"Slavic Atlantis" in Central Europe

"Slavic Atlantis" in Central Europe
"Slavic Atlantis" in Central Europe

I returned from Arkona

Where fields glow with blood

But the German banners

They don't blow under the walls.

Torn to shreds to burst, We paid the debt to the Germans

And now they have come to slap

All of you shaved by the humens!

A. K. Tolstoy. Borivoi (1870)

On the foundation of Slavic civilization

Secrets of the ancient Rus. In the II millennium BC. NS. Slavic Russian clans and tribes occupied a vast area of Western Europe. It was a real "Slavic Atlantis". A whole civilization with hundreds of cities and sanctuaries, developed economy, crafts and trade. In fact, the "Germanic world" was created by Catholic Rome on the foundation of the destroyed Slavic civilization, the memory of which they tried to erase and forget.

"Slavic Atlantis" in Central Europe
"Slavic Atlantis" in Central Europe

At the beginning of our era, our ancestors began to be pressed against the so-called. Germanic tribes. Then the "onslaught on the North and East" was led by Rome. The bloody battle lasted until the XII century, when the crusaders finally broke the resistance of the western ethnocultural core of the super-ethnos of the Rus. Some of the Rus were physically destroyed; some of them are Catholic, Germanized and completely assimilated, the Slavs have become "Germans -" dumb "; some fell into a dependent position and gradually almost lost their language and culture, like the Lusatians (Lusatian Serbs). Part of the Rus went to the east, to Prussia-Porussia, Lithuania, Ladoga and Novgorod. So the clan of Prince Rurik-Sokol began to rule in Northern Russia, and then in Kiev, created the empire of Rurik.

Today's Germany stands on Slavic bones. Berlin is a distorted name for the ancient city of the Polabian Slavs, founded in the 1st millennium BC. e., translated "burlin" - "dam". According to another version, this is the city of "Bera" - a bear. And the "ber-bear" is the totem animal of the lord of Navi, the underworld - Veles-Volos. Oldenburg is Slavic Starograd (Starigrad), Demmin - Dymin, Mecklenburg - Ragog-Roerik (later Mikulin Bor), Schwerin - Zverin, Ratzenburg - Ratibor (city of warriors), Brandenburg - Branibor, Dresden - Drozdyany, Leipzig - Lipsk, Lipsk Breslau - Breslau, Roslau - Rusislava, Chemnitz - Kamenitsa, Meissen - Mishno, Rostock - that's how Rostock is. Many other German cities have also preserved their Slavic roots - Lubeck (Lubech), Teterov, Lubben, Torgau, Rossow, etc. Austria is the Slavic principality of Ostria, Vienna is the Slavic Windebozh.

The dominance of the western version of world history

In modern Europe, you can find thousands of traces of the destroyed Slavic Russian civilization. They were left by our ancestors in their habitats. Those who are called Slavs, Slavic-Russians, Wends-Vends-Venets and simply Russes. Europe has been a part of Russian civilization since ancient times. They just erased the memory. The German-Roman world could not allow the Slavs and Russians to be their full-fledged brothers and neighbors. Therefore, in the West, they created the image of a "wild Slav" who crawled out of the swamps of Polesie, did not know the letter and "prayed to stumps." This myth was supported in its own interests by the church (and still supports) and the Romanov dynasty, under which the "Russian classical" historical school was created by the Germans. Lomonosov, Tatishchev, Klassen and other Russian ascetics tried to fight this theory, but on the whole it continues to dominate right up to our days.

Obviously, this situation is associated with the dominance of the pro-Western ideology in the ruling elite of Russia. When the first language for representatives of the "elite" was first German and French, and now - English. For Westerners, everything Russian is backward, a copy and borrowing from Europe. Western Europe is "enlightenment and civilization," Russia is "savagery and backwardness." Russia is the cultural periphery of an enlightened Western civilization, not a separate distinctive civilization-world. It is clear that with such a system of views, it is in principle impossible to recognize the antiquity and priority of the Rus. Hence the generally accepted picture: Rome, Paris, Berlin and London are the pillars of world civilization, and Russia is stumps, a swamp and a club.

