
In June 1940 G. K. Zhukov received an order from Moscow to report to the People's Commissariat. By that time, he received the military rank of "General of the Army", as evidenced by the copy of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 945 of June 4, 1940 "On conferring military ranks to the highest commanding staff of the Red Army" presented in the exhibition.
Arriving in Moscow, in the office of I. V. Stalin, where members of the Politburo gathered, General of the Army G. K. Zhukov gave an assessment of the Japanese army, reported in detail about everything that had occupied him for the entire last year. Describing the Soviet troops, he highly appreciated the tankers, artillerymen, pilots, emphasized the need for further training of rifle troops, spoke in favor of increasing the number of armored and mechanized troops in the Red Army. G. K. Zhukov was listened to with attention. In conclusion I. V. Stalin said: “Now you have combat experience. Take the Kiev district and use your experience in the training of troops."
A new document and - a new stage in the life of Georgy Konstantinovich. By order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union S. K. Tymoshenko on the personnel of the army No. 12469 of June 7, 1940, General of the Army G. K. Zhukov was appointed commander of the Kiev Special Military District.
After the fall of Poland, the Red Army launched a liberation campaign, taking under its protection the population of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus. The Soviet border had been pushed back hundreds of kilometers, but Germany was now behind it. Under these conditions, the strategic position of the Kiev Special Military District acquired great importance for the security of the Soviet Union.
Considering the appointment of the commander of the district troops an honor for himself and trying to justify the high confidence, General of the Army G. K. Zhukov, while in this position, did a great job on the combat training of troops. He paid special attention to the conduct of operational-strategic exercises in conditions close to combat. The exercises were conducted in any weather, day or night. Georgy Konstantinovich was constantly in the army. The exercises held in September 1940, to which the People's Commissar of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union S. K. Tymoshenko was highly appreciated.
Among the materials of the exposition presented to the attention of visitors, dedicated to this period of G. K. Zhukov, there is a series of photographs where the commander of the Kiev Special Military District is captured with the USSR People's Commissar of Defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union S. K. Tymoshenko in tactical exercises, while inspecting small arms, among the soldiers in the field exercises.
Georgy Konstantinovich spent the whole of October 1940 preparing a report "Characteristics of a modern offensive operation." He followed the course of hostilities in Europe with great attention, trying to understand what was the basis of the strategy and tactics of the Wehrmacht, what was its strength, and again analyzed the results of the Finnish war and his own experience gained at Khalkhin Gol.
The exposition contains a rare exhibit - a book for official use "Fights at Khalkhin-Gol", published in 1940 by the Military Publishing House of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR, where an article by General of the Army G. K. Zhukov.

With a report prepared by G. K. Zhukov spoke in Moscow at a meeting of the highest command staff of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, held in the winter of 1940-1941.
As follows from the "Agenda of the Military Conference" presented to the attention of the visitors, the report took place at the morning session of the third day, December 25.
Georgy Konstantinovich clearly outlined the strategy and tactics of a potential enemy, sharply and clearly reported on the state of the Soviet troops, on the urgent need to create large operational mechanized formations. The depth of the report and the courage with which it was made made a great impression on those present. The large-scale operational thinking of Georgy Konstantinovich was clearly manifested in the big strategic game, held immediately after the end of the meeting. The beginning of the war was being played. G. K. Zhukov played for the “westerners” and won. At a later analysis of the game, he pointed out the need to improve the literacy of the senior command personnel, and analyzed the reasons why the "eastern" failed to contain the offensive of the "western". The next day G. K. Zhukov was summoned by Stalin and appointed to the post of chief of the General Staff. Georgy Konstantinovich entered this position on February 1, 1941, and in a short period before the start of the war, he carried out a huge amount of work to prepare the country and the army for the impending war.
Among the exhibits are personal papers of the Chief of the General Staff, General of the Army G. K. Zhukov. In one of the photographs, Georgy Konstantinovich was captured while inspecting new types of weapons created by Soviet designers.
Marshal of Victory
The exhibits of the memorial museum are diverse and interesting, telling about the activities of Georgy Konstantinovich during the Great Patriotic War. Here are presented interesting materials and documents that testify to the uniqueness of Zhukov's personality and his talent as a leader.
