I must say right away that, despite the rather pretentious title, we will talk about representatives of the engineering troops. Quite undeservedly ignored. Indeed, when it comes to the army, the shock units come to the fore, but the auxiliary units somehow prefer to remain silent.
But the army does not end with tanks, aircraft and other deadly items. It starts with them. And behind each individual tank or helicopter there are no less important complexes and vehicles. Some are more, some are less. And here we will talk about them.
I'll start with perhaps the most pleasant place in the army. The question of taste is, of course, a controversial one, but to whom what. I'm talking about the point of taking the very food, without which, even in our time, nothing. Yes, you can sharpen dry rations under a bush, or you can get by with a thermos and a kettle in a ravine. And you can use such a thing.
1. Meet KSVK-240/24.

The kitchen-dining room is transported in a container. It's simple. And the numbers are also simply deciphered. KSVK is able to feed up to 240 people three times within 24 hours.

KSVK is a transformer. In the photo you see the dining room already in a combat position, that is, in a nursing position. In transport, this is again one KamAZ. When the canteen arrives at the place of work, the transforming body is simply unfolded. Just like in the photo. Or, using our own EGPRU (electro-hydraulic loading and unloading device), remove the container from the platform and move the machine to the side.
But not very far. The kitchen can also run on grass-fed fuel, but it is preferable to be powered from the machine's electrical system. 21st century after all …

In the central non-separable part there is exactly the kitchen block. And the "wings" that unfold turn into a dining room. Three entrances and exits. One for the cooks, two for the fighters.
Inside, of course, it's difficult to turn around. And there is something to kiss your head about. Moreover, everything is made of stainless steel.

As I said, everything is powered. There is also a shower room for cooks. The size of an airplane toilet. But there is. A dirty cook is a dangerous cook.

This is what part of the dining room looks like. Up to 40 people can eat at the same time.
A very useful thing in the army economy. Someone (from among the sofa marshals) may not appreciate, but who had to scrub borscht, which had cooled down in a thermos in a thermos, half-and-half with snow in December-January, who, I think, will appreciate the usefulness of such a canteen.
2. "Breadwinner" for technology. ATZ-12-10-63501 tanker.

The tanker allows, together with the dispensing equipment, to carry 12,000 liters of fuel wherever ordered. Plus, you can also pull a trailer with the same amount.
Through the dispensing arm, the system allows pumping at least 150 liters per minute.
The system deployment time is 5 minutes.
3. Bridge builder USM-3 "Luchok".

A rare guest at exhibitions. It has been in service with the army since 2010. Compared to its predecessor, USM-2, the emphasis is placed on hydraulics instead of electrical and mechanical drives, which made it possible to increase the crane's lifting capacity to 3 tons and significantly reduce the time for deploying the machine to the working position. Up to 5 minutes.
Main characteristics:
- time of unfolding (folding) of the bridge-building machine - 5 minutes;
- productivity in the construction of bridges from ready-made bridge structures - 10-18 meters per hour;
- productivity in the construction of bridges from individual elements - 4-6 meters per hour;
- carrying capacity of the bridges being built - up to 60 tons;
- service crew - 11 people.

The work is simple: the crane takes the materials, the pile driver drives in the piles, the flooring is done.

If there were materials, there would be a bridge.
And here we turn to the last exhibit of our today's exhibition.
4. Mobile sawmill complex VMLK-1.

There are still three copies that have passed State tests. The tests were successful. Now in the arsenal of our engineers there will be such a monster-transformer, capable of harvesting timber directly at the place of demand. There would be something to procure.
The complex is also an "all-in-one kung" system. A sort of mobile dream of a lumberjack maniac. The same KamAZ 63501, the same platform removable with a crane. But it turns not into a dining room, but into a sawmill. And the KamAZ freed from the platform becomes a timber carrier.
So far, only felling and filing is manual. Nothing new here yet.

But the complex itself is a complex constructor, at the output of which a beam, boards and other pleasures from the sawmill.

Unfortunately or not, all the representatives of the engineering troops did not fit into one report. So you will also have to familiarize yourself with the sequel if you wish. There is also room for new products.