I must say right away that I am outraged by the use of the phrase "PROFESSIONAL army", in the sense that is now being put into this expression - that is, an army formed and recruited on a voluntary basis, on "hire" or contract service. Those who are interested in the collapse of the Russian armed forces and discrediting the very concept of "military service" should erect a monument to the person who first came up with the use of this phrase in the vastness of our Motherland! It is not known who was the first to "throw" this term into the public consciousness, but, picked up by the media, it continues to mislead the majority of the inhabitants of our country.

And so - Myth One:
"PROFESSIONAL ARMY" … like in America (USA). Let only those who are paid big money for it serve?
In Russian, a "professional" is a person who is engaged in something professionally (as opposed to an amateur), who has mastered certain knowledge and skills in a particular profession and specialty. That is, Russian officers who have received higher education in the military field (and often more than one!), Who devote their entire lives to military service, are NOT "professionals"? Now we will not dwell on their level of professionalism and payment for their difficult and dangerous profession, this is another topic. By the way, in the US Army it is not customary to use the expression "professional" in relation to the rank and file! Only in relation to the officer corps and part of the sergeant. They understand well the price and meaning of this word! But the Americans also DO NOT call their army "professional", even in the sense accepted in our country. Unlike the opinion formed by our media and illiterate officials "from the army", the US military does not consist ONLY of people serving only for hire (contract)! A significant part of their armed forces consists of the National Guard, which is of a militia nature - these are CIVILIANS, who, in addition to their main "peaceful" profession, master military specialties, and must give their homeland 48 four-hour classes and monthly camp fees annually. In addition, the army has the right to enlist them directly for military service every five years for 12 months! During the 1991 Gulf War, the National Guard fought alongside other units of the US military. About 63 thousand guardsmen took part in the battles. In Iraq, their number was about a third of ALL American units! The National Guard, in fact, is, despite its ultra-modern weapons, that militia (militia), the necessity of which the founding fathers of the United States considered a guarantee of the preservation of American democracy. That is why the National Guard is staffed on a territorial basis and is in a double subordination - the government and local authorities (states). However, no one has yet canceled the system of training reservists in the United States …
The second myth: We want a "professional" (hired, contract) army … like in the West
And this is another of the biggest misconceptions instilled in us by the media! Most of the armies of the Western countries,formed on the basis of the APPEAL! This is the German army recognized as the best in Europe today - the Bundeswehr! Currently, all adult citizens of the country are obliged to serve in Germany on a compulsory basis (9 months of military service or alternative labor service in social and charitable organizations). All men between the ages of 18 and 45 are liable for military service, and in the case of national defense - up to 60 years. On the basis of the DRAFT, the armies of the Nordic countries are formed - Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and also Germany, Spain, Greece, etc. Well, it's not worth talking about the Israeli army here. Yes, in most of these countries - a mixed form of manning the army - conscription and contract, but none of them canceled the obligation to protect their country with their citizens. In prosperous Switzerland, ALL men between the ages of 19 and 31 who have been declared fit for military service by the Medical Council are required to serve in the Swiss Armed Forces. And after its completion, they CONTINUE to periodically attend military training camps and retraining courses up to 51 years, and at home they keep an assault rifle with ammunition, a helmet and a uniform issued to them by the state. And they do not ask themselves the question - against whom to fight the Swiss army, they simply consider the defense of their country as their duty. Moreover, EVERYTHING - from bankers and officials to loaders and locksmiths … And therefore they are able to deploy from a 22,000-strong permanent army in two-four hours (!) A 650-thousand, and in two days a 1.7-million (!) Army, perfectly trained, organized, and very well armed … On which Switzerland spends, by the way, about 20% of its budget - almost five billion (!!!) dollars for 7.5 million of the population …
In Russia, the noisy slogan "Give a professional army!", Which sounded from the pages of the media and found its realization in the notorious decree of the President of Russia No. 722 of May 16, 1996 "On the transition to the recruitment of privates and sergeants of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation on a professional basis”, Was based NOT on the study of the REAL experience of foreign countries, not on a clear analysis of economic and political opportunities, but on the populism of the Authorities. The result of the reforms carried out in the army is no longer a secret to anyone. Destroying an outdated and backward army, the Power creates an Unviable MUTANT, unable not to educate a military professional, not to defend OUR Motherland!