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Bell V-280 Valor tiltrotorCurrently, the Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) program is being implemented in the interests of the US ground forces, the goal of which is to create a new high-speed aircraft for army aviation. Part of the necessary work has already been completed and
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The Russian Defense Ministry buys a domestic helicopter, created specifically for foreign armies. The Mi-35M multipurpose attack helicopter will enter service with the Russian army for the first time. The amount of the contract is estimated at 10-12 billion rubles. The decision to purchase the Mi-35M was made by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. About it
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The idea of some kind of high-speed bomber that can easily get away from a fighter has excited designers from the very beginning of the 30s of the last century. Airplanes flew faster and faster, passenger monoplanes appeared, which easily gave out speeds higher than that of biplane fighters
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Very similar to the Do.17 in appearance, but nevertheless a completely different plane. Developed according to separate terms of reference for a long-range bomber that can throw bombs from a dive. What to do, there was such a fashion in the late 30s: everything should be able to dive, even four-engine giants. So Do.217
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June 19, 1910 (according to the new style) can be considered one of the birthdays of Russian aviation - then, a hundred years ago, an airplane first took off into the Russian sky, which was fully developed and built in Russia. was designed by a 34-year-old hereditary
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The People's Liberation Army of China "said goodbye" to its most famous combat fighter J-6 - a copy of the Soviet MiG-19 Last weekend, the news channel of the PRC Central Television showed an unusual reportage. At one of the military airfields, a farewell ceremony was held with
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Russian naval aviation began with the purchase of several seaplanes abroad in 1911. Soon, domestic aircraft designers created several types of flying boats, which in the First World War were used for bombardment and air shelling of naval bases and ports, ships
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At the international arms show Eurosatory-2010, which opened yesterday in the French capital, a lot of interesting novelties were presented. But the sensational one is the Russian one. The Russian defense industry is today harshly criticized even by the top leaders of the state. It seems that in its bowels there is nothing worthwhile to be born already
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HeliRussia 2010 reflected the changing environment in the Russian helicopter industry, increased production volumes and increased participation of foreign companies. The third annual HeliRussia Salon, which was held in Moscow from 20 to 22 May, was attended by 150 participants from 14 countries. For
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The major military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which began on September 27, 2020, attracted the attention of the whole world and seriously influenced the interest in unmanned aircraft. In light of the ongoing conflict, Turkish attack UAVs, including Bayraktar TV2, are of the greatest interest. However, this
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American Global Hawk drones will control Europe and Africa
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Example: S-38, a flying boat designed by Sikorsky over New York Of course, the leader in this matter is Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky. The praise to American aircraft on our pages has been done not that much, but enough and in fairness. Clever girls from the USA dragged specialists from all over the world and
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Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, when visiting the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) located in Zhukovsky near Moscow on Thursday, hastened to praise the
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This is a very interesting car. In fact, only the Dutch Fokker G.1, which was discussed at the very end of last year, could compare with it in originality and versatility. And, if France did not implement all the plans for the construction of aircraft, but only the best, oh, how difficult it was
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Calendar page with a curious photo By this time, the complex had passed all the necessary tests, incl. showed its combat potential. However, a drone with a combat
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All conflicts in recent years have been accompanied by the use of unmanned aircraft. At the same time, the intensity of its application and the range of tasks being solved gradually grew. For many years, the United States remains the leader in the field of UAVs, especially large reconnaissance drones and strike vehicles. Good luck in this
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Yes, our today's hero can be very conditionally called a combat aircraft. Much the same could be called a non-combatant chef on the front line. On the one hand, it seems so, the warrior from the cook is very conditional. On the other hand, try without it! Sukhpay, it is, of course, a sensible business, but you will be on it
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We are now going to talk about a rather peculiar plane from an extraordinary country. We are talking about Holland, which is now called the Netherlands. But then it was Holland with all that it implies, so let's talk about a Dutch plane
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The first flight of the experienced Il-114-300. On December 16, the first flight of the IL-114-300 prototype passenger aircraft took place. In the near future, all the necessary tests will be performed, after which the liner will go into series and go into operation. Due to the high technical and operational
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Il-40PK attack aircraft at the end of World War II, a significant number of Ilyushin's piston attack aircraft remained in service - both the Il-2 and the more advanced Il-10. The latter managed to take an insignificant part in the final battles in Europe, as well as in the defeat of the Kwantung Army during
