The international market for arms and military equipment has long been divided between major manufacturers, but new developers are regularly trying to win their "place in the sun". In the near future, we will be able to see a new attempt to get contracts and market share made by a little-known manufacturer of equipment. This time the Pakistani defense industry will try to "fight" with the recognized market leaders. An armored vehicle called HAMZA MCV claims to be the subject of potential contracts.
This week, the Pakistani city of Karachi is hosting an IDEAS 2016 exhibition dedicated to the latest in the defense industry. During this event, the first public display of the newest HAMZA MCV armored vehicle should take place. Such a "premiere" should attract the attention of potential customers, which may result in the appearance of orders for the construction and delivery of serial equipment. Nevertheless, contracts are a matter of a rather distant future. For obvious reasons, the manufacturing company has not yet received a single order for the supply of new equipment.

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The author of the new project is a private Pakistani company Blitzkrieg Defense Solution. Previously, this company was engaged in the production of personal protective equipment and the modernization of vehicles, implying the installation of armored parts. Not so long ago, the company's designers decided to use their experience in a new area, which resulted in the emergence of a project of a full-fledged armored combat vehicle. It was originally developed taking into account the existing requirements and does not imply the updating of existing equipment by installing certain units.
The first public display of a promising armored vehicle was scheduled for the IDEAS-2016 exhibition. At the same time, the first information about the new product appeared a few days before the opening of the salon. The main information about the project was announced, as well as several photos and infographics were published. Thus, the HAMZA MCV was given the opportunity to become a subject of discussion even before the first public display.
As follows from the published data, the project MCV (Multirole Combat Vehicle - "Multipurpose combat vehicle") pursues several main goals. First of all, it implies the widespread use of ideas and solutions inherent in several different classes of armored vehicles. So, it is proposed to combine in one vehicle the high mobility, capacity and carrying capacity of armored personnel carriers, as well as the characteristic features of the protection of armored vehicles of the MRAP class. The result of this approach to the formation of the appearance was the appearance of a car of a characteristic type.

General view of the machine
The most noticeable feature of the HAMZA MCV project, which distinguishes it from many other developments in its class, is the bonnet arrangement of the armored hull. In addition, some other interesting ideas are used in the design of the car, which have a noticeable impact on the overall appearance and characteristics. It is expected that all new ideas and solutions will positively affect the potential and capabilities of the technology. Nevertheless, it is too early to talk about the full compliance of the armored vehicle with the original technical specifications and expectations in general.
The HAMZA MCV multipurpose armored vehicle from the Blitzkrieg Defense Solution company is a sample on a four-axle wheeled chassis with advanced ballistic and mine protection. The project provides for the use of a powerful power plant and weapons of various types. At the same time, the main task of the vehicle is to transport personnel with protection from possible attacks. When determining the composition of the armament, a modular principle was used, as a result of which the customer has the opportunity to independently choose the weapon for the purchased equipment.

The frontal part of the hull received a recognizable shape
The Pakistani machine of the new model has a specific hull layout, which is not often used in such projects. Unlike the mass of modern armored personnel carriers, HAMZA MCV has an engine compartment made in the form of a hood. Behind it there is a common habitable compartment with crew and landing places. The lower part of the housing is given for the installation of transmission units. Outside the protected area, there are several additional devices for placing certain parts, such as fuel tanks.
It is claimed that the armor of the hull meets the requirements of level 4 of the NATO standard STANAG 4569. This means that the armor parts are able to protect the crew or the internal units of the vehicle from shelling from weapons chambered for 14.5x114 mm. Whether such protection is all-aspect has not yet been specified. The project also provides for protection against explosive devices. Its characteristics, according to official data, correspond to level 4B of the same standard. Thus, the crew and the landing force will not suffer when 10 kg of TNT are detonated under the bottom of the hull.

Board and stern views
An additional method of increasing the hull's resistance to attacks is to place armor plates under the so-called. rational angles. This design feature gives the body a recognizable look. The hood covering the engine has a front wall consisting of four armor plates of different shapes and sizes. They form a wedge-shaped structure that protects most of the frontal projection. In the upper part of the wedge-shaped forehead there are niches for installing lighting equipment, in the lower part there is a thickening for mounting towing devices. Above, an inclined engine compartment cover is attached to the forehead parts, in which there are windows for air supply to the engine cooling systems. The sides of the engine compartment are made of double: their lower part is inclined outward, the upper part - inward. In this case, the sides form niches above the wheel arches.
Behind the engine compartment, the side hull parts retain their basic design features. In this case, the upper parts, inclined inward, increase their height. In addition, the joint of two parts of the bead becomes horizontal from an inclined one. Behind the hood roof there is an inclined frontal sheet with openings for frontal bulletproof glasses. The project provides for the use of a horizontal roof with the ability to install one or another weapon. The aft hull has a complex polygonal shape and is positioned tilted back. High requirements for protection against explosive devices have led to the use of a characteristic V-shaped bottom of the hull and some other solutions.

