In this final part of the cycle, we will talk about the states where AWACS aircraft began to be built relatively recently or in small quantities. For convenience, these countries will be listed in alphabetical order, which of course does not reflect the degree of achievement or priority of a particular state in the field of AWACS aviation.
As you know, a significant part of the territory of Brazil is covered by rugged jungle, where there is no or difficult regular transport links. In these conditions, large areas of the country are actually not controlled by the central government, which is actively used by drug dealers and all kinds of criminal dealers involved in illegal harvesting of valuable timber, hunting rare species of animals, mining and even the slave trade. A particularly unfavorable situation has developed in the Amazon Delta and on the borders with Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Since criminals actively used aviation from field airfields, and it was not only about light-engine Cessna, but also about twin-engine cargo aircraft of the DC-3 class, and there is practically no radar field over the territory of the country, the only way out was to use AWACS aircraft. The aircraft of national production Embraer ERJ-145LR was chosen as an aviation platform. To accommodate the equipment of the radio engineering complex, the aircraft fuselage was lengthened and re-assembled. Its upper part received a "decoration" in the form of a log-shaped fairing for the AFAR Ericsson PS-890 Erieye radar. To compensate for the loss of directional stability, additional aerodynamic ridges appeared in the tail section. An additional power unit was also mounted at the rear of the aircraft and three fuel tanks were installed. The radar's field of view is reported to be 150 degrees from each side. The detection range of air targets is more than 400 km, an F-5 fighter type target can be detected at a range of 350 km. The number of simultaneously tracked targets can be 300 units. The data transmission equipment makes it possible to automatically broadcast information about 40 targets, which is of course redundant for the Brazilian Air Force, since the F-5E Tiger II fighters do not have equipment for receiving radar information. During a real patrol, fighters are guided to a target exclusively by voice over the radio. In addition to the radar station, there is an electronic reconnaissance station on board, which allows for high-precision direction finding of operating radio stations and listening to messages. The avionics also include sensors informing about radar radiation and an electronic warfare station. The aircraft is operated by two pilots, and 6 operators are engaged in the maintenance of the RTK.
Compared to the Israeli G550 CAEW, the Brazilian AWACS and U has a significantly shorter flight range and cannot conduct a circular view of space. The time spent on patrol is 6 hours, which is to some extent compensated by the air refueling system. With one refueling, the flight duration is increased to 9 hours. Patrolling is usually carried out at an altitude of 7000-8000 m at a speed of 740 km / h. The maximum speed is 960 km / h and the ceiling is 11200 m.

Aircraft AWACS Brazilian Air Force E-99
The first aircraft EMB-145 Erieye AEW & C was received by the Brazilian Air Force in the summer of 2002, but the proper level of combat readiness was achieved only by the end of 2003. In total, the Brazilian Ministry of Defense has ordered 5 "airborne radar pickets", internally designated E-99. It is believed that three E-99 aircraft are capable of providing round-the-clock duty, replacing each other. To increase the duration of the flight, the KS-130 tanker aircraft are often paired with the E-99.

Satellite image of Google Earth: aircraft E-99 and KS-130 at Anapolis airbase
After reaching operational readiness, the E-99 radar patrol aircraft deployed at the Anapolis airbase and included in the Second Squadron of the Sixth Air Group became part of the SIVAM system (Portuguese: Sistema de Vigilancia Amazonia - Amazonia Observation System). After the E-99 was put into operation and the flight and technical personnel mastered them, the criminals, who were accustomed to impunity, operating in the jungle, came to "black days". Operators of AWACS aircraft not only pointed interceptors at aircraft illegally located in Brazilian airspace, but also recorded their takeoff and landing sites, and also listened to radio traffic.
Although the Brazilian Air Force has F-5E supersonic fighters, the most effective was the combination of the E-99 and the EMB-314 Super Tucano light turboprop attack aircraft. Light single-engine turboprop machines, strongly reminiscent of WWII fighters, have proven themselves to be excellent in intercepting light-engine aircraft carrying drugs (more details here: "Tukanoclass").

The Brazilian EMB-145AEW & C with the Swedish radio-technical complex is popular in the world arms market. The key to success is the combination of the good characteristics of the RTK with the low cost of the aircraft platform. So, India for the first three aircraft EMB-145AEW & C paid the company "Embraer" in 2008 $ 300 million, which is much cheaper than the Israeli G550 CAEW.

