The fleet is not a joke of Chernomyrdin

The fleet is not a joke of Chernomyrdin
The fleet is not a joke of Chernomyrdin


Vice Admiral

Radzevsky Gennady Antonovich

Born July 14, 1949

Worker of the Russian Navy, Vice Admiral (1999).

Specialist in the field of command and control of formations and formations of diverse forces of the Navy.

Born in Porkkala-Udd, Finland. In the Navy since September 1966

In 1971 he graduated from the navigational faculty of the V. I. M. V. Frunze, commander of the BT-1, 4, RTS sea minesweeper MT-486 project 254, since 1971 - assistant, since 1972 - commander of the base minesweeper BT-360 project 1253V of the 94th brigade of the Tallinn naval base BF. In 1974 he was appointed commander of the TSC "Rear Admiral Khoroshkhin" pr. 266M, then - the commander of the guards T-205 "Gafel" pr. 266 of the Baltic Fleet. In 1974, R. was awarded the rank of lieutenant commander ahead of schedule. Since 1976 - senior assistant. commander of the destroyer "Speshny" of the 56th project of the 12th division of PLO ships. Listener of the ESSO of the Navy (1978-1979), since August 1979 - the commander of the EM "Persistent" of the 12th division of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 1982 - Commander of the Druzhny Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, pr. 1135, 12th DiRK. He spent 13 years on the command bridge.

In 1987 he graduated with honors from the command faculty of the VMA. A. A. Grechko, early. headquarters of the 128th brigade of PLO ships of the 12th division of the Republic of Kazakhstan, beginning. of the headquarters of the 32nd division of the ships of the PLO BF. In 1989 he was appointed commander of the 32nd division of the PLC. Student of the Military Academy of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1993-1995), appointed early. headquarters, since 1998 - the commander of the 7th operational squadron of ships of the Northern Fleet. Participant in a unique operation to dock the Kursk submarine. In 2004 he was transferred to the reserve by age. Since 2004 - Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Absolute. He was awarded the orders "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" of the 2nd and 3rd class, "For Military Merit", medals.

The fleet is not a joke of Chernomyrdin
The fleet is not a joke of Chernomyrdin

Excerpts from the statements of one of the Russian admirals, Radzevsky Gennady Antonovich, commander of the 7th operational squadron of the Northern Fleet:

- These little nasty things that make the life of any commander unbearable, but insanely interesting, we - the staff officers must constantly put into practice.

- You should not shyly pull your skirt on your knees, Comrade 1st Rank Captain, when you came to a venereologist for help. Tell us how you managed to get out of such a good and necessary business as receiving the patron’s delegation, arrange a drunken orgy with trips on a command boat around winter bay with preventive grenade throwing?

- Unfortunately, the level of general education of most ship commanders does not allow them not only without a hitch to read the command decision made by the most lively subordinates for a sea battle, but also correctly put the indefinite article "b … d" in the phrase "Who is the last for vodka."

- When I begin to thoughtfully treat the commanders of the cruisers with proletarian ruthlessness, they immediately begin to break the Japanese tragedy in front of me: my father is a rickshaw, mother is a geisha, son is Moisha, and we are innocent.

- Our commanders do not have any knowledge, so they will have to be allowed to independently control the ships, and they themselves have to dry the biscuits and get ready to go to jail.

- If they no longer say about a famous actress that she - b … d, it means that she is losing popularity. If the subordinates, in conversation with each other, at least sometimes do not call the commander of the ship an asshole, then it is time to remove him from his post.

- And the former commander of the RRC "Marshal Ustinov" has already done everything that he could have done: the cruiser destroyed it, made friends with the St. Petersburg policemen, entered the academy, fished out an apartment from the state by illegal methods. So I don't need to comment on all the merits of this amazing person.

- What I am seriously and truly happy about is that most of our ship commanders can be relied on in the event of a global nuclear missile war. None of them will go crazy, because for this one must at least have it, at least.

- And you are the chief of staff of the brigade, put your cheeks into fists and, without breathing, write down my clever thoughts with pleasure, and at the end, when I’m finished, you can squeak - let me, Comrade Vice Admiral, plan more than one training session - but four …

- I was literally amazed when, while trying to personally call the commander of the largest warship in Russia, I ran into an answering machine. Division commander, memorize it literally, then put this bastard under the record - this is about people like him, the ditty is folded among the people: “I’m milenka the whole evening, I couldn’t find it in any way. Dear answering machine, tell him that he is an asshole.”

