Regiment commander. Part 1. Afghanistan

Regiment commander. Part 1. Afghanistan
Regiment commander. Part 1. Afghanistan

Video: Regiment commander. Part 1. Afghanistan

Video: Regiment commander. Part 1. Afghanistan
Video: 1916 Easter Rising in 60 seconds 2025, January
Regiment commander. Part 1. Afghanistan
Regiment commander. Part 1. Afghanistan

Colonel Vladimir Alekseevich Gospod:

- In March 1969, there was a conflict with the Chinese on the border in the area of Damansky Island. Until now, the names of the heroes-border guards - captain V. D. Bubenin, senior sergeant Yu. V. Babansky, senior lieutenant I. I. Strelnikov and Colonel D. V. Leonov, head of the border detachment. All of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (II Strelnikov and DV Leonov posthumously).

It made such a strong impression on me then that I, a boy, caught fire and wanted to become a border guard and thought about entering a border school after school.

I remember that I collected materials about heroes-border guards, organized a detachment "Young Friends of Border Guards" in our far from border town of Voronezh, and even wrote a letter to the legendary border guard, Hero of the Soviet Union N. F. Karatsupe, asking him to send us his border cap (I still have this cap).

And so it happened that, being already the commander of a helicopter regiment, I managed to visit the outpost named after senior lieutenant I. I. Strelnikov, the idol of my boyish hopes. It was his outpost in 1969 that took the brunt of the Chinese. Interestingly, the son of I. I. Strelnikov at one time served as a political officer at this outpost. (During the demarcation of the border between the USSR and China in 1991, Damansky Island became part of the PRC. Now it is called Zhenbao-Dao. - Ed.)

But my father after leaving school told me: you will be a pilot. (He himself is a military pilot, finished his service as a squadron commander in Kamchatka).

I obeyed my father and entered the Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots. He finished it safely on October 20, 1979 with a gold medal. By this time, two months remained before the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan.

I had the right to choose my duty station, and I chose Hungary. At first, they did not want to let me in there, because I was not married. Still, the gold medal played its role. (And in all of Hungary, I was probably the only bachelor pilot.)

Hungary, along with Germany, Czechoslovakia and Poland, was considered the advanced line of our defense, therefore, in the first years of the war, pilots were not taken from there to Afghanistan. The very first pilots from the Central Asian and Turkestan military districts flew to Afghanistan. They had the skills to fly in the mountainous desert area. The command believed that the war would end quickly, so initially no replacement was planned.

The first pilots in Afghanistan frankly won back two years. And the end of the war is still not visible … And in the fall of 1981, it was gradually necessary to replace those who entered Afghanistan first. But for the time being they did not touch the foreign countries.

Only in May 1984, Colonel Koshelev from Moscow, the deputy chief of army aviation, arrived in Hungary. He said: "I have come to select the first squadron in Hungary, which will go to Afghanistan to replace the separate 254th squadron." This squadron was based at the airfield in Kunduz and was part of the 201st twice Red Banner motorized rifle division. Then this division was withdrawn to Tajikistan, where it is still serving under the name of the 201st military base. The division received the first Order of the Red Banner for the Great Patriotic War, and the second for Afghanistan.

And at that time, the best pilots were selected for Afghanistan - only first and second class. In Hungary, the level of combat training of pilots was then very high. We flew continuously, constantly participated in exercises.

My wife is very young, she was only eighteen years old then. In Hungary, of course, she really liked living. And here I have to constantly go on endless business trips and leave her alone … All this was very upsetting for me.

It's time for my wife to give birth. As luck would have it, I was again sent for a month for another exercise. I say to the commander: "Don't send me, my wife is about to give birth," and he: "Don't worry, go, we'll do everything here …". But I remember that then I went to the principle and said: "No, I will not leave my wife." He: "Yes, then we will remove you from the crew commander!" I say: “Take pictures, my wife is dearer to me”. By the way, as he looked into the water: his wife was caught at night, and no one would have helped her. And so, thank God, she gave birth to her daughter safely.

Colonel Koshelev spent three or four days at the headquarters studying our personal files. Then the regiment commander gathered everyone and said: “Comrades officers, now you will be informed of the list of flight and engineering personnel who were the first from our 396th separate Guards Volgograd Order of the Red Star of the helicopter regiment to be honored to fulfill their international duty in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. . And everyone froze … They called my name right away. The first name of the flight commander, Captain M. I. Abdiev, and then - the senior pilot of the captain of the Lord … So no illusions!..

