In mid-July, the Israeli military censorship lifted the ban on the publication of information about one of the most mysterious examples of military equipment of the Israel Defense Forces. Thanks to a recent decision, everyone will now be able to learn about the new Peer combat vehicle, which has remained classified for three decades. It should be noted that photographs of this equipment appeared earlier, but the latest decision of the Israeli command will allow specialists and amateurs of military equipment to study in detail one of the most interesting combat vehicles of recent times.
According to reports, the combat vehicle "Pere" ("Savage" or "Wild Ass") was created in the first half of the eighties and entered the army in 1985. Over the next few decades, fragmentary information about the new car appeared from time to time, but the details and appearance remained secret until 2013. Just two years ago, several photos of secret cars were made available to the public. Last year, the photos were leaked again, resulting in further controversy. The published photos to a certain extent revealed some of the features of the combat vehicle, but did not allow us to find out all the details of the project.

Fighting vehicle "Pere", photo 2013
Finally, a few days ago, the IDF command was forced to remove the secrecy label from fairly old equipment. One of the main reasons for this was the publication of a large number of Pere photos, which made it pointless to maintain the existing secrecy regime. Thus, now the photo and video filming of such equipment with the subsequent publication of the materials received will not be a violation and will not entail proceedings and punishment.
According to some sources, the Pere missile combat vehicle was created as a means of fighting enemy tank columns. In the early eighties, there was a risk of starting a war with Syria or other Arab states, which required making appropriate preparations. One of the means of dealing with enemy tanks was to be a new missile system. It was assumed that in the event of the advancement of enemy armored vehicles, the Pere vehicles would attack it using guided missiles of a relatively long range, beyond the line of sight. Thus, the enemy risked heavy losses even before a direct clash with the Israeli armed forces.
The second main feature of the project was the approach to camouflage. Carriers of guided missiles were to become a priority target for enemy aviation and artillery. To reduce the likelihood of detection and destruction, it was decided to make the new combat vehicles as similar as possible to existing tanks. In combination with the requirements regarding the level of protection, all this affected the general architecture of a promising combat vehicle.

Fighting vehicle "Pere", photo 2013
To ensure the maximum possible characteristics of mobility, protection and camouflage, it was decided to build a combat vehicle "Pere" on the basis of tanks of the "Magah" series. Recall that this name was borne by American tanks M48 and M60 of various modifications, which were operated in the Israeli army. In the first half of the eighties, the army had a large number of such equipment, which made it possible to use it as the basis for a self-propelled missile system capable of meeting all specific requirements. The use of the "Magah" family tanks as the basis led to the emergence of a name reflecting the type of chassis and the model of the missiles used - "Spike-Magah".
In different photographs of the Pere vehicle, you can see equipment based on the Magah 5 chassis - this was the designation for the M48A5 tanks. There is reason to believe that when converted into a carrier of guided missiles, the base tanks received a new power plant that increased their mobility. In addition, the frontal part of the hulls received dynamic protection units. All this was done to improve the characteristics of the outdated chassis, as well as for additional camouflage of a special combat vehicle.
The most interesting element of the Pere combat vehicle is a swivel turret mounted on a standard hull chase. Outwardly, it is similar to the corresponding units of the tanks that existed at that time, but it has some differences. For example, a well-developed central part and a stern niche are a characteristic feature. At the same time, the front part of the tower is noticeably less in height. For the purpose of additional camouflage, a dummy tank gun was installed on the frontal part of the turret, next to the dynamic protection units. The pipe of a characteristic shape was made of light alloys and was supposed to mislead the enemy.

