In the interests of the airborne troops, several new projects of advanced weapons and equipment are being developed. Among other things, the plans of the military department provide for the creation of a new self-propelled artillery piece with the code "Lotus". To date, the industry has completed part of the work under this project. In addition, the current plans and schedule for further work were announced. According to official data, the dates for the start of serial production and acceptance into service have already been determined.
On September 27, the TASS news agency published new statements by Dmitry Semizorov, Director General of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TsNII Tochmash). The head of the enterprise spoke about the current work in the framework of the "Lotus" program. In addition, he announced plans for the industry for the near future, as well as for the next few years. According to him, work on a promising self-propelled artillery gun (SAO) will continue until the very beginning of the next decade.
According to D. Semizorov, at the time of the interview, the specialists of the Central Research Institute of Tochmash were completing the first stage of the development of the Lotus project. The purpose of this stage of work was to prepare a package of design documentation. It was planned to complete the first stage at the end of September - no later than a few days after the announcement of this information.

Using the ready-made design documentation, the industry will have to build a prototype of a promising self-propelled gun, designed for various tests. In 2019, it is planned to submit this car for state tests, according to the results of which its further fate will be determined. The authors of the project expect that all the required checks will be completed in the same year, and this will allow starting new work. D. Semizorov noted that the experienced "Lotos" will go for testing together with the promising control machine "Zavet-D".
Upon successful completion of the tests in the same 2019, the Lotos IJSC will be put into service. The launch of serial production of equipment for subsequent deliveries to the airborne troops is scheduled for 2020. Also, the Airborne Forces will have to receive new artillery control vehicles.
Earlier it was reported that before the "Lotos" project, domestic designers were developing airborne IJSC "Zauralets-D". Several years ago, such a weapon was abandoned in favor of a new project. Talking about the current work on the "Lotus", the head of the Central Research Institute Tochmash noted that the new self-propelled gun has a lot of differences from the previous one. A new chassis, a different turret, a modified fire control system, etc. are proposed. The most important feature of the "Lotus" project is the ammunition with great modernization potential.
The latest news about the project of IJSC "Lotos" allows us to look into the future with optimism. In November last year, the management of the development organization disclosed the current plans and the approved project schedule. Then it was argued that a prototype of the new self-propelled gun will go for testing in 2019, and mass production will start in 2020. Thus, over the past months, the designers of the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering have been able to prepare the necessary documentation, keeping within the work schedule. Despite the complexity of the new project, the timing of the start of its next stages remains the same and is not adjusted.
According to available data, a few years ago, the domestic defense industry began to create a promising CAO with the code "Zauralets-D". This project involved the development of a universal combat module suitable for mounting on wheeled and tracked chassis. It could be armed with a 120 or 152 mm gun. In accordance with the features of future operation, the self-propelled gun was supposed to be small in size and weight, determined taking into account the capabilities of military transport aviation.
At the beginning of the summer of 2016, the domestic media announced the rejection of the Zauralets-D project in favor of a new development. The goals of the new project remained the same, but the customer partially changed the existing terms of reference. Taking into account the updated requirements, the development of a promising CAO called "Lotos" was started. It was planned to complete the design in 2018, but, as the latest reports show, this stage of work was completed with a noticeable advance.
Several weeks ago, within the framework of the Army-2017 international military-technical forum, the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Ministry of Defense for the first time demonstrated a model of a promising self-propelled gun, and also published basic information about the projected model. The official designation of the self-propelled gun was also announced. The result of the development work "Lotos" received the index 2C42.
The presented version of the CAO 2S42 "Lotos" is proposed to be built on the basis of the modified chassis of the BMD-4M airborne assault vehicle. A tracked vehicle based on serial units should receive an elongated body and an additional pair of road wheels as part of the chassis. Such processing allows you to get additional internal volumes required for the installation of a new fighting compartment with a full-revolving turret.
Apparently, the body, based on the existing units, will retain the basic parameters, such as the level of armor protection. The layout of the internal volumes should also remain the same: the front compartment will accommodate the control compartment, behind which the fighting compartment should be placed. The feed is intended for the installation of the engine, transmission and other units. The diesel engine and tracked undercarriage with seven road wheels on each side will have to provide high mobility on roads and rough terrain, as well as allow the car to float.
On the chase of the roof, it is proposed to mount a new tower of sufficient size. As the model showed, within the framework of the Lotus project, an armored cap of a relatively simple shape was created, formed by several large flat panels. The frontal part of the tower is assembled from inclined parts, and from above the fighting compartment is closed with a horizontal roof. The forehead is equipped with a rectangular embrasure covered with a cylindrical mask of small width. On the outer surface of the tower, both on the roof and at the stern, there are additional casings of certain devices.
