Victor Borisovich Panasyuk is the owner of the 7th Dan of Goju-Ryu. But with us he shared information about the South Chinese style "Fist of the White Crane", which he has been studying for 10 years, as well as his experience and observations of life and its extreme sides. The "Fist of the White Crane" is a real martial art in a number of ways. All these signs are indicated in the material and an attentive reader will be able to find them.
About fighting spirit
“Our biggest enemy is ourselves, and the biggest fear is produced by our own consciousness. A person can break a board or a baseball bat with a blow, but on the street he will be afraid of a thin bully, and will not be able to hit with full force at that moment, or in general, in life. Therefore, first you need to overcome yourself. Let me give you an example - a person got into the wild, say, after a plane crash, or got lost. If he started to panic, he practically disappeared. We need to calm down. Turn off internal dialogue - thoughts "Everything is bad!" and "What to do ?!" To obtain this skill, there are special psychophysical techniques in the Fist of the White Crane. For example, walking on pillars whose height is from 1.70 m to 3 m. The diameter of the pillars is small - only about 50% of the foot is placed on the pillar. Therefore, you can calmly fall, hitting the post, or even somersault from it. We have guys circus artists who are accustomed to the height and are physically developed - but even they are uncomfortable on these poles.

V. B. Panasyuk
Because in the circus they have insurance, they have a net at the bottom. And consciousness says: "Even if you fall, you will group correctly, land on the net, and everything will be fine." And from the pillar you will fall directly to the ground. I have concrete - vandal-proof - pillars in my park. It is difficult for a beginner to climb a pole for the first time to take even a step. And if we talk about meditation, then usually a person performs it in a calm place, working with superconsciousness or subconsciousness. And on the pillar you have to be extremely collected, because one wrong step and I will fall. You have to be here and now. And thoughts creep into my head: "What if I miss? What if I see?" The same thing happens to those in extreme situations - an earthquake, a flood - it doesn't matter. Several times I was "lucky" to be present at fairly strong earthquakes, when buildings swayed from side to side, and I was shaking like in the back of a truck when I ran up the stairs.
Next is the connection between consciousness and subconsciousness. Consciousness is logic: "this is dangerous", "this is not dangerous". These things must be known in advance. For example, we didn't know that the safest place in a building in an earthquake is the doorway. But running up the stairs is strictly forbidden. In addition, you cannot panic - this is the subconscious. Just at that earthquake, people jumped out of windows in fear and broke their legs.
Once I lived with a teacher (in China). A boy came to him and began to train - at school he was offended, he had a psychological problem. The teacher made him walk along the edge of an abyss, climb mountains. Before that, I have not seen such a practice with him, and I have been training for 6 years. He has an individual approach to each student - if there is no such problem, you do not need this practice. In general, I climbed these mountains with him. An interesting moment - along the edge of the cliff, there is an observation deck, bounded as if by an old wall with battlements. The wall begins at a height of 2 meters and ends at the height of a four-storey building. So, it was hard for me at the height, although I already had the experience of walking on poles. And the teacher's wife in some slippers ran along these teeth, making 90-degree turns with jumps in the right places. Running to the battlement on which the teacher stood, she jumped into his arms. And the area of the prong is somewhere 50 by 50 cm. He staggered, but held on. And it was felt that they were not afraid.
Another example - we climbed the stairs and got dirty because we clung to our hands and feet. And the teacher's wife went up and down only on her feet, without arms. They live in the mountains, they are used to it.
About the beginning of training
- The training begins with the San Jan complex (three battles), which is needed to combine the top, bottom and middle. Energetically speaking: the energy of heaven, earth and man. Physically speaking, arms, legs and body. Collect branches without scattering foliage.
For example, a new prime minister came to power. He needs his decree to reach the executive branch. There is a chain - his deputy, and so on. If these are people on whom he cannot rely, if they cannot convey his order, this means that the vertical of power is not built. If his orders are not followed, he has no control over anything. The same is true for a person - if you do not control all the muscles from the neck to the feet (some yes, some no), then the fight will develop like this - it will work out, it will not work out.
It is necessary to build a system of "central energy" - from the top of the head to the feet. There is a vertical axis, there is a horizontal one - you need to learn how to use both of them. This must be done physically. This requires a twist so that the antagonist muscles turn on. We get the tone. You can't explain it in words, it's better to show it.