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The father of this remarkable aircraft in many respects can rightfully be considered the later famous Rear Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. It was Yamamoto who developed the concept of a strike aircraft for the fleet, a genius for those years, a modern ground-based monoplane, the main task of which was
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Unknown aircraft featured in CCTV7 TV coverage. Perhaps it is related to the project H-20Currently, the Chinese Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation is developing a promising strategic bomber-missile carrier H-20. With its help, in the future, a radical
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The American F-22 Raptor fighter jet escorts the Russian Tu-95 strategic bomber over the Bering Strait. The military conflicts of recent years show that domination in the sky allows solving various
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Source: mil.ru/Press service of the RF Ministry of Defense Pilots are people just like all of us, so nothing human is alien to them. But to fulfill natural needs at a height of
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Orlan-10 is one of the main UAVs of the Russian army. Photo of the RF Ministry of Defense for the last 10-15 years, the Russian army has been paying special attention to unmanned aerial vehicles. Unmanned aerial vehicles for various purposes with different characteristics are created, purchased and put into service
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PD-14. Photo: Vitaly Kuzmin, vitalykuzmin.net Long-awaited, Russian Not all developed countries can afford to create their own aircraft engines. At one time, the Soviet Union was in this honorary club, and Russia rested on its former laurels for many decades. Mass production
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Yes, today we are not talking about a wonderful plane. Although, why, this thing was quite wonderful. But in the negative sense of the word. In general, "Hampden" was one of the three bombers with which Great Britain entered the war. Wellington, Wheatley and our hero. About Wheatley we
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F-22A in flight. To date, only three types of heavy-class 5th generation fighters have been created and put into production. The American F-22A, the Russian Su-57 and the Chinese J-20 are at various stages of production and operation. Despite belonging to the same generation and
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Medium UAV Bayraktar TB2 is the most famous Turkish development. Photo by Wikimedia Commons In recent years, the Turkish defense industry has shown its potential in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles. Several samples were created, put into service and brought to the international market
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CH-3 is the first UAV of the Tsaihun series. Photo Globalsecurity.org China is actively involved in the development and development of unmanned aerial vehicles. In the interests of the armed forces, new models of all major classes are being created. In recent years, heavy-class UAVs with
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Source: brickmania.com The reason for writing this article was the dissemination of inaccurate information regarding the issues of basing and servicing aviation. This happens periodically in all media. Moreover, in articles of completely different orientations, where, to one degree or another
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Historically, the most important components of the Strategic Nuclear Forces (SNF) of the USSR and then of the Russian Federation have always been the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). As we discussed in the previous article, the Strategic Missile Forces may well effectively carry out nuclear deterrence even if
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Experts' Opinions Recently, the American research organization RAND (Research and Development) presented a rather harsh assessment of the development program of the Russian fifth-generation fighter. The well-known blog bmpd was one of the first to draw attention to the material. We have repeatedly heard
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Good heredity TASS, citing the press service of Rostec, reported on the testing of a new version of the Mi-28N attack helicopter, equipped with blades with new saber tips. They are designed to increase the speed of the car. Russian Helicopters Holding will present at the Forum the Army-2020 exhibition
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Stealth technology has firmly established itself when it comes to stealth aircraft. De facto, any modern fighter or bomber (if, of course, it is really modern) must have it. The only exceptions are strategic
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Difficulties of the transition period In September, Izvestia announced that the first flight of the Su-30SM2 could take place as early as 2020. In fact, this machine should become a kind of two-seat version of the Su-35S, which is now the most "advanced" fighter in the Aerospace Forces. RF. The need for
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Not "Raptor" and not "Black Widow" The Japanese hoped to the last to get the American F-22, but the Americans made it clear that this machine will never be exported. Meanwhile, the issue of replacing the fourth generation has not gone anywhere. And we are talking not only about the replacement for the F-4 and F-15, but
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QUALITY AND QUANTITY There is no doubt that the F-35 took off as a combat aircraft. Back in May 2018, the F-35 was first used in a combat situation: it was the Israel Defense Forces vehicles. In 2019, the Jewish state continued striking targets using the F-35. April 30, 2019 U.S. Air Force for the first time
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Strength together? On July 16, RIA Novosti reported that MiG and Sukhoi would jointly develop the sixth generation. “Our competitors are American and European aircraft manufacturers. And to maintain strong leadership in the industry, we need to consolidate the best
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Sikorsky-Boeing SB-1 Defiant (FLRAA Program) June saw another achievement by the Sikorsky / Boeing duo in the development of the new high-speed SB-1 Defiant helicopter. It would seem that quite recently (the car performed its very first flight on March 21, 2019), it hovered awkwardly above the ground