Project 2S42 provides for the use of a new fighting compartment with a promising 120-mm artillery gun. Continuing the logic of the development of the previous CAO for the Airborne Forces, the Lotus project proposes the use of a universal artillery system capable of firing in various modes using a wide range of ammunition. To expand the range of tasks to be solved, the tower and its equipment provide guidance in any direction in azimuth and firing with elevation angles from -4 ° to + 80 °.
A combat module of the "Lotus" type must have advanced fire control facilities, built on the basis of modern components. In addition, maximum automation of various processes is offered. In particular, there should be a possibility of automatic reloading of the weapon. Regardless of the type of ammunition and the mode of fire, the rate of fire will be 6-8 rounds per minute.
It is proposed to use promising artillery shots of several types, characterized by increased power. With a caliber of 120 mm, the new projectile will have characteristics at the level of the existing 152-mm rounds. In the future, the industry will continue to develop shells, for which some measures are already envisaged in existing projects to simplify further modernization.
According to GRAU, the 2S42 self-propelled gun will be able to hit targets at ranges from 1 to 13 km. The types of targets hit are not specified, but it can be assumed that shells of different types will allow fighting both manpower or unprotected equipment, and armored vehicles or enemy fortifications.
The model shown at Army-2017 received additional weapons in the form of a remotely controlled combat module. A model of such a system, armed with a rifle-caliber machine gun, was placed on the roof of the tower. With the help of the combat module, the crew will be able to attack manpower or other “soft targets”.
The crew of the 2S42 "Lotos" consists of four people. As shown by the previously demonstrated layout, two crew members will be placed in the front of the hull: one seat (driver) is located on the longitudinal axis, the second - to the left and rear of it. The other two crew members should be in the turret and, apparently, be responsible for the operation of all available weapons. The availability of automation equipment for the fighting compartment will greatly simplify their work.
Based on the chassis of a serial armored vehicle, a promising self-propelled artillery gun will differ in increased dimensions, primarily in length. The combat weight of the armored vehicle is determined at the level of 18 tons. The dimensions and mass of the self-propelled gun correspond to the capabilities of the existing military transport aircraft. This will allow you to transport the armored vehicle by air or organize parachuting. Thanks to such capabilities, the Airborne Forces units will be able to have sufficient firepower in different conditions and situations.
Maintaining the serial chassis results in good mobility performance. The maximum speed of the 2S42 on the highway, according to official figures, will be 70 km / h. On the ground - up to 40 km / h. Apparently, the self-propelled gun, like the base BMD-4M, will be able to overcome water obstacles by swimming, including firing from the water. In store down the highway - 500 km.
The promising self-propelled artillery gun 2S42 "Lotos" is being developed taking into account the future rearmament of the airborne troops. The universal 120-mm system is considered as a replacement for the existing self-propelled guns of the "Nona" family. In the foreseeable future, relatively old self-propelled guns, depleting their resource, will be removed from service and decommissioned, and at the same time the troops will receive new serial "Lotos".
Repeating the main features of the appearance of existing artillery self-propelled guns, a promising sample under the code "Lotus" is distinguished by the design and characteristics of its main systems. According to the head of the development organization, the new 120-mm gun has an increased resource and improved fire control facilities. It also announced the creation of new ammunition with improved technical and combat characteristics. In addition, new types of shots created for the CAO 2S42 have a certain margin for modernization and future development.
So far, the new 2S42 self-propelled artillery gun, intended for the airborne troops, exists only in the form of an exhibition model and design documentation. At the same time, the preparation of the latter was completed just a few days ago - at the end of September. Now the enterprises of the defense industry can start the production of certain units, from which the first prototype will soon be assembled.
The finished prototype of "Lotus" in the near future will go to the test site to confirm the calculated characteristics. By 2019, it is planned to complete all the necessary checks, including state tests. In the last CAO 2S42 will participate in conjunction with the promising control machine "Zavet-D". If the tests are successfully completed, the self-propelled gun and the control vehicle will be put into service with the launch of the series in 2020.
Due to the specifics of their work, the airborne troops need specialized weapons and equipment. The next representatives of this category should be CAO 2S42 "Lotos" and the control machine "Zavet-D". Part of the work on the self-propelled gun has already been completed. In the near future, she will have to confirm her capabilities and after that she will be able to enter service, giving a start to the replacement of obsolete equipment.