- If the commander of the ship is summoned to the carpet in the morning, tell him everything, everything that we think about him - the scoundrel, then he will rush to raise the Naval Flag extremely inspired, with a sparkle in his eyes and a decisive desire to share his emotional upsurge with his subordinates.

- You will, of course, excuse me, comrade officers, but I cannot help but share about the sore point. Here, at my reception, the young wife of one of our senior mates came to share her personal tragedy. From the outside, he seems to be a quite decent officer, and he organized the service quite decently, but in fact, a scum - cannot bring the seed to the house in any way without splashing it along the way.

- Any ship commander deserves respect only when he can make the life of his subordinates unbearable.

- Honestly, I sometimes feel ashamed when I hear the speeches of some especially zealous commanders of ships, who grabbed the "pip" microphone of the five-kilowatt broadcast on the upper deck. With them, every word is vile swearing. Well, just like little children.

- Divisional commander, if you now need to pull on one of the ship commanders, then you have five whole minutes - you don't need to hold back your souls, beautiful impulses. If necessary, I am ready to turn away.

- There are people who did not know how to keep their heads until they were 3 years old, everyone around them said that they were about to die, and they not only survived, but they also started commanding cruisers for joy, and for us - for chagrin.

- How far can one who has been sent far? The answer is - to the nearest pub. It was there that the commandant of the garrison was detained by the commandant of the garrison during classes in his specialty, the senior officer of the operational department of the squadron, Captain 2nd Rank Davidenko, whom I had kicked out of the service meeting 50 minutes earlier for a vile, three-day unshaven. One thing pleases - during this time he at least managed to shave. Truth and get drunk - too.

- Well, what are you, Comrade Captain 3rd Rank, as a schoolgirl - Smolyanka, blush and crumple in front of the map, trying to mumble something plaintively? Didn't your older comrades tell you that a real man is shy only twice in his life? The first time, when he cannot, the second time, and the second time, when he cannot for the first time?

- An honest child does not love mom and dad, but rolls of cream. An honest sailor wants not to serve, but to sleep. Therefore, he must be forced to serve.

- And after all this tedious and monotonous work, the client begins to get used to the idea that the money will have to be paid. But the client got used to something else, got used to it massively, carelessly, with delight.

- An unafraid sailor is disposed to outrage, this is a potential criminal, future murderer and rapist.

- Remember, comrade officers, in order to do nothing, you must be able to do everything.

- If the boss allows his subordinates to say whatever they think, then soon they will completely forget how to think.

- Before presenting any sensible idea to your subordinates, you must certainly shock and shock them with something, and preferably something more weighty. So that from the painful shock they temporarily lose the ability to thoughtlessly reason about the meaning of what has been said. And if this procedure is repeated periodically, then the honorary status of a skilled leader is guaranteed to you for life.

- Behind all the negative phenomena on the ships are usually normal people, whose activities are not subject to control by the command.

- Who else does not understand that chastity is the most unnatural sexual perversion and that a virgin officer is not able to adequately delve into the nuances of the ship's service.

- And leave your small-sized pindyurachnye notebooks, which can fit two or three condoms and three or four addresses of frivolous women at home, comrade officers, safely hiding them from their wives in order to avoid provocative questions. And in the service, you should all use a large-format workbook, numbered, laced and sealed with a mastic seal.

- And all the chilling facts must be carefully collected, competently generalized, thoughtfully analyzed, and - right up to the tonsils, with special cynicism, audacity and hardness of penetration. Humanism and humanity in matters of maintaining combat readiness are criminal things by their very definition.

- You, Comrade Captain 2nd Rank, differ from a child only in the size of the reproductive organs and the ability to eat vodka in unlimited quantities.

- It is high time to remember that every undisciplined sailor, planning an unauthorized absence with a booze on the shore, knows in advance: who will be on duty on the ship; who is an officer of the watch; who remains senior; who is providing; who will take him - the scoundrel from the commandant's office; who will beat the muzzle. And if there is one weak link in this chain, drunkenness is possible, and if there are several, it is inevitable.

- And yet, I was satisfied with the results of the control check of the preparation of our AMG (aircraft carrier multipurpose group) for the implementation of the upcoming combat missions, which was carried out by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy with a punitive detachment of loyal nukers from the General Staff. Lost illusions are also a valuable asset.