Europe is a Russian home

Toponymy (the science that studies place names, their origins) remembers a lot. Historical chronicles, chronicles can be destroyed, distorted, rewritten or supplemented. But it is impossible to change the thousands of names of cities, settlements, rivers, lakes, forests, mountains, etc. It is impossible to completely change the language of the people.

In particular, today's Germans are not historical "Germans". The Germans themselves call themselves "Deutsche", and their country "Deutschland". Where did the ethnonym "Germans" come from? And what does it mean? The Roman authors and the later medieval chroniclers who wrote in Latin, who followed them, called the northern barbarians "Germans" or, more precisely, "Germans". Did they mean by "Germans" the current "Deutsches"? No. Since then the Deutsche Germans simply did not yet live on the territory of Central Europe, on the lands of present-day Germany and Austria. There lived Slavs, Russians, our ancestors. Known in history as the Veneti, the Wends, who, in the revised medieval chronicles, turned into Germanic Vandals.

This is clearly shown by the toponymy of Europe. It is interesting that when Hitler and his entourage tried to prove the "primacy" of the Aryan-Germans, to get to the bottom of their "ancient" roots, they discovered that the Germanic cities and settlements were on Slavic foundations. There was no "Ancient Germany", as painted by German-Romanesque researchers. Some medieval sources that did not manage to destroy or bury in the archives of the Vatican, such as the "Slavic Kingdom" by Mavro Orbini, directly report that Europe was inhabited by Slavic Russian tribes.

Why did the Romans call the northern barbarians "Germans"? For them at that time everything was simple and understandable. They called their northern neighbors by one of their self-names. Adding only the word "mana" - people. That is, "ger-people", or "people calling themselves" ger ". The word "herr-herr", that is, "man, man, master", appeared among the Germans relatively late. In addition, the result is an explicit tautology "people-people", which educated historians-Romans could not afford.

The word “ger” itself has a Russian base - “yar-, ar-”, that is, “ardent”, yary, bright”(hence“arias”). In medieval Latin as Roman Latin, the word "yar" is transformed as "ger". For example, the Slavic deity Yarovita was recorded as "Gerovita". Thus, it turns out "Yar-people", or "People" who called themselves "Yars, Yariy-Aryans." This is the self-name of our ancestors, who in the II millennium BC. NS. moved to the south, to Hindustan, gave the Indo-European-Aryan population of Indian civilization. Hitler's ideologists tried to show "Deutsche" as "true Aryans", but the problem is that Germany stands on Slavonic Russian bones and blood. For the Russians, the direct descendants of the "yari", no translation of this ethnonym is needed. "Ardent", "fury", "fierce", "fierce", "Yarilo". "Bo-yarin" - "big ardent".

For two thousand years, a lot has changed in Europe. Rus-Slavs were driven to the east or assimilated. They were replaced by other peoples, younger ones, including Deutsche Germans. The huge "Slavic Atlantis" disappeared, most of the Slav-Rus were assimilated, adopted a foreign language, faith, way of life. Many of today's Germans or Austrians are Slavs by origin. The toponymy of Europe, the language, albeit in a distorted form, but retains Slavic Russian roots.

Thus, the process of the "push to the East" is one of the most complex historical processes. And it has been going on for more than one millennium. The western core of the super-ethnos of the Rus was partially destroyed in the wars, partially assimilated, and some were pushed back to the east. So the Varangians-Rus founded the Rurik dynasty, the so-called. Old Russian state. However, the West failed to completely destroy the Russians. The eastern core of Russian civilization survived, created in its development the empire of Rurikovich, the Russian-Horde empire (“The myth of the“Mongols from Mongolia in Russia”is the most grandiose and monstrous provocation of the Vatican; Why did they create the myth of the“Mongol”invasion), the Russian Empire, the empire Romanovs, the Red Empire … This has happened more than once. The Rus always gather their strength, restore their state, the power-empire.
