Equipment and weapons
Airborne units use two types of parachute systems: D-10 complete with a reserve parachute and the more modern special-purpose system "Crossbow-2", which entered the Airborne Forces in 2012. The latter is part of the equipment of the brigade's reconnaissance units.
D-10, used for mass operations, allows landing from a height of up to four kilometers. This system provides a vertical fall rate of up to five meters per second, as well as a slight horizontal slip. Unlike the D-10, the Arbalet-2 special-purpose system, with the same landing height, allows gliding at a distance of up to ten kilometers. It comes with a container that can hold up to 50 kilograms of cargo.
The Ulyanovsk paratroopers have already tested "Crossbow-2" on two large-scale exercises - in Belarus, as well as on Kotelny Island (the archipelago of the Novosibirsk Islands in Yakutia), as part of the Airborne Forces.
- At Kotelny we were assigned the task of capturing the enemy's airfield during the landing. There was a strong wind with gusts up to 20 meters per second, the temperature was minus 32 degrees. However, the parachute system allows a safe landing in such weather conditions. We completed the task, everything went without injuries or any complications, '' said the scout-machine gunner of the special-purpose company, senior lieutenant Ilya Shilov.
According to the paratrooper, "Crossbow-2" is a very convenient, well-controlled system compared to the previous generation. With this system, Ilya Shilov made 52 jumps.
- You get used to the heavy weight (the system itself is 17 kilograms, plus up to 50 kilograms of cargo container). In comparison with the D-10, using the "Crossbow-2" is like driving a Formula-1 car instead of a regular car,”the machine gunner said.

The main weapon of the paratroopers is the AK-74M assault rifle. The PKM machine gun was replaced by the "old reliable", as the military themselves say, the PKP light machine gun "Pecheneg", the maximum length of a continuous line of which is about 600 rounds. All models of small arms received new optics, guidance devices, both night and day.
After the formation of a reconnaissance battalion in the 31st brigade, many special silent weapons appeared. This is a special sniper rifle (VSS), a Val submachine gun that fires special 9-mm subsonic cartridges SP-5 and SP-6, which pierce body armor, or a 6-mm steel sheet at a distance of 100 meters, as well as a PB pistol. Each special weapon also comes with different optics.

Silent pistol

AS "Val"
In addition, the brigade received a 12, 7-mm NSV machine gun on a new machine, which allows you to fire not only at ground targets and armored vehicles of the enemy, but also at aircraft (it is most effective against helicopters). This weapon is convenient for use in the mountains, in an equipped stationary position.

In the arsenal of the paratroopers there is a 30-mm automatic grenade launcher on the AGS-17 "Flame" machine, designed for conducting combat operations outside shelters, in open trenches and behind natural folds of the terrain.a lighter version of the AGS-30 and the RPG-7D3 hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, which has both cumulative ammunition and high-explosive fragmentation.

“We also have the latest fire-and-forget weapons. Thus, the Kornet anti-tank missile system, in contrast to the 9P135M launcher, which was in service with us before, has a more powerful missile and better armor penetration. In addition, the Kornet controls the missile via a laser channel, and the previous model - in the old fashioned way, with a wire system. Thus, the range of the anti-tank missile system is limited only by the power of the main engine, - explains the deputy commander of the 31st Airborne Forces brigade for armaments, Guard Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Anokhin.

Steel arms
One of the most interesting examples is the scout's shooting knife. It can be used traditionally, like a war blade. In addition, the knife can make one shot with a special cartridge, which is located in the handle: for this you need to cock the trigger and remove the fuse. The distance at which the enemy can be hit is from five to ten meters. The scabbard can be used for wire cutting, wire stripping.

The scout's non-shooting knife is used as a combat blade, including for throwing. In addition, Klen knives, which are part of the survival complex, have recently appeared in the brigade. It is a combat weapon with a well-sharpened powerful blade. The scabbard has a compass, can cut wire; they are adapted for sharpening the blade and have additional special blades - a saw and an awl.

In addition, there is a survival capsule in the handle, which contains an antacid, needles, a pin, a device for removing fragments, hooks, matches, fishing line - everything you need to survive in difficult conditions until the moment when the paratrooper is found, or he will not save itself.

