How the Russian people were sentenced to destruction

How the Russian people were sentenced to destruction
How the Russian people were sentenced to destruction

In August-December 1991, the third world war, which the United States and NATO countries, as well as the "fifth column", traitors in the ranks of the Soviet elite, waged against great Russia (USSR), the Russian people, the peoples of the USSR and the socialist camp, ended with the complete defeat of Russia -USSR and the complete surrender of most of the socialist countries.


Unfortunately, most people do not even know the elementary history of modern times, let alone later periods. The true story has already been successfully replaced by Hollywood fairy tales, where the brave Americans defeat Hitler, etc. The essence of the history of the XX - early XXI centuries. in the crisis of capitalism, of the entire Western (biblical) project as a whole. The Western project is based on an unfair concept. The West lives only at the expense of constant expansion, conquest and plunder. This is a vampire world, feeding on someone else's energy and resourceskilling neighboring civilizations, cultures, countries, peoples and tribes. Capitalism is just a new mask covering the slave civilization, the world of master-slave-owners, “chosen” and “two-legged weapons,” slaves.

As soon as the expansion stops, the flows of loot become scarce, there are no new slaves, no markets for sales, a systemic crisis begins in the West. The crisis of capitalism. The system begins to break down, devour itself. The first crisis came at the beginning of the 20th century, when the West turned almost the entire world into its colonies and semi-colonies. So, Latin America was under the complete control of the West, Africa was divided into colonies, like most of Asia, the Pacific region. Ancient India was a British colony and China was a semi-colony, just like the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). In technological, economic and financial dependence there was Japan, which was turned into a "battering ram" directed against China, for its further enslavement, and Russia. Only Russia retained the autocracy, although it was also partially dependent on Western technology and finance.

To prevent the collapse, the masters of the West, the global mafia that had developed by this time (the financial international, the golden elite, the world behind the scenes, etc.) organized the First World War. It was necessary to destroy and plunder Russia, to destroy the thousand-year-old geopolitical enemy of the West; destroy the old monarchies, aristocratic empires - the German, Austro-Hungarian (the struggle within the Western project, the Anglo-Saxon elites against the German ones), the core of the then Muslim world - the Ottoman Empire. Thus, the masters of the West were to receive absolute power over the peoples of the planet. Then, on the rubble of the old world, they planned to create a "new world order" - a stable neo-slavery civilization. Results: a terrible massacre, millions killed and maimed, the destruction of four empires, their total plunder, a Russian catastrophe.

However, the masters of the West were unable to fulfill all the tasks. The Russian Empire was reborn as a phoenix in the image of the Red (Soviet) Empire. Moreover, the Soviet (Russian) project of globalization was launched. For the first time in the history of mankind, a country-civilization of systemic anti-capitalism has arisen on the planet; on the basis of social justice, the creation of a society of the future begins - a society of knowledge, service and creation. A real alternative to the Western project of human enslavement is emerging in the world. The second stage of the crisis of capitalism begins in the West. The Great Depression. The masters of the West are preparing a new world slaughter. They support fascists and Nazis in Europe. They allow you to restore the German Empire (Third Reich), its military and economic power. They give Hitler most of Europe (even France!), The remaining free countries help to strengthen the power of the Reich. London secretly promises Berlin not to open a second front while the Germans are fighting in the East.

According to the plans of the owners of London and Washington, the German "European Union" and the Japanese Empire were supposed to crush the USSR, but suffer serious losses, get bogged down in the Russian expanses. After that, Britain and the United States were going to solve the problem of defeating Germany and Japan. At the same time, Germany had a "fifth column" - the military, who had to eliminate Hitler at the right time and "negotiate" with Britain and the United States. Thus, the maximum task was again set - complete control over the planet ("new world order"), and the minimum task was the destruction of the Russian (Soviet) civilization.

Thus began the Second World War, which was organized and prepared by the masters of the West, and Germany and Japan acted as "figures" in the Great Game. And again, the West was unable to fulfill all the tasks. London and Washington managed to rob and humiliate Germany for the second time, its western part (FRG) came under their control, and later it was possible to subjugate the eastern part (GDR). Berlin is still under the control of the global mafia. The Japanese civilization was also defeated, plundered and subdued. But the Soviet Union held out and became even stronger. Moscow is creating the world socialist camp, acquiring a protective barrier in Europe for the face of its allies. In the Far East, the Russians are crushing the Japanese, taking revenge for the shame of 1904-1905, returning the lost territories and positions in the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Korea and North China. Huge China is freed from the oppression of the Japanese and Western colonialists, the Chinese communists are taking the upper hand with the help of the USSR. China recognizes the USSR as its "elder brother".

The masters of the United States, which since that time have become the main "command post" of the Western project, fabulously enriched themselves in the world massacre, but their plans to crush the USSR did not come true, and without this it was impossible to establish complete control over the planet. Therefore, the West is unleashing a third world war - the "cold war". In 1946 Churchill and 1947 Truman declared a cold war on Russia. And they begin a frenzied "struggle against communism" within their countries. In the West, a wave of arrests, reprisals, and repressions is sweeping through. Thousands of innocent people have suffered for "anti-American activities." The atmosphere of fear and horror, the general "witch hunt" allows the global mafia to mobilize society, turn it into an obedient mechanism of a totalitarian society. The population is intimidated, they create a myth about the "Soviet threat" ("Russians are coming").

Humanity has mastered nuclear missile weapons, so the traditional "hot" war with the USSR has become impossible. The masters of the West were not going to commit suicide. Therefore, the new world war has become different - irregular, hybrid. It was a new generation war - ideological, informational, secret - confrontation between diplomacy and special services, sabotage, economic, technological. Arms race and advanced technology in space. At the same time, a traditional war could also go on in the territory of third countries, as in Korea and Vietnam. There were uprisings, riots, coups, revolutions, assassinations of leading political, public and military leaders, and so on. There was a battle over who would finally topple whom: the Red Empire or the Western world.

