All modern self-propelled guns are designed to inflict short-term high-intensity fire strikes with a subsequent change of position (the safe time spent on the fire is 1 min.). Taking into account the constant growth in the automation of fire control systems, the improvement of radar reconnaissance means, the time for the safe stay of the ACS in position is steadily decreasing. One of the options for overcoming these problems is the creation of systems with unconventional structural and layout solutions that can provide an increase in firepower and reduce the time spent in position. It was the implementation of these capabilities that was incorporated into the promising Russian self-propelled gun "Coalition-SV", which was developed by the FSUE TsNII "Burevestnik" (Nizhny Novgorod). According to the Minister of Defense, to date, state funding for the project has been stopped, since it is not included in the list of priority samples of military equipment, but no official statements have been made on this score.
For the first time this self-propelled gun was shown on television in the program "I Serve Russia" in March 2006. This mock-up was created on the basis of the existing ACS 2S19 "Msta-S" and is most likely not final. Despite this, enough is already known about the concept of the layout of the new ACS.
The crew of the new ACS consists of only two people, against five in the Msta-S. Workplaces for crew members are located in an armored, computerized control module, which is isolated from the weapons module located in the turret and excludes the ingress of powder gases from shots. It also provides additional protection for the crew from a possible explosion in case of hitting the ACS.

The control module is located in the bow of the hull, which is considered the safest place in a combat vehicle. The crew of two has full control over the processes of guidance, loading and firing. This module is equipped with onboard tactical target selection, navigation and positioning systems. Guided by the readings of sensors and instruments, the crew exercises full control over the state of the ACS and the amount of ammunition for various types of shots.
Both workplaces of the crew members are equipped with complexes for remote control of automated fire and instrument control over the implementation of all operations performed. Information and control communication channels between the control module and the weapon module are duplicated. The design provides for the main hatches for each crew member, an evacuation hatch and a technological hatch, which provides a transition to the weapon module.
The main firepower of the ACS is located in the turret, where a twin artillery mount, a mechanized loading system and ammunition load are installed. The engine is located in the rear of the combat vehicle. The most likely option seems to be in which a promising ACS should be created on the basis of a promising tank, for the greatest unification of the engine, chassis and main body elements, which can reduce the cost of production. But with the development of promising models of heavy military equipment in the country in recent years, there has been almost no progress. It seems that both promising projects of the main battle tank Object 640 "Black Eagle" and Object 195 known as the T-95 are frozen or discontinued. Tank building does not seem to be a priority in the implementation of the existing army modernization program.
Therefore, there is every reason to fear for the fate of the "Coalition-SV" self-propelled guns, although in the most extreme case it can be adopted into service using the platforms of existing Russian tanks.
A modular solution for command and control departments and weapons, as independent assembly units performing their functions, allows to reduce the size and protection of the crew, the conditions for its performance and interaction.
ACS "Coalition-SV" can be part of a self-propelled artillery complex, which will include an armored transport-loading vehicle. So the maintenance of the ACS will be provided with a sufficient number of people, despite the significant reduction in its crew. ACS maintenance operations can be automated as much as possible. As part of such an ACS / TZM complex, it is possible to implement a fully automated system for loading ammunition from side to side, loading and firing, which will ensure a high rate of fire.
According to domestic experts, at present, the main criteria for creating technology are uniformity and efficiency. When developing new artillery barrel systems of 152/155 mm caliber, which have severe mass-dimensional and functional limitations, the increase in efficiency is achieved primarily due to a radical increase in the firepower of the self-propelled guns, as the main property of this system.

This should be carried out with the condition of maintaining and increasing the ballistic characteristics of the gun, which affect the rate of fire, the maximum firing range, as the main properties that mainly affect the solution of the assigned fire mission.
But for the joint build-up of these characteristics, there are certain problems that are caused by functional and weight and size limitations typical for most ACS. These problems are associated, firstly, with the rapid overheating and wear of the barrel and its bore, and secondly, with the exhaustion of reserves for increasing the rate of fire when using separate loading shots using traditional technological solutions.
To solve these problems, domestic designers turned to the idea of creating a multi-barreled system "Coalition-SV" using unconventional design and layout schemes that allow maintaining an acceptable weight and dimensions of the ACS at the level of the existing "Msty-S".
Layout advantages
ACS with a twin artillery mount of 152/155 mm caliber. allows to provide an increase in the rate of fire due to the possibility of simultaneous loading of two barrels (shooting is carried out in turn), which brings a similar self-propelled gun in terms of firepower to multiple launch rocket systems while maintaining a high accuracy of fire due to the rifled barrel system. At the same time, what is important, the dimensions and weight are preserved, which are close to the traditional single-barrel systems.
This solution is distinguished by increased reliability, as well as combat survivability due to the use of two systems, largely independent from each other, formed by autonomous units (two independent charging and projectile ammunition racks.

Improved firing efficiency has been implemented by reducing the response time of the ACS when firing at newly detected targets, which is achieved by reducing the loading cycle time by reducing the operating time of the charging and projectile ammunition packs, which are divided into two parts for each barrel and, accordingly, each halved.
This arrangement allows you to increase the efficiency of shooting in the "flurry of fire" or "fire raid" mode, which is realized by achieving the maximum rate of fire at one target using shots at different charge numbers and at different elevation angles of artillery barrels. In this case, the effect is achieved when the shells of the fired burst approach the target almost simultaneously, which makes it possible to ensure the extremely high probability of its destruction.
The mass of an SPG with a twin artillery mount is quite comparable to the mass of a classic SPG. This can be achieved by using high-strength steels to create barrels, unified with the steel used for the production of tank guns. At the same time, the outer contour of the barrels is reduced to a minimum, ensuring pressure retention. The breech, whose function is performed by the charging rammer, is excluded from the design of the guns. In the manufacture of the cradle, materials with high specific stiffness are used, for example, composite materials.