Satellite image of Google Earth: aircraft EMB-145AEW & C at Bangalore airbase
However, it should be admitted that the Israeli aircraft is equipped with more advanced electronic reconnaissance and electronic warfare equipment. In total, India has ordered five EMB-145AEW & C. The first plane flew to Bangalore Air Base in August 2012. Unlike the Brazilian E-99s, the aircraft intended for the Indian Air Force have a satellite data transmission system, new RTR and EW stations.

EMB-145AEW & C Indian Air Force at Bangalore Air Force Base
EMB-145AEW & C also purchased Mexico (1 aircraft) and Greece (4 aircraft). Mexico placed the order in 2001, even before the start of deliveries to the Brazilian Air Force. After the commissioning of the Brazilian-made AWACS aircraft in Mexico, the Hokai purchased in Israel were dismissed. But the replacement is not equivalent, after all, one jet plane cannot replace three turboprop ones. The main area of activity of AWACS aircraft of the Mexican Air Force is the suppression of illegal drug trafficking. The Greek Air Force received the first aircraft at the end of 2003, but the development of new technology was difficult and all EMB-145AEW & Cs reached operational readiness only in 2008.
Also, as part of the Amazon defense program, work began on a radar reconnaissance aircraft on the Embraer ERJ-145 platform in the mid-90s. In addition to monitoring the air situation, the federal government wanted to have an idea of what was happening in hard-to-reach areas. For this, an aircraft with a radar for remote sensing of the earth's surface was needed, also equipped with a wide range of day and night cameras and infrared sensors.
The competition for equipping aircraft with the initial designation EMB 145 RS / AGS (Remote Sensing / Airborne Ground Surveillance) was won by a consortium led by the American corporation Raytheon. The cockpit avionics were supplied by the American company Honeywell Aerospace. Five liquid crystal displays display basic information about the main flight parameters and the state of onboard aircraft systems. Similar equipment is also used on the Bombardier Global Express and Gulfstream G500 / G550 aircraft, which are competitors to Embraer ERJ-145 in terms of the placement of radar detection systems.

R-99 cockpit
The onboard equipment includes a synthetic aperture radar, thermal imaging cameras AN / AAQ-26, electro-optical surveillance systems, multispectral scanners, radio interception and direction finding equipment. The combined ground and water surface viewing system allows you to capture a wide variety of moving or stationary objects day and night, whether it be cars or boats, low-flying aircraft, all kinds of buildings and structures. It is reported that illegal logging of valuable wood species and illegal mines, hidden under the crowns of trees, have been repeatedly discovered. All collected information can be transmitted in real time to ground command posts. For a more detailed analysis, data is accumulated on removable recording devices.

In order to increase its export potential, the aircraft received the designation EMB-145 MULTI INTEL, in Brazil the aircraft is known as R-99. Operation of the first aircraft began in 2004; in total, the Brazilian Air Force received three aircraft for remote control of the earth's surface. The cost of one R-99 is about $ 60 million.
According to the information provided by the representatives of the company "Embraer", the R-99 aircraft involved in the SIVAM program, at the first stage of operation, flew 2,600 hours in one year, demonstrating high efficiency. Thanks to the information obtained during the patrol, numerous episodes of criminal activity were uncovered, dozens of illegal logging were suppressed, several illegal mines were liquidated and smuggler camps were destroyed. Tens of kilograms of cocaine, hundreds of kilograms of explosives and many illegal small arms were seized. In the course of several operations under the general name "Agata", about 1,500 people were arrested.
The AWACS and U CASA C-295 AEW aircraft, presented in 2011 at the Le Bourget Air Show in 2011, is not, strictly speaking, a Spanish development, but since it was built at the Airbus Military facility in Seville, formally it can be considered Spanish. According to the management of Airbus Military, the combination of a simple and reliable military transport C-295 and an advanced radio-technical complex is the best option to meet the growing demand for "tactical" radar patrol aircraft.

