- Mr. President, we will have to rename the 6th fleet to the 5th.
- Yes Yes. I understood.
Another urgent call.
- Sorry, Mr. President. Now in the 4th.
Wherever they go, they are being followed. Destroyers Gravely, Barry, Mahan, Ramage, and Stout never fall out of our sailors' attention - not a single Navy action The United States does not go unnoticed by the ships of the Russian squadron off the coast of Syria.
The unique domestic equipment allows the Sixth Fleet to be “shined” through - the ships of the Russian Navy are able not only to record the launch of the Tomahawk cruise missiles, but even to determine the moment of the start of preparations for their launch. All radio communications and satellite communication lines, the operation of detection equipment, electronic warfare and combat information systems of all ships of the Sixth Fleet are under our control - Russian sailors have a clear idea of the situation on board American destroyers and are able to predict in advance the actions of a "potential enemy" to change the characteristics of electromagnetic fields.
The task is completely non-trivial.

Among the bacchanalia of hum and crackling from the work of many electronic equipment of the US Navy ships, united by the Aegis combat information and control system:
- multifunctional radar AN / SPY-1;
- station identification "friend or foe" AN / UPX-29;
- a complex of technical means LAMPS III, which allows the helicopter to be integrated into the ship's anti-submarine defense system;
- an automated subsystem for finding and localizing faults on board the Mk545 ship;
- automated subsystem SWG-1 for firing control of anti-ship missiles "Harpoon";
- automated subsystem for artillery fire control Mk86;
- automated subsystem for anti-aircraft fire control Mk99;
- automated control subsystem for anti-submarine weapons Mk116;
as well as AN / SPS-64 and AN / SPS-67 navigation radars, AN / SPG-62 target illumination radar, AN / SQQ-89 hydroacoustic complex equipment, Falanks anti-aircraft defense systems, LINK-4A communication and data exchange equipment, LINK 11, LINK 16,
Russian sailors must FIX THE MAIN THING - the moment of switching on the units of the SWG-3 subsystem
At this moment, the control panel of missile weapons in the Aegis destroyer CIC will flash and pulsate with blood-red fire, computers and data transmission lines will come to life - the last instructions and coordinates of the launch site will flow into the homing heads of the Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Panel SWG-1 for control of anti-ship missiles "Harpoon"
Strictly speaking, the SWG-3 system is just an intermediate link - the flight routes and targets for the Tomahawks are selected in advance, on the shore, at specialized flight training centers in Norfolk and Camp Smith (Hawaii). The ship's equipment only allows loading ready-made digital elevation maps along the flight route, necessary for the operation of the TERCOM navigation system, as well as a "photograph" of the target for the optical guidance system "DiDzhisMak" on the final segment of the trajectory. Damn it, Ax works like a cheap hitman from a second-rate Hollywood action movie!
In addition, kamikaze robots need information about the coordinates of the launch point - otherwise the gyroscopes of the inertial system will not be able to bring the Tomahawk into the area of the first correction over the enemy's coast (the relief TERCOM is useless when flying over the sea - the water is the same everywhere). All this data goes to the cruise missile seeker directly at the launch point.

