In 2011, the Russian defense industry for the first time presented a set of military equipment (KBEV) "Ratnik". After a series of necessary checks, the kit received military approval and entered mass production. The army receives several tens of thousands of such kits annually. Over the past few years, the military and industry specialists have carried out the necessary tests, in the framework of which various information has been collected about the kit as a whole and its individual components. Now some details of the inspections have become known.
Not so long ago, the newspaper of the Ministry of Defense "Krasnaya Zvezda" began publishing a series of articles authored by Yuri Avdeev, devoted to the state and prospects of KBEV "Ratnik". So, on November 19, the material "Ratnik" was published with an eye to the future. " Exactly a week later, the article “Digitized“Warrior”was published, continuing the story about the latest domestic developments. Most likely, in the very near future the cycle will be continued by a new article, but the publications already published are of great interest. Consider the announced information about the "Ratnik".

In the first article - "Warrior" with an eye to the future "- it was noted that some of the components of promising equipment had already been adopted for supplying the armed forces. At the same time, the testing of new products and the development of the entire complex does not stop. Simultaneously with the improvement of the already existing components of "Ratnik", new projects of one kind or another are being developed. The goals of the current work have been determined, and now the specialists are working on solving the current problems.
In general, the "Ratnik" project provides for the creation of a promising innovative system that has life support functions and increases the efficiency of solving combat missions. Currently, the industry is engaged in the creation and improvement of individual instrumentation. The means of communication, navigation control, target designation, etc. have a special priority. A modular approach to the construction of equipment is also actively used.
As it was repeatedly mentioned earlier, all the means of "Ratnik" are brought together in five main systems. The set of combat equipment includes a system of destruction, protection, life support, control and power supply. In this case, the composition of individual systems can change in accordance with certain requirements.
In March 2015, it was decided to launch the controlled operation of KBEV Ratnik. In the course of the execution of this instruction, special groups for collecting, processing and analyzing information were organized in the troops. Control units of different types of troops operate the "Ratnik" kits, and also interact with information gathering groups. The operation of both the entire complex and its individual elements is being studied. Based on the results of the analysis of the operation, the industry receives certain instructions regarding the further development of the systems.
Several research organizations have been involved in the analysis of the data. According to Krasnaya Zvezda, the 3rd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, the 27th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, the Main Research and Testing Center of Robotics, the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy, are participating in such works. Military academy of military air defense and other organizations. For example, the role of the 3rd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense is in mathematical modeling, which makes it possible to evaluate the results of certain modifications in the context of the combat use of systems.
The article "Digitized" Ratnik "indicates that the control groups of military personnel are almost completely equipped with the products of the promising KBEV. So, the fighters used a 6B45 type body armor with a modular transport system, 6B47 armor helmet, 6SH122 camouflage kit, joint protection kit, a patrol knapsack, a gas mask with a bag, etc. Similar products were used by soldiers in tactical, physical, fire and engineering training. The servicemen also checked the compatibility of the Ratnik kits with existing vehicles and combat vehicles.
It is indicated that the initial level of training of the control units was the same. They practiced the same techniques; the tactical conditions and instructions for solving the assigned tasks did not differ either. The skills and abilities of the fighters were tested using both existing and promising equipment. This allowed us to compare the results and draw conclusions about the characteristics of KBEV "Ratnik". As part of the trial operation, the control units worked with the new systems for about 500 hours.
Interesting results were obtained when studying the system of destruction, which is part of the "Ratnik". During trial operation, experts compared two pairs of machines. These were AK-12 and 6P67 products chambered for 5, 45x39 mm, as well as 7, 62-mm AK-15 and 6P68 assault rifles. The assault rifles were compared both with each other and with the standard armament of the army. The study of weapons was carried out on the basis of motorized rifle units, marines and airborne troops.
Comparison of the machines showed that the AK-12 and 6P67 products have both pros and cons. At distances up to 300 m, the 6P67 assault rifle shows 1, 1 times greater fire efficiency. At distances over 300 m, the AK-12 assault rifle shows similar superiority. At the same time, the promising weapon was compared with the standard AK-74M assault rifle. Products AK-12 and AK-15 showed a twofold superiority, and the effectiveness of 6P67 fire is 2, 3 times higher.
The AK-74M assault rifles were tested both in the initial configuration and with a set of additional equipment formed as part of the Obves development work. Thanks to additional devices, the accuracy of fire has improved by 1, 3 times in comparison with the basic machine gun. At the same time, some problems arose in the context of the maintenance of weapons. Thus, incomplete disassembly of the AK-74M with the "Body kit" takes an average of 47.5 s, while the original machine gun can be disassembled in 12.1 s. Assembling weapons from this state takes 18, 6 s (basic AK-74M) or 84 s ("Body kit"). Based on the results of testing the results of the ROC "Obves", the industry received some recommendations. In early 2017, she presented an updated version of the machine with additional equipment.