Unlike the Fist of the White Crane, there are systems based on flapping, centrifugal action, when you strike with your hand like a saber. There, too, there is an opening-closing, and not everything is so simple. Different systems have different engines.
Our "engine" is based on tendon tone, which allows you to dump in any direction. It suits people of all body types, because everyone has tendons and muscles.
Combining the "top" and "bottom" of the body on the one hand is very simple, on the other it is very difficult. The fingers are located on the hand, which is connected to the forearm. The forearm is connected to the shoulder through the elbow. The shoulder is controlled by the muscles of the scapula and pectoral muscles. Next comes the lower back, then the groin area, then the knees, then the feet. In the Fist of the White Crane, they are combined due to the opposite twist. This is similar to how the laundry is wrung out. And the soft becomes hard - the tightly rolled laundry becomes a hard rope.
Bring your elbow to your ribs, push your shoulder back. Twist your forearm with the hand in a clockwise direction (if it is your right arm) and you will see how your arm tenses without the involvement of muscles. Through biomechanics alone. Over time, you will learn how to do this quickly, in battle. And in general, you will become more structured and will be able to "twist" like that even with an unexpected attack. This structure must be observed at all times - both when walking and when sitting.
In the 90s, many people had bodyguards, and I worked with an international company that trained bodyguards. It happens that you go into the house, and the bodyguard is lying on the couch, legs apart. In this position, he will not even have time to pull out a pistol. And most importantly, his consciousness is in the same state. This means that it also spread its legs and is lying on the couch. Internally, he is not ready.
Another point. Now this is not noticeable, but earlier the bodyguards of the leaders of states were very noticeable. They carefully peered into the crowd, into every detail, which is very exhausting. After 3 minutes of such close observation, the protected person could be taken with his bare hands, as their attention was scattered. Now the level has increased - the guys have become less visible and more relaxed. Learned something.
You need to be concentrated, but absolutely calm when you move. When you are not moving, you have to be ready to move at any moment. This requires a teacher.
They say that martial arts can be learned quickly, while martial arts take years. This is not entirely true. For example, you don't like to fight and you are trying to negotiate. The enemy does not want to negotiate. And you feel that he has already crossed the barrier and will hit in a second or two. Hence, we must act. How? You won't say "Os!" Or bow? You must attack unexpectedly. Push a chair, for example. Salt, pepper also contribute. You are not an aggressor, but if it doesn't work out any other way, then so. This is the level of thinking. This is the main thing, not the trajectory of the hand when hitting.
There will definitely be a person who is stronger than me. Only intellectually undeveloped people can think that they can become the strongest, fastest, and learn top-secret techniques. And what to do? "Excuse me, take my house, my car, and my wife"? Cope with the stronger and faster will allow the correct worldview, and the correct approach. When you are confident in yourself, but calm and not aggressive. And, by the way, the aggressor will relax himself and will no longer expect a sudden attack from you. And his level of aggression will decrease. It can also be a ruse to pretend to be scared. Then the aggressor will also relax, which will give you a chance. This also takes practice.
About tendons
- Physically, pole work strengthens the tendons of the legs - the hip and knee joints, as well as the Achilles tendon. For example, if a person has had Achilles tendon surgery, they will do balance exercises to recover. For example, on a "balance board" - a circle on a hemisphere. And these micro-movements on the pole - because you cannot find a stable balance there like on the floor, they constantly keep the tendons in tension. On the one hand, you learn to take root, because you try to keep the amplitude of the micro-movements as small as possible, but on the other hand, these micro-movements will still be there, and they strengthen the tendons very strongly. Dynamics - barbell or jogging - tendons are difficult to strengthen. Looking for static, isometric exercises. And the process of strengthening takes a long time. If the muscle is growing rapidly - especially initially, strengthening the tendons takes time. At least several months, 15-20 minutes a day. In the beginning, I walked more because it was interesting. By the way, it was scary to take the first step - I took a step only because the students were watching.
I have a book on Shaolin practices - it describes an option when walking on long and flexible bamboo poles. It is very difficult to maintain balance there. And there the inner dialogue will definitely stop! On the one hand, you should be relaxed, and on the other, completely collected.
