Do you want everyone to be patriots around? Go to the children

Do you want everyone to be patriots around? Go to the children
Do you want everyone to be patriots around? Go to the children

Not so long ago, somewhere on the eve of May 9, I read on VO a purely "women's article" about the upbringing of a sense of patriotism in modern children. They say that it is lame, and therefore it is necessary to organize more relevant events, create museums of the Great Patriotic War in schools, invite veterans, etc. etc. Everything seems to be correct, but for some reason one of the readers in the comments immediately wrote that he did not like the word "events", "lines", "fees", which … smelled of his old pioneer past in the worst sense of the word. And - yes, it is quite possible to agree with this.

Do you want everyone to be patriots around? Go to the children!
Do you want everyone to be patriots around? Go to the children!

This is how modeling helped the British during the Second World War to train their pilots. But who said that today it is impossible to organize such competitions of "bike pilots" at school? It is interesting, recklessly, does not require a lot of work, and it will certainly develop children.

I remember my school past. International Women's Day 8 March. Our teacher (specifically, the teacher, because I did not feel any respect for this fat fool either then or now) rehearses with us "litmontage" - verses and songs interspersed from the stage to complete dullness. “Mom is an expensive word! There is warmth and light in that word! On a glorious day, March 8, our greetings to our mothers! " (last words in chorus!). One boy described himself, could not resist. Oh, how I hated it all! And I'm not alone - the whole class.

Then, when they began to celebrate Victory Day, it didn't get any better: now my classmates and I have turned into spectators. And again the same teacher brought another party of kids onto the stage and announced: "Litmontazh" - "Victory, the word is dear, in that word there is warmth and light, let's say in chorus, let's say in unison, our greetings to veterans!" (last words in chorus!). Then someone read poetry, someone sang - the melancholy was green.

Now there are similar "events" too, but there are at least a few of them and … let's just say, they have improved. But how do you improve your meeting with a veteran who, sorry, can't put two words together? Well, yes, he has orders all over his chest, but … children are not interested in “such”. I happened to be at one such meeting, and then I asked the teachers - “did it give a positive result? Did you like "it"? We could not check in advance, but can he speak at all? " You understand that these are different things - to wash the floor in the veteran's apartment, and quite another to make him perform beautifully, and his words set the guys on fire, and would not cause a stream of ridicule. In Dagestan they say: "There are no good youth, where there were no good old people!" This means that the “old man” who comes to children with mobile phones and tablets in their pockets must be “good” and “interesting” from their point of view. In general, I would hire professional actors for this - then such meetings would be remembered by children for a lifetime, but … Penza is a small city, people are chatty, - they will expose it.


In this issue of the magazine "Young Technician" for 1983 (No. 10), my designs of packaging models even got on the cover. Well, in the text, of course. But the main trump card of the issue was, of course, the Amber cheese jar. He was in Penza. In other places, not everywhere. And many at that time said: "We want to live like in Penza!" However, "the music did not last long." But homemade "made from jars" were very popular everywhere, but especially in Penza and Kuibyshev (Samara), where I showed them on TV. How many different packages are there now?

New time - new songs. And most importantly - many say "must, must, must!" But it's like the word halva - don't repeat it many times - it won't be sweeter! It means that you have to do something yourself, especially if you are young enough, and your children study at this school. There are many people on the VO website with good professional skills. Well, why not go to the nearest school and … start there to lead some interesting circle for modern children? VO wrote about interesting school war museums, and the fact that they exist is wonderful. But you can't have such museums in every school. This is nonsense - a WWII museum in every school. And then what? Then … hobby groups that will instill patriotism in children not with outdated rulers, but in the process of communication between the senior mentor and children, and with children who respect him.


This is my first model toy for children. Prize-winner (incentive prize 150 rubles!) Of the children's toys competition of the USSR Ministry of Legislation in 1979. I made it as a teacher in a rural school, where I also led a children's technical circle. For those who believe that then "everything was", I will say - "there was not … nothing in that school." Planers, hammers … and that's it! And the time was - the last quarter of the twentieth century. The first robot factory launched in Japan!