C-295 AEW
Initially, the aircraft was supposed to be equipped with an Ericsson PS-890 Erieye radar, but in this case the aircraft would not have any particular advantages over the Brazilian EMB-145AEW & C and the Swedish Saab 340 AEW & C and Saab 2000 AEW & C, which, of course, could reduce the export potential. In addition, a radar with a non-rotating antenna in a "log" fairing has "dead" zones in the nose and tail of the aircraft. As a result, the developers settled on a radio engineering complex proposed by the Israeli ELTA. This equipment is somewhat more expensive than the Swedish RTK, but it also has significantly greater capabilities. The radar for the C-295 AEW is based on the EL / M-2075 Phalcon, but the AFAR radar antenna is installed in a rotating disc-shaped radome. The same principle of antenna placement is used on the Sino-Pakistani AWACS ZDK-03 aircraft. This unusual solution eliminates the inherent disadvantages of fixed antenna radars. The radar has two modes of operation: circular, providing 360-degree viewing in standby mode, and concentrated search in the 120-degree sector with high resolution. In the all-round mode, the detection range of a fighter-type target must be at least 450 km.
The "budget" aircraft AWACS C-295 AEW in its characteristics was supposed to surpass all competitors in its class. This was supposed to be achieved through the use of a perfect Israeli-made avionics. According to advertising data, it is planned to install multichannel satellite and radio link equipment for broadcasting radar data on the aircraft, the latest radio intelligence and electronic warfare stations. To ensure the possibility of acting in the role of an air command post, a combat information system based on powerful computers and a large screen for displaying all tactical information are provided on board. In addition to directing the actions of its aviation and air defense forces, a promising AWACS aircraft can be involved in anti-ship operations and the search for submarine periscopes. And also to solve the problems of search and rescue of those in distress at sea.

Compared to other aircraft in its class, the flight data of the C-295 AEW looks quite decent. An aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 23,200 kg is capable of being on patrol for at least 8 hours. The patrol speed is 485 km / h, the maximum is 560 km / h. There can be 10 people on board, of which 7 are RTK operators and control officers. The closest twin-engine turboprop analogue of the promising Spanish-Israeli AWACS and U aircraft can be considered the E-2D Hawkeye. With practically the same take-off weight and similar speed characteristics, the C-295 AEW, due to its more capacious fuel tanks, has a longer time in the air, and significant internal volumes allow more space for operators and equipment. But despite the promising prospects, the future of the C-295 AEW has not been determined. At the moment, only one prototype has been built, which is heavily advertised at aerospace shows. The intention to purchase 2-3 AWACS aircraft was expressed by Poland, which has already purchased 17 military transport S-295M. But in order for production to become profitable, an order for at least 8 machines is needed, which is not yet foreseen.
Another promising project is a heavy "strategic" AWACS aircraft based on the Airbus A400M four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft manufactured by the European consortium Airbus Military. In terms of fuel efficiency, if used as a platform for installing RTK equipment, this machine could seriously compete with American AWACS and U aircraft based on Boeing 707, Boeing 737 and Boeing 767. NATO, French and British Air Forces, built in the 1980s, are close to the end of their life cycle. However, there is no doubt that the "American allies" will do everything to impose their own production of aircraft.
Iraq / Iran
During the Iran-Iraq war, the Iraqi Air Force experienced an urgent need for an aircraft for early warning and control. During the protracted bloody battles in the desert, the radar stations located near the front line were too vulnerable. The Iraqi command wanted to guarantee to prevent the breakthrough of Iranian "Phantoms" to strategically important targets. It was quite possible to do this with the help of the existing MiG-25P interceptors, but they required external guidance and target designation, and ground-based radars could not always detect low-altitude targets in a timely manner. At the same time, strike operations against Iranian tankers and oil platforms required real-time coordination.
Despite the fact that Iraq managed to receive modern weapons simultaneously from both Western countries and the USSR, Saddam Hussein was unable to acquire the Hawaiian or Sentry from the United States. And in the USSR, the A-50 AWACS aircraft was accepted into service only in 1984, and there could be no talk of delivering a machine with the latest RTK Bumblebee. In this situation, the Iraqi leadership decided to independently create an AWACS and U aircraft on the basis of the Il-76MD military transport, installing a TRS-2105 radar on it. Before the invasion of Kuwait, with the help of French specialists, it was possible to establish licensed production of TRS-2100 and TRS-2105 radars in Iraq. In total, until 1991, Iraq received more than 40 radars from Thompson-CSF and assembled at its own enterprises.
The Iraqis went their own way, crossing the French TRS-2105 radar and the Soviet Il-76MD. Since the installation of a radar antenna above the fuselage required a rather serious redesign of the aircraft, the Iraqis created a rare freak by placing the antenna in the place of the cargo ramp. This vehicle received the designation Baghdad-1.