It depends on the tasks assigned to the paratrooper. So, the main weapon of the flamethrower is the LPO light infantry flamethrower with a whole range of different ammunition: from flash-noise to thermobaric, high-explosive fragmentation, smoke, aerosol. When there is no need to use a flamethrower, the warrior performs tasks like an infantryman - for this he has an AK-74M assault rifle.

There are two types of snipers in the 31st brigade. There is a special sniper unit in the reconnaissance battalion: servicemen are trained in courses, they have personalized weapons. In the arsenal of such a sniper - special knives, a sniper machine gun and rifles operating at different ranges (from a kilometer and above), a pistol, rangefinders, a weather station. And also a camouflage complex, the type of which differs depending on the area.
The sniper, who operates in the combat line of airborne or airborne assault units, is armed with a special SVDS rifle with a folding butt, which was created specifically for landing, with a day and night optical sight; silent shooting pistol.

The machine gunner has a PKP Pecheneg machine gun, which replaced the PKM machine guns, with a combined optical device that helps to fire both day and night. It is a weapon for the destruction of both infantry and light armored vehicles. In a short period of time, the machine gunner can create a flurry of fire in the area, stop the enemy, give the commander an opportunity to orientate himself, regroup his comrades.

Submachine gunner
The submachine gunner is a "classic" paratrooper with a lot of melee weapons, an AK-74M assault rifle, an aiming device 1P29 Tulip, which allows you to observe the battlefield with multiple frequency during the day, set aiming ranges when firing, and work in an active mode at night. In his arsenal - a grenade launcher, binoculars.

In addition, all soldiers have tactical goggles, gloves, special knee and elbow pads, a radio station that allows them to keep in constant touch with the squad leader.
The brigade's sappers received new mine detectors to search for non-contact mines "Korshun" (this device is capable of detecting explosive devices at a fairly large distance, behind walls of concrete and brick, fences made of barbed wire and metal mesh, under asphalt, and so on). In addition, the brigade received modern compact mine detectors IMP2-S with settings for antipersonnel, anti-tank mine and any other item.

New lighter, but more durable sapper suits keep the explosion close to an antipersonnel mine. Helmet with special glass withstands a point-blank shot from a 9mm PM.

Military equipment used by Russian paratroopers
BMD-2 airborne combat vehicle
Tracked, amphibious, parachute-jet airborne combat vehicle has a weight of 8.2 tons, a cruising range of up to 500 kilometers, speeds up to 63 kilometers per hour on land and up to 10 kilometers per hour on water (to float BMD -2 can also go back, but much slower - at a speed of one and a half kilometers per hour). It has a variable ground clearance, which makes it possible to parachute from aircraft, and also improves the capabilities of the machine during camouflage on the ground.
The BMD-2 is armed with a 30mm 2A42 automatic cannon, which was designed to destroy manpower, lightly armored vehicles and low-flying air targets. A 7.62 mm machine gun is paired with it. In addition, to combat armored enemy targets, the BMD-2 has an anti-tank guided complex.
The combat vehicle has an awning for shelter and a camouflage net fixed on the sides (in winter - white, and in summer - green). The Ulyanovsk paratroopers finalized the BMD: on both sides of each vehicle, marching kits are fixed. These are the boxes where there is a stock of the most necessary things that may be required by the department, which was suddenly raised on alarm. The NZ includes a set of firewood, a stove, a gas stove, a tent, candles, batteries, a supply of ropes, an entrenching tool, shovels, picks. Everything so that the paratroopers do not waste time on gathering, but jump on the car and go to the task.

Armored personnel carrier BTR-D
Unified Airborne Troops Vehicle. In addition to the fact that it transports personnel, it can be used for the transportation of any cargo, installation of almost any weapon.
The Ulyanovsk brigade has at least three versions of the BTR-D. The first - with a machine-gun and grenade launcher compartment mounted on it. The paratroopers made their own changes here too: they came up with a system for attaching a large-caliber machine gun and an AGS heavy grenade launcher, consisting of cables. This allows soldiers on the move to fire at the same time from two guns at once.