I know one engineer who opened a circle of … "jet propulsion" in Penza. Children make rockets and cars from 1.5-liter bottles of mineral water and kvass and launch them, competing for range and height.


Once there was already an article about the homemade "pneumostart". It was made back in 1986 and worked great! Then there was no pressure increase clutch in it, and a paper ball wrapped in rubber from a balloon was inserted into the tube. The rubber friction was great. Therefore, only high pressure “blown out” the ball from the tube and, accordingly, the model of the plane!


And so, with the help of a pneumatic start, the model was launched! By the way, I made one such installation - here's the circle for you!

There is a minimum of work, which is important, because children are lazy (and this is normal, by the way), and all work with a positive result should be completed in 40 minutes. But what is the effect ?! Rockets take off in a cloud of water vapor - ooh! Cars are racing … in a word, everything is very competitive and interesting for children. That is, the way it should be.

Well, the races of "vibrating walkers from a soap dish" were popular at that time, and will be quite popular today. The problem is microelectric motors. Then there were plenty of them. Now I don't see them on free sale.

I also have my own experience. When my daughter went to school, and this was still Soviet times, I went there and led a technical circle there all the time she was in elementary school. The granddaughter went to school - everything happened again. And not because of altruism, although I led the circle there for free, but according to the calculation - "I am good for you, you are for us!" But … in each class, how many dads, moms, grandfathers and grandmothers, huh? And now imagine that at least half of this amount would go to schools "by calculation" - what would have happened then? Well, probably it would be, but in reality it is not. Of course, there are reasons for everything. People are busy. But the main reason is laziness, and the belief that someone will come and do everything for you.


An all-terrain vehicle from a soap dish on square wheels. By the way, a ready-made theme for the circle: "Martian Rovers." The body is made of a cardboard box, the "wheels" are made of smaller boxes. Paste all wheels with lugs from cardboard egg cartons and paint them with paint "like aluminum" ("fools love everything shiny!") And … that's it! You can show it on TV, you can show it to the deputy … The school and you bonuses!

And for four years, I and my daughter took turns teaching there both labor lessons, and circle classes, and … it was really interesting for the children. And what about their teacher? "And I was not taught this!" - she said, and rightly so, not everyone can retrain quickly, and not everyone can do what other people have been doing for a long time and successfully. But it was good at least that at the same time she did not bother us! And many parents also helped the class. One mom, for example, completely took over the musical accompaniment of all the cool events, one dad was plucking the spear shafts I needed, and all the others together laid linoleum and painted something, and someone was preparing sports games. That is, everything was just fine here. However, is this the case everywhere? That is, they usually paint everything. But to work out with the kids, this has not yet become the norm.

I have already talked here about the success of the theatrical performance for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, in which the guys sang a song about Marusya from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession". It was bright, colorful, unusual and liked both adults and … children! What other numbers have been prepared and will be implemented? And here are some - by the way, I give an idea, but it is not so difficult to bring it to life. Also "theatrical song performance". Three boys and three girls in military uniform are singing a song from the movie "Heavenly Slow Mover" - "Well, and the girls, and then the girls!" At the same time, a pilot girl “flies out” on the stage, dressed in a “suit” … of a PO-2 airplane - a dark green biplane (180 rubles spray paint) made of packaging cardboard and boxes. The base of the case is a box without a bottom with handles inside. Wings, a tail are docked to it, and a propeller driven by a motor is installed in front. And that's all - they flew!

One plane with two wings is not enough for you - make … a four-engine bomber (you will “kill” everyone on the spot!), And so that three children “piloted” it, and only one of the four propellers would work. A radio operator sits in the corner of the stage, knocking on the radio, and a voice behind the stage recites the words from the song "Bombers":

I was very concerned

Our airy people

Didn't return to us at night

From the bombing of the plane.