We were already gathered separately and told that they would not send us to Afghanistan until we received apartments on the territory of the Union. In the Odessa military district there was the Rauhovka airfield, where the construction of a five-story building was to be completed, in which we were to receive the promised apartments. And only after receiving apartments and retraining for new equipment - MI-8MT helicopters - will we go to Afghanistan.

We put our things in containers and sent them by train to Raukhovka. Themselves, together with their wives and children, flew to Odessa on a military plane. But in Raukhovka we were told that although the house was built, it was not accepted by the state commission. This is understandable. Who was building something? Military construction battalion … As a result, the perimeter of the foundation near the house turned out to be less than the perimeter of the roof.

They gave us three days of vacation so that we could find ourselves a place to live in the village. The entire garrison of Rauhovka is a few five-storey buildings, and around the private sector. I found some kind of house. My grandmother, the owner of the house, says to me: “There is no place in the house itself. Take the shed if you want."

The first night my wife and child and I slept in the barn. It was also lucky that it was the end of May. Ukraine … Gardens are blooming, cherry-apricots … But my daughter is still quite small - a year and a half. Therefore, I sent her and my wife from this beauty to their parents in Minsk. I got the container myself, unloaded it into the barn. It only remained to wait for the promised apartment to be given.

Almost immediately we were sent to the Center for Combat Training and Retraining of Flight Personnel of Army Aviation in the city of Torzhok near Kalinin. We studied for a month and returned to our Raukhovka. Nobody got an apartment! There are big locks on that house, and there is no decision of the state commission. The situation is stalemate: it is clear that no one will rebuild the house, but no one is going to accept it in this form either. There were two weeks left before being sent to Afghanistan.

We are told: “You go to Afghan. And we, as soon as we solve the problems with the house, will relocate your families there. We began to ask questions: “How are you going to pull things over? They are spread out all over the village…”. In short, again - a desperate situation.

The whole story ended very simply. The most active of us decided: we knock down the locks and move in according to the already adopted decision of the housing committee. And so we did. I took over a two-room apartment. I even remember the address: house fifty-five, apartment five. I carried my things there, and after that we almost immediately flew to Kagan (this airfield on the border with Afghanistan).

In those (as it turned out now) good times, before being sent to Afghanistan, all the pilots also underwent mountain training. It was necessary for adaptation in the flight sense. But it turned out that not only for this: from the change in water and climate, everyone became ill with the stomach. At first, we did not leave the toilet more than half a meter. The man coughed, immediately ran to the toilet and … did not reach. The only salvation was a decoction of camel thorn. In the tank of the field kitchen, it was brewed for the entire squadron and somehow held on.

We worked with very experienced instructors - pilots who entered Afghanistan in 1979 and flew there for two years. They passed on their own combat experience to us. For example, helicopter pilots have this concept: keep the ball in the center. Here's the thing: there is a device on the control panel called the artificial horizon. He has a ball at the bottom, which moves depending on the trajectory of the helicopter. According to the usual instructions, the pilot should strive to keep this ball in the center - then the helicopter flies without slipping, evenly. But they explained to us that when the ball is not in the center and the helicopter moves unpredictably in the horizontal plane, it is more difficult to hit it from the ground with small arms. So that is why we flew in Afghanistan contrary to instructions - with a balloon anywhere, just not in the center.

It is now young pilots who can perform complex aerobatics, they twist almost dead loops on a helicopter. In the Soviet Union, there was a different system: you had to fly quietly, calmly, without large rolls and pitch angles (pitch angle is the angle between the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and the horizontal plane. - Ed.). And if you break it, they punished it severely. And here we are told that the attack must be made with a pitch of twenty-five degrees. For MI-8, this tilt angle is very large. After all, this MI-24 resembles an awl in shape, its body resistance to air is much lower than that of MI-8. But the larger the dive angle, the more accurately the missiles hit the target and the more difficult it is to hit you from the ground. Therefore, you move the handle from yourself to failure - and forward …

We arrived in Kunduz on September 1, 1984 on an AN-12 transport aircraft. We open the door, take a step and … as if we entered the steam room! Heat - under fifty in the shade.

