Military psychics have revealed the secrets of their work. Two Russian generals and two of their overseas colleagues decided to talk about what had been the strictest secret for many years
Disputes over the concepts of "parapsychology" and "extrasensory perception" have been going on for many decades. What is behind this: real phenomena, the fruit of an inflamed imagination, or the result of skillful hoaxes? There is no clarity, although psychics have long entered the service of law enforcement agencies in different countries.
Many have seen the American science fiction film and television series "Stargate", but few know that there really was a secret science project in the United States for a long time under the same name, funded by the CIA and military intelligence. Its leader for ten years was Dr. Edwin May. Edwin May tells in an exclusive interview with "RG" about what the project participants were doing and how the idea to write a book about military extrasensory perception came about.
: When and why did the "Stargate" project appear?
Edwin May: In the early 1970s, the task was to use the phenomena associated with extrasensory perception for military intelligence, and a little later we tried to determine their physical nature. The focus of our attention was the so-called far-sightedness, which is close to your concept of clairvoyance. With the help of far-sightedness, Soviet military objects were studied, the possibilities of extrasensory communication were explored. Our employees were involved in the search for dangerous criminals and missing people, including those kidnapped by terrorists. The team assembled within the framework of the project was very competent, even the Nobel Prize winners were included in it.
In my opinion, research should have continued, but the project was closed. The reason is simple: the main enemy, the USSR, has disappeared. The Pentagon and the CIA decided that the strategic need for the "Stargate" had disappeared.
: Can you give specific examples of success in the field of vision?
May: One of the strongest psychics in the United States worked on the project - Joseph McMonigle, by the way, one of the co-authors of our book. In 1979, while carrying out our operational assignment, with the help of far-sightedness, he "saw" the outlines of an unusual submarine, which was being built in the USSR, in Severodvinsk. The submarine was striking in its size and unusual design, it looked like a catamaran. To the credit of the Soviet military and special services, today we can say: they have so well classified all work on this project that the United States really did not know anything about the construction of the nuclear missile carrier "Akula" (we later called it "Typhoon").
We drew up a report, but they did not believe us either in the CIA or in the DIA (once the Department of Defense of the United States), to which we were directly subordinate. Nevertheless, our experts continued to insist that the USSR was preparing to launch the world's largest nuclear submarine. McMonigle even gave an exact date for the launch. The National Security Council was more than skeptical about our report, and the head of the Office of Defense Intelligence, the current Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, said with indignation that such a submarine simply could not exist. Only one person listened to our statements - naval intelligence officer Jake Stewart … He had the authority and gave the command to change the orbit of one of the satellites so that it hovers over Severodvinsk at the time indicated by us. In the USSR, they did not know about this, and in full confidence that there were no other people's satellites from above, they took the "Akula" into the channel from the factory building. We got some truly sensational pictures. This was our triumph, but they did not give us high awards, the authorities tried to hush up their shame (they didn’t believe it!) And quickly forget who was the first American intelligence officer to see the Soviet Shark.
: When did your first meeting with your Russian colleagues take place, why did you decide to write the book and who are its authors?
May: I first visited Russia in the mid-1990s. And then he met with General Alexei Savin, a leading Russian specialist in combat extrasensory perception. With the permission of our military leadership, we discussed the possibility of joint work in the fight against international terrorism. Everything, it would seem, was going to ensure that yesterday's enemies began to work together against a new global threat. However, when the concept of the joint program was formed, we encountered a lack of understanding and unwillingness to accept it, both in the power structures of Washington and Moscow. Unfortunately, the long-imposed image of the enemy did not completely disappear and the feeling of mistrust between our countries remained.
As a result, we are now working on another, purely humanitarian project and started it only when General Savin retired, and the General Staff directorate, which was engaged in combat extrasensory perception, was disbanded.
After numerous meetings and discussions, we came to an agreement that the general public should know what military psychics were doing in their closed laboratories. Moreover, the CIA has officially declassified the Stargate program. Similar works in Russia have been declassified.
I recruited the former intelligence officer Joseph McMonigle, whom I mentioned, to work on the book. Savin invited General Boris Ratnikov, who was engaged in extrasensory perception in the Federal Security Service, as a co-author.
To coordinate the project, we invited Viktor Rubel, a specialist in the field of psychology and sociology, the author of books on related topics, fluent in both languages. So we have five coauthors who, I think, were able to write a fascinating and at the same time quite clear documentary book called "Psi Wars: West and East" about problems that still seem out of the ordinary for many to understand.
Edwin May began his scientific career with work in the field of experimental nuclear physics and in 1968 defended his doctoral dissertation at the University of Pittsburgh on this topic. In the early 1970s, he became interested in parapsychological research and took part in the state-funded Stargate program, which conducted psychic espionage on Soviet military targets. In 1985, Dr. May took over the leadership of the program and was its director until it closed in 1995. Today, Dr. May is Director of the Palo Alto Laboratories for Basic Research and Scientific Director of the Cognitive Research Laboratories of that organization, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the United States Parapsychological Association.