This is a sequel to an article on 21st century Romanian frigates. The first part is HERE.

Power plants of type 22 frigates
To obtain the optimal efficiency factor and more rational use of fuel, type 22 frigates were equipped with shipborne combined gas turbine power plants, which consisted of 4 turbines arranged according to the COGOG scheme (COmbined Gas turbine Or Gas turbine). In the COGOG scheme, two turbines of different power operate on each propeller shaft: either less powerful for the cruise, or more powerful for full speed.
The idea of combining the operation of two turbines arose from the low efficiency of gas turbines at part-load operation. That is, a low-power turbine that operates at full power is more efficient than a twice as powerful turbine that operates at 50% power. In the COGOG scheme, a gearbox is provided that shifts the transmission of torque from one of two turbines of different capacities to the same shaft. This eliminated the need for more complex and potentially more unreliable transmission mechanisms.

Combined power plant according to the COGOG scheme
Unlike the ships of the first series (subclass "Broadsword"), on the frigates of the second series (subclass "Boxer") the Rolls-Royce Spey SM1A and Rolls-Royce Tyne RM3C turbines were replaced by others. For full speed on the frigates of the “Boxer” subclass, 2 Rolls-Royce Olympus TM3B turbines (54,000 shp * / 40 MW each) were launched, and the ship's economic progress on the march was ensured by the operation of two Rolls-Royce Tyne RM1C turbines (9,700 shp / 7, 2 MW each). Despite the fact that different turbines were installed on different series, the speed of movement of the ships did not change from this. The maximum speed of all type 22 frigates was 30 knots, and the economical (cruising) speed was 18 knots.
The electric power plant of the ships consisted of 4 diesel generators with a capacity of 1 MW each (3 phases, 450 volts 60 hertz).
* shp (Shaft horsepower) - engine power in hp. on the shaft.
For the first time, the installation of such a scheme was tested on a frigate type 14 HMS Exmouth (F84). The COGOG system is also used on Soviet Project 1164 Slava-class cruisers.

Armament of type 22 frigates (1st and 2nd series, subclass "Boxer")
As already mentioned, the main task of Type 22 frigates was anti-submarine defense, therefore, the main weapon on it was anti-submarine weapons, which consisted of torpedo tubes, a deck aviation wing and a GAS with a towed antenna array. But, if necessary, the possibility of their use as multipurpose ships (general purpose) was provided and therefore the composition of the weapons of type 22 frigates was not limited to this.
Unlike the ships of the first series (subclass "Broadsword"), on the frigates of the second series (subclass "Boxer"), the CAAIS Combat Information and Control System (BIUS) was replaced by the more advanced CACS-1 from the same manufacturer. To defeat large surface targets, they were equipped with rocket armament, which consisted of 4 launchers for the Exocet MM38 cruise anti-ship missiles. For self-defense against aircraft and low-flying anti-ship missiles, they had missile armament on board in the form of 2x 6-container installations of the Seawolf short-range air defense system (GWS-25 Sea Wolf). As a means of air defense, they also equipped with cannon armament: 2x automatic 20-mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft guns and 2x paired 30-mm Oerlikon automatic ship mounts.
Torpedo armament consisted of two three-pipe 324-mm TA Plessey STWS Mk 2. The frigates' machine-gun armament consisted of 4x 7, 62-mm L7A2 GPMG machine guns (licensed by FN MAG).
Below is a photo of the weapons and some equipment of the frigate HMS London, taken while it was stationed at the base of the Canadian armed forces Halifax. May 29, 1997, photographer Sandy McClearn.

In the foreground are 6-container launchers for the Sea Wolf air defense system, below deck visible PU for anti-ship missiles Exocet

20-mm anti-aircraft gun Oerlikon-BMARC 20 mm / 85 (0.79 ) GAM-BO1

20-mm cannon Oerlikon-BMARC 20 mm / 85 (0.79 ) GAM-BO1

Anti-aircraft crew 20 mm at the Oerlikon-BMARC 20 mm / 85 (0.79 ) GAM-BO1

Twin 30-mm automatic shipborne installation Oerlikon-BMARC 30 mm / 75 GCM-AO3-2

Three-pipe 324-mm TA Plessey STWS Mk 2, in the foreground is a Sting Ray torpedo

Sting Ray torpedo flight
In order to protect against homing anti-ship missiles, several short-range launchers were installed on frigates for firing different types of interference: 2x 8-barreled 130-mm PU for firing IR interference and 2x 6-barreled 130-mm PU for firing dipole reflectors.