The first Iraqi AWACS aircraft did not shine with high performance. The detection range of the TRS-2105 radar located on the earth's surface was within 100 km. An Iraqi version of the Salahuddin G station with an inverted antenna was installed on the plane. Data on the characteristics of the Baghdad-1 RTK are contradictory, but most often the detection range of 120 km is indicated. To understand how much the Iraqi improvisation was inferior to the Soviet A-50, one can recall that the Bumblebee radar could see a fighter against the background of the underlying surface at a distance of up to 250 km, and the detection range of large high-altitude targets reached 600 km. In fact, the first Iraqi AWACS aircraft was molded from what was at hand and was a makeshift surrogate. Naturally, there was no talk of creating a full-fledged radio engineering complex. On the Baghdad-1 plane, there was no equipment for the automated transmission of a radar picture, and the notification took place exclusively by voice over the radio. There was a possibility of data transmission over 10 VHF and 2 HF communication channels. In addition, a radar mounted in the tail section could control the space in a very limited sector behind and to the side of the aircraft. The issues of biological protection of the crew from high-frequency radiation and powerful electromagnetic fields, and the compatibility of communication and radar equipment turned out to be unresolved. Naturally, all this could not satisfy the Iraqi military, and at the very end of the 80s, the next model Baghdad-2 appeared. Later, the plane was renamed Adnan-2, in honor of the deceased Iraqi general.

On this machine, the antenna of a modified TRS-2105 (Tiger-G) radar was mounted on a console in a rotating disc-shaped fairing. The aircraft also received a radar warning system and a jamming station. A number of sources say that this equipment was borrowed from Tu-22 bombers. The Adnan-2 onboard equipment also includes equipment manufactured by Marconi, Rockwell-Collins and Selenia. It is not known whether the Soviet Union provided any assistance in the design, but outwardly the plane became similar to the A-50. However, in terms of the composition of the equipment and the capabilities of the RTK, the Iraqi aircraft was much inferior to the Soviet AWACS and U. At the same time, compared to the Baghdad-1 aircraft, this was a serious step forward. Unlike the first version, the Adnan-2 was of real combat value, the detection range of MiG-21 class air targets was brought to 190 km. In theory, the Tiger-G radar adapted for installation on an AWACS aircraft could see high-altitude targets at a distance of up to 350 km, but during test flights it turned out that when turned on at full power, the radar equipment began to warm up unacceptably. This negatively affected the reliability of the RTK as a whole, and created unbearable conditions for operators. To remedy the situation, an outside air cooling system was installed, and air conditioning ducts were extended to the operators' workplaces. However, even after that, with the RTK turned on, it was hot on board.
The Iraqis were very proud of their own radar patrol aircraft and showed it to foreign representatives on several occasions. Saddam Hussein authorized the construction of eight vehicles, but the war-exhausted country could not afford the purchase of additional Il-76MDs. In total, until 1991, 4 AWACS aircraft were created in Iraq. On January 23, 1991, one car was destroyed at the Al Taqaddum airbase during an air raid by the anti-Iraqi coalition during the "Desert Storm", and the rest flew to Iran to escape destruction.
In 1991, about a third of the Iraqi Air Force ended up in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Iranians decided that it would be fair to keep Iraqi aircraft as reparations. After the inventory, in the mid-90s, a significant part of the former Iraqi combat aircraft were put into operation in Iran, including AWACS. But apparently, the Iranian specialists for a long time could not deal with the complex radio equipment and the planes were idle on the ground.

Only about 10 years later, foreign observers began to record regular flights of Baghdad-1 and Adnan-2 aircraft. In the period from 2004 to 2009, they were seen several times. Distinguishing the Baghdad-1 with a radar antenna in the cargo ramp from the usual cargo Il-76MD in satellite imagery is not easy, but the Adnan-2 plane with a circular antenna in the upper fuselage is unmistakably identified.

