On June 21, a new exhibit appeared at the exhibition site of the Patriot Park near Moscow. The delivery of new models of weapons and military equipment to the park is not news, but this time we are talking about replenishing the exhibition with a unique sample that was not previously available to the general public. Everyone can now visit the park and, among other modern and historical military equipment, see the 5T92 transport-loading vehicle from the A-135 anti-missile defense complex.
A vehicle based on a special multi-axle chassis with systems for transporting and loading missile weapons, used by the anti-missile defense complex, appeared at the exhibition site. So, on the corresponding fasteners of the lifting device of the museum vehicle 5T92, there is a model of the transport and launch container of the 53T6 guided missile. The rocket itself cannot yet be demonstrated to everyone. Previously, photographs and videos of the launches of these products were published, but normal images of the missiles are still classified as classified.
The 5T92 transport-loading vehicle (TZM) was developed as part of the creation of the A-135 anti-missile defense complex. This complex was supposed to include a wide range of various products for various purposes. The main elements of the system were to be radar stations, control points and firing complexes. In addition, various auxiliary systems, transport vehicles, etc. were to be operated as part of the A-135. One of these additional funds was supposed to be TZM 5T92. Another version of the transport vehicle was also developed. This technique was to be used to transport and load various types of anti-missile missiles into launchers.

ТЗМ 5Т92 in the Patriot park. Photo Saidpvo.livejournal.com
TZM 5T92 was created to work with transport and launch containers for anti-missile missiles of the 53T6 type. The task of this technique is to receive a container with an interceptor missile from a transport vehicle and then place it in a silo-type launcher. All such operations are carried out by the 5T92 machine independently, using standard equipment. After the completion of loading into the launcher, the TPK with the rocket is ready for use for its intended purpose.
The basis for the transport-loading vehicle of the anti-missile complex was the four-wheel drive four-axle chassis MAZ-543 / MAZ-7310 (the exhibition model 5T92 was built on the basis of the MAZ-543M with a different layout of the front end and one cab instead of two), which is also used as the basis for special equipment of various destination. The chassis is equipped with a 525 hp engine, which allows it to carry loads weighing up to 20 tons and move at speeds up to 55 km / h. With the help of a wheel undercarriage with an independent torsion bar suspension, high cross-country ability is provided with the ability to move both on the highway and on rough terrain.
In view of the need to use the chassis of the MAZ-7310 family as the basis for special equipment, the chassis of the MAZ-7310 family received an appropriate layout. So, in front of the car is a body with an engine compartment and a cockpit. Depending on the modification, two cabins can be used, located on the sides of the engine, or only one, placed on the left. Behind the body is a frame with various units, including a transmission and a wheel chassis. A characteristic feature of the chassis is the use of a hydromechanical transmission, which has optimized the design of the transmission. The axles of the chassis are located at different distances from each other. Fuel tanks are located in the increased space between the second and third axles.
A special platform with a set of necessary equipment is mounted on the base chassis of the TZM. At the sides of this platform there is a set of boxes for placing a number of components and assemblies. In addition, hydraulic outrigger jacks are attached between the first and second, as well as behind the fourth axle, designed to hold the machine in the correct position during operations for reloading containers with missiles.
The central part of the platform is intended for the installation of a lifting device necessary for the transportation and installation of the TPK in the launcher. This device is made in the form of a lifting boom with hydraulic drives, equipped with a frame with systems for working with TPK missiles. In the transport position, the frame of the lifting device is laid along the body, going beyond the dimensions of the machine. In this case, the front / upper part of the frame is located between the cabins (in the case of a two-cab chassis) or to the right of the only crew compartment.

The process of loading TPK into the launcher. Photo Rbase.new-factoria.ru
On the frame of the lifting device there are fasteners for holding the missile container in the required position. The container mounts are placed on movable bases and can move along the frame when loading the container into the shaft or removing an empty product from the launcher. The movement of the fasteners and the container is carried out using a system of cables and a winch.
The transport and launch container of the 53T6 interceptor missile is a cylindrical product with end caps in the form of truncated cones. On the outer surface of the container there is a set of fasteners for transportation on the TPM and in the launcher. A set of various connectors is also provided for connecting the missile systems with the control equipment installed in the launch silo.
Operation of ТЗМ 5Т92 is as follows. The vehicle arrives on its own at the indicated launch pad, where the launcher will be reloaded. At the same time, the special equipment of the machine is not routinely used to transport a container with a rocket. Product 53T6 is proposed to be transported using a separate transport type 5T93.
The 5T93 transport vehicle, intended for use with the 5T92, is built on a similar chassis, has a similar composition of equipment, but differs markedly from the transport-loader. Thus, the upper frame of the transport vehicle does not have lifting mechanisms and can only be in one position. The frame provides fastenings for the container and mechanisms for its movement. A leveling system in the form of four hydraulic supports is also used. For operation at any time of the year, the 5T93 machine is equipped with a temperature control system necessary to maintain the required conditions inside the transport and launch container. With the help of this equipment, the rocket remains in the optimal microclimate until the moment of reloading on the TPM.
After the arrival of both special vehicles at the launch site, the missile TPK is reloaded. TZM occupies the desired position near the launch silo, allowing you to load the rocket. Then a 5T93 transport vehicle stands in front of her. Both machines use outrigger jacks to avoid machine displacement and maintain the required position. The container is reloaded using the transport machine's own cable devices. Upon completion of the reloading, the transport-loading vehicle can start loading the container into the launch shaft.
With the help of hydraulic drives, the boom with the rocket container is lifted to a vertical position. After that, the lower end of the TPK should be strictly above the inner channel of the launcher. Then the mechanisms of the transport-loading machine, at the appropriate command, begin to feed the TPK down, placing it in the launch shaft. After the download is complete, the calculation should connect the various connectors and connect the rocket to the systems responsible for controlling its operation, maintaining the required conditions, etc. The crew of ТЗМ 5Т92, in turn, must transfer the lifting device to the transport position, raise the supports and can descend from the position.