The second version, which is in service with anti-tank units - BTR-RD - has two launchers 9P135M1 (or 9K111-1 "Competition"). In the event that the armored personnel carrier is armed with the "Competition", it is capable of destroying up to ten tanks. Ground "fighter" strikes targets at a distance of up to four kilometers.

On the third version - BTR-3D - the ZU-23 anti-aircraft artillery mount was mounted. There is an option when a crew is transported in a vehicle with a portable 9K38 Igla anti-aircraft missile system, which is capable of firing at air targets flying at speeds of up to 320 meters per second, as well as in the event that the enemy uses false thermal interference.

The base of all tracked vehicles is unified (the only difference is that the armored personnel carriers have one more roller). The parts that may be needed for repair or refurbishment are the same.
On the basis of the BTR-D, a reconnaissance and fire control point for the 1V119 airborne artillery battalion (battery) was also designed. Its task is to communicate with the self-propelled artillery gun "Nona-S" and control fire, so the two of these vehicles are usually on the battlefield together.

The 120-mm self-propelled artillery gun 2S9-1M "Nona-S" is a unique artillery system even for today, combining the properties of different types of guns. Its purpose is direct fire support of airborne units on the battlefield.
"Nona-S" is capable of striking not only manpower and destroy enemy defensive fortifications, but also fight tanks. Special high-explosive fragmentation artillery shells can be fired at a distance of up to 8, 8 kilometers. Their effectiveness is similar to 152mm howitzer shells. HEAT shells are also used to combat armored vehicles.
The car develops a speed of up to 60 kilometers per hour on land and up to 9 kilometers per hour afloat. It is equipped with a special system that makes independent calculations and provides data that must be entered for accurate shooting.

Among the three vehicles that entered the 31st brigade after the deployment of a reconnaissance battalion in it is the BTR-80, which in the near future will be replaced by the more modern BTR-82A, which was adopted by the Russian army last year. The floating armored personnel carrier has an eight-wheeled base, a cruising range of up to 500 kilometers. It is more mobile than the BMD - on the highway it can reach speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour.
The main armament of the BTR-80 is a 14.5 mm Vladimirov heavy machine gun. The BTR-82A has a 30mm automatic cannon, paired with a 7.62mm machine gun.

Multifunctional electronic warfare complex RB-531B "Infauna" is designed to protect armored vehicles and personnel from being hit by radio-controlled mine explosive devices and melee weapons. "Infauna" in automatic mode conducts radio suppression of means of detonating radio-controlled mine devices within a radius of up to 150 meters. That is, the complex is capable of covering an entire company of armored vehicles.
In addition, Infauna has cameras with launching devices that automatically record a shot from an anti-tank or hand-held grenade launcher and shoot aerosol ammunition. For two seconds, they cover the paratroopers with a curtain.
The complex develops a speed of up to 80 kilometers per hour. A big plus is that he can operate both as part of an electronic warfare unit and engineer-sapper units. Infauna has a mode that allows you to accompany deminers who are clearing mines. The car follows them and, in the immediate vicinity, carries out radio suppression.

The mobile automated complex for technical control of radio-electronic imitation and jamming of radio-electronic means "Leer-2" was created on the basis of the armored vehicle GAZ-233114 ("Tiger-M"). This is a high-tech machine that carries out comprehensive technical control and assessment of the electronic situation. "Leer-2" is used for detection and direction finding of ultra-short-wave radio communication devices operating at fixed frequencies, as well as for creating radio interference. The special equipment allows you to search by frequency, measure the parameters of detected signals, take bearings, register them with reference to the coordinates of the terrain. On the highway "Leer-2" has a speed of up to 125 kilometers per hour.

The fleet of paratroopers has a special vehicle MTO-AM (maintenance workshop) based on the KamAZ-5350 "Mustang". This is a mobile "car service" that can repair and restore cars on the spot.
KamAZ-43501 was created specifically for the Airborne Forces. This light landing vehicle can "jump with a parachute", for which it was made compact. This is the smallest Mustang in terms of carrying capacity. The main use of the car is the transportation of personnel, as well as the delivery of material resources.

Already this year, the brigade will receive more modern "Tigers".