In the comments to the article We Are The Mighty: 10 Fighters That Changed the War in the Air, one of the readers said that if we had a rating, it would be completely different. I completely agree.
And since colleague Ryabov showed just miracles of diplomacy, commenting on this star-and-striped celebration in the air, well, let's not approach the issue so diplomatically.
(K. Ryabov).
Well, as Kirill took lessons from Lavrov. In fact, the rating is so-so, because it was made by an American, who, possibly, apart from the Su-27, does not know the planes of other countries. But that's not the point. The main thing is that we ourselves are quite capable of making our own rating of such machines, which really made a huge contribution to the development of military aviation.
More fair, in my opinion.
In one of my recent articles, I already asked this question: how to properly evaluate airplanes? What are the criteria or parameters?
Here I think it is appropriate to talk not about some innovations, because then the entire rating will definitely consist of sophisticated American "wunder", which is crammed with everything, but no sense from this.
We will talk about epoch-making designs that really influenced the further development of combat aviation. And - importantly - with specific examples. And then go really appreciate that there is an innovative stuffed into the F-117 and F-35 …
I ask you not to pay attention to the serial numbers in the ranking, we will just go along the timeline, starting from our first hero.
1. Wright "Flyer-1". USA, 1903
This device was released in one copy and was not a combat aircraft. In general, he was an airplane with a big stretch. But: the aircraft with the man took off on the thrust of the engine, flew forward and landed on the spot with an altitude equal to the altitude of the take-off site. That is, it did not fall, but still flew by. Thus began the era of aviation heavier than air.

2. Sikorsky "Ilya Muromets". Russia, 1914
The first real bomber. The first really heavy bomber, and if we compare the tasks that the Ilya Muromets performed in the First World War and, say, the B-29 in the Second, then this is also the first strategic bomber.

An airplane capable of moving 500 kg of bombs at a distance of up to 500 km at the speed of an average fighter was a real miracle in those days. Not depending on the headwind, like bomb-carrier cepellins, being able to fight off several enemy fighters alone, the Ilya Muromets was a real device from the future.
The genius of Igor Sikorsky is the genius of a man who felt the air with his fingertips … "Ilya Muromets" is a prototype of the Pe-8, Lancaster and B-29. And globally - and Tu-95.
3. Fokker E. Eindecker. Germany, 1915
Who was the first to shove the machine gun into the cockpit of the fighter, we no longer know. There was a war going on, and the thoughts of many were working in the same direction. Initially, the pilots fought with each other using personal weapons, that is, pistols. There were a huge number of very exotic methods of reprisals against the enemy, but the machine gun was definitely the main one.

So the second on the list will be exactly the creation of Anton Fokker, and not a simple fighter, namely "Fokker E", because for the first time a mechanical synchronizer was installed on it for firing through the plane of the propeller. An epochal device, as we have already talked about in one of the articles.

In addition, although Fokker was accused by some of copying the aircraft of the firm "Moran-Saulnier", unlike the French, "Fokker" had an all-metal welded frame made of pipes.
Well, the metal corners that the French used to protect the propeller blades from bullets are still a combat collective farm, not a synchronizer.
4. SPAD S. XII. France, 1917
The turn of the French came up. Here we will talk not just about the SPAD S. XII fighter, but about its modification SPAD S. XII Ca.1. "Ca" stands for Canon, that is, cannon.

The idea of installing a cannon on an aircraft belongs to the French ace Georges Guimenere (53 victories), and French engineers were able to translate this into metal.
The main armament of the aircraft was a 37 mm Putto cannon located in the collapse of the Hispano-Suiza engine block and firing through the propeller shaft. The gun was loaded manually, it was aimed at the target along the tracks of the coaxial Vickers machine gun.

Despite the fact that the world's first serial cannon fighter did not live up to the hopes placed on it, it takes its rightful place on the list. Yes, a single-shot cannon with manual reloading turned out to be, to put it mildly, inconvenient for air combat, but from that moment the cannon in the collapse of the engine cylinders became a classic until the end of World War II.
5. Messerschmitt Bf.109E. Germany, 1938
Speaking of the 109, I note that it ended up here because it is actually the first successful fighter with a liquid-cooled engine. The pioneer of the era of such motors was released in crazy numbers and fought the entire Second World War from the first to the last day. In modifications, of course.

