The Federal National Guard Service has adopted two new types of small arms - MPL and MPL-1 pistols developed by the Kalashnikov concern. These products were developed specifically for the Rosgvardia according to its technical specifications and meet the current requirements of the department as much as possible. This is expected to provide all the features and benefits you need.
In a limited time
Several years ago, within the framework of the Army-2015 forum, the Kalashnikov concern for the first time showed a promising PL-14 pistol designed by D. Lebedev. In the future, this product was modified several times to obtain certain advantages. Pistol modifications are regularly shown at various exhibitions and offered to various customers, incl. foreign.
In 2017, the Russian Guard drew up the tactical and technical requirements for a promising pistol for its structures and launched development work with the Lynx code. Concern "Kalashnikov" joined this ROC, for which it began the development of the next version of the PL-14 product. Such a weapon received the designation MPL ("Lebedev Modular Pistol"), and its modification was designated as MPL-1.
For several years, Kalashnikov completed the necessary revision of the original pistol with the introduction of new design features and obtaining the required capabilities. Then the finished pistols of two types were carried out through the entire cycle of the necessary tests. In February of this year, the MPL and MPL-1 completed state tests, according to the results of which they received a recommendation for adoption.

On May 24, the Kalashnikov concern announced the adoption of two new pistols by the FSVNG. The first consignments of weapons were transferred to the Russian Guard for development and operation. In the near future, full-scale production of MPL and MPL-1 will be launched, which will cover all the customer's needs for modern short-barreled weapons. At the same time, the terms and volumes of such rearmament are not specified.
According to customer requirements
According to the known data, TTT at the Lynx development center provided for the development of a self-loading pistol chambered for the 9x19 mm Parabellum cartridge with advanced tactical capabilities. The latter were proposed to be obtained through the introduction of a number of design solutions, as well as through the development of a pistol modification with an expanded composition of additional equipment.
By its design, the MPL as a whole repeats the basic PL-14/15. The pistol is built on the basis of a plastic frame and a metal shutter casing. The casing is low in height; the trunk is pushed down as far as possible. Automation is used with the recoil of the bolt coupled to the barrel. Locking is carried out by interaction of the protrusion on the barrel with a window in the casing. The double-action trigger includes a concealed trigger.
The pistol is equipped with a detachable 16-round magazine. In the rear wall of the store there are holes for visual control of the ammunition. MPL can use the entire range of 9x19 mm cartridges, including high-yield ammunition.

The MPL project provides for the improvement of ergonomics, incl. to improve combat performance. Thus, the shape and angle of the handle are determined for the greatest convenience of the shooter; there is the possibility of replacing the linings. The thickness of the handle is only 28 mm. The downward shift of the barrel made it possible to reduce the toss when fired. The controls are double-sided.
The "special" version of the MPL-1 pistol is minimally different from the base one. It is equipped with a longer barrel with a thread for the installation of a device for reducing the sound of a shot. It was necessary to increase the height of the sight and front sight so that the silencer did not block the sighting line.
Pistols for Rosgvardia have dimensions and weight at the level of other modern samples. The length of the products is 205 or 220 mm. The height of the MPL pistol is 140 mm. Special version 5 mm higher. The basic product weighs 800 g; MPL-1 is 15 g heavier. PSZS increases the length of the pistol up to 400 mm and makes it heavier up to 1, 15 kg.
Benefits obtained
Currently, the main short-barreled weapon of the Russian Guard is the PM pistol. There are also other weapons in smaller numbers, such as PYa, GSh-18, etc. The Makarov pistol, with all its advantages and long history, no longer meets all current requirements, and a number of structures need to be replaced. It was for this purpose that the Lynx ROC was carried out.
The new MPL and MPL-1 pistols have been developed taking into account the modern TTT and based on the accumulated experience. This circumstance in itself is an obvious advantage. At the same time, promising samples have other important features.

The choice of ammunition is of great importance. The domestic cartridge 9x18 mm and weapons for it are often criticized for limited power and, accordingly, insufficient combat characteristics. Foreign 9x19 mm is more powerful and has other advantages. In addition, a wide range of such cartridges with different characteristics and capabilities are produced in our country and abroad.
Lebedev's pistols compare favorably with PMs by the ability to adjust to the needs of a particular shooter and to the tasks at hand. This is ensured by both the ergonomics of the weapon and compatibility with a wide range of accessories and devices. At the same time, one of these devices, PSZS, is included in the basic configuration of the MPL-1 modification.
It should be recalled that MPL pistols for FSVNG were not developed from scratch and are a continuation of the development of the existing design. This shows that the PL-14/15 pistol has a high modernization potential, and it can be successfully used to fulfill the tactical and technical requirements of a particular customer.
Not only Rosgvardia
To date, the family of D. Lebedev pistols includes several products. These are the basic PL-14 and its improved version PL-15, modular MPL for the Russian Guard in two versions, as well as a compact PLC and a sports SP1. So far, only two standardized models have been adopted, but in the future the situation will change.

In August 2020, it became known that the PLC pistol successfully passed state tests and was recommended for adoption by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Concern "Kalashnikov" handed over a batch of such weapons for trial operation, and also began preparations for serial production. Officially, the adoption of the PLC into service has not yet been reported, but such news may appear in the near future.
Since 2015, Kalashnikov has regularly shown pistols of the PL-14/15 family at exhibitions and is trying to attract new customers. Until recently, such weapons were presented only at domestic events, and in February of this year, the "premiere" took place at a foreign show. The pistols were reported to have attracted the attention of visitors, although no actual orders have been received yet.
Modern pattern
Thus, the gunsmiths of the Kalashnikov concern were able to create a modern and successful pistol design, which has already become the basis for a whole family of weapons. Several samples of such a line have been adopted by Russian structures at once or are preparing for this. In addition, foreign orders are expected to appear.
The current situation is already conducive to optimism. Kalashnikov has coped with the design tasks and is ready to produce new weapons. Now everything depends only on the customers, the first of whom has already decided on their plans. Who will buy Lebedev's pistols after the Russian Guard will become known in the near future.