Satellite image of Google Earth: AWACS aircraft Adnan-2 at the Iranian airbase Shiraz
The Iranians were given to put into operation one Baghdad-1 and one Adnan-2. At the same time, Iraqi radars remained on the aircraft, but most of the equipment for displaying information, navigation and communication was replaced. Another Adnan-2 is rumored to be undergoing refurbishment in one of the large hangars at the dual-use airfield in Tehran.

Today in Iran there is an urgent need for AWACS and U. However, it is unlikely to be satisfied in the near future. In 2009, the only operational AWACS aircraft, the Adnan-2, was lost during preparation for an air parade as a result of a mid-air collision with a fighter. 7 people died in the crash.
The purchase of radar patrol aircraft from the PRC may become a quickly realizable option for Iran, and this is quite feasible given the close military-technical cooperation between the two countries. Another direction is the creation of a "tactical AWACS aircraft" based on the Ukrainian An-140. At the end of 1995, the Iranian aircraft building company HESA and ANTK im. OK. Antonov”signed an agreement on joint production, design and transfer of manufacturing technology for the An-140 transport aircraft. The contract provided for the joint production of 80 An-140 aircraft. In February 2001, testing of the first An-140, assembled in Isfahan, began.

AWACS aircraft model presented by HESA
The Iranian side announced plans to create on the basis of the twin-engine turboprop An-140, modifications intended for maritime patrols and AWACS. However, in the future, the joint project stalled. 15 years after the signing of the joint production agreement, the Iranian company HESA assembled only 14 IrAn-140s, although, since 2010, 12 aircraft were to be delivered annually. Iranian representatives complained about the low quality of components supplied from Ukraine and their rise in price by about two times. As a result, the cost of aircraft assembled in Iran increased from $ 6, 2 million to $ 12 million, as a result of a sharp increase in cost, it became expedient to purchase aircraft of this class abroad. At the moment, six An-140s are in flight operation in Iran, one plane crashed, and several more are in the process of refitting or in storage. Thus, in the near future it will hardly be possible to create an air radar picket based on the An-140.
Considerable success in the creation of budget aircraft for the radar patrol was achieved in Sweden. The basis of the RTK of the Swedish air radar pickets was the PS-890 Erieye radar, developed by Ericsson Microwave Systems (now Saab Electronic Systems). The development of a compact radar for a light-class AWACS aircraft was initiated by the Swedish Ministry of Defense in the mid-80s. The radar, first commissioned in 1996, is compact enough to fit on relatively small cargo and passenger aircraft with a takeoff weight of 11-15 tons. The radar antenna unit weighs only 900 kg. The two-sided antenna AFAR, located in a "log-shaped" fairing 9 meters long, consists of 192 transmit-receive modules. The electronically scanned beam provides a view of a 150 ° sector on each side. The disadvantage of the radar is the presence of not visible sectors of 30 ° each in front and behind the aircraft. The radar, operating in the 2-4 GHz frequency range, has several modes of operation, adapted for specific conditions with different pulse repetition rates and scan rates. In addition to airspace monitoring, it is possible to search for sea targets, including submarine periscopes.

According to the radar developer company, the instrumental detection range of large high-altitude targets is 450 km. In reality, a fighter flying at medium altitude can be detected at a range of 350-400 km. Ships with a small EPR, at low altitudes against the background of the earth's surface, are recorded at a distance of 180 km. The modified versions are capable of working "on the ground", recording the movements of armored vehicles, transport convoys and trains, which significantly expands the range of capabilities of aircraft equipped with the PS-890 Erieye radar. In addition to the Saab 340 AEW & C and Saab 2000 AEW & C aircraft built in Sweden, the PS-890 Erieye radar is used on the Brazilian EMB-145AEW & C.