Our squadron was part of the 201st division. The division commander at that time was Major General Shapovalov. We usually worked with the division's reconnaissance battalion. On the very first day, each of us was assigned to an instructor from among the pilots whom we were to replace. The crew commander, instructor, sits on the left seat, you on the right. And he shows you what's what, moreover - while performing a real combat mission. But in such a flight you just sit and watch. The right-wing pilots have a saying: “Our business is right - do not interfere with the left. Hands together, legs together, the salary is two hundred. (Hands and feet do not touch the controls of the helicopter. The salary of the right pilot at that time was two hundred rubles - Ed.).

I will never forget the first flight in Afghanistan. The situation was as follows: MI-24 "hammered" a caravan in the foothills. Our task was seemingly simple - to pick up the trophies. We fly up, the picture is terrible around: the killed camels are lying around, pools of blood are all around … But by this time the battle was not over yet. The "spirits" threw down the weapons they were carrying and began to scatter through the dunes. They were beaten by four MI-24s and two MI-8s. This is a terrible force, so the dushmans did not even have thoughts to shoot back. The MI-24 pilots tell us: "Guys, help!.. Otherwise they, like cockroaches, scatter in different directions, you can't keep track of everyone." A flight technician then sat down to the machine gun. And the picture is still in front of our eyes: the “spirit” is crawling along the dune, and the flight technician is laying it down with a machine gun before our eyes. The sensations were, to put it mildly, not the most pleasant. For the first time, people were being killed right in front of my eyes.

I also immediately saw how people sit down in Afghanistan. According to the rules, you need to hover above the ground and only then sit down. But if you do this, then with the screws you will raise such age-old dust that you will not see anything for a long time. Therefore, the helicopter flopped down at speed, overtaking the dust. And this yellow cloud immediately covered us, dusty from the propellers rose mad … Close up the picture turned out to be even more terrible: from the left and right not only killed camels, but also people lying around … The paratroopers disembarked and went to collect trophies and prisoners. Some "spirits" ran from the camels - they were immediately put out of the machine guns …

There was something in Afghanistan that was not later in Chechnya. In Chechnya, in order to open fire, it was necessary to request "go-ahead" from the Central Bank of Ukraine (Combat Command Center. - Ed.). And in Afghanistan, the commander of the crew or the leader of the pair himself made the decision to open fire. If they are working on you from the ground or you see that people on the ground with weapons, then you do not need to ask anyone, but you can shoot. In Chechnya, it reached the point of absurdity: they shoot at you, you ask the Central Bank of Ukraine. And there they say: “We will now see on the map what kind of gang it is. And then we will make a decision. " You say: "After all, they work for me!..". Answer: "Go away." And you leave with a full load of ammunition, because the "land" has forbidden you to work.

So from the first flight, where I performed the role of the "taken out" pilot, I had very strong impressions. I think, “Wow. This is only the first day. And if it will be like this for a whole year?.. ". And so it was, but not a whole year, but almost a year and a half. For the sake of truth, I must say that there have been days even easier.

The fact that this is indeed a war, I finally realized after a month and a half in Afghanistan. I remember it was October 16, 1984. A helicopter was shot down before my eyes. On board, in addition to the crew, there were twelve more paratroopers. Then I saw how the helicopter falls, how it falls apart from hitting the ground …

Then seven MI-8 helicopters flew at the same time. I walked alone, without a pair, the most extreme, closing. Usually the extreme was shot down. So, according to all laws, it was me who should have been shot down this time. But they shot down a helicopter in front of me.

We were supposed to land troops on the site in Central Baghlan. This is greenery in the foothills. This place was a real gangster hornet's nest. According to the plan, even before the landing on the site, the "rooks" had to work out (attack aircraft SU-25. - Ed.). And only after them MI-24 were supposed to suppress what remained after the operation of the SU-25. And then, with our MI-8s, we had to land a troop on the treated area.

But from the very beginning, everything went awry. The Rooks didn't come because there was no weather. Our squadron commander makes a decision: go without SU-25 attack aircraft under the cover of only two pairs of MI-24. On one of them, in front of the whole group, he had to go himself. A pair of MI-24 starts up, and here not even the squadron commander himself, but his slave's generators fail. Well, okay, your wingman cannot take off, so go alone - we are not going to an air battle: it is possible without a wingman! Moreover, the squadron commander is not alone, but with us. But he reports to the flight director: “My wingman has a failure of aviation equipment, so the whole pair remains. The group will be led by Abdiev."

