The revamped Tempest is targeting NATO fleets. Breakthrough of "Standards" and "Asters" is a delicate matter

The revamped Tempest is targeting NATO fleets. Breakthrough of "Standards" and "Asters" is a delicate matter
The revamped Tempest is targeting NATO fleets. Breakthrough of "Standards" and "Asters" is a delicate matter

Five days ago, in the "Military Technologies" section of the Free Press news and information-analytical resource (, an interesting and highly thought-out article from a technical point of view was published under the title "Feature of the Russian" Kitchen ": cruisers and destroyers of the US Navy will go to feed the fish ". It instantly becomes clear to a trained eye that we are talking about long-range multipurpose tactical missiles of the X-22 family, which in the North Atlantic Alliance was assigned the AS-4 “Kitchen” identification code back in the late 1960s. Our product was called "Tempest".

Nevertheless, the regional and global maritime theaters of military operations of the 21st century are gradually evolving into real network-centric arenas with the most modern anti-missile defense systems based on the promising anti-aircraft guided missiles RIM-162 ESSM, RIM-174 ERAM, against the background of which the flight technical and physical characteristics of the X -22 gradually lost their share. For example, a relatively low approach speed to the target of 2500 km / h (2.05M), with a huge effective scattering surface of the order of 1 sq. m, the absence of modes of performing intensive anti-aircraft maneuvers (similar to Onyx), as well as diving at the target at a relatively small angle of 30 degrees (starts at a distance of 60 km from the surface ship), made it possible for the AN / SPY-1A shipborne radar without difficulty “Capture” the X-22 at a distance of up to 150 km and start intercepting with the help of far from the most modern missiles RIM-67D and RIM-156A starting from 80 - 100 km.

As a result, in the 2000s, active flight tests of the upgraded Kh-32 (9-A-2362) cruise missile began, which we will try to consider in detail in our today's review. The development of the X-22 update package to the X-32 version was carried out by the specialists of the Raduga Design Bureau since the 80s of the XX century. And already in 2016, the missile entered service with long-range bombers Tu-22M3M. And now let's try to analyze whether the new product from the "Rainbow" has reached the bar set by the existing naval air defense missile systems of the US Navy and the United Naval Forces of NATO, as well as set more advanced anti-missile systems, preparing for operational readiness in the 20s years?

In the above article about the "Kitchen", the issue of the combat effectiveness of the Kh-32 anti-ship missile system is expressed by the captain of the first rank, Doctor of Military Sciences and Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences Konstantin Sivkov, who made an analytical review taking into account the tactical and technical characteristics of the new missile, as well as the well-known parameters of the American ultra-long-range anti-aircraft missile RIM-174 ERAM "Extended Range Active Missile". For the most part, Konstantin Valentinovich considered the capabilities of the X-32 to overcome the air defense system of American naval and aircraft carrier strike groups (KUG / AUG) as well as the anti-missile properties of the RIM-174 ERAM (SM-6) down to the smallest detail. In particular, even such a detail, imperceptible to a simple observer, was indicated as a significant decrease in the maneuverability of the RIM-174 ERAM missile defense system at altitudes exceeding the official figure of the interception ceiling of 33 km (declared by the manufacturer - Raytheon), which is observed in connection with the critical rarefaction atmosphere. Everything here is absolutely correct.

If at an altitude of 33 km the pressure is about 11.5 mbar, then at an altitude of 40 km (here the marching section of the X-32 trajectory passes) does not exceed 3.1 mbar. Consequently, the SM-6 aerodynamic rudders drastically lose their effectiveness and the rocket's maneuvering becomes many times more "viscous" (the angular rate of turn decreases), which does not allow it to effectively intercept the X-32, which is performing anti-aircraft maneuver. This result is also observed due to the lack of a gas-dynamic "belt" of impulse engines of transverse control (compensating for aerodynamic planes) in the SM-6 and a low flight speed of 3700-3800 km / h, which does not allow realizing all the best qualities of aerodynamic rudders at high altitudes. (for example, the 5V21A SAM of the S-200 complex was perfectly controlled by aerodynamic rudders at altitudes up to 40 km thanks to an impressive speed of 9000 km / h). Against this background, the Kh-32 has indisputable advantages: a flight speed of 5200 - 5400 km / h on the marching section, and hence the ability to energetically maneuver.