S 100B Argus
Initially, the American Fairchild C-26 Metroliner aircraft was used to test the radar. But the main platform for the Erieye radar in Sweden was the Saab 340 twin-engine turboprop aircraft, which received the export designation Saab 340 AEW & C or S 100B Argus in the Swedish Air Force. The first flight of the prototype took place in 1994, and in 1997 two AWACS aircraft were transferred to trial operation.
The Saab 340 AEW & C is based on a passenger turboprop aircraft designed to carry 36 passengers on short-haul routes. Compared to the passenger car, the outer side sections of the AWACS aircraft fuselage were reinforced to support the weight of the antenna. The vertical tail area has increased in order to improve track stability. To increase the duration of the flight, two additional fuel tanks are installed in the stern. In addition to the radar, the Saab 340 AEW & C aircraft has an electronic warfare station, its antenna is located in the tail section. Information is displayed on flat color LCD displays with touch control. An aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 13,150 kg is capable of staying in the air for 5-6 hours. The maximum speed is 530 km / h, the speed on patrol is 320 km / h. Patrol altitude from 3000 to 6000 meters. The crew is 7 people, 5 of them are RTK operators.

Saab 340 AEW & C Thai Air Force
To date, it is known about 12 built Swedish-made AWACS turboprop aircraft. The Swedish Air Force operated two S 100B Argus turboprops in 2016. In July 2006, a contract was signed with Saab to modernize these aircraft. The updated Saab 340 AEW-300 with the Erieye-ER radar were handed over to the military in 2009. Two more Swedish aircraft were converted into an electronic reconnaissance version. The upgraded machines received equipment capable of determining the coordinates of sources of radio frequency radiation in the ranges 2 GHz - 7 GHz, 7 GHz - 18 GHz, 28 GHz - 40 GHz. Also on the outer surfaces there are sensors that record the heat trail of anti-aircraft and aircraft missiles and laser irradiation. The aircraft were exported to Pakistan (4 units), Thailand (2 units), UAE (2 units). Greece leased two aircraft, prior to the start of deliveries of the EMB-145AEW & C, equipped with the same radar as the aircraft of the Saab company.
With good characteristics of the surveillance radar and a relatively low cost, the disadvantages of the Saab 340 AEW & C aircraft include a short time in the air, the absence of a refueling system and a small internal volume, which does not allow placing an extended composition of equipment on board. In particular, the limited capabilities of the data transmission equipment were criticized. In order to eliminate these shortcomings and increase the export potential, on the basis of the Saab 2000 turboprop, an AWACS and U aircraft were created with an updated radio complex. It is reported that along with the Swedish radar PS-890 Erieye, reconnaissance equipment manufactured by the American corporation Raytheon was installed on the aircraft. Saab 2000 is a further development of the Saab 340, compared to the original version, this machine has a longer fuselage and more powerful engines. By increasing the capacity of the tanks and fuel efficiency, the range and duration of the flight have significantly increased. And the elongated fuselage and engines with six-bladed propellers with a capacity of 3096 kW contributed to an increase in the maximum speed to 625 km / h. At the same time, the maximum take-off weight increased to 23,000 kg, and the ceiling to 9400 meters. The payload is 5900 kg, and the patrol can last 7 hours.

Pakistani Saab 2000 AEW & C at Farnborough Airshow in 2008
So far, Pakistan is the only buyer of Saab 2000 AEW & C. The history of Pakistani AWACS aircraft is very dramatic. Pakistan desperately needed means of airspace control on the border with India and Afghanistan, but in the 90s, attempts by the Pakistani leadership to acquire radar patrol aircraft abroad ended in failure. For political reasons, the Americans refused to sell the E-2C. At the same time, shipments from Sweden were hampered by restrictions imposed by human rights violations in Pakistan. Disagreements on this issue were resolved in 2006, and the parties signed a contract worth $ 250 million, providing for the supply of 4 radar patrol aircraft. The practical implementation of the contract began in 2009, after the financial side of the case was settled. According to unofficial information, the sponsor of the deal was Saudi Arabia. However, in August 2012, it became known that during an attack by Islamists on the Kamr airbase, located 110 km north-west of Islamabad, one AWACS aircraft was destroyed and another one received damage to the nose. Subsequently, the damaged Saab 2000 AEW & C was sent to Sweden to the Linkoping plant for refurbishment.
This concludes the cycle dedicated to AWACS aviation, the author is grateful to all readers who have found the strength and courage to read at least something from this very drawn-out series, consisting of 17 parts. Special thanks to those who supported me positively, appreciating this work, and thanks to whom I brought it to the end. I would like to express special thanks to my personal editor, known in the Military Review as zyablik.olga.