The Dubai Airshow 2017, recently completed in the suburbs of Dubai, has traditionally become a venue for exhibiting not only a variety of manned, but also unmanned aircraft systems of various classes and types. At the same time, one of the central trends that manifested itself at this exhibition was the abundance of demonstrated samples of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of the MALE class (Medium Altitude Long Endurance - a class of medium-altitude drones with a long flight duration).
Apparatus of this size are capable of carrying weapons on board, which is a very attractive option for the armed forces of many countries in addition to the capabilities of reconnaissance and surveillance using optoelectronic and radar facilities.
However, the American Predator XP UAV, which is a simplified export version of the MQ-1 multipurpose UAV used by the American military, has no weapons. These systems have already been sold in the UAE. The corresponding contract for the supply of an unnamed number of UAVs with a total value of about $ 197 million was signed in 2013. Perhaps that is why at the current showroom the device was presented only in the form of a reduced model at the stand of the developer General Atomics.
The device almost completely corresponds to the basic version of the UAV - it has the same dimensions, speed, maximum flight duration and service ceiling. The drone can fly at ranges up to 740 km, carrying on board a payload with a total weight of up to about 200 kg.
At the same time, the simplifications carried out in terms of its subsystems led to a certain decrease in the cost of the complex as a whole. It is reported that it can be used both in military tasks, for reconnaissance and surveillance, and in civilian - aerial photography and mapping, security monitoring, environmental research, etc.
CHINA IS Eager to Lead

The success of the United States in this segment of unmanned aircraft systems did not leave indifferent developers from other countries, who, in addition to solving the problem of equipping their own armed forces, obviously have a desire to receive revenues from external supplies. The leading role here is played by the PRC. Three unmanned aerial vehicles of the corresponding class were shown at the static site of the Dubai salon: Wing Loong I, also known as Pterodactyl; Wing Loong II and Cloud Shadow.
Vin Lun I is an unmanned aerial vehicle with a take-off weight of about 1.1 tons. A drone equipped with a turboprop engine can climb to an altitude of 6,000 m. The maximum flight duration is 20 hours, and the radio range is 200 km. UAV "Vin Lun" I lifts 200 kg of payload, half of them - on external suspensions. It can be a multichannel optoelectronic surveillance system and a synthetic aperture radar, as well as a variety of weapons systems, including AKD-10 anti-tank guided missiles and FT-7/130 gliding bombs.
Work on the project began in 2005, and already in 2007 the first flight was carried out. The mock-up of the drone was first shown to the general public in 2008 at the aviation exhibition in Zhuhai (China). It is known that the Wing Lun I UAVs are used by the PLA, and in 2015 they even appeared at a parade in Beijing. The Chinese government has approved the export of these systems. At the moment, in addition to the UAE, as you know, this UAV has been delivered to Egypt, Nigeria and Uzbekistan.
The heavier UAV Vin Lun II, created as a development of the previous model, has a maximum take-off weight of about 4200 kg. According to the developer, the flight duration of the Vin Lun II drone is the same 20 hours, the ceiling is just over 9000 m. RTR) and electronic warfare (EW), as well as data relay systems. In addition, the UAV solves shock tasks - high-precision weapons with a total mass of up to 480 kg are placed on six suspension points, including up to 12 air-to-surface missiles, FT-9/50, TL-10 bombs, and laser bombs. homing head GB3.
The third of the presented Chinese unmanned aerial vehicles, "Cloud Shadow", is slightly lighter than the "Vin Lun" II - its maximum take-off weight is about 3200 kg. Unlike the Pterodactyls, it uses a turbojet engine as a power plant, which allows it to achieve high flight speeds. Its maximum speed is 620 km / h, cruising speed is 420 km / h. The maximum flight duration is 6 hours. The range of the UAV over the radio channel is up to 290 km. The effective range of the UAV is about 2000 km.
The Cloud Shadow UAV can also be used in reconnaissance and reconnaissance-strike configurations. The total payload mass of the drone reaches 400 kg. Under each wing console there are three suspension points for various weapons, which currently offer a variety of bombs, including Blue Arrow 7, Blue Arrow 21, AG-300M and YJ-9E, and also guided air-to-surface missiles.
The Turkish presence in the field of unmanned aircraft systems at the Dubai exhibition was indicated by two MALE class vehicles - Anka and Karael (full name Karayel-SU). The first is represented by a working sample, the second is a full-size model.
"Anka" (Anka, named after the magic bird of the same name, which is also often called Simurg) is a reconnaissance and strike unmanned vehicle created by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI). The device has a maximum take-off weight of about 1600 kg. The Thielert Centurion engine is used as a power plant, which allows the UAV to perform flights for up to 24 hours at altitudes up to 9000 m. The UAV is equipped with an electric pulse de-icing system, the elements of which are located in the wing consoles and in the tail.

The AselFLIR-300T optical-electronic surveillance system from Aselsan is installed on the UAV as a payload, as well as a synthetic aperture radar. As weapons on UAVs can be installed missiles "Jirit" (Cirit, in translation from Turkish - a spear or dart) developed by Roketsan.