In different periods of the Great Patriotic War, Georgy Konstantinovich commanded five fronts, as a member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, he coordinated the actions of a number of fronts. In addition, on August 26, 1942, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. V. Stalin appointed General of the Army G. K. Zhukov as his only deputy.
In the turnstiles of the exposition there are maps showing the main battles fought by Zhukov. This is the Yelninsk offensive operation and the defense of Leningrad, the battle for Moscow and Stalingrad.
The materials of the exposition contain an order to the troops of the Western Front on the entry of General of the Army G. K. Zhukov in command of the front, his explanatory note to the plan-map of the Soviet counteroffensive near Moscow, with a stroke of I. V. Stalin's "Agree", a number of photographs and other documents from that period.
For the Stalingrad operation G. K. Zhukov was awarded his first award in the Great Patriotic War - the Order of Suvorov.
Here is one of the interesting documents - a copy of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On assigning General of the Army Zhukov G. K. military rank Marshal of the Soviet Union dated January 18, 1943. It is interesting to note that Georgy Konstantinovich was the first military leader awarded this rank during the Great Patriotic War. The second will be A. M. Vasilevsky, the third - I. V. Stalin.
The memorial museum also displays materials about other major battles in which G. K. Zhukov, - the Battle of Kursk, the battle for the Dnieper, Operation Bagration, the Vistula-Oder operation and the battle for Berlin.
On display is the banner of the 756th Rifle Regiment of the 150th Rifle Order of Kutuzov, II Class of the Idritsa Division, which was part of the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front. The names of the soldiers of this regiment are known to the whole world - it was they who hoisted the glorious Banner of Victory over the Reichstag.
For the successful conduct of these operations, for great military leadership and personal courage, Georgy Konstantinovich was awarded the second Order of Suvorov, two Orders of Victory, and the second Golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
Among the large number of documents, encrypted messages, directives, letters, maps presented in the exposition, there are many photographs of Georgy Konstantinovich, in which you can see the commander at different moments of that harsh time. But of particular interest are the personal belongings of the Marshal located in the exposition: the wristwatch that Zhukov wore during the war (they are still in working order), travel kit items, a homemade knife presented to the beloved Marshal by the soldiers of the 2nd Ukrainian Front.

The central part of the thematic complex of the memorial office is dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Against the background of the defeated banners and standards of the fascist army, the standard of the 1st Belorussian Front, carried across Red Square at the Victory Parade on May 24, 1945, looks majestically and victoriously. Zhukov is hosting this historic parade.
The documents on the surrender of Nazi Germany are also presented here. An unusually expressive photograph in which Georgy Konstantinovich was captured at the time of the signing of the act of unconditional surrender of Germany on behalf of the Soviet Union on May 9, 1945. The picture leaves no one indifferent. Numerous other photographs of that period are also of interest.
The disgraced years did not break the outstanding commander
Further, the exposition tells about the life and work of a military leader in the post-war period, about all the vicissitudes prepared for him by fate.
The materials of that time are opened with interesting documents, among which - a congratulatory letter from the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR N. S. Khrushchev, dated May 31, 1945: “Dear Georgy Konstantinovich! On the joyous unforgettable days of the nationwide Victory over Hitlerite Germany, the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR, on behalf of the Ukrainian people, sends you, the Stalinist commander, who raised the glory of victorious Soviet weapons high, warm congratulations. The historical victories of the Red Army near Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad are associated with your name. Under your command, Soviet troops carried battle banners across the lands of Soviet Ukraine, liberated the glorious capital of the fraternal Polish people, Warsaw, broke into the fascist den and hoisted the Victory Banner over Berlin. The Ukrainian people will forever preserve the memory of their liberators …”. Later, in 1957, cracking down on G. K. Zhukov, Khrushchev, apparently, will forget about the great achievements of the commander.