What does it do? For example, on the street, the enemy pulled out a knife. You immediately have thoughts, feelings - you remember how you once cut yourself, or the news from the newspaper about a similar case with a fatal outcome … The brain instantly analyzes everything, fear appears. Fear is a natural defensive reaction, but in this case it can become your brake. And a person cannot even run away because of a stupor. If you know how to stop the internal dialogue, you do not think about the consequences, that you can cut yourself and there will be blood. And you begin to perceive the knife as a tool that is harmless in itself. When the knife is on the table, it is difficult to cut yourself. Dangerous is the person who acts on them, the hand in which the knife lies. Well, the hand moves along certain trajectories, known to us, and then a chance appears.
About training
- Every workout should be stressful - for example, full force strikes and speed. I didn't dodge - it's my own fault. This also applies to criticism of traditional martial arts. Applied techniques are prohibited in MMA, but what is allowed beats in full force, and therefore they know how to apply it. And the "traditionalists" are often engaged in some kind of imitation: you, me, I, you, fell, dispersed. Well, at least they didn't drink beer, and that's good. But in a stressful situation it will not help them. There is no sincerity - no one took them specifically by the collar. The best technique for freeing yourself from a grip is not to be gripped. This also trains. If caught - attack the groin, throat, eyes.
About thinking
- Martial arts are thinking. For example, one of my teachers in a real situation, when the enemy wanted to hit him through a doorway, he simply closed the door instead of an ingenious block. Opened - he lies, writhing in pain because of a broken arm … This is the traditional martial art - correct thinking and maximum simple, effective action. You can splash hot coffee in your face and leave behind a table. Or you can, like in a movie, tumble across the table and try to kick with a roundhouse kick … The difference in approach.
Learning to think this way takes practice. Each style has its own approach. We need to understand how we work, how the world works.
You have to live like a warrior, not train like a warrior. So that there is no such thing that you are a fighter in training, but the office manager also left the hall. You should try to implement your office strategies, your martial arts business knowledge, and use this scheme right away. Or vice versa - use a martial arts strategy in management. This is a sign of martial art - when training also gives you professional growth. Career, if you are a manager, or sales, if you are a businessman. The system is the same in everything. Why did the masters of antiquity observe the animal, the world? Or, for example, you can compare the development of a child with a bounce system. The child does not know how to do anything, he is small. He learned to hold his head - but he also holds it at the expense of his stomach. We do not see this, we only see that he strains his neck. Then he turns on his stomach, his back begins to strengthen. He strengthened the body, he sat down. Then he began to jump on his legs, learning to stand. Then he starts walking with support, then running. Now about the formulation of the blow. First you have to get to your feet. Learn to stand. Many people think that they can stand … This is enough for them to live, but it is not enough for a strong blow. There are certain principles on how to stand. Then he begins to study the trajectories of movements with his hands - then with the transfer of the center of gravity from one leg to the other. Then the rotation of the body, which must be combined with the transfer of the center of gravity, otherwise the force of motion will go away from the target. And the student will fill the bumps, like a small child learning to walk - he will break his arm, pull the muscles of the shoulder, miss the oncoming blow, because he "telegraphs" about his blow … All this takes time.
It's the same in business. First, you need to understand what is the point here, how people in this area make money. The next step is to ask yourself: do I have some kind of exclusivity? If not, I will have a lot of serious competitors. And this is essentially a traditional martial art - to have in stock some kind of exclusive "present" for the enemy - an attack along an unexpected trajectory or into an unexpected part of the body. In sports, the situation is different - everything is fair, but not like in life. There was a case - a familiar boxing trainer in a restaurant quarreled with some guy and knocked him out with high quality. Then he got out and waited for the bus at the bus stop. And he came up unnoticed from behind, and hit hard with a bottle of champagne. Now the coach has impaired coordination, speech, and has difficulty speaking.
It's about the difference between martial arts and combat sports. A traditional martial artist would try to solve everything by talking, and such a situation would not arise at all. Second, if you are a master, you are constantly ready, you listen to the rhythm without any indulgence. Every day. Even when opening the entrance door, you must always stand on the side. If someone stands outside the door and sharply kicks it or opens it, it will not hit you. Or you tie your shoelaces, and in front of you is a relative. You need to tie it up so that if a relative suddenly wants to kick you, you could beat it off. This is how a certain thinking is developed. At first it will interfere in life, but then you get used to it, it will become natural. And the scheme of thinking will remain. Otherwise, you are not a warrior. Because if you have chosen this path, then you cannot take breaks - today is a warrior, tomorrow there is no. This will increase your survival rate.