- And with the figures, who were detained while driving while intoxicated, comrade head of the personnel department, it is necessary to deal with it very thoroughly and without fail - with the involvement of an independent commission. So that they then do not run around the courts with bulging eyes and bombard the United Nations international commission for the protection of human rights with numerous complaints that they, they say, have eight children huddling around the shops and do not have enough money for a bottle of beer.

- If you have a hole in half a head, and you are not able to memorize even the multiplication table, then hire yourself a part-time secretary to write everything for you. But only - scary and without legs, so as not to be distracted from the performance of military duties, indulging in sexual dreams.

- Today is Saturday, tomorrow is Sunday, you fucking want to work.

- They write to us a lot…. Universal literacy will ruin us.

- Pull in the belly, dignify, speak smart and well-understood to the higher command beautiful words with chopped phrases.

- If a sailor thoughtlessly enjoys life, then I get on my guard until the smile slowly disappears from his face.

- Tanks do not crush bedbugs, I will not even talk to you, Comrade Captain 3rd Rank.

- Of course, I am pleased to open your eyes to the world, to talk about something new and exciting, while exciting your inquisitive naval mind, but I am not a visiting lecturer of the "Knowledge" society, I am a notable representative of the Great Inquisition and can hurt all at once.

- Do not forget, if I go there, it will be a trip over your bodies in a tank with small tracks to make it more painful.

- When I was the chief officer, on Mondays, I personally, for 45 minutes, during the drill, trained the commanders of the watch posts according to the principle: "An unfamiliar man with a spear is running - your actions?"

- The chief of staff of the fleet yesterday scolded me with harsh words with the use of profanity, which aroused in my soul a feeling of inner protest and resentment.

- And I noticed long ago that our squadron law officer, upon returning from vacation, strives to treat me with wine "Pripyat radiant", then treat me with Chernobyl apples. Apparently wants my main organ to light up and fall forever.

- And now, gently taking me by the gangway under the white little hands and cheerfully clinking your hooves, you should proudly lead me through your duties after eliminating my remarks.

- Coming back from vacation is fascinatingly interesting, things that are incomprehensible, impossible and incompatible with military service at sea immediately catch the eye. And for a long time the same thought persistently itches in my head: "Why have we not yet burned out and drowned", but after a couple of days involuntarily you get used to the ugliness, although you twitch for a while in your sleep.

- And the chief officer of the heavy missile cruiser "Admiral Ushakov" became insolent to such an extent that he wrote a vile report to the commander of the Northern Fleet with a request to protect him from my attacks and insults. This is never forgotten - I will do everything, but I will try to put this report into his coffin.

- "Hit a woman with a hammer - a woman will be gold" - says popular wisdom. The same can be said about our paratroopers. The only thing to remember is not hitting on the head - it's useless, and the instrument quickly breaks down.

- As usual, our sailor is unusually curious and extremely playful. Running along the corridor of the only aircraft carrier in Russia, he thoughtlessly poked a button on a cute unsealed device with his dirty finger with a gnawed nail, and hearing a loud bang and the sound of pouring water behind the bulkhead, he happily jumped up and rushed to the bread slicer to steal butter. What does it matter to him that within a few seconds he put out of action more than a hundred of the world's best air-to-air anti-aircraft missiles, for each of which the once brotherly Ukraine fights us over a hundred thousand dollars by the best world standards.

- Who doesn’t understand that when I begin to characterize the activities of any officer, he must boldly answer: "I", quickly get up and blush deeply. Moreover, if the assessment of his activities is positive, then the eyes should shine with joy and express immediate readiness for further accomplishments, and if the activity is assessed, as usual, negatively, then he needs to puff up his ears so that it is easier to hit them, and his eyes should be guiltily lowered down.

- Young officers - graduates of naval institutes, rightly earned in our harsh naval environment the nickname "schoolgirls", vulnerable like children, just don't cry, burying their faces in their mother's skirt, and drink vodka in the company of local moths.

- The officer must be constantly in a state of emotional uptightness, nose to the wind, fly open, readiness for immediate action - increased. Then - from it will be good.

- I remind the flagship specialists who want to avoid the evening rape that the monthly analysis of the preparation of the formations in the specialty must be handed over to the chief of staff before 15:30.

- A ship officer who is capable of satisfying a woman more than twice per night (and more than once in the rank of captain of the 3rd rank and above) is a harmful, socially dangerous and alien phenomenon to us, as not meeting the interests of the native state. He, a scoundrel, lacks ship service, he does not give all the best on it.

