Three years have passed since the Defense Ministry was headed by Sergei Shoigu.
Over this relatively short period of time, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have turned into a well-oiled combat mechanism that guarantees reliable security for the country. The changes affected almost all aspects of army life - from command and control to everyday life in the soldiers' barracks. The main decisions on the restructuring of the Armed Forces were made by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief President Vladimir Putin. But their implementation fell entirely on the Minister of Defense and his team. We have counted 10 critical steps along the way.
1. The structure of the army and navy began to correspond to their modern tasks and external threats to Russia. For this, in particular, the Aerospace Forces and a new strategic command in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation were created. In addition, eight new operational formations, more than 25 divisions (combined arms, aviation, air defense, surface ships) and 15 new brigades have appeared in the Armed Forces.
To prepare military decisions of the country's leadership, to effectively manage the army and coordinate the work of ministries and departments in the security sphere of Russia, by the decision of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the National Center for Defense Management of the Russian Federation was created. And in the military districts there are regional and territorial centers.
2. Over the past three years, the number of training, exercises and maneuvers in the Armed Forces has doubled. Pilots began to fly twice as much, sailors - to swim, paratroopers - more often to jump with a parachute. In addition, federal, regional and local authorities are now actively involved in the exercises, which are learning to work under martial law and conduct territorial defense.
3. The money allowance in the army was significantly increased even before Sergei Shoigu. His merit is that in the Ministry of Defense, due to new payments and allowances, it was possible to maintain a sufficiently high financial position of the military personnel. If in 2012 they received an average of 57.8 thousand rubles a month, a year later - 59.9 thousand, then in 2014 their monetary allowance rose to 62.1 thousand rubles.
The department told the "RG" correspondent that even during the crisis it is not planned to cancel payments that could reduce the income of officers and soldiers.
4. Maintaining the mixed principle of manning, the generals attended to the recruitment and training of professional soldiers and sergeants. Annually, at least 50 thousand people are accepted for contract service in the army and navy. In the next couple of months, the number of such servicemen in the Armed Forces will be brought to 352 thousand. First of all, contract servicemen are appointed to positions related to maintaining the combat effectiveness of military units, they are also assigned to specialists in the maintenance and operation of complex weapons and equipment.
5. Funding and departmental control over the development, production and supply of new and modernized equipment and weapons to the army have changed for the better. Since 2012, military arsenals have been replenished with more than 17 thousand armored vehicles, aircraft, ships and submarines, missile systems and other weapons and technical innovations. To control their rhythmic entry into the troops, the Day of Military Acceptance is held on a quarterly basis, which will allow only this year to re-equip 207 formations and units.
6. Young athletes and graduates of civilian universities were given the opportunity to volunteer for a year in sports and scientific companies. Now there is a recruitment of recruits-techies in the production company. These units, as a rule, are formed at military universities, army sports clubs and defense industry enterprises.
This year alone, 207 military units will be equipped with new and modernized equipment and weapons
Now the Armed Forces have 12 scientific and 4 sports companies.
7. All 26 universities of the Ministry of Defense have transferred to educational standards common with civilian educational institutions. The recruitment of cadets has been restored according to the personnel order of the branches and arms of the troops - this is more than 11 thousand people a year. The demand for military education is constantly growing. This summer, the competition in some universities of the Ministry of Defense exceeded 20 people per seat.
In addition, the departmental system of pre-university training of young people has become stronger. It was replenished with three presidential cadet schools, two SVU and the same number of Cossack cadet corps.
8. The Ministry of Defense is engaged in the arrangement of military camps. Until 2020, such work will be carried out in 519 garrisons. They are almost completed in 104. In remote garrisons, cultural and leisure centers with cinemas, libraries and shops are being erected.
New park zones are being prepared for the reception of new weapons and equipment. As a rule, heated pre-fabricated tent-mobile shelters are used there.
9. The troops now spend a lot of time at the training grounds, and they pay special attention to the deployment of personnel there. Relatively comfortable living conditions have been created in field camps of the full life cycle of the APL-500. This year, 10 more camps were added to 15 active camps - for 5 thousand servicemen. This made it possible to transfer educational facilities to a year-round working cycle.
10. In the army, the element of competition has "played". Shoigu's brainchildren - tank biathlon, aviadarts, and other types of competitions entered the world arena. In August, the first International Army Games were held with the participation of 43 teams from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Defense Ministry emphasizes that such competitions have increased both the individual training of soldiers and officers and the general level of professional training of crews and crews.