A very important advantage of the main flight mode of the X-32 (as opposed to the X-22) when performing an anti-ship strike is that the missile maintains its flight path at an altitude of 40 km until it approaches the target and does not start diving at a distance of 50-60 km from it. … In practice, this further complicates the process of intercepting the updated "Buri" (domestic name X-22) by means of the RIM-174 missile defense system with all the flight technical shortcomings of the latter. The situation changes dramatically when the X-32 switches from horizontal flight to a vertical dive to the target, or dive at angles of more than 70 degrees. Having dropped to an altitude of 25 km, the Kh-32 enters the zone where the maneuverability of the SM-6 interceptor missile is at the proper level due to the higher density of the lower layers of the stratosphere, in the same turn, this reduces the flight speed of the "Kitchen" to 3.5 - 4M. As a result, the chance of interception increases several times. At such altitudes, the SM-6 is capable of overloading about 15 units, the heavier and slower X-32 - also no more than 15 units.


Let's move on to the next points. The article indicates that despite the high permissible overload of the RIM-174 ERAM combat stage, it is not capable of intercepting the Kh-32 due to the fact that the speed of the targeted target is only 2880 km / h, while the speed of the Kh-32 is approaching 5400 km / h on the marching site. Firstly, according to the statements already made in the article, the SM-6 has an extremely meager "window of ability" to intercept a maneuvering target at an altitude of 40 km in a rarefied atmosphere "RIM-174 was able to intercept it). Consequently, the emphasis should have been made at the moment of the final section of the trajectory, when the rocket dives at the target through the denser layers of the stratosphere, and the speed here already significantly decreases (not only because of the greater aerodynamic drag, but also due to the sharp turn of the X-32 pitch) up to 3, 5 - 4M.

Secondly, one cannot agree with the maximum target speed for the SM-6, announced in the article, of only 800 m / s. So, back on December 14, 2016, off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands, field tests of two improved SM-6 Dual I modification missiles were successfully carried out to intercept a medium-range ballistic missile simulator, the speed of which significantly exceeds the 2.5M indicator described in the material on svpressa. ru, and can reach 3, 5 - 5M. Moreover, the specialists of the Raytheon manufacturing company and representatives of the American fleet have already stated that the SM-6 new "blocks" (modifications) will be designed not only for over-the-horizon destruction of low-altitude tactical and strategic cruise missiles at a distance of 100-150 kilometers or more, but and against tactical ballistic missiles, as well as medium-range ballistic missiles, including the Chinese DF-21 MRBMs on a descending trajectory in denser stratospheric layers.

As far as we know, the speed of the warhead of the promising anti-ship MRBM DF-21D at an altitude of 25 - 30 km can reach 1500 - 1800 m / s. This means that the maximum speed of the targeted target for the RIM-174 ERAM missile defense system is approximately within the same framework, but not 800 m / s. There is no point in thinking about it for a long time, since in the summer of 2008 a standard anti-aircraft guided missile SM-2ER Block IV (obviously - RIM-156A), launched from the universal vertical launch Mk 41 missile cruiser CG-70 "Lake Erie" during firing tests, was able to destroy a simulated medium-range ballistic missile over the Pacific Ocean. RIM-156A has an interception ceiling of 29 km. It is noteworthy that this SM-2 Block IV anti-aircraft missile is not a highly specialized interceptor for the destruction of ballistic ones, but is designed to intercept standard high-speed aerodynamic objects, including both high-altitude and low-altitude ones, going "over the crest of the wave."

The article "Features …" indicates that the probability of intercepting the X-32 on the approach section of the trajectory using the RIM-174 missile defense system is about 0.02 in the event that target designation is made via the Link-16 radio channel from the E-2D AWACS or another Aegis ship and with a probability of 0.07 when targeting from a carrier destroyer / cruiser. As an argument for such a low probability of interception, it is indicated that the SM-6 ARGSN, made on the basis of the homing head of the air-to-air missiles of the AIM-120C AMRAAM family, which are capable of capturing a target with an RCS of 1 sq. m at a distance of 12 km. With a total rendezvous speed of 2.2 km / s, the on-board computer system of the anti-aircraft missile will have only 5 seconds for an accurate correction, which will reduce the chance of interception to a minimum.

