During the occupation of German territory, Soviet troops committed massive rapes of local women.
“The Soviet soldiers viewed the rape, often carried out in front of the woman's husband and family members, as a suitable way of humiliating the German nation, which considered the Slavs an inferior race, with which sexual contact was not encouraged. Russian patriarchal society and the habit of riotous revelry also played a role, but more important was resentment at the relatively high prosperity of the Germans. … The victims themselves were permanently traumatized: German women of the military generation still call the Red Army war memorial in Berlin "The Tomb of the Unknown Rapist."
“According to the estimates of the two main Berlin hospitals, the number of victims of rape by Soviet soldiers ranges from ninety-five to one hundred and thirty thousand people. One doctor concluded that approximately one hundred thousand women had been raped in Berlin alone. Moreover, about ten thousand of them died mainly as a result of suicide."
There are independent studies of the problem of crimes committed by the military during the occupation of Germany. The data obtained allow us to assert that the situation was significantly different from the myth prevailing in the West.
Western authors arbitrarily call the number of raped "millions of German women." In fact, these data from the book of two German femenists are obtained by randomly extrapolating data collected in one of the Berlin hospitals to the whole city and the whole country. It has been proved that using other initial data and arbitrary author's estimates, one can get absolutely any number of raped people, including a superior number of the East German population.
In fact, statistically inevitable cases of crimes among the soldiers of the Red Army were not massive, and were condemned by official propaganda and military justice. The exact data on their absolute number are not yet available to researchers, but the documents currently known indicate the limited number of such incidents. The myth about them was actively spread by German military propaganda at the final stage of the war in order to mobilize the efforts of the population to resist the anti-Hitler coalition. After the war, samples of the propaganda department of Goebbels were actively used by the United States against the USSR, which was reflected in a number of "historical studies", which are subjected to justified criticism by modern authors.
There is no doubt that individual acts of rape were committed by soldiers of the armies participating in the anti-Hitler coalition both in Europe and in the Pacific theater of operations, however, unlike similar actions by the armies of the Axis countries, they were not massive and systematic.