Along with the weapons, the means of observation and aiming were tested. This work was carried out in four stages. The first two consisted in the issuance of products to personnel with their subsequent study and assignment to the soldiers. The third stage included training of personnel in the daytime and in the dark. As part of the final stage of testing, experiments were carried out that involved changing the quantitative composition of sighting devices in the unit.
It is reported that the use of "Ratnik" leads to positive results in some areas and to inconvenience in others. Thus, it was determined that the new equipment does not have a negative impact on the results of fighters in the context of fire training. In addition, there is an increase in indicators in tactical training. Soldiers get the opportunity to quickly cope with their combat mission.
At the same time, the presence of a large number of various means leads to an increase in the mass and volume of a soldier in full gear. This negatively affects the usability. Embarking and disembarking from a combat vehicle requires 2, 3 times more time, and the grenade throw range is reduced by 3-7 m.
As already mentioned, specialists from the 3rd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense performed mathematical modeling and determined the increase in combat effectiveness. It was found that when equipping a reinforced battalion of ground forces KBEV "Ratnik" losses are reduced by 12%. Ammunition consumption is increased by 5%. The enemy has the ability to wedge into our positions to a depth of no more than 50-200 m, and in some situations his advance is excluded. It was also determined that the number of targets hit increases in duel fire combat.
Krasnaya Zvezda also reveals the plans of the Ministry of Defense for the last months of this year. Before the beginning of 2018, it was planned to complete the test operation of a number of new devices. It was about new means of reconnaissance, observation and aiming. In addition, tests of several promising sniper rifles should be completed in the near future. These are SVDM, VSSM and ASVKM products. After all this, the Ministry of Defense will convene a coordination and scientific council, which will discuss the results of the latest tests.
The final of the test and verification program will be the development of new proposals that will be used in the course of further work. New proposals and refined requirements will be taken into account in subsequent development work, the purpose of which is to create a promising set of military equipment under the code "Ratnik-3". This work will continue over the next several years.
The deliveries of Ratnik kits of existing modifications started several years ago. Over the past time, a number of defense industry organizations involved in the program have created a full set of necessary equipment, and also carried out several upgrades of individual products. All the main components of KBEV "Ratnik" are in serial production and are supplied to the armed forces in large quantities.

According to previously published data, in 2014-15, the army handed over more than 70 thousand sets of "Ratnik" with all the necessary devices and products. Later, representatives of the military department noted that the armed forces will receive 50 thousand sets annually. At the same time, the possibility of increasing the pace with a noticeable increase in supply volumes was not excluded. In parallel with the procurement of new equipment, the military department conducted various tests on the basis of combat units. Based on the results of the checks, recommendations were formed regarding the further development of the tested systems. In addition, preparations were underway for the creation of a new generation of the kit.
At present, specialists from a number of organizations of the Ministry of Defense are completing the current tests of KBEV "Ratnik" in the existing configuration with an up-to-date set of equipment, weapons, protection and electronic equipment. In the course of such tests, it is planned not only to reveal the real characteristics and capabilities of the systems, but also to determine further ways of developing the kit. The new recommendations, which should appear in the very near future, will be taken into account in the promising projects of the Ratnik-3 program.
Earlier it was stated that the next "generation" of the "Ratnik" kit will appear at the end of this or the beginning of the next decade. It will have certain advantages over existing systems, achieved through the use of updated tools and components. When creating new products, the experience of operating and testing existing ones will be taken into account.
The "Ratnik" military equipment set includes several dozen items of different classes and for various purposes. All of them are summarized in five systems responsible for solving various tasks of a combat or auxiliary nature. The components of the kit, soon after their appearance, passed the necessary tests, after which they were recommended for introduction into the "Ratnik". Then, after the appearance of a full-fledged kit, tests began, in which all products are studied together, during their full use.
Joint tests of KBEV assembly make it possible to timely identify certain problems with the interaction of components, as well as to determine and note the positive qualities of products. Thus, based on the results of all current work, the army will be able to receive a set of equipment that fully meets the current requirements. In addition, the current work predetermines the course of promising projects, the creation of which will start in the near future.
It is important that the military department, represented by official representatives and its own newspaper, regularly publishes certain results of various works, including the Ratnik program. This gives investigators food for thought, and gives society as a whole another reason to be proud of its military.