This can be easily explained: during the exercises, the SM-6 intercepted an even faster simulator of the MRBM, since it did not perform anti-aircraft maneuvers, and the X-32 is capable of such maneuvers. Moreover, the improved "Kitchen" can be equipped with an onboard electronic warfare system, which complicates the work of the active RGSN SM-6. But the electronic warfare station with the current perfection of the ARGSN is partly a double-edged sword, since modern ARGSN can work not only in an active mode, but also aim exclusively at the source of interference radiation. As a consequence, the probability of intercepting the X-32 by one SM-6 indicated in the article is perceived with a good degree of caution. It is possible that, taking into account the maneuvering of the former, this probability ranges from 0.15 to 0.2.

It should be noted that the Pentagon with its own hands closed the US Navy's ability to more effectively counter our Kh-32 anti-ship missiles. This is in the cancellation in 2001 of the project of the RIM-156B (SM-2 Block IVA) anti-aircraft guided missile, featuring a two-channel guidance system consisting of an IR sensor, the lens of which is recessed into the generatrix of the body immediately behind the radio-transparent fairing of the homing head and semi-active radar homing head … The IR module provided increased accuracy of intercepting a small-sized ballistic object, since target illumination with an AN / SPG-62 X-band radar searchlight may not be enough.

So, equipped with an infrared sensor RIM-156B (SM-2 Block IVA) would have a significantly greater potential to intercept the X-32. Why? An anti-missile launched in advance can detect and accompany the Kh-32 anti-ship missile at a distance of several tens of kilometers, even before the sheer dive begins. In this case, the main guidance channel will be assigned to an infrared sensor, capable of ideally operating in clean and cold layers of the stratosphere. The sensor will be guided by the infrared signature of the X-32's wings and nose cone red-hot from aerodynamic drag. Shortly before the "meeting" of the X-32 and SM-2 Block IVA missiles, the former will enter the dive mode in the denser stands of the stratosphere. Consequently, aerodynamic heating of the leading edges of the wing and fairing of the seeker will lead to an even more expressive "thermal portrait", which means a more stable capture with the help of the IR module of the RIM-156B anti-aircraft missile. Integration of the IR channel with a semi-active radar channel can increase the probability of intercepting the X-32 to 0.35. Moreover, the IR sensor compensates for possible errors in the radar channel at the time our missile sets up electronic jamming. Fortunately for us, the RIM-156B project is currently closed. But there are fears that it will be embodied in a temporarily secret project of the SM-6 Dual II interceptor, the first tests of which are scheduled for 2019.

Attention should also be drawn to the fact that the SM-6 is not the only anti-aircraft guided missile that is used by the Arley Burke-class destroyers and the Ticonderoga cruisers to establish an "anti-aircraft umbrella" over the AUG order. Very predictable consequences can be expected from the development of a promising modification of the RIM-162B ESSM anti-aircraft guided missile. If modification "A" is equipped only with a semi-active radar homing head, which required the mandatory use of AN / SPY-1D and a single-channel SPG-62 illumination radar, then the RIM-162B ESSM Block II will receive an active X-band homing head. The trick here is that the multifunctional AN / SPY-1D radar and the AN / SPG-62 continuous radiation / illumination radars do not cover even steeper approach angles of our today's “heroine” - the Kh-32 anti-ship missile. This means that the RIM-162A will not be able to be effectively used against our anti-ship missiles. Modification "B" with its active radar guidance will be able to. Moreover, in contrast to the second stage SM-2/6 with a maximum overload of maneuvers of 27 - 30 units. at medium altitudes, the "Developed Sea Sparrow" (as the abbreviation ESSM is translated) is capable of pursuing a target with its own overloads of at least 50G.

These qualities became available for the US naval air defense due to the equipping of all types of ESSM with a gas-jet thrust vector deflection system, the action of which continues immediately until the solid-propellant charge of the solid propellant rocket motor is burned out. With a flight speed of 1200 m / s in the dense layers of the troposphere, the RIM-162B provides ideal conditions for countering the X-32. This could also have been mentioned in an article on At the moment, the RIM -162B ESSM Block II is in the finalization stage, while it is planned to enter service with the fleet in late 2019 - early 2020.