There is also such a practice when a stool is suddenly knocked out from under you, or, as it were, attacked. This is how I periodically attack my students - I imitate the attack.
About biomechanics
- You need to know biomechanics and physics. For example, in order to strike, I need to tighten the extensor muscles, but if I still lend my shoulder, the blow will become stronger also due to biomechanics. This is our structured approach.
Another example - a straight back increases the power of the blow. Greco-Roman wrestlers who wrestle with a straight back have very strong punches, although they do not train them. To fully straighten your back, you need to tuck in your chin, as the Chinese teach. Then the back muscles of the neck are stretched, which are attached to the back of the head and go to the tailbone in the form of fascia. On the other hand, we twist the pelvis and the tension is obtained.
It also contributes to the view - a person who is bent forward, looking sullenly, sees worse. Yes, and simply his blood vessels are pinched, the brain is less well supplied with blood. There are many practices for peripheral vision, especially paired ones. It is necessary, working in pairs, to see both the floor and the ceiling, and everything that is happening around at the same time. At the same time, you need to look your partner in the eyes in order to understand how he feels at the moment, what he is going to do. Sometimes, even in everyday communication, we understand some things by the eyes, without speaking. In this case, you need to look at your partner's legs, notice all the smallest movements. Because you can kick, and the person will not even have time to react, because he did not notice the movement. You can, keeping your hands in front of you, start spreading them apart, wiggling your fingers, while keeping both hands in the field of view.
About controlling emotions
- What does it take to be calm? One must start with the ability to take control of oneself, and for this one needs an appropriate worldview. If, for example, it is extremely important for a person how he looks from the outside, he will never be calm, no matter what techniques he does. Any contemptuous or admiring (filled with any emotion) look - - will bring him out of balance. Either it will be pleasant or not, but in any case, this person was taken out of balance. In martial arts, we tend to the center, the middle, not the edges. This does not mean that you are a soulless robot, it means that when an untrained person has a level of emotion on a ten-point scale of 9, you have only 2. Moreover, this should be natural, not artificial.
As the saying goes: "Think of existence." This is not only a way to save the soul, but also to be calm. If, for example, a person believes that life does not end after death, then he is much less worried. All truly religious people have a happier and more peaceful life. Because if you think that everything is for the first and only time, then the first more or less serious illness and that's it - you are in a trance, depression. You haven't seen a country, you haven't bought a car, you haven't been able to achieve something. Life has failed.
If you believe in eternal life, then everything is fine, you continue to go about your business. This is a very important point.
One journalist asked me to talk about self-defense on the street. I tried to talk about calmness, that it is better to foresee aggression than to react to it at the last moment. To do this, you need to develop vision, hearing, sensitivity. He says: “I don’t need this, you tell me how to hit me in the eye with a heel” (figuratively speaking). It was just the 90s. A month later, I met his colleagues and asked how he was. They replied that the journalist was in intensive care. He returned home, seeing the girl off. They came up from behind and hit me on the head. If he had developed hearing, maybe this would not have happened.
Hearing exercises:
1. You take a box of matches and throw it behind your back in a more or less empty room. You turn towards the sound, trying to immediately turn to where it fell. You practice this for a while. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on it - I gave it up a couple of times a day, and that's fine.
Then you do the same with your eyes already closed.
2. Learn to listen to the rhythm. For example, in the cafe where we are now. Listen. Here a fork or a cymbal clinked - this sound got out of the general rhythm. If something is out of the general rhythm, you pay attention to it. You learn to listen to the rhythm everywhere - on the street, for example. And if this rhythm suddenly changes, you need to be on your guard. Maybe someone runs up to you from behind with a stick. I'm exaggerating, but it should become a habit - a habit of reacting to changing situations.
Any fight is a rhythm. Good fighters know how to keep the rhythm and break the rhythm. They break the rhythm and thus become unpredictable.
How to train the rhythm - for example, you strengthen your fingers and hit them on a pillow of sand in a certain rhythm of yours. General recommendations: there should not be long pauses between beats - otherwise it is no longer a rhythm, and a lot of time is wasted. But too frequent blows are no longer blows, the quality decreases. First, you need to copy the rhythm of the teacher, then, slowly learn to feel your own.
There are certain steps with rhythm, but it needs to be shown live. There are exercises with strikes, there are steps and strikes. And also paired interaction exercises.