June 6, 1945, as follows from the letter presented by the First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR N. M. Shvernik for No. 056, Marshal G. K. Zhukov was awarded the third "Golden Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Georgy Konstantinovich was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany and Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Administration in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany. Among the documents is a copy of order No. 1 of G. K. Zhukov "On the organization of the Military Administration for the management of the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany" dated June 8, 1945, a series of photographs where Georgy Konstantinovich is captured with the Commanders-in-Chief of the Allied Forces of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. With the Commander-in-Chief of the US occupation forces, General of the Army D. Eisenhower G. K. Zhukov was linked by mutual sympathy and friendly relations. Among the personal belongings of Georgy Konstantinovich - a lighter and a folder-briefcase, presented to him by Eisenhower.
Further materials of the exposition tell about new difficult tests that fell to the lot of Georgy Konstantinovich.
As a result of the slanderous slander of the renowned commander, Marshal of Victory, he was accused of organizing a conspiracy with the aim of a military coup in the country and of taking all the credit for the victory over fascism. At a meeting held in March 1946, the Supreme Military Council recognized the behavior of Georgy Konstantinovich "harmful and incompatible with his position."
The disgraced years did not break the outstanding commander. Despite the fact that the positions he held did not correspond to his military level, he, as usual, continued to carry out his official duties responsibly.
In one of the photographs, dated 1947, Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov is the commander of the troops of the Odessa Military District in military exercises. In a later photograph, 1949, Georgy Konstantinovich, already the commander of the troops of the Ural Military District, at a May Day demonstration in Sverdlovsk.
The materials of the exposition make it possible to form their own opinion about G. K. Zhukov not only as a commander and military leader, but simply as a person. Another interesting exhibit as a touch to the portrait of Georgy Konstantinovich is a leaflet that belonged to him with notes and the text of the song "Among the dense forests", one of his favorites. G. K. Zhukov was an unusually bright Russian person. He loved everything Russian - people, nature, literature, painting, music. He especially loved Russian songs, loved to listen to them and often sang them himself. After the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, a delegation from Tula arrived in Perkhushkovo. The Tulyaks presented Georgy Konstantinovich with a button accordion with the wish to find in him a new front-line friend with whom he could while away rare moments of rest. Throughout the year, studying in fits and starts, G. K. Zhukov learned to play the button accordion a little, choosing his favorite songs by ear. Later, at the end of the war, he himself would present his daughter Era with an accordion, wishing that she would also learn to play. One of the photographs presented in the exhibition is very touching: Georgy Konstantinovich with his daughters Era and Ella during a family concert - and the girls are barely visible because of the instruments … Another of G. K. Zhukova - hunting. On the presented pictures you can see him with hunting trophies. Later, when Georgy Konstantinovich's health deteriorates, he will engage in "quiet hunting" - fishing, with pleasure making and giving away spoons, one of which is on display in the museum.
USSR Defense Minister
Zhukov held the post of commander of the troops of the Ural Military District until February 1953, when he was again summoned to Moscow and in March was appointed First Deputy Minister of Defense. Two years later, in February 1955, Zhukov became the Minister of Defense of the USSR.
At the XX Congress of the CPSU in February 1956 Zhukov was elected a member of the Central Committee (CC). In December 1956, for outstanding services to the Soviet people and in connection with the 60th anniversary of his birth, Georgy Konstantinovich was awarded the Order of Lenin and the fourth Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union. The next, 1957, Zhukov was introduced to the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee.
Zhukov's arrival at the leading post in the USSR Ministry of Defense coincided with the beginning of a new stage in the development of the Armed Forces - the introduction of nuclear missile weapons into the troops. Back in August 1945, immediately after the war, with the direct participation of Zhukov, the Nordhausen Institute of Jet Engineering was created in Germany, and almost 10 years later, in September 1954, at the Totsky training ground in the Orenburg region, under the leadership of Marshal, an exercise was conducted with explosion of an atomic bomb. Subsequently, Zhukov paid a lot of attention to nuclear weapons and their role in rearmament of the army based on new technology.
Among the materials of the exposition covering this period of the military leader's activity there are photographs by G. K. Zhukov during the exercise, a copy of his pass to the Totsk test site.