SLCM "Tomahawk" out of the bow UVP Mk41 destroyer USS Farragut (DDG-99)
The activation of the SWG-3 electronic units, accompanied by the activation and final check of the Mk41 launchers, gives grounds for an unambiguous conclusion: inside the US Navy destroyer, preparations have begun for the launch of Tomahawks. The war will begin in the next few hours!
But how can this critical moment be identified? How to get into the impregnable citadel of "crusaders and world Zionism" and inspect the most secret places on the US Navy ship, where even many of its crew members do not have access?
Deaf sides without a single porthole. Underdeck launchers, hidden from the eye of an outside observer. A combat information center located in the depths of the ship. Fixed phased antennas of the AN / SPY-1 radar … an external examination of the Aegis destroyer will do nothing, but electromagnetic waves, moving at a speed of 300,000 km / s, will penetrate beyond the blank walls and "blab" all the secrets of the US Navy.
But excuse me! After all, the Russian Federation currently does not have electronic intelligence centers in the Middle East, similar to the recently closed REC Lourdes in Cuba or the Echelon worldwide electronic espionage network owned by the US National Security Agency.
The answer is simple: electronic interception systems are located directly on board Russian ships vigilantly guarding the Syrian coast.
S. S. V. Funny Enemy Death
In the history of naval wars, there are many examples when battles were won thanks to high-quality intelligence work. Knowledge is power! Information obtained by intelligence is one of the most important aspects of strategy and tactics; it makes it possible to reveal in advance specific plans and types of threats from the enemy.
Systematic observation and tracking of the forces of a potential enemy in peacetime is one of the main conditions for the effectiveness and high combat readiness of a modern navy.
The development of electronic means, radio communications and radars in the navy made it necessary to constantly monitor enemy ships not only in the visible, but also in the radio wave range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Radio interception of communication channels at all frequencies. Telemetry reconnaissance - you need to be aware of all the new weapons of the "potential enemy". Radio intelligence - determining the identity and characteristics of radio sources on board enemy ships. Measurements of physical fields, compilation of acoustic and electromagnetic "portraits" of ships and submarines.
Extremely important and responsible work, on which the efficiency of the work of the entire navy depends.
Specialized reconnaissance ships exist in many fleets of the world, but this class received special development in our country. Hiding behind the unassuming designation SSV (communications vessel), reconnaissance ships (RZK) became one of the main arguments of the USSR Navy. Cheap, numerous and ubiquitous - a hundred large and small sea spies that flooded the oceans did not leave the "probable enemy" a chance to be alone. Not a single step of the American fleet could go unnoticed from the gaze of the Soviet commander-in-chief.

A helicopter from the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk examines the SSV-208 Kurils reconnaissance ship. Pacific Ocean, 2005.
The simplest improvisations based on outdated destroyers, trawlers and transport ships - the "knights of the cloak and dagger" did not need super-speed and super-weapons, their safety was ensured by the political and military power of the Soviet Union. To attack such a "pelvis" would mean putting the world on the brink of nuclear war. The only thing the Americans could do in such a situation was to attack the CERs with curses or stupid jokes:
The American crews were very condescending to the attention of these "floating craft" and more than once made fun of the clumsy "spies".
One day in May 1967in the Mediterranean Sea, such a "fisherman" tried to approach the aircraft carrier. An F-8 immediately rose from its deck, made an approach to the "target" and … released a brake flap, from the niche of which rolls of toilet paper fell on the Soviet ship!..
- from the site www.airwar.ru
Unlike the real 007 agents, Russian naval scouts did not use stealth technology and other spy devices - indeed, why all efforts to reduce visibility, if the "potential enemy" is literally a couple of steps away - he can wave his hand from the deck.
Hiding behind the Soviet flag, small unarmed SSVs boldly approached the aircraft carrier strike groups, nuclear cruisers and destroyer squadrons of the US Navy - the Yankees only gnashed their teeth in anger, but according to accepted international rules they could not even express diplomatic claims. Observation takes place in neutral waters - the Russian ship has the right to be where it pleases. An attempt to break away from the annoying guest by developing a 30-knot speed was deliberately doomed to failure - after a few hours of a frantic race, another "communications vessel" appeared right along the course.

The submarine K-324 wound the secret American TASS antenna on the propeller and lost its speed. Of course, SSV-506 "Nakhodka" was the first to arrive at the scene of the incident - for 10 days the little scout drove away the US Navy destroyers trying to get the remains of the secret antenna out of the water. In the background is the USS Peterson (DD-969). Sargasso Sea, 1983
In addition to the function of a repeater and a radio-technical reconnaissance station, domestic SSVs solved the problems of monitoring sea communications, recording all movements of the ships of the "potential enemy". Flocks of SSVs accompanied American aircraft carrier groups for weeks - one could make fun of the little "spies" and throw rolls of toilet paper at them, but in the event of the start of real hostilities, the SSVs could simply "hand over" the Yankees into the hands of the warships of the USSR Navy, transferring the coordinates of the American squadrons for attack cruisers and submarines.
The little scout will inevitably die a brave death, but the payback will be cruel - after a short time, Soviet missiles will arrive in a given square and kill everything that comes their way. The Yankees will not have time to escape far - the data transmitted by the CER before their death will be relevant for several more hours.
This was the verdict of the "elusive" and "invulnerable" AUG - the Soviet fleet, thanks to its numerous communications vessels, reliably "held the pistol to the temple" of the US Navy.