Radio operators scrabbled on the air

Catching the wave barely

And now five minutes to four

Heard the words …

And then the plane “enters” the stage, swinging its “last wing”, with a flirty beauty on the nose, all in camouflage, and flies “on parole and on one wing!” And the chorus sings: "The tank is punctured, the tail is on fire …!" The positive effect is guaranteed!

Ah, is your child in a multi-language gymnasium? Fine! Let it be the same, but let the song be sung in English.


Here it is, a shiny "silver" plane made of boxes for kids' races. It is put on the child, inside the handle for which he holds it and … running forward! The main thing is that making an airplane from cardboard boxes is very simple. You need PVA glue, superglue, a can of aerosol nitro-enamel (or three cans, if the plane is in camouflage) and … that's it!

Even more interesting is the "Aviagonka". Let's say there are eight little classes in a school. From each on the start timed to May 9, two "planes out of the boxes" leave. With identification marks of the USSR Air Force and allies. The propellers rotate from the incoming air flow. Some run, others cheer for them, "Aviamarsh" sounds from the loudspeaker, the announcer briefly talks about the hero-pilots, the winners are awarded by a living war veteran, the whole class who won, then feeds on cake. What else do children need? Even in the age of mobile retards "it's cool"!


This is a valid hovercraft model! She hovered above the floor and above the water and moved forward, and the propellers in the back in fairings made of cans rotated! But there was only one motor on it - lifting! And how did he move? And part of the air through the air ducts on the case went out and blew the screws rotating from the air flow that ran on them. “Why does the wind blow? Because the trees are swaying!"

Then you can call one neighboring school to a competition, then another, then make sure that such races become massive in your city. This will arouse interest in aviation in general and in WWII aviation in particular, besides, running is good for your health, and working with your hands is good for your mind. Naturally, all this will need to be reported to your media and let them replicate it as they can. Society today lacks positive information - so let them please him with at least this!


The first Russian monitor. Also cardboard and also floating. Here is a patriotic education for you - take it and do it for children and together with children.

Yes, but we forgot about the museum. That the school museum should be in keeping with the spirit of the times. And why not create a museum in some school (it is not necessary in all, of course) … of Martian rovers, those that will study it in the near future. All of them can also be made from packages. The body is made of a large box, and the chassis is made of cans of sour cream and yogurt, plates, containers for eggs, but God knows what else - this is just what is interesting. Now there are so many all kinds of plastic packaging that it takes your breath away.


Do you know what? Piece of caterpillar from yogurt jars! A whole class brings you jars, and as a result, the guys from them make a fantastic tracked "Martian rover"!

And most importantly, using them as material allows you to make your fantastic rovers so large and impressive that you can create a museum from them, to which you will not be ashamed to invite serious scientists. For example, I have more than 10 of these unusual packaging designs, and if you think about it, you can still come up with it. Each - a topic for an article in the supplement to the magazine "Young Technician" - "Levsha", a topic for a local newspaper and television: "In the N school children made a fantastic Mars rover!" And this is an excellent PR and advertising for the school itself (for which you will only be thanked), and at the same time fostering a sense of pride in yourself, your school and … your country. And besides, it is also interesting, it is new, it orients the children to the future, to the future, and this is exactly what we need, isn't it?

A very promising direction is a school circle for the production of visual aids for lessons. Everything is before your eyes! There are lots of materials. Both the children are interested, and the teachers are just great. Children still love hand-made things. And they respect those who make them!


In the photo there is a pyramid of Cheops for a history lesson in the 5th grade. And not just a pyramid …


It also opens up, and then its filling is visible!


With the efforts of a whole class, it is not at all difficult to build such an ancient Greek temple. Everyone makes two columns and … that's it!

P. S. All homemade products presented in the photographs, as you can see for yourself, were made, although some of them were made a long time ago. Disassembled old folders and now I found it. Translated into "digital", but the quality is still "not very". But there are also new ones, already in the last three years. Well, and the article was specially written for the summer, so that there would be time to think before September 1, prepare the topic of classes, choose directions, decide on the materials … Well, on September 1, it is possible that one of the readers of the VO will take school. In order not only in words, but also in deeds to teach children something good.