The ability to listen to the rhythm is one of the ways of perceiving the external environment. And the task of any traditional kind is not to fight at all. On the street, only low-level fighters are fighting, who either do not know how to foresee the situation, or do not know how to get out of it without a fight. This requires self-confidence, because fear will be felt. The aggressor will try to push through, but in business they will not deal with such a person, because no one needs a weak partner.
Therefore, in order not to fight, you need to be calm. And in order to be calm, you need to be strong. And to gain strength, you need to go through a certain process. You cannot become strong from birth. A child is born and cannot even hold his head, but after a while he already knows how to do it. Then he sits, then he stands. And then he already learned to run so that he could not catch up. It's the same with martial arts practice.
I had a case somehow. I was walking down the street, and suddenly someone threw something from the balcony. I noticed something flying through the foliage. At first, naturally, there was a desire to step aside. And then I realized that he was flying by, and remained standing still. And only after that I realized my actions, and was surprised - this had not happened before. Before, like any normal person, I would have jumped at first, and then began to think. And then he realized that he was flying by and calmly walked on. There are specific exercises on how to achieve such a response, but not everything can be told - and not everything will be understood. But I will give you one example. There are areas in our body where the artery makes a revolution around the bone - and in this place it is almost closely adjacent to the bone. Figurative comparison: an artery is a hose. If the hose is wrapped in cotton wool (muscle), it is difficult to transfer it. If you put it on a hard surface (bone), it takes a little effort to damage it. And the artery is not as strong as a rubber hose … If you know such places and strike at them, then the artery can burst and internal blood loss begins. It is not visible from the outside. The person will feel slight discomfort, slight pain. If the critical period is passed, it can no longer be saved. This is the so-called "delayed death". And no "energies". There are still places, even a light blow into which can be fatal. And a person who knows these places can kill - even if he does not exercise. This is not about a duel, but about an ambush or from the back. Life is not a fight. The same techniques for "slow death" were created in order to make it difficult to understand who to take revenge after the death of a loved one.
It also happens that you defended yourself, hit, and the person fell, hit his head on a stone and died. And you took essentially two lives - his and yours. Therefore, tradition tries not to take it to the extreme. Combat is an extreme case.
About selfishness and self-respect
- They say: "Love yourself!" But I still don't know a single narcissistic turkey that other people love. And we all love ourselves anyway. But start respecting yourself! Only a few respect themselves. Because you can respect only for something specific. A person may like it or not, but it has nothing to do with respect (or disrespect). And if I respect myself (to be honest, this is a very important point), then others will respect me. But I also have to respect them.
All opponents, all enemies - the very last - must be respected. Because otherwise you can miss an unexpected attack (blow, situation). If you don’t respect him, then you’ll think - why am I going to watch him? If I respect him, then I perceive him as an equal - and, therefore, I must carefully observe him. After all, an equal can attack very seriously - both in a fight, and in business, and in relations between states.
- The Chinese often show and give some generalized things. There are many people on the Internet who are not as good as a fighter in reality. It is clear that if a person earns by teaching, he needs advertising. But you have to be sincere in what you do. It doesn't matter who you are - a butcher, a programmer …
You can do push-ups for the number, without thinking about whether your elbows are located correctly, you just hold the body exactly, or just to fulfill the standard. And you can in order to beat better. Sincerity is multi-layered. We consider ourselves sincere, and then it turns out that this is not entirely true. A person who lies to himself and those around him will never rise high either in business, or in society, or in martial arts. Because sincerity is needed to immerse oneself in business. Yes, I was scared. Yes, I was wrong. And if you consider that you were not mistaken, there is no need for you to correct yourself. We often justify ourselves, but you are obliged to tell yourself as it is. There is no need to criticize the shortcomings of your people, especially those who are authoritative and respected by us. We must show by our example, and try to understand what the reason is. For the mechanism to work well, everything must be debugged. And when a person is not debugged, then he has, that in thinking, in battle, that in life "holes".
About secret techniques
- Martial arts are one big secret. Give the applied technique to someone (fingers in the eyes, for example), and he will be abnormal and will practice it in dark courtyards at night. Therefore, there is a filter: on the one hand, the wrong people should not be allowed to the equipment, on the other hand, secrecy allows keeping students interested.