The second pair of MI-24s taxied into the runway and also reported a failure. I don't remember now what exactly they had, it seems like the autopilot failed. This is a minor breakdown. According to the instructions, of course, they were not supposed to fly. But in reality, with such refusals, of course, they flew. It's hard without an autopilot, but you can fly. You just need to perform double actions with the helicopter controls. The main thing is that the engines, gearbox, hydraulic system work - and then the helicopter is controlled. Without everything else, by and large, you can fly.

The second pair of MI-24 reports to the squadron commander, who has already moved to the control room: “We have a technical failure. Allow me to drive? " He: "Taxi". And the second pair of MI-24s also taxied into the parking lot.

It turned out that the SU-25 did not work and the MI-24 - our cover - remained at the airfield. Of course, the squadron commander had to tell us: “Guys, then taxi into the parking lot. We will troubleshoot MI-24 or wait for the weather when SU-25s can come up. And then we will go on the landing."

I have no right now to condemn the actions of the commander. I know one thing - we were not supposed to fly without cover. But the commander decided otherwise …

Captain M. I. Abdiev, who was identified as the senior, asks the squadron commander: "So we go without twenty-fours?..". Squadron commander: "You are coming." Abdiev: “Got it. We carry out control hovering, takeoff in pairs”.

The first pair went, the second, the third, and I was the last one. We flew at an altitude of only a few hundred meters. We approach the landing area. And then they worked on us - most likely from small arms. There was no launch of MANPADS, no one saw it. Ahead of me was a pair of Romanenko-Ryakhin, I was behind them two hundred meters, the last one. I see: Zhenya Ryakhin got yellow smoke from under the helicopter. He lowered his nose and almost immediately drove up the mountain. Together with the crew, there were paratroopers on board: the company’s political officer, one sergeant and ten soldiers. And the crew: commander - captain E. V. Ryakhin, navigator - captain A. I. Zakharov and flight technician - Lieutenant V. M. Ostroverkhov.

Then for the first time in my life I saw a helicopter explode. He collided with the ground and began to simply crumble, fall apart. Then a bright fiery flash! - it exploded fuel. You could see people flying in different directions, parts of a helicopter … The picture is unreal, it seems that you see all this in a scary movie.

I report to the presenter: "Four hundred and thirty-eighth fell." He: "How did you fall?!." Me: "Fell, exploded …". The leader of the group gives me the command: "Come in, see if there are any alive." I put out the speed and began to turn around (by this time I had already flown past the place of the fall). Hangs … The picture is terrible: the bodies are mutilated, their clothes are on fire, the entire destroyed helicopter is also on fire. I accelerate the speed and report to the commander: I examined the place, there is no one to save, the helicopter exploded, everyone died.

I can hear on the radio how the squadron commander, in a steel voice, reports to the senior commander: "Two zeros first, I have one combat loss." Then everyone who was in the air thought: "Where is the cover, commander …".

For comparison, it should be remembered here that before this squadron squadron was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel E. N. Zelnyakov. Everywhere he flew, where necessary and where not, and dragged the squadron with him. One got the impression that he was looking for death for himself. But he did not find death, but became the first commander of a separate squadron in Afghanistan, who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

After the report of the squadron commander, the division commander gives us the command to turn around and go to the airfield. A search and rescue helicopter immediately took off and brought the dead. More precisely, what is left of them …

If everything went according to plan, it is unlikely that the "spirits" in such a situation would shoot. Three kilometers remained to the landing site. Of course, the SU-25 in this place - on the route - would not have helped us. But with us there would be two pairs of MI-24 - on the right and on the left. It is practically impossible to shoot them down with a machine gun, because they are armored from all sides. Plus, the "spirits" knew perfectly well the difference in the firepower of MI-8 and MI-24. The latter has a cannon, a machine gun, and guided and unguided missiles.

Armored plates were sometimes placed on MI-8, which covered the crew. But the slabs were thin, and they did not save them from bullets.

Practice has shown that if an MI-8 convoy goes under the cover of MI-24, then only a suicide can work on the convoy. At the slightest fire impact from the ground, MI-24s unfold and extinguish everything with a probability of one hundred percent. And when we come to the very place of disembarkation, the twenty-fours overtake us and begin to process the area where the assault is to be landed. Then they become in a circle, and we land. Even if at this moment one of the "spirits" leaned out, twenty-fours extinguish them without options.