Port side and stern
According to the development company, a high-power engine should be placed under the hood of the housing. The type and characteristics of the power plant were not named. At the same time, the official materials note that the engine used must provide a specific power at the level of 20 hp. per ton. Other published information suggests that engine power must exceed 450-500 hp to achieve these values. The engine is mated to an unnamed type of transmission that provides torque to all four drive axles.
High cross-country ability should also be provided by a chassis with an 8x8 wheel arrangement. It uses large diameter wheels with individual suspension. There are also disc brakes with anti-lock function, a centralized pumping system and other units typical of modern wheeled vehicles.
The authors of the project believe that one of the main features of modern armored vehicles is the ability to fully monitor the situation. For this, the HAMZA MCV armored vehicle receives the appropriate equipment. An interesting feature of the project is the use of as many windows as possible. In the frontal sheet of the habitable compartment there are two bulletproof glasses of a rectangular shape, which perform the functions of wind glazing. Another two smaller windows in the form of a parallelogram are located on the sides next to the windshield. The sides of the troop compartment have five rectangular glasses, each of which has its own embrasure for firing from personal weapons. Two more windows with embrasures are located in the stern sheet, next to the ramp opening. Thus, in total, the hull has 16 bulletproof glasses, which is a kind of record.

Feed and drop-down ramp
To observe the terrain, the crew and the landing force must use not only advanced glazing. The project provides for the installation of a set of day and night vision cameras that transmit the signal to the crew monitors. Such equipment should provide driving equipment at any time of the day. Also, an additional means of observation can be the optoelectronic equipment of the combat module.
The own crew of an armored vehicle from Blitzkrieg Defense Solution should consist of two or three people responsible for controlling the vehicle, weapons and general control of actions. In addition, there is the possibility of transporting 10 paratroopers with weapons. The crew of the vehicle is placed in front of the crew compartment, where three seats are installed for it: two in the first row and the third behind them at the starboard side. Ten landing seats are installed along the sides of the central and stern parts of the hull. All seats of the car are equipped with seat belts and have an energy-absorbing design, which reduces the negative effect of detonating an explosive device.
There are several ways to get inside the car. On the left side, behind the driver's seat, there is a door that can be opened by turning forward in the direction of travel. For the convenience of boarding a sufficiently high car, a small staircase is provided under the door. Also, the crew can use two sunroofs installed above the driver's and commander's seats. The paratroopers are encouraged to use the hinged aft ramp. The latter is hinged to the rear of the hull and can be lowered down by means of two hydraulic cylinders. At the same time, the ramp does not have a swing door that allows you to get out of the car in the event of a breakdown of the automated drives. Also, the landing has two roof hatches, placed in the rear of the hull.

Landing ramp (not fully lowered)
If necessary, the armored vehicle can be used not only for transporting people. In addition, new types of equipment for one purpose or another can be created on its basis. In this case, new projects will use the existing capabilities of technology. According to the developer, the carrying capacity of the new chassis is 15 tons. Thanks to this, the HAMZA MCV, after appropriate refinement, can receive new functions and roles.
The HAMZA MCV armored personnel carrier does not have its own built-in weapons, but it can be equipped with various types of combat modules. The manufacturer declared the possibility of installing systems of this class, carrying various weapons, from large-caliber machine guns to 30-mm automatic cannons. The sample, which was being prepared for the IDEAS-2016 exhibition, received a module with machine-gun armament. The angular body of this product contains a swinging part with two machine guns of 12, 7 and 7, 62 mm calibers. In addition, the module is equipped with observation and guidance equipment. Weapon control is carried out from the console located at the operator's workplace. It should be noted that all units of the used module are outside the armored body of the vehicle.
Reportedly, by now, Blitzkrieg Defense Solution has completed the development of the HAMZA MCV project and built the first prototype of the armored vehicle. Now the prototype is at the stage of early testing and shows its potential, and also makes it possible to identify and eliminate the existing shortcomings in time. In addition, after carrying out some checks and tests, it was decided to show the prototype armored vehicle to the general public, specialists and potential customers.

Crew workplaces
Most of the information about a promising Pakistani combat vehicle has not yet been published. Only the main parameters and features of the project were announced, while other characteristics were not specified. For example, even the dimensions and combat weight of the equipment remain unknown. At the same time, the development company reveals other details of the project and names some of the characteristics of its creation.
A promising armored vehicle from Pakistan looks quite interesting, but it is still impossible to give a full assessment of the project. Published data indicate the presence of some positive features, and noticeable shortcomings are either absent or simply not striking. It is hoped that in the future, Blitzkrieg Defense Solution will publish detailed data on the HAMAZ MCV machine, which will allow them to study it and form an opinion.

Airborne department
The first display of the HAMZA MCV armored personnel carrier is to take place during the IDEAS-2016 exhibition, held from November 22 to 26 in Karachi. During this event, the military of different countries will be able to inspect a prototype of the new Pakistani vehicle and draw their own conclusions. The result of the first show may be interest on the part of one or another customer, followed by the beginning of negotiations on a future contract. Will the consultations begin and will there appear a contract for the supply of serial equipment - time will tell.
The international market for military equipment has long been divided between the main manufacturers of such products, which sharply limits the chances of novice players. Nevertheless, as already mentioned, new manufacturers of military products continue to make attempts to enter the market with one or another project. Another version of a promising armored vehicle, designed to gain its market share, is currently on display in Pakistan. Receiving an order for the production of such vehicles could be an important event for the Pakistani defense industry. However, another development of events should not be ruled out, in which HAMZA MCV will join the list of promising, but unnecessary developments.