8-barreled 130mm Corvus IR jammers from BAE Systems.
This is a photo from a frigate from the 1st series of HMS Battleaxe (F89)

130mm PU dipole reflectors Mk 36 SRBOC from BAE Systems. This is a photo from a small patrol boat of the Kilic I / II type for the Turkish Navy.
Radio-electronic equipment (2nd series, subclass "Boxer")
To ensure navigation, type 22 frigates were equipped with a Kelvin & Hughes type 1006 navigation radar. For observation, detection and identification of surface and surface targets, the Marconi type 967 & 968 universal radar was installed. The fire control was carried out by the Ferranti CAAIS combat information and control system and 2x target tracking radars GEC Marconi type 910/911 (for Sea Wolf air defense systems). As a means of sound detection of underwater objects on the frigates, a Type 2016 hydroacoustic station and a GAS with a towed GEC Marconi type 2031 antenna were installed, and the Abbey Hill UAA-1 CPTP was used for electronic reconnaissance.

Mainmast of the frigate HMS London (F95).
Visible navigation radar type 1006, and above - the universal detection radar Marconi Type 968

Frigate HMS London (F95).
Type 910/911 target tracking radar for Sea Wolf air defense systems

Helicopter hangar of the frigate HMS London (F95). Above him PU for the Sea Wolf air defense system and target tracking radar

The command bridge of the frigate HMS London (F95)
Maintenance of ships
Regarding the cost of this type of frigate, Peter Luff, Member of the British Parliament, Chairman of the Trade and Industry Committee of the Conservative Party, will answer for me: £ 16 million. The search for the optimal way of its utilization is underway."
We are talking about the Type 22 HMS Cumberland (F85) frigate. This is a ship of the 3rd series (subclass "Cornwall"). In 2011, all 4 remaining Type 22 frigates were withdrawn from the British Navy. Total savings for the military budget have been estimated at £ 240 million. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find buyers from the countries of the 3rd world for these ships, therefore, instead of “the optimal way of utilizing them,” they were scrapped. And then they saved even more.

Photo from the UK Department of Defense report on the disposal of Type 22 frigates. Top photo (left to right) Campbeltown (F86) Chatham (F87) Cumberland (F85)

As I wrote earlier, the Turkish company LEYAL Ship Recycling Ltd. is engaged in the disposal of Her Majesty's scrapped ships.
Aviation group
On board the Type 22 frigates, it was planned to place up to two multi-purpose deck helicopters Lynx HAS Mk.2 (later Mk.3, then Mk.8: the naval version of Super Lynx), developed by the British company Westland in conjunction with the French Aerospatiale. In reality, the aviation warhead of each ship consisted of one helicopter, 2 shift crews and 9 service personnel.

A lot has been written about Lynx helicopters, so I will be brief. The main armament of the helicopters was short-range anti-ship missiles with radar guidance from Sea Skua (Sea Skua - Sea Assistant). The weapon was located on two external hardpoints, and the maximum combat load was 4 anti-ship missiles.

Lynx HAS Mk.3 with 4 Sea Skua anti-ship missiles is being prepared for departure. Frigate Type 21 Alacrity (F174)

Lynx HAS Mk.3 from 815th Naval Aviation Squadron with blades and tail boom in the stowed position. On its external nodes are suspended 2 Sea Skua anti-ship missiles. The vehicle was assigned to the URO type 42 destroyer HMS Cardiff (D108)
Instead of Sea Skua anti-ship missiles, Lynx helicopters could be armed with two light Sting Ray anti-submarine torpedoes. The Stingray torpedoes could be replaced by other torpedoes, namely the Mk 44, Mk 46 or A244S. Also, the arsenal could include 7 naval markers or 2 Mk 11 depth charges. 2x 7, 62-mm L7A2 GPMG machine guns (licensed FN MAG) were used as machine gun armament.

Anti-submarine torpedo Sting Ray on the outer harness of the helicopter
The author would like to thank Bongo for the advice.