In those days, the work of big bosses was judged by trophies and by the number of deaths. If you turned in a certain number of assault rifles, machine guns, "drills" and there are no dead, this is the result. And if there are deaths, all previous results are blurred. And here in one day fifteen people were killed in the division. The commander of the 40th Army, Lieutenant General Generalov, arrived. I was summoned to the headquarters, where all the authorities gathered, and they tortured me for a long time, what did I see: did they shoot from the ground or did they not shoot? There was a version that the reason for the fall could be the failure of aviation technology. Or on board someone was playing with weapons and accidentally killed the crew commander. Or a grenade exploded by accident. There were such cases both before and after. A soldier sits, worries before disembarking, clicks the bolt, or in this state the grenade ring can pull out. Then they took this into account, and when one helicopter fell because of this, they were ordered to disconnect the magazines before boarding the helicopter in order to prevent a spontaneous shot. Although put yourself in the place of a fighter who is about to be dropped on the site, where they will immediately start shooting at him ?! Who's going to keep the store unfastened? So, in reality, no one disconnected the store, and the cartridge was in the chamber.

The commission went through many versions. The aviation authorities tried to prove that the helicopter was not shot down. Because if a helicopter is shot down, then the senior aviation chief must be held accountable for allowing us to go without attacking the site with attack aircraft and without MI-24 cover.

But then, from the words of the commander, I realized that it was still more profitable for them to show that the helicopter was shot down by fire from the ground. The commander said: there was definitely opposition from the ground with small arms. Once the smoke came from below, it means the bullets hit the tanks.

If someone says that he was not scared during the war, do not believe it. Everyone is afraid. Of course, I was also very scared. And I really wanted to live too. After all, I was only twenty-six years old. The wife is at home, the daughter is little … But you can be afraid in different ways. Someone is afraid, but they do the job, because they are ashamed in front of their comrades. And someone is afraid and runs to the doctor and there says that he has a headache today. In this case, the doctor is simply obliged to remove the pilot from flights. And it is impossible to check in the field, without equipment, whether someone's head really hurts or not. But in fact, everyone understood that he was not sick at all. We saw: he, like everyone and all of us, eats, sleeps, drinks … And how the flight - he got sick … In general, a real pilot, even if he is actually ill, will still tell the doctor that he has no complaints, but instead will fit to the commander and ask: "You do not plan me, I am sick." But if you are already in the planning table, then telling the doctor that you have complaints is clearly not flight-worthy. We did not respect such people.

After this tragedy, we realized that anything can be. After all, before the flight, Zhenya Ryakhin and I were sitting next to each other in the dining room. And he lived next to me in the next room. Yes, and in Raukhovka we had apartments on the same staircase.

After such situations, I had to come to my senses, relax. But the whole trouble was that in Afghanistan it was very difficult with alcohol. They did not sell vodka in the military, you could buy it only from your own people, who constantly flew to the Union, had no conscience and made money in the war. A bottle of vodka from these "businessmen" cost forty checks. And junior officers - from lieutenant to captain - received two hundred and sixty-seven checks a month. It is easy to calculate that you could only drink six drinks for a monthly salary - and you are free … From money.

So at first we didn't drink alcoholic beverages willy-nilly. But my wingman, Misha Strykov, was a simple Soviet guy, wise with life experience. He knew how to make moonshine. He says, “Guys, you need sugar. I will find yeast in the flight canteen, and then all of you will thank me”.

We were given tea in the morning and in the evening. Two or three lumps of sugar are added to tea. Usually we sat in the dining room like this: the leader with his navigator and the slave with the navigator. That is, there are four at the table. Misha takes this plate of sugar and pours the sugar into the bag. We told him: "Misha, give me at least a piece, we haven't eaten sugar for a long time …". Misha did not give us anything, he just said: "Guys, then say thank you." So we haven't seen sugar for over a month.

Misha collected and collected sugar, in the end he gained several kilograms. I myself grew up in an urban intelligent family, so I had a very vague idea of how moonshine is made. And the household Misha found a forty-liter tank, poured forty liters of boiled water into it, put sugar and two hundred grams of yeast. I mixed all this, and we began to wait … This wash stood for seven days. Buck is on the way. And then, as luck would have it, we need to fly to Bagram for an operation! Misha, for some reason, I don't remember now, did not fly to Bagram …

We return in two days. We immediately ran to the cherished tank and we see that only a little bit of "dummies", as they say in Ukraine, remained at the bottom. It turns out that when we flew away, Misha gathered all his classmates from all over the regiment, who, for some reason, did not fly away either. And they drank all forty liters in two days. We say to Misha: “We haven't eaten sugar for a whole month…”. Misha makes excuses: "Don't worry, I'll get the sugar, we'll put in a new tank …".