Fighting vehicle "Pere" with an open aft hatch of the tower, photo 2014
In front of the original turret were the crew stations. Behind them, a volume was provided for placing missile launchers and other equipment. So, a launcher with 12 transport and launch containers of missiles was located in the central part of the tower, with a shift towards the stern. The turret stern sheet could be folded down to provide access to the launcher and, in particular, to reload it. To the right of the launcher in the tower was a lifting mast with a set of optoelectronic equipment for searching for targets and controlling missiles. On the sides of the relatively large aft part of the tower, boxes are provided for transporting various property.
The emergence of photographs with an open aft hatch of the tower, in which containers with missiles could be viewed, led to a new topic of controversy. Experts and the interested public tried to find out exactly how the missiles are launched. For obvious reasons, the version about launching missiles through the aft hatch of the tower has become quite widespread. It was assumed that in a combat position, the machine "Pere" turns the turret stern to the target, opens the hatch and thus fires.
Nevertheless, the construction of the real Pere complex turned out to be more interesting. The aft tower hatch is used only for retrieving empty containers and installing new ones. For firing, the entire block with 12 containers extends upward and rises above the level of the tower roof. Simultaneously with the launcher, the block with optoelectronic systems rises by turning up and forward. In the stowed position, it lies next to the launcher in the turret niche. During firing, the gases of the rocket launch engine knock out the back cover of the container and go back without touching the roof of the tower.

Battery of combat vehicles "Pere" with raised launchers
The main weapon of the Pere combat vehicle is the Tamuz guided missiles, created by the Rafael company. These missiles represent an early version of the weapon developed as part of the Spike project. According to reports, the Tamuz missiles were created in 1981 and were intended to attack enemy equipment and targets at ranges of up to 25 km. The missile with a launch weight of about 70 kg is equipped with an optoelectronic guidance system, which allows it to attack targets outside the line of sight and operate according to the “fire and forget” algorithm. The main task of the missile is to defeat armored vehicles, for which it is equipped with a tandem cumulative warhead.
Subsequently, the Spike-NLOS (Non Line Of Sight) product was created on the basis of the Tamuz rocket. The further development of the base rocket was the emergence of new weapons with different characteristics. Currently, customers are offered six variants of the Spike family of missiles with different characteristics, allowing them to perform various combat missions.
The control equipment of the Tamuz missile system is installed in the turret of the combat vehicle. At the operator's workplace, there are all the necessary devices for monitoring the operation of systems, as well as controls. To detect targets at distances of up to several kilometers, the operator can use the optoelectronic devices of the machine, located on the lifting mast. For such targets at long distances, third-party target designation can be used.

Launch of the Tamuz rocket
Additional armament, designed for self-defense, consists of two machine guns. Such weapons are installed on open turrets next to the turret hatches. In addition, the crew is entitled to several small arms. The Pere car is not equipped with other weapons. As already mentioned, instead of a cannon, a light pipe of the corresponding shape is installed on the "tank" turret.
Both externally and in general layout, the Pere combat vehicle is similar to tanks, but it has noticeable differences in the composition of weapons and tactical role. All these features of the project make it difficult to classify. In its current form, this technique does not fit into the existing generally accepted classification system for military equipment. The chassis design, rotating turret, level of protection and other design features in combination with guided missile weapons make Spike-Magah a representative of the so-called class. missile tanks. Nevertheless, the proposed method of application and role on the battlefield make such a combat vehicle a "distant relative" of various operational-tactical missile systems. In addition, one should take into account the initial specialization of the vehicle - the destruction of enemy tanks. Thus, with certain reservations, the Pere can be called a self-propelled anti-tank missile system with long-range missiles.
During the development of the "Pere" or "Spike-Magah" project, several basic requirements were taken into account. So, the use of the existing chassis made it possible to provide mobility at the level of other equipment of the Israel Defense Forces, and the newest (at the time of the development of the machine) missiles allowed attacking targets at ranges of up to 25 km, thereby having noticeable advantages over the enemy.

