At the end of December, new information was published on the progress of work on the S-500 anti-aircraft missile system. In 2020, it is planned to conduct preliminary tests of this air defense system, and in 2025, the first serial complex will be handed over to the troops. Naturally, such news could not go unnoticed. Foreign media reacted to them with a number of interesting publications.
Chinese imports
On December 31, the Sohu.com platform posted an article entitled “原创 俄 S500 系统 将 测试 , 预计 5 年 后 交付 , 或 成 F35 和 F22 的 绝命 杀手?”, dedicated to the prospects of the Russian S-500 project. There was a clear threat to modern foreign aircraft in the headline, but the article itself raised more interesting questions.
Having considered the known tactical and technical characteristics, the author of Sohu.com called the S-500 complex a serious threat to all modern US fighters. And such an air defense system should go into service with the Russian army in the coming years.
At the same time, the topic of export deliveries of modern and advanced air defense systems is raised. In the recent past, China has purchased a number of modern Russian-made samples, in connection with which there are disputes about the possible acquisition of the latest S-500 air defense system. But this time such a contract should not be expected.
There are no plans to sell the S-500 to third countries, according to Russian officials. Three main factors led to this decision. The first is the exceptional characteristics and capabilities of the complex. Russia does not want foreign countries to have a sample of this kind, let alone technology falling into the wrong hands.

The second reason for the refusal to export is the need to re-equip its army as a priority with the desired advantages. The third factor is related to the specifics of the arms market. The existing S-400 air defense system already enjoys a certain popularity among customers, and in such a situation, the introduction of a new model to the market does not make much sense.
Thus, China is unlikely to be able to acquire Russian S-500 complexes. However, this is not considered a reason for pessimism. In the past, China purchased the S-300 air defense system and developed the HQ-9 system based on them. The author of Sohu.com believes that on the basis of the recently purchased S-400, the Chinese industry will be able to create another of its own air defense systems, comparable to the Russian S-500. In this case, it will be possible to do without importing the latter.
Chinese estimate
On January 7, the Chinese online edition "Zhongguo Junwang" published an article "俄 新一代 反导 系统 亮点 何在" ("Advantages of the Russian anti-missile system"), dedicated to the S-500 air defense system. Based on the available data, Chinese experts tried to evaluate a promising Russian product.
Zhongguo Junwang calls the S-500 a 5th generation complex based on the previous 4th generation S-400 system. Provided superiority over its predecessor in the range (up to 600 km) and in reach in height (up to 180 km). As a result, the S-500 will be able to more effectively fight enemy aircraft, incl. at long distances, as well as to solve the problems of anti-missile defense. Chinese authors believe that the S-500 will also be able to attack spacecraft in low orbits.
The Chinese publication believes that the S-500 air defense system has three characteristic advantages that provide high performance. The first advantage has to do with the missiles used. It is assumed that the SAM from the S-500 uses the fragmentation principle of hitting the target, which makes it possible to ensure high efficiency at a limited cost of the rocket. Interception at maximum ranges should be carried out with a 77N6-N missile with an altitude of up to 70 km and an accuracy of about 3 m.

The second advantage is the radar station from the new air defense system. The complex includes an S-band surveillance radar 91N6E, a three-coordinate C-band station 96L6-TsP and a 77T6 fire control radar. There is also a multifunctional 76T6 fire control radar system. The combined use of all these products ensures effective surveillance of the air situation in all ranges of range and height.
The third advantage lies in the perfect management of the complex. The S-500 includes a command vehicle 55K6MA and a combat command post 85Zh6. They are probably a modernized version of older systems. The purpose of these tools is to process data and control the shooting. Zhongguo Junwang points to the "unique characteristics" of the command posts, but does not provide specific parameters.
Turkish imports
On January 10, the English-language edition of Defense News published an article "West's reluctance to share tech pushes Turkey further into Russian orbit" with information about possible deliveries of Russian air defense systems to the Turkish armed forces. Data of this kind was obtained from an unnamed source in Turkey familiar with the construction of air defense.
According to Defense News, recent disagreements between Turkey and the United States could have serious consequences. Ankara is being pushed out of NATO's orbit, and as a result, it may be interested in broader cooperation with Russia. Some foreign countries refuse to share modern technologies and products with Turkey for political reasons, and Turkey is forced to look for alternatives - in the face of other countries with which there are no disagreements.
Not so long ago, these processes led to the conclusion of a contract for the supply of Russian S-400 air defense systems, and in the near future a similar order for the promising S-500 may appear. The Defense News source did not discuss the possibility of purchasing such systems, although he noted that everything is going according to plans.

Another source of the publication, working in the field of diplomacy, pointed out the need to obtain the maximum number of Russian technologies and products as soon as possible - if other foreign countries refuse to present them. Among the required samples and developments, this diplomat named the S-500 air defense system.
However, both sources did not provide specific data on plans for purchases, negotiations with suppliers, etc. In addition, they did not recall the earlier statements of the Turkish President R. T. Erdogan on a possible purchase of the S-500 in the future.
Limited attention
The latest news about the imminent start of tests of the S-500 and the timing of the arrival of the air defense system into service did not go unnoticed. At the same time, foreign media generally did not pay special attention to these news, limiting themselves only to reprinting the original messages.
However, some foreign publications tried to present the prospects for a new Russian development, as well as assess its export potential. As before, such assessments faced an objective problem in the form of a lack of information. The Russian industry is in no hurry to publish all the most interesting data on the S-500 project, which makes it difficult to study it. However, it is already possible to make forecasts in the context of overall technical capabilities and export potential.
According to the latest official news, this year the S-500 air defense system will be tested. In a few years, the production of such systems will begin, and in 2025 the army will receive the first serial complex. Probably, all these events will become a reason for a real wave of publications and discussions.