Our production of moonshine successfully operated until May 17, 1985. By that time, every room had its own tank. But Gorbachev, God grant him health, signed a decree on the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism. And our regiment commander walked through the rooms with a pistol and personally shot all the tanks.

And there was a lot of alcohol in the squadron. After all, on each helicopter there was a so-called "Spanish woman" (she was jokingly called because she is hot, like a Spanish woman) or, in other words, "linden". Officially, according to the documents, this device was called L-166. By the first letter he was nicknamed "linden". It was the most effective weapon against man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems. The MANPADS missile goes through the homing head to the heat emitted by the engines. It is essentially a stove that sits on a rotating platform in the tail of the helicopter behind the gearbox. Glass-reflectors around the stove. After takeoff, you turn it on, and it creates a rotating infrared field around the helicopter. The temperature of this field is higher than that of the engine.

I have seen the lime tree in action many times. The launch of the Redaya (the Redeye portable anti-aircraft missile system was widely used by dushmans in the mid-80s - Ed.) Is clearly visible from a helicopter. Personally, they never shot at me. But somehow they fired a rocket at the leader of our group. The rocket itself flies for only three to four seconds, followed by a specific purple trail. And I managed to notice how the rocket suddenly spun-spun-spun … It flew away somewhere to the side and self-destructed.

In order for the "linden" to work properly, every day before the release of the glass, it had to be wiped with alcohol. And it was on this case that a very large number of it was written off. It is clear that, in fact, no one rubbed the "linden" with alcohol. We asked the technicians: "Why don't you wipe it?" They: "And the squadron commander does not give alcohol!"

The squadron had to hold a monthly party meeting. I was the secretary of the party bureau. The agenda, for example, is this: the personal example of the communists in the performance of combat missions. And here we have some of the pilots drank too much, and they began to pull him up on a personal matter. At that time, for him, such a turn of events could end in very serious problems. He realized that he needed to somehow get out, and said: “Yes, you shouldn't bring me up here! It would be better to call the squadron commander. Let him report where our alcohol is going. "Lindens" are not wiped, preliminary preparations for the flight are not performed by helicopters … ".

All the other communists here, too, reared up: “Gentlemen, write in the minutes that we insist that the alcohol be shared honestly! Otherwise, we will not fly! After all, helicopters are not serviced as expected. Go, report the decision of our party meeting to the commander."

The squadron commander did not go to party meetings. I go to him. Knock, knock. Asks: "What is it?"Me: "Comrade commander, allow me to report on the decision of the party meeting." He: “What are you doing? I never reported, but here I came … ". Me: “The decision was made unanimously. The communists insist that we share the alcohol in an honest way”. He: "How much do you need?" Me: "Well, twenty liters …". He: “Isn't it a lot for you?!.”. Me: “Comrade commander, we are writing off alcohol. Every day we sign in the logbook that we have used so much and so much alcohol. " He: “Well, okay, if the party meeting made such a decision, then where do I go. I’m a communist too.” He signs the application and says: "Go get it."

I take the canister, accompanying, so that the infantry does not take away the alcohol. And in such a small column we go together to the fuel and lubricants warehouse (warehouse of fuels and lubricants. - Ed.). To the chief of the fuel service, senior lieutenant, I say: "The commander said that you pour us twenty liters of alcohol by the decision of the party meeting." He looked and said: "No, I won't pour it on this piece of paper." Me: "See, the commander signed?" He: "No, I will not pour." It turns out that the commander had a dot under the last letter in his signature. If the point is there, then everything is fine, the document is for execution. And if there is no dot, then it is clear that he wrote under duress. So the starley didn't give us anything.

I'm going back. The commander, reluctantly, put an end to it. In the squadron, we had five links, each of which had a party group headed by a patrgrouporg. I bring twenty liters, I call the party group. They came with three-liter cans. As soon as we started to divide the alcohol - the Komsomol members appeared: "What about us?..". We did not demand from them the decision of the Komsomol meeting, we just poured it. And from that time on, the squadron began to share alcohol in an honest way.