Moreover, everything is gradual. You cannot demand from a child that he knows how to run, if he still does not hold his head. Likewise, secret techniques are given gradually.
There is a violation of this approach in combat sports - a young man came to the group, and he was immediately put into sparring. And he never came again. Or maybe this is a future champion? But you need to work with him. Or else he would be crippled there.
About conflict resolution
- The fight does not have to end with the fact that you trample the opponent. This will give rise to the subsequent situation. If you spend little energy, you lose immediately. You spend a lot of energy - then you lose (you create a situation of revenge). And you just waste a lot of energy.
For example, a noisy, aggressive company has come. There is no need to wait for a test of your fighting qualities. We got up and left, that's all. Recently there was a situation - not far from my house there is a Green Theater - an open area where concerts are often held. Somehow after such a rock concert, where people show not the most gentle qualities, my wife and I walked along the alley. In a certain rhythm. And I heard that a group of 20-30 people was coming from the concert. Imperceptibly from my wife (so that she would not worry), I slowed down the pace of walking so that when we drew level between us there were lilac bushes. We walked along the sidewalk, they were on the road (the time was late, the cars were no longer driving). They were busy with their chants, and did not pay attention to us. And only two stragglers shouted to us: "Stop!" The main crowd went ahead, they could not catch up with them, in the end they followed their own. If the majority saw us at once, it would be impossible to predict how everything would end. We wouldn't give up so easily, but in any case, the consequences would be bad - either they beat them up, or you hit someone so that you will then be responsible for the consequences.
Martial art is a method of knowing oneself, the laws of this world.
About inner emptiness
- In addition to being collected and relaxed at the same time, there should be an inner emptiness. For example, a week later you have a conversation with a sponsor about an important project. If you run a conversation with him all week in your head, you will waste energy and will not be able to convey information to him. Information cannot be without energy. Energy cannot exist without information. Charismatic leaders have a high level of energy, and people follow that. You can describe it as confidence, but it's about energy. The same Vysotsky - weak vocal abilities, but try to perform his song correctly! Each of them is like a performance, with anguish.
To have a lot of energy, you cannot communicate with yourself from morning to night. This is a permanent loss. You can compare it with working on a computer - as if something was taken out of you. The fatigue is exhausting, not the same as after manual labor, when the fatigue is pleasant.
About naturalness
- Martial arts are just interesting to do. There is a huge layer of meditation, turning off the internal dialogue, and a lot of things that are interesting to do all your life, until old age. It is important for health and happiness - to have some kind of aspirations and achievements. Because if a person does not have any aspirations, he will develop some kind of illness, even if there were no prerequisites. You must definitely be busy with something. Now there are many people, especially women, who suffer from wandering pain syndrome. This is when there is no real illness, but there are some symptoms. Diseases are actively propagated by the Internet and television. And before, any person had to milk a cow every day, chop wood. And it was a great charge for him.
We must live as naturally as possible. And here, too, there is a fine line. On the one hand, natural products that are not made by trans-corporations are useful, and on the other hand, one should not "bother" on this topic. And if you think that everything you eat is harmful, you will not live long either. Here we again return to the worldview, thinking.
About a smile
- In the distant years, I studied in the park of Chisinau. I went there only in sports shorts, with a naked torso. You also had to walk barefoot - to be able to hit with your bare foot. The impact in shoes and without shoes is different. I was separated from the park by a street with a stop, where a lot of people usually gathered. I was too lazy to take change shoes with me just to cross the street. And I decided to go barefoot. In addition, in one hand I held the iron stick with which I was practicing, in the other a homemade makiwara. Imagine a picture of a strange guy walking with an iron stick, an incomprehensible thing in his other hand and barefoot.
I was shy, but I knew I had to practice. So I decided to look people in the eye and smile. When I hid my eyes, they smiled. When I began to look at them and smile, they began to hide their eyes. I don't know, maybe they thought I was a holy fool. Most likely! The main thing is that it was easier for me. And I realized that a smile is sometimes a much more serious weapon than a frown. In addition, you can smile so that a person will then scream for two weeks at night. In fact, even among criminals, the most dangerous are those who smile, not those who behave roughly. Such are ready for serious deeds.
After walking past the bus stop with a stick, I can go into any, the highest office and talk to any official.
And things like smiling are part of survival in the modern world.
The author thanks Anatoly Petkoglo, instructor of the Kulak white crane style (Moscow) for the help.