- When you nod your head in agreement during a well-deserved thrashing, you just want to say: "Do not vulgarize my love with your slavish consent, you bastard."

- I would like to congratulate our assistant to the chief of the electronic warfare squadron on the forthcoming wedding, who, at the age of 34, realized well for himself that after marriage, maybe not better, but for sure - more often.

- When I talk with some officers of the operational department of the squadron headquarters, I just want to advise: "Tell your father - to continue to use protection."

- When on Mondays they report to me that some staff officer is ill and cannot come to work, I want to say: “I wanted to sneeze for your cold, uncle.

- Look at you in the smoking room, Comrade Captain of the 2nd rank, so you are such a mischievous and dexterous passion there, well, just like Filippok from a children's book, and as soon as you give you the floor at a business meeting, you will sweat repeatedly, scratching out at least some practical thought from your verbal abyss.

- Do not go into yourself, mechanic, there you will be found in no time.

- Comrade Bonchenko, and your arrival from St. Petersburg from training ended with the fact that the youngest ciliate - a shoe with the RRC "Marshal Ustinov" in the rank of senior lieutenant, took over as the commanding officer on duty at our operational unit and in the morning I was greeted with a trembling voice and wild fright on my face … I sent him to the right place (that is, to you), and he burst into tears, but he didn’t spit out the chewing gum from his mouth, so as not to disturb the acid-base balance in the oral cavity (RKR is a missile cruiser).

- If necessary, comrades staff officers, then when carrying out the final check on the ships, you should not shy away from rolling up your sleeves higher and digging deeper into the shit, for a more complete coverage of the situation. And you should know - it's not a shame to dig in shit, it's a shame - to enjoy it.

- The squadron headquarters officer must be able to speak long and smartly until he is stopped by a superior superior.

- And where is the young ally of the head of the organizational and mobilization department? My joy, you should not sleep here secluded, hiding behind the broad back of the head of the air defense squadron, blowing rainbow bubbles, and sit with an open mouth and joyfully bulging eyes feverishly writing down my behests to Russian soldiers. After all, it is so useful for your fragile psyche and not formed active life position.

- Comrade Bonchenko, do you really not remember your korefan, who fled to the brigade headquarters for a position with a smaller volume of work, but a higher salary, tender and affectionate words: “Who are you, you bastard, twisting your love with, with whom are you smoking a cigarette alone?"

- And where is the smartest face of the most intelligent representative of the operational department, Comrade Davidenko? What - fell again and can't get up?

- When I summon a young Leninist, the head of the department of military service and security of military service, to my carpet, I constantly ask myself the question - will they not jail me for a youngster.

- And now, with cute smiles, with flowers in their buttonholes - the headquarters arrives on the nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" and begins a carefully planned genocide.

- I know that you are a rare demagogue, Comrade Captain 1st Rank, and you are even able to convince a lady in dire need of male affection that a recumbent member is much better than a standing one, but I will not even listen to you. And if you try to interrupt me and speak, you will immediately get a pound weight on my forehead.

- Your exploits in the worthy education of tired soldiers, Comrade Air Defense Chief, are known to the entire fleet - the gang of marauders is still the same.

- Why do you drink so much and often, comrade Davidenko? Is it really that delicious?

- And you, comrade head of the operational department, found yourself a wonderful spine - Captain 2nd Rank Davidenko and always put him in front of you like a shield. And even a large-caliber projectile on his head - the steel core smashes with pleasure.

- Head of Human Resources, I have the impression that you specifically smear your fingers with ink before meetings, so that everyone thinks that you are working a lot.

- In my opinion, it is no secret to anyone that all duties in the fleet are strictly distributed:

lieutenant - must know everything and want to work;

senior lieutenant - must be able to work independently;

captain - lieutenant - must be able to organize work;

captain of the 3rd rank - must know where and what is being done;

captain of the 2nd rank - must be able to report where and what is being done;

captain of the 1st rank - must independently find the place in the papers where he needs to sign;

admirals - must independently sign where they are instructed;

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy - must be able to clearly and clearly express his agreement with the opinion of the Minister of Defense;

The Minister of Defense - must be able to express in a sufficiently understandable form what the Supreme Commander-in-Chief wants to hear from him;

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief (President) - must periodically (but at least once, preferably before the elections) be interested in what kind of army is currently on the territory of his state. If it turns out that you have your own, then try to pay her salary in recent years and promise to increase it (later, maybe) by 10-15 percent."