SSV-535 "Karelia" firmly "stuck" to the nuclear cruiser "Texas", 1988
For a lot of time, naval reconnaissance officers spent near the training grounds of the US Navy and NATO countries, carefully observing the firing and launches of rocket weapons. Each new ship of the "potential enemy" came under the close scrutiny of the SSV - having approached an extremely short distance, our sailors began to carefully study the next masterpiece of American design thought - the escort cruiser Legi, the nuclear-powered California, the Aegis cruiser Ticonderoga ….
Electromagnetic fields were measured, the sensitive equipment of the Coolant electronic reconnaissance complex began to identify sources of electromagnetic radiation on board a foreign ship.
We knew literally everything about them!
… As time went on, the fleet changed irreversibly. Nowadays, domestic CERs have grown noticeably in size. Not a trace remained of the vulgar appearance of the converted ore carriers, tugs and trawlers - modern Russian naval intelligence officers of specialized construction have turned into graceful ships with even more impressive capabilities of their radio-technical complex.
The presence of such ships off the coast of Syria "strains" our Western friends a lot:
In the Mediterranean, there are two Russian reconnaissance ships stuffed with the latest electronic equipment. Russian RZKs record not only missile launches of any type, but even the preparation of Tomahawks for launch, which is being carried out inside the ship.
- Retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Defense Analyst Rick Francona, announcement made live on CNN
Indeed, in a situation of possible military intervention by the United States in the internal affairs of Syria, such a situation threatens the failure of the entire operation - the Yankees will lose without having time to make the first move. Russian sailors will instantly detect the preparation process for the launch of Tomahawks aboard the US Navy ships and will report it to the "upstairs". Obviously, this data will fall on the table of the Syrian military command before the commander of the Aegis destroyer inserts the key into the cruise missile launch panel.
Surely many of you had an assumption about the direct impact on the homing heads of American missiles - a powerful microwave pulse capable of damaging the fragile electronics of the rocket; false radio command to self-destruct (the newest RGM-109E Tactical Tomahawk was able to be reprogrammed in flight) or something like that …
The author does not have such information, but there is no reason to doubt the ingenuity of the Russian kulibins. It is possible that there is such an option.

Deck attack UAV X-47B
In this regard, the situation with unmanned aerial vehicles of the US Navy seems to be interesting - how will the radio intelligence ship of the Russian Navy affect the actions of American UAVs? The answer seems to be obvious - an attempt to "attack" CERs with rolls of toilet paper from an unmanned attack drone X-47B will end in disaster for the Yankees - the super-plane will suddenly get out of control of the operators and softly "land" on the water. Just as it happened with the American unmanned drone RQ-170 "Sentinel" in the airspace of Iran (according to one version, the Iranians "landed" RQ-170 with the help of the Russian complex of electronic warfare "Avtobaza").
But who knows - what if the same equipment is installed on board domestic CERs?

Launching of the large reconnaissance ship "Yuri Ivanov".
St. Petersburg, Severnaya Verf, September 30, 2013
The lead "communications vessel" of project 18280, designed to counter the naval component of the American missile defense system. Full displacement - 4260 tons. The crew is 120 people. Cruising range - 8000 miles at a speed of 16 knots. According to the plan, the second ship of this project - "Ivan Khurs" - will be laid down on November 14, 2013

SSV-520 "Meridian"

Combat Information Center (BIC) Aegis Destroyer

Loading a container with a "Tomahawk" into the cell of the Mk41 launcher

Aegis destroyer USS John S. McCain (DDG-56)