G. K. Zhukov realized that with the development of scientific and technological progress, a new stage had come in the development of the Armed Forces. It was during this period that missile formations were formed, which became the basis of a new type of Armed Forces - the Strategic Missile Forces, the world famous now Tyura-Tam (now - Baikonur), Kapustin Yar, Mirny ranges were created, which allowed our country to pave the way into space as a type of Armed The forces were formed by the Air Defense Forces of the country, the equipment of the Ground Forces developed at a rapid pace, aviation and the fleet became missile-carrying.
As Minister of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov often went on business trips abroad. The renowned commander was greeted cordially everywhere, and various gifts were presented as a sign of deep respect. Some of them can be seen among the exhibits. There are simply unique things, for example, an infantry capsule rifle and a capsule pistol - the weapons with which the people of Burma fought for the freedom and independence of their country against the British colonialists in 1886. Georgy Konstantinovich donated many of the gifts received of historical and artistic value to various museums. Among the documents are letters of thanks from the director of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin, People's Artist of the USSR, Academician S. D. Merkurov and director of the State Historical Museum A. S. Karpova.
The difficult fate of "Memories and Reflections"
A bitter page in the life and work of Georgy Konstantinovich was the October Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1957, at which the honored military leader, patriot of the Fatherland was removed from the Presidium of the Central Committee and the Central Committee of the CPSU and dismissed from his post, and in February 1958 he was dismissed.
From the presented copy of the "Information message of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU of October 29, 1957": "… vol. Zhukov … lost his party modesty … imagined that he was the only hero of all the victories achieved by our people and its Armed Forces … He turned out to be a politically untenable figure, inclined to adventurism … ".
The initiator of the speech against G. K. Zhukov, N. S. Khrushchev.
Also, by the Decision of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Marshal Zhukov was relieved of his post as Minister of Defense of the USSR. In the mass media, defamation of the personality of G. K. Zhukov, he was removed from the party register at the Ministry of Defense, he was dismissed. Despite his repeated appeals to the country's leadership for a job, he remained out of work.
From the documents of the exposition presented to the visitors, it is clear that Georgy Konstantinovich did not become bitter after the unfair reprisal by the "like-minded people". And although the health of Marshal was greatly shaken, his vitality, strong will, love for his people and unchanging faith in him helped him to survive this time too. Continuing to fulfill his duty as a patriot to the Fatherland, Georgy Konstantinovich decides to write a book of memoirs.
Various exhibits perfectly illustrate this period of G. K. Zhukov. Here are the pages of his manuscript showing how carefully he worked on the text, how he edited it, clarified and supplemented many subjects of his memoirs. There are also photographs of Georgy Konstantinovich during the period of work on the book, materials of his correspondence with one of the editors of the book, A. D. Mirkina.
The fate of the book "Memories and Reflections" by G. K. Zhukova was also not easy. The commander's memoirs about the Great Patriotic War were carefully edited and cut off. Only in 1969, after long ordeals, the book was published. “For several years I have been working on the book“Memories and Reflections”. I wanted to select from the vast material of life, from the multitude of events and meetings, the most essential and important, such that it could reveal at its true worth the greatness of the deeds and accomplishments of our people,”writes Georgy Konstantinovich in the preface to his book.
Warmth emanates from the photographs presented to the attention of visitors, where you can see Zhukov with his relatives and friends. In the difficult years for Georgy Konstantinovich, disgraced and during the intense work on the book, his front-line friends, second wife Galina Aleksandrovna and daughter Masha provided him with great support. Kaluga residents did not forget their famous countryman.
In one of the showcases, there are books, both domestic and foreign publishing houses, testifying to the popularity of the memoirs of the famous Marshal, world interest in the outstanding commander, recognition of his services to mankind. Until the end of his life, Georgy Konstantinovich worked on the book. After the publication of the first edition, he worked on the preparation of the second, revised and supplemented. However, he did not get to see him.
The great commander died on June 18, 1974. His ashes are buried in the Kremlin wall on Red Square.
After leaving this life, G. K. Zhukov will forever remain in the memory of the people.
Among the materials presented are documents on perpetuating the memory of the legendary commander: a copy of the Decree of the President of Russia No. 930 of May 9, 1994 on the establishment of the Order of Zhukov and the Zhukov medal and the Certificate of Honor on assigning the name of Minor Planet 2132 “Minor Planet 2132 Zhukov”.