In the final part of the article on Svobodnaya Press, the final conclusions are drawn that a naval strike group of two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers or two Ticonderoga-class URO cruisers is not capable of repelling the strike of a pair of Tu-22M3M long-range bombers with 4 X heavy anti-ship missiles. -32 on the suspensions of both cars. I would like to believe in such an outcome, but the harsh technological reality does not allow doing this. Obviously, such a scenario would be true if the "Thirty-second Kitchens" were opposed by the Ticonderoga-class cruisers in an early modification with Mk 26 beam launchers (had a much lower firing performance) and outdated SM-2ER Block II anti-aircraft missiles. … Today, when the US Navy ships are armed with high-performance launchers Mk 41, but there is still no SM-6 Dual II and ESSM Block II, to defeat a pair of American destroyers URO is necessary from 10 to 12 X-32 with the use of 5 or 6 Tu-22M3. When they begin to enter the ammunition load of American ships, the number of X-32s needed to defeat them will increase by one and a half to two times.

A more unpleasant situation arises when the X-32 is used against the AUG / KUG of the Royal Navy of Great Britain and the AUG of the French Navy. Let's dwell on the British. Their navy includes 6 Type 45 air defense destroyers of the Daring class, each of them is equipped with a powerful multifunctional AFAR Sampson radar operating in the decimeter S-band, which is capable of displaying about 2000 targets in the review mode and simultaneously tying 300 VTS tracks in the escort mode on the aisle. A typical target with an RCS of about 1 sq. m (our X-32 rocket), this radar complex will detect at a distance of about 220 km. An additional surveillance radar detector S1850M will track the Tempest at a similar distance. Consequently, the operators of the PAAMS air defense missile system will have about 80 seconds to prepare the Sylver A50 launcher for firing, during this time the Kh-32 anti-ship missile system will approach the attacked KUG at a distance of 100 km, from where the Aster anti-aircraft missiles can open fire. -30 various modifications.

Despite the fact that the Eurosam consortium indicates the official interception altitude for the Aster-30 is only 25 km, the architecture and type of controls, as well as the maximum flight speed of the combat (second) stage of 4.7M, clearly indicate that the rocket will feel great at an altitude of 35-40 km (similar to our 9M96DM). For this, the compact combat stage has a small midship section, extended load-bearing wings of a large area, and an impressive charge of low-smoke fuel. This is not the same low-maneuverable SM-6, equipped only with aerodynamic rudders. In the arsenal of the control system "Aster-30" there is an important trump card - a cruciform gas-dynamic belt of 4 slot engines of transverse control of the DPU built into the wing structure.

This "belt" is located in the center of mass of the rocket (of the 9M96DM type), which makes it possible to make energetic "throws" of the "Aster-30" in space when reaching a maneuvering target even at an altitude of 35-40 km. In literally 4-5 hundredths of a second, an overload of up to 15-20 units can be realized, which means that it will not be difficult to clearly hit the X-32. The developer named this method of lightning gas dynamic control "PIF-PAF". It is well known that in many cases it allows you to hit the target with a direct hit "hit-to-kill". One does not even have to hope that the massive Kh-32, with its high radar signature, will be able to "get away" from the Aster. At low altitudes of 5-7 km, the picture is aggravated: high atmospheric pressure allows the Aster-30 combat stage to maneuver towards the target with an overload of 55-60 units. Completing the list of advantages is an active radar homing head operating in a higher frequency and more accurate J-band (from 10 to 20 GHz).

It is not difficult to summarize the above: if the chance to send an American reinforced aircraft carrier to the bottom (one Gerald Ford-class aircraft carrier, 1 Ticonderoga cruiser and 2-3 Arley Burke destroyers) with the help of 30-36 X-32 anti-ship missiles remains enough large (about 0, 6), then it is unlikely that it will be possible to destroy the British AUG consisting of Queen Elizabeth and four Daring-class air defense destroyers due to the highest flight performance parameters of the Aster-30 missile defense system. By the way, this anti-missile missile in the coming years will be brought to a completely different level in the Block 1NT version: its distinctive feature will be an even more advanced ARGSN millimeter Ka-band for work on ultra-small ballistic elements of high-precision weapons. To open such an anti-missile echelon, one has to rely only on the "Zircons" and "Daggers".