Missile container in mine, TZM frame not removed yet. Photo Rbase.new-factoria.ru
Unloading an empty transport and launch container from the mine is carried out in a similar way, but in the reverse order. Arriving at the place and hanging out on the supports, the 5T92 raises the frame to a vertical position, grabs the spent container and lifts it, removing it from the launcher, after which it becomes possible to place a new rocket into the mine.
As far as is known, the 53T6 interceptor missile (the earlier name of the project was PRS-1) was created at the Novator Design Bureau in order to expand the combat capabilities of the A-135 anti-missile defense complex. This product was proposed to be included in the near atmospheric echelon of the missile defense system. A 51T6 long-range missile with different characteristics was also created. Work on the creation of a new type of rocket and all the necessary auxiliary systems started in the early seventies. By the end of the decade, it was possible to complete the development of all the main systems of the new A-135 complex, as well as begin preparations for their tests.
The first throw-in launch of the 53T6 rocket took place in the late summer of 1979. In these tests, a silo launcher was used, which was proposed for deployment in a combat version of the complex. In addition, to load the TPK with a rocket into the launcher, the 5T92 transport-loading vehicle was to be used. Testing and development of the 53T6 product continued until the spring of 1984. Together with the experimental missiles, TPM with the required equipment was probably used.
In the first half of the eighties, the construction of all the main objects of the future A-135 anti-missile defense complex was carried out in the Moscow region. By the middle of the decade, most of the facilities were completed, after which preparations began for the deployment of systems. In 1989, the serial production of 53T6 missiles started. These products were supplied to units employed in the Moscow missile defense system, where they were used in conjunction with newly built launchers and auxiliary equipment.
In parallel with the construction of facilities in the Moscow region, tests were carried out at the Sary-Shagan test site. From 1982 to 1990, 22 launches of 53T6 missiles were carried out on this site. These test launches were carried out during three stages of tests and government tests. In addition, missiles of this type received non-nuclear warheads as part of the Samolet-M program. A similar modification of the anti-missile was also tested at the Sary-Shagan training ground. All stages of testing were carried out using a number of different systems and equipment samples. Among others, the 5T92 transport-loading vehicles participated in these works.

Transport vehicle 5T93 with a missile container. Photo Rbase.new-factoria.ru
On February 11, 1991, trial operation of the A-135 complex began with combat duty. The radar systems of the system began to monitor the situation, and the firing complexes received the required number of missiles designed to intercept the detected targets. 53T6 missiles were reportedly deployed in five launch areas. Such objects received 12 or 16 silo launchers and could keep an appropriate number of interceptor missiles on duty. At the disposal of each unit responsible for the operation of the launch sites, there was a number of transport and transport-loading vehicles.
On December 1, 1995, a full-fledged combat duty of the A-135 complex began. The following year, the missile defense system was officially adopted. By this time, all elements of the complex, including auxiliary equipment, had already been mastered by the personnel and tested during duty or during training events.
In 2006, it was decided to remove the 51T6 anti-missile from duty and from service, as a result of which the 53T6 products remained the only weapon of the A-135 complex. In total, up to 68 missiles of this type could be deployed at that time. Soon, fragmentary information began to appear about the possible modernization of the missile defense system and the creation of an improved version of the 53T6 rocket. It is known that according to the results of state tests of the rocket, the possibility of its further improvement was established. Calculations showed that with the help of further improving its design, it is possible to increase the interception range by 2, 5 times and the height by 3 times.
The A-135 missile defense complex continues to remain in service and provide protection for Moscow and the central industrial region. The main armament of the complex at the moment are 53T6 missiles. These products are transported and operated together with a special container, which greatly simplifies their operation. Up to 68 missiles can be deployed in five firing complexes. During the tests and combat duty, a total of about fifty launches were carried out.
During all test and training launches, a significant number of auxiliary equipment of various types for one purpose or another was used. An important role in these events was played by 5T93 transport vehicles and 5T92 transport-loading vehicles. Keeping the 53T6 missiles in service, as well as their possible modernization (without major changes in size and weight) will allow the continued operation of the corresponding auxiliary equipment. Thus, in the foreseeable future, not only missile defense radar stations, control systems and anti-missile missiles, but also transport and transport-loading vehicles will remain in service with the Aerospace Forces.
Until recently, the general public could see the TZM 5T92 and the TPK of the 53T6 missile from the A-135 missile defense system only in photographs. Now everyone has the opportunity to personally see a sample of such equipment, as well as carefully examine it from all sides and carefully study the design. A unique sample of special auxiliary equipment, apparently previously used by the military, is now on display in the Patriot Park.