The daily life of the 5th Squadron was very varied. Combat patrolling, tracking the enemy, but most of all there was routine work - refueling on the move, servicing the crews of nuclear submarines and submarines, transitions to anchorage sites, friendly calls at foreign ports. demonstration of the flag. In this part of the photo gallery there will be a story about the logistics of the 5th squadron. At that time, the Black Sea Fleet had a powerful connection of auxiliary vessels in the composition of two brigades (9th and 16th brigades of the UVF of the Navy). Black Sea tankers, sea tugs, killers and rescue vessels also served in the 5th OpEsk.

Rescue tug SB-15 pr. 733S receives fuel from KKS pr. 1833 "Berezina"

BOD pr.61MP "Brave" and KKS pr. 1833 "Berezina".

Submarine floating base of project 310M "Viktor Kotelnikov" and DPL of project 641.

BOD pr. 1134B "Ochakov" (removed from the cruiser pr. 68U1 "Zhdanov")

Gulf of Es Sollum on the border of Libya and Egypt, 52nd anchorage point (Selivanovka village)

Control cruiser pr.68U1 "Zhdanov" during refueling

Tanker pr. 92 "Zolotoy Rog", PKR pr. 1123 "Moscow" and MPK pr. 204

DPL pr. 641 receives fuel from KKS pr. 1833 "Berezina"

Not only we followed, but also us

Nuclear submarine pr. 705 "Lira" and GS pr. 320 "Yenisei", crew change

PBPL pr. 310 "Batur" provides washing of crews of MPK pr. 1124 and PM pr. 303

This is the most interesting photograph. The tanker pr. 1559V "Ivan Bubnov" fills the anti-ship missiles pr. 1123 "Leningrad", the BOD pr. 1155 "Udaloy" and …..kubinskiy SKR pr. 1159-T. I saw Bulgarians in Mediterranean, but Cubans ?! Desperate guys, across the Atlantic on such a boat!

Continuity of generations, KRU "Zhdanov" and RRC "Slava" take fuel from the tanker "Ivan Bubnov

TAKR pr. 1143 "Kiev" and TAKR pr. 1143.2 "Minsk"

TAKR "Kiev" departs from KKS "Berezina"