Car "Pere" against the background of tanks "Merkava"
However, what has attracted the most attention is the interesting approach to technique camouflage. Not wanting to disclose the existence of a new combat vehicle and make its purpose public, Israeli engineers tried to make it as similar as possible to a tank. Indeed, they managed to solve such a problem - externally, the Pere machine is very similar to the main Israeli tanks. It is possible to distinguish the carrier of guided missiles from a tank of a new unknown model only from a short distance and only by a few details. At the same time, the general view of the combat vehicle suggests that during its development the authors of the project tried to ensure maximum similarity with the tanks of the "Merkava" family.
Apparently, the masking used led to the expected results. For a long time, the Israeli military managed to hide the Pere car from prying eyes, which, of course, was helped by its characteristic appearance. In this case, however, camouflage was to be used primarily on the battlefield. In such an environment, it also had to be highly effective. The very concept of using "Spike-Mage" does not imply approaching the enemy at a distance of line of sight. Air reconnaissance is also unable to notice small differences in the appearance of a vehicle with missile weapons and tanks.
According to reports, the Pere combat vehicles have been supplied to the army since the mid-eighties. During the conversion of existing tanks, several units of such equipment were manufactured. The exact number of such machines is unknown: despite the removal of secrecy, the IDF is in no hurry to publish the details of the project, as well as the construction and operation of finished equipment. According to the most widespread opinion, a relatively small number of missile carriers were built. Their total number is unlikely to exceed several dozen. Precise determination of the number of "Pere" built is hampered by the fact that in most of the available photographs, this technique, instead of numbers printed on the sides with paint, carries textile plaques with numbers. Probably, similar markings were used for additional camouflage.

A number of such equipment was discovered in the spring of 2013, when Israeli forces were deploying near the Syrian border. Then several photographs of previously unknown cars got into free access. Soon, the first information appeared about the purpose of this technology and the type of weapons used. In the summer of 2014, several more photographs of the Pere appeared, in which the open aft hatch made it possible to examine the inner volume of the tower. At the same time, a version appeared about shooting through the stern of the tower.
The last portion of photographic materials at the moment appeared just a few days ago. These photos show several Pere-class combat vehicles in different conditions and at different stages of combat work. There are pictures of combat vehicles in the parking lot, on the march, during preparation for firing and during the launch of the rocket. Thanks to the removal of the secrecy label, everyone had the opportunity to see a previously almost unknown combat vehicle and find out its characteristics.
The exact number of cars built by "Pere" is unknown. The experience of the combat use of such equipment also remains a secret. Apparently, self-propelled anti-tank missile systems of this type could be used in various conflicts, starting from the mid-eighties. However, such information has not yet been published. It is quite possible that information about the combat use of the "Spike-Mage" complex will appear in the very near future.
According to some reports, the actual reason for the declassification of the Pere system was the appearance of a newer combat vehicle of a similar purpose. According to various sources, the equipment of the new model uses newer and more advanced missiles, which significantly increase the characteristics of the complex. At the same time, there is no information about the characteristics or technical appearance of the replacement for the "Pere". Moreover, the very fact of the existence of such a technique is still at the level of rumors.

Unfortunately, the most interesting information about the "Peer" combat vehicle, such as the results of combat use and operational features, has not yet been published. Nevertheless, even without this, the Israeli project is of certain interest to both specialists and amateurs of military equipment. The reason for this interest is several characteristics of the project that define its overall appearance.
First of all, the very idea of placing a launcher for relatively long-range guided missiles on a tank chassis is interesting. Also, one cannot fail to note the work of the rocket on the principle of "launch and forget", implemented in the first half of the eighties. These features led to high maneuverability of the vehicle and outstanding, against the background of other equipment for fighting tanks, firing range indicators. However, the greatest interest is precisely the desire to disguise a combat vehicle and thereby reduce to a minimum the probability of its detection and destruction. It is for this reason that the Pere guided missile carrier has a lot of details that make it look like a regular main tank.
According to some sources, the Pere combat vehicle has already been replaced by a new technique designed to perform similar combat missions - enemy attacks with guided missiles at a distance of up to several tens of kilometers. There is no plausible information about this machine, which is not surprising given the gap between the appearance of the Spike-Mage complex and the removal of the secrecy stamp. Therefore, we should not wait for the appearance of information about the new project, although additional information about the relatively old machine "Per" may appear in the very near future.