But, most importantly, the Bf.109 has become a role model throughout the world. It was looking at the results of the use of the 109 in Spain that the engineers of all countries who were to become participants in that war worked.
And they worked out. "Spitfires", "Mustangs", Yaks - all in general were made with an eye on the creation of Messerschmitt.
The liquid-cooled motor itself was a very, very controversial decision, but it served for a very long time in the air forces of many countries of the world.
6. Messerschmitt Me-262. Germany, 1941
Everything is clear with "Lastochka", we also analyzed it. The first sensible jet fighter that not only tried to fight, but he succeeded.

Yes, the 262nd is a representative of a slightly different branch, but he fought along with piston aircraft, and it cannot be said that he was so superior to them. Both the Americans and ours shot down the "swallows". Not that easy, but knocked down.
7. Ilyushin Il-2. USSR, 1942
One can argue for a long time about which plane was the first attack aircraft. But the fact that the Il-2 is the first attack aircraft, which was conceived precisely as an aircraft for an attack, is unlikely to be disputed by anyone.

The armored box, which was included in the airframe's power pack, is also an innovation. But mainly, in addition to the fact that the Il-2 was not converted into an attack aircraft from an outdated fighter (a common practice), but was designed from the very beginning.
Much can be said about his role in that war, but the fact that he is still the most massive aircraft in the history of mankind speaks volumes. Ideal plane for pinpoint strikes on the leading edge.
8. Boeing B-17 "Flying Fortress". USA, 1937
The plane that has become a symbol of destruction. Record holder for the number of bombs dropped. And I am sure that not a single plane destroyed as much as the Flying Fortresses did.

Yes, the reputation could have been better, since there is little honor in smashing cities with civilians into rubble.
But it is a fact: the opening of a new war in the air belongs to the "Fortresses". Total destruction of everything and everyone on earth. Later, the American Air Force would implement this principle in Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq and many other places, but it was the Fortresses that laid the foundation for everything.
9. Heinkel He.219 "Uhu". Germany, 1942
Night fighter, moreover, not produced in the largest series. However, this is actually a bridge between eras.

This aircraft was forgotten immediately after the war, but the principles that were implemented in it became classics of the genre.
Radar, "friend or foe" transponder, ejection seats for the crew, pressurized cockpit, remotely controlled machine-gun installations, powerful cannon armament.
Yes, the "Owl" could not play a significant role in the war. But here is exactly the case when much of the new, applied in the design, has forever received a residence permit in modern aircraft.
10. Fairey Swordfish. Great Britain, 1934
Someone will say now: Lord, is this a miracle that has been forgotten here? And it will be categorically wrong!

This flying plague rover is really one of the most effective strike aircraft! And with the advent of torpedo bombers, life at sea ceased to be simple and beautiful. The ships began to sink!
The Suordfish played a huge role in the sinking of the Bismarck. If it had not been for the torpedo dropped from the plane, the British would have cried for "hood" for a long time and with bloody tears.
The Suardfish staged the forerunner of Pearl Harbor, the Taranto massacre, sending two battleships (Littorio and Conti di Cavour) to the bottom at the cost of two aircraft and damaging a battleship, two cruisers and two destroyers.
The Suardfish hold the record for the sinking of four ships by three torpedoes. In the harbor of Sidi Barani (Egyptian territory, occupied by Italians in 1940), three torpedoes destroyed two submarines and a transport with ammunition. The transport exploded and sent a destroyer moored to it to replenish its ammunition.
This is the rating among the aircraft of the first half of the last century. And I'm sure it is quite fair, since there is nothing to lump together the F-117 of the late 20th century and the Fokker from the beginning. Different eras, different classes of aircraft.
But this is a matter of taste, and we argue about tastes, there is such a thing.
Nevertheless, here are 10 aircraft of the first half of the last century that really changed the essence of air warfare. Maybe someone will disagree, I repeat, all these comparisons are a thankless task.
However, for the second half of the 20th century, it is simply necessary to make your review, since the era of jet aircraft has come. Different rules, different principles.
So to be continued.