Tour of the office of the renowned military leader
The emotional culmination of the exposition is the military leader's study. The architecture and scale of the premises make an indelible impression on those entering, and the recreated atmosphere of that time creates the feeling that the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal Zhukov, having broken away from endless affairs, just left for a minute …

The austere, laconic interior is decorated only with busts of Russian commanders A. V. Suvorov and M. I. Kutuzov and two artistic paintings. In the center there is a carved two-bollard table, at which the marshal worked, next to a concentrator with telephones … On the left side of the entrance to the office there is a conference table, on the right - a massive four-winged bookcase. All furniture located here is made in the same style of the 40-50s of the last century. And only a part of the exposition, housed in the office, reminds that there is a museum here after all.
Among the exhibits are the commander's everyday tunic, his personal honorable weapon - a checker with a golden image of the State Emblem of the Soviet Union. On the overlays of the scabbard checkers there are inscriptions - on the left side "Marshal of the Soviet Union GK Zhukov", on the right - "For services to the Armed Forces of the USSR from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR." Zhukov was awarded this weapon on February 22, 1968 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the USSR Armed Forces.
Here are also presented Soviet awards, which marked the merits of G. K. Zhukov. Among them - 6 Orders of Lenin, 3 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Suvorov (dummies), 2 Orders of Victory (dummies), the Order of the October Revolution and 15 medals.

It should be noted that Georgy Konstantinovich was the first to be awarded the 1st degree Order of Suvorov, as well as the Order of Victory. The first he was awarded and the second Order of Victory. Of those who were twice awarded this award - I. V. Stalin and A. M. Vasilevsky.
The exposition includes gifts, congratulatory addresses presented to the Minister of Defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov by the leaders of a number of states and military departments. Particular attention is drawn to the "Winged Sword". The blade is decorated with incised ornaments and inscriptions in Burmese, the wooden scabbard is bound in silver and decorated with ornaments and embossing. The inscription on the handle indicates that the sword was presented to Georgy Konstantinovich on behalf of the personnel of the troops of the Northern Military District of Burma on February 12, 1957.
Among the personal belongings and documents of the military leader, which are on display, there is a unique, in its own way eloquent exhibit - the party card of G. K. Zhukov.
When Marshal Zhukov was removed from the register at the Ministry of Defense, he registered with the party organization of one of the enterprises in Moscow, remaining a communist until the end of his days, which characterizes him as a man of firm convictions, devoted to his cause. Georgy Konstantinovich joined the Bolshevik Party on March 1, 1919 and remained a communist until the end of his days. Later he will write: “Much has already been forgotten, but the day when I was accepted as a member of the party remained in my memory for the rest of my life. Since then, I have tried to subordinate all my thoughts, aspirations, actions to the duties of a party member, and when it came to a fight with the enemies of the Motherland, I, as a communist, remembered the demand of our party to be an example of selfless service to our people."
The inspection of the Memorial Museum in the recreation room ends. The furnishings are as laconic and restrained as in the study. Artistic paintings on the theme of hunting and Russian nature, so beloved by Georgy Konstantinovich, are adorned here, and the magnificent architecture of the room.
Opened on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the birth of G. K. Zhukov, the Memorial Cabinet Museum was created in accordance with the Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation No. 172/2470 of December 12, 1995 and opened its doors on November 22, 1996.
Representatives of a number of departments and departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation took an active part in organizing the work on the creation and opening of the museum-cabinet.
The scientific concept of the Memorial Cabinet Museum was developed by the Institute of Military History of the Ministry of Defense.
The opening of the museum was preceded by a lot of work on the search for interior items to restore the appearance of the office of Marshal Zhukov, thanks to which the furniture was transferred to the museum, which made up the interior of the office of the Minister of Defense of the USSR.
The Communications Directorate of the RF Armed Forces transferred the telephones of the late 1950s to the museum, and from the Communications Museum - the concentrator of the USSR Minister of Defense, which was also used by Marshal Zhukov.