Wherein in the late 1940s, the third round of the crisis of capitalism began. It was believed that the Soviet project would take over and overthrow the West, that a world system of socialist countries, headed by the USSR, would emerge on the planet. Many leading Western and Soviet thinkers believed that the West was doomed in this competition of systems. The only question is when capitalism will collapse. In many ways, these were correct conclusions. The West, unable to plunder the planet in the previous regime, when the socialist camp and the "third world" countries appeared, in the 1970s fell into a severe crisis. And the question at this time was who will fall first? USA or USSR? America was morally broken, mass degradation began (the project "sex, drugs and rock and roll"), there is a massive drug addiction of the population, especially young people. The degradation has also affected the armed forces - a decline in discipline, drugs, alcoholism, suicide. Defeat in Vietnam. The political crisis of President Nixon, who was preparing a dictatorship in America (Watergate scandal). The United States is winding down a number of space programs related to the Moon and Mars.

At the same time, the USSR was then at the peak of its military and political power. It seemed that one more leap and the Union would find itself in a bright future, and the Western world would collapse in agony. However, this did not happen. What happened? The fact is that the West in the Cold War made its main bet on the degeneration of the Soviet party elite. To form a "fifth column" from the nomenklatura, national cadres, cosmopolitan intelligentsia and a degenerate stratum of the population who wants to "live beautifully", "Like in the West", ready to sell his mother for a beautiful candy wrapper. And this rate led the West to victory! After the elimination of Stalin, who cleaned and regularly renewed the Soviet elite, there were many people in the nomenclature who were ready to betray for the sake of power and access to the feeding trough. They struggled to gain power and, in order to preserve it, made a deal with the devil ("golden calf"), in the role of which were the masters of the West. Due to their low moral qualities, these people believed that they had the right to transform power into material well-being - capital, property, property. This is how the Soviet elite fell away from the task of development and confrontation with the Western world of the capitalist slave owners. Part of the nomenklatura rotted away, wished to come to an agreement with the West, privatize socialist (people's) property and become "new masters" in the Soviet republics. First, the Soviet elite arranged de-Stalinization (Khrushchev's "perestroika"), abandoning plans for further development and the creation of a society of the future. Then, instead of development, they chose stabilization, and the Brezhnev "stagnation" began. The new reality was abandoned. They allowed the peaceful coexistence of socialism and capitalism, and began rapprochement with the West. Thus, the Soviet elite gave up the Soviet civilization, the great Russia (USSR).

Since 1985, the final stage of the third world war begins. "Perestroika" is a camouflaged surrender of Soviet civilization. In December 1989, on an American ship in the region of Malta, the criminal and traitor Gorbachev signed the terms of the preliminary surrender. In August-December 1991, an outspoken traitor Yeltsin came to power in Russia, the USSR collapsed, and semi-colonial "bantustans" were formed on its ruins. The masters of the West are exporting colossal wealth and resources from great Russia (USSR). At the same time, colonial models are being built in Russia and the former Soviet republics, which allows them to be robbed on a systematic basis. The destruction and plundering of the former socialist republics of Eastern and Southeastern Europe is proceeding along a similar pattern. This robbery, unparalleled in history, is saving the United States and the West as a whole from a crisis that threatened to destroy the entire capitalist, Western system. The USA and the West were saved by destroying and plundering Great Russia (USSR).

Thus ended the third world war. It is known that world wars are characterized by several main features: redistribution of the world and borders; redistribution of spheres of influence; redistribution of colonies and markets; reparations and indemnities. All the signs of the outbreak of world war in 1991 were evident. And only the interests of the semi-colonial regimes, which served the mainstream media and the court, "official" pseudo-communist opposition, made it possible to hide the monstrous truth from the people for a long time. The fact of an unprecedented crime and betrayal in world history of the Soviet elite, as well as the "democratic" government that inherited it. The hypocrites "reformers", "optimizers" and the "opposition" serving them hid from the people the fact of a terrible defeat - the largest geopolitical catastrophe in the history of mankind, which Vladimir Putin later admitted.

As a result, the pitiful remnants and remnants of the once Soviet superpower, crushed to the ground in World War III, fell under the rule of the global mafia and the semi-colonial regimes serving its interests. At the same time, the global mafia, back in the 1960s-1970s, came to the conclusion that 80% of the world's population is “superfluous”. That people consume too much, that the consumer society is killing the planet, its biosphere. The masters of the West began to liquidate the "surplus population" through wars, permanent conflicts, revolutions, uprisings, diseases, hunger, with the help of genocidal weapons: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, poisoned food, etc.

Since 1991, the peoples of Russia have come under the rule of the global mafia and its puppet henchmen, the colonial administration. The genocide of the Russian people and other indigenous peoples of the Russian civilization began: by military methods (as in Chechnya and in the Donbass), with the help of genocidal weapons, mass alcoholization, drug addiction, replacement of quality products with artificial, genetically modified, etc. Cultural, linguistic genocide of Russians, de-Russification of the territory of great Russia (USSR). Socio-economic genocide. In particular, the latest pension "reform" is a vivid example of the methods of socio-economic genocide of the peoples of Russia. The results were not long in coming - a supermortality regime was established in Lesser and Greater Russia. The Russian people are rapidly dying out. If the rates of depopulation-extinction are maintained, then by the middle of the 21st century the Russian super-ethnos will have already suffered fatal damage, and Russia will not be able to retain its territory. And by the end of the century, Russia and the Russian people can be erased from history.