The contract for the development of this system under the TUAV program was signed by the Turkish Ministry of Defense with TAI in 2004. The first public demonstration of the Anka UAV took place at the British Farnborough Air Show in 2010, and the first flight was performed at the end of the same year. It is known that these UAVs are already in operation in the Turkish Armed Forces. Several years ago it was reported that there were agreements for the supply of a batch of UAVs to Egypt, but nothing is known about the fact of this delivery.
The second of the mentioned Turkish drones - "Karael" was developed by Vestel Defense. This modification was first shown to the general public at the Dubai Air Show this year. As far as we know, after the first public demonstration of the prototype of the UAV "Karael", the company continued work on the creation of an armed version of this drone under the designation "S-variant". Its first trials began in 2016.
According to reports, in the new modification, the drone received an enlarged wing span. The payload mass has increased from 120 to 170 kg. According to the developers, the drone can stay in the air for up to 20 hours and rise to an altitude of 5.5 km. Under each wing console there are two weapon attachment points, where high-precision MAM-L and MAM-C bombs developed by Roketsan can be installed.
So far, nothing is known about potential interested customers of this system. However, it is obvious that the company would like to use the market of the Gulf countries and the Middle East as a whole as a platform for expanding sales of the created unmanned systems.
It is curious that the UAE neighbors Saudi Arabia, which, according to available data, had previously signed a contract for the organization of licensed production in the country of Chinese unmanned aerial vehicles of the Pterodactyl (Vin Lun) family, presented their MALE class UAV project at Dubai Airshow. The cost of the contract, together with related equipment and weapons, according to media reports, was about $ 10 billion, which made it the largest contract for the purchase of a UAV. Nevertheless, their own developments in this area are also underway.
The work on the creation of the unmanned aerial vehicle "Sakr-1" (Saqr 1) is being carried out by the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology Center for Science and Technology (KACST). The flight range of this UAV exceeds 2500 km. The cruising altitude of the device is 6000 m, the flight duration is about 24 hours. The UAV is equipped with a Ka-band satellite communication system, which expands the possibilities of its application. As a combat load, the drone can carry missiles and laser-guided bombs.
A scaled-down model of the Patroller was presented at the French stand. The UAV was created by Sagem together with the German Stemme. This device is one of the striking examples of the creation of a UAV not from scratch as an independent product, but on the basis of an existing manned vehicle - it is based on the Stemme ASP S-15 airframe.
UAVs can be used for reconnaissance targets, adjusting artillery fire, etc. The range of the UAV is 250 km. According to official data, the UAV can perform flights for up to 20 hours. The maximum flight altitude is 6000 m. The device can carry a payload with a total weight of more than 250 kg in the form of a multisensor observation system on a gyro-stabilized platform Sagem Euroflir 350. In addition, this unmanned aerial vehicle is equipped with radar system.
Work on the project began in 2008. In 2009, a prototype UAV was shown at the Paris Air Show at Le Bourget. Later the work was continued. The first flight of the drone took place in 2012. The successful completion of flight tests, according to available data, made it possible to begin mass production of this system.
The Austrian company Diamond Aircraft brought to the exhibition a DA-42 aircraft, which can be used for patrol purposes, including an unmanned version, as in the case of the Patroller apparatus. The aircraft body is made of carbon-based composite materials. The maximum take-off weight of the vehicle is just over 1,700 kg, including the payload - up to 532 kg. It made its first flight in 2002. It is the first diesel-powered aircraft to fly across the Atlantic Ocean (from Canada to Portugal) in 28 hours. The aircraft received a certificate in May 2004. The experience of creating an unmanned version based on this aircraft was, in particular, from the Israeli company Aeronautics Defense Systems. In addition, Russian developers had plans to use the DA-42 to build an unmanned vehicle based on it.
The Italian company Leonardo (formerly Finmeccanica), which previously periodically demonstrated its promising Sky-Y UAV at international exhibitions, has brought only tactical systems to Dubai this year. The European presence in the field of MALE-class UAVs was also marked by the appearance of a smaller model of a promising pan-European UAV. However, the creation of this system is obviously a matter of a rather distant future.
A few years ago, the picture with unmanned aircraft systems on display at the Dubai Salon was somewhat different. A significant part of the unmanned aerial vehicles presented were various tactical-class vehicles. Currently, tactical drones have largely given way to medium-altitude vehicles of long duration.
The advantages provided by devices of this class in the form of the ability to carry more high-quality and diverse surveillance systems, as well as carry weapons, the ability to perform long flights lasting several tens of hours, etc. in the eyes of potential customers, they obviously outweigh the disadvantages of the need for high quality airfield runways and higher acquisition and ownership costs.
American developers by active exploitation of drones in military conflicts of the past decade have managed to create an image of highly efficient military systems of the future. Meanwhile, the "Predators" for a long time remained a weapon for the elite, due to export restrictions they were available only to a narrow circle of countries from among the closest allies of the United States. However, demand creates supply. Chinese, Asian and other developers have shown that, albeit with some delay, they are ready to meet the demand of paying customers. Is there a place in this market for Russia? While there is. But the window of opportunity will gradually close as the market becomes saturated, and competition will grow.