The Studio of Military Artists named after M. B. Grekov. She transferred two works of the sculptor V. A. Sonin: bust of Marshal G. K. Zhukov and the commander's death mask.
To decorate the exposition, the Historical and Archival Center of the General Staff provided a number of documents signed by G. K. Zhukov.
Orders and medals of the Soviet Union were transferred from the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, with which Georgy Konstantinovich was awarded.
The staff of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces played a huge role in the formation of the cabinet-museum.
Daughters of G. K. Zhukov, who donated the military leader's personal belongings, documents and photographs from home archives to the Memorial Museum. Marshal's colleagues also rendered great help.

Over the past years, much has been done to further develop the museum's exposition. New documents and materials have found their place in it, interior items have appeared that complement the look of the office and the rest room of the USSR Minister of Defense.
As in any museum, in the Memorial Museum-Cabinet of Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov, scientific work is underway. The implementation of this activity is carried out in various directions. This is the search and study of documentary sources, the collection of new materials to replenish the exposition, the analysis of published literature, the recording of the memories of people who at different times worked and communicated with Georgy Konstantinovich. The museum's music library contains the performances of G. K. Zhukov, narratives of witnesses of his era, containing interesting material about the life and military activities of Marshal Zhukov.
One of the expressive means of presenting information in the museum-study is the demonstration of documentaries about G. K. Zhukov. Chronicle and documentary videos help to get a more complete picture of this outstanding personality.
With great emotional excitement …
The inexhaustible flow of visitors to the Memorial Cabinet Museum speaks of the interest in the life and work of the military leader. Over the years of its existence, the museum has been visited by tens of thousands of people of various categories of the population of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.
The entries made in the "Guestbook" testify to the warmest feelings of people for the great commander, love, respect, admiration, gratitude for everything that he did for the Fatherland:
“We, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, including the participants in the battles near Moscow and on the 1st Belorussian Front, got a tremendous impression from visiting the museum-office of the great commander of our era G. K. Zhukov. We bow our heads low before his great deeds and wish the museum staff to continue to carry the truth into the hearts of our grateful compatriots.
Veterans of the Council of the Central Administrative District of Moscow.
“Not only with great interest, but also with great emotional excitement, we, the blockade, examined the museum-office of Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov. Leningraders keep in their hearts their deepest gratitude to the great commander Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov for the rest of their lives for ridding our hometown of the danger of a fascist invasion, for all his selfless, heroic contribution to the achievement of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War."
“We, the heirs of the glorious military traditions of the Russian army, are grateful to the museum staff for the opportunity to get in touch with the sacred relics of the great Russian commander G. K. Zhukov.
Suvorovites of the Moscow Suvorov Military School of the 1st platoon of the 4th company."
“Having visited the G. K. Zhukov, was shocked by the patriotism of this Great military leader, who devoted his entire adult life to his Fatherland. Memory of G. K. Zhukov will live forever not only in Russia and with the Russian people. This sacred memory also lives in the hearts of all those peoples who remember with gratitude their salvation from fascism, genocide and extermination. May the holy memory of this Great Man live forever. Many thanks to the museum staff who collected and preserved the available exhibits.
Sincerely yours, 1st deputy. Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
“We are very grateful that you showed us such a significant, magnificent exhibition. Marshal Zhukov was and is for us one of the most key military commanders in the history of the world. Thank you very much.
Military Attaché of Great Britain.
“But it could have happened that I would never have been here, in G. K.'s office. Zhukov, and would not have seen what is here! How good it is that the memory of the great Russian man is being preserved! And only here you really understand that the name of G. K. Zhukov will not fade and will not be pushed aside along with the names of A. Nevsky, D. Donskoy, A. Suvorov, M. Kutuzov and others. One just wants to exclaim again and again: glory and glory to them and Russia!
Valentin Rasputin.
This is just a small part of all those numerous responses that were left in the "Guest Book". Their geography is very large. In addition to gratitude, they note the importance of the Memorial Museum in preserving the memory of the great commander and the patriotic education of the younger generation, soldiers of the Russian army, in restoring the historical truth about the events of the Great Patriotic War and the role played in them four times by the Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.