LSD and the army

LSD and the army
LSD and the army
LSD and the army
LSD and the army

In the 50s and 60s, the British army tried to increase the effectiveness of soldiers in battle by experimenting with drugs? Including with many well-known LSD. Here is a short description of one of the military exercises. I don't know if this was the first, but it was definitely the last time the British army dealt with LSD.

Before the start of the exercise, LSD tablets were given to all participants, including the commanders, along with a glass of water. The first signs of drug influence appeared after 25 minutes. Most of the soldiers began to relax and giggle silly.

After 35 minutes, one of the radio operators realized that he had forgotten how to use the radio and found that giggling reduced the accuracy of the rocket launcher.

After another 10 minutes after that, the attacking unit got lost in a small forest, completely forgetting that according to the plan they had to try to recapture this array from the opponents entrenched in it. However, the enemy was not in the forest, since they had not yet found him. However, despite the symptoms, the soldiers still tried to take organized action.

For a long time, using a map and a compass, they searched for the headquarters, which was in line of sight on an old familiar training ground in an open field.

After 50 minutes, radio communication was almost impossible.

After an hour and 10 minutes, the commander had to admit that he had completely lost control of his unit and the field exercises were suspended, after which he himself had to climb a tree, since for